
Monday, February 3, 2020

"M&Ms" by Yuan M

     Feet shuffling, kids screaming, music from inside the stores fills your ears, the aroma from the food court enters your nostrils as you can’t help but feel a sense of hunger. The mall has always been a place of fun and excitement when I was growing up. The shopping mall represents a place that is apart of my youth, where I could spend quality time with my family. On this summer day however, I was uncertain whether I would be able to spend even another hour with them.
     I was around 4 years old when I went to the mall with my family. We just went shopping for the upcoming school year. After a long day of walking, perspiration was on my face and I was exhausted. I went with my older sister to the vending machine to get a drink. The cool and crisp taste the ice, cold water helped quench my thirst. On the way back to my parents, I asked my sister, “Can I get some candy, Ate?” My sister reluctantly handed be 75 cents as I started approaching the dispensers filled with candy. My mouth starts to water as my eyes veer through the various assortments color and flavor that are in front of me. I finally decided on the peanut M&Ms as I have never tried them before. I held a rainbow of colors into the small, pale palm of my hand. My eyes glitter with excitement as I am about to indulge in a sweet surprise. I take one of the blue peanut M&Ms and place it in my mouth. The taste of the chocolate and peanut butter hits my taste buds. Then, I suddenly hear silence, it was like the world around me has stopped. It happened in a flash, and my skin started to swell up all over. My eyes started becoming watery, I started becoming cold all over and I had this feeling that I wanted to throw up. It was so severe in my throat however, my throat swelled up so much it was like somebody was trying to choke me. It was so hard to breathe that I eventually collapsed on the floor. My eyes were so watery to the point everything was blurry to my vision, I had trouble keeping my eyes open.  Muffled noises started surrounding me as my sister was screaming for help. Eventually my parents came, they called 911, and immediately started carrying me out of the mall. My family was frantically trying to get me to the ambulance as stares were glaring in my direction. I could barely keep my eyes open at this point.  Everything else I remember was a blur; but the next time I opened my eyes, a bright light was making it hard for my vision to adjust to the light intensity. I remember waking up in a hospital bed with an IV injected into my arm, dressed in a hospital dress and my entire family surrounding my bed. The doctor later explained to me and my family that I had a near fatal allergic reaction to whatever was in the M&Ms that I ate. The doctor came to the conclusion that it was most likely the peanut content in the M&M that triggered my allergic reaction. The doctor recommended me to visit an immunologist to test any other substances I might be allergic to.
     My parents later took me to an immunologist where they extracted some blood from me, and as a result, they confirmed that peanuts were the cause of my allergic reaction. The immunologist prescribed me to carry an epipen at all times. An epipen is a device that administers a dose of epinephrine, a substance that is used as a treatment in the event of a severe allergic reaction.
     Even at such a young age, I was grateful that nothing bad happened to me because that experience definitely could’ve been fatal. Everywhere I go, I always make sure I have my epipen with me and always look out for myself when I go out to eat. As a child, I was so encapsulated by vibrant colors and tasty flavors; however, I learned that even the most small, wonderful things in life can be bad for you in some cases. This experience was honestly a blessing in
disguise, at a young age I learned that life is short and in one instant it all could go away. I was so young at the time so it was hard for me to really comprehend what was going on, but in hindsight I now realize how important this experience was and how it shaped me into the person I am today. I used to be really insecure about having my allergy, but over time I’ve accepted that its a part of me and is something that makes me unique. It is important to live life to the fullest and make the most of every moment because you never know when life can be taken away from you. That day, a small, bright piece of candy almost took mine.


  1. Amazing story! Your use of colorful imagery made me feel like I was the one experiencing the story. your story was a fun and light hearted adventure mixed in with suspense! You should write more like this in the future.

  2. Your story is very heartfelt. The way you were able to implement a clear image of your point of view really encapsulated me. Your story is great and I'm glad you are alive today Yuan.

  3. Wow, this is such a terrifying event to experience at such a young age. I love how descriptive you were throughout the story; it made me eager to keep reading. The suspense you built while describing the allergic reaction really made this a great piece. Great job!

  4. I really think the sensory details at the beginning does a great job of drawing in the reader. As i was scrolling through looking for a good read, a stumbled upon a great one all because of your great job of grabbing the reader's attention. Besides that, the drama mixed with the message of cherishing life combined puts the reader in perspective of how quickly things could go from good to bad and that is a great life lesson within a really well written piece of work.

  5. I really liked the piece you wrote, and your description of when it happened was really nice, good job !

  6. Rinel-Christian AlbaniaFebruary 5, 2020 at 2:33 PM

    I am glad you are okay now, but great work! I love how you emphasize the joy you felt prior to eating the M&M to the terror you felt afterwards. This really highlights how impactful this event was in your life. The visual and auditory imagery that you implemented after eating the M&M really show how scared you were at the time. I also love the message carried: Sometimes the most appealing things in life aren't good for you. Keep up the good work!

  7. I don't know why, but the way you started with the shuffling, really set the time period, and I can't get it off my mind. Besides that, it was a very interesting, well written insight into your childhood, and a pleasant read. - Nathan Sandoval :)

  8. Such a moving piece of literature. Your story matches beautifully with what the purpose of this blog: to share stories that impact the people we are today. I enjoyed how you transitioned the story from an everyday experience at the mall to the tiny M&M that almost took your life. It makes the reader ponder on life and be grateful for what we have.

  9. I am always shocked by how fast acting and quite deadly an allergic reaction can be. I am thankful you are okay and got to learn a valuable lesson from this. As I was reading, I found myself sitting at the edge of my seat because I was so eager to see that you made it to the hospital safely. Allergies can be unfortunate and inconvenient. I have one myself and it prevents me from using certain products or my skin will begin to welt but I learned to work around it and accept it is what makes me who I am and I am glad you got to that point of acceptance as well!

  10. It must have been so scary to go through that experience at such a young age. I am very glad that you made it through that okay. You did a great job of retelling that story with great detail despite how traumatic it must have been for you. You still managed to recall every single detail perfectly and told the story in a great way that made it very interesting. Great job

  11. Amazing piece! Love your use of imagery, it felt as if I was right there in the moment with you. I just wanted to keep reading and reading, you had me intrigued from the very beginning. It must be very unfortunate to be allergic to a candy that is widely popular and can be found at every corner, however, I'm sure you've learned to stay far far away.

  12. The detail in your story is amazing! It really made me read more and it made envision this whole scenario of your childhood.

  13. The detail was excellent and you perfectly described the intensity of the moment. It was interesting to see your takeaway from the whole experience and how life should be enjoyed. This piece also reminds me of the time I gave you a Snickers bar and everyone just looked at me strangely, until you told me. Good job!

  14. Having no knowledge of your allergy and this experience happening at a young age must have been scary. It is a good thing that it was taken care of early enough. Your piece was descriptive and interesting to read, great job.

  15. I really enjoyed how you described the story as a whole and provided imagery for the series of events! This is very scary to experience at age 4 considering you had no clue of your allergy or your family but I am glad that you are aware now and have accepted that your allergy makes you unique.

  16. Wow! I'm so sorry you had to experience such pain at such a young age. The imagery and descriptions you gave really made me feel like I was one of the customers in the mall watching it happen and worrying. I'm so thankful you were alright and learned to accept the allergy!

  17. Okay wow!! The plot twist had me shocked. I find this narrative very interesting because peanut allergies are so common however many people, such as myself before reading this, do not know the severity of this condition and by publishing this it help shed some light to the rest of us to be more precautious with having nuts around those who are allergic to them. Overall, well done. :)

  18. This piece Yuan I can't help but imagine cute little you in a moment so life-threatening. How you took this experience and made it into an eye-opening lesson of appreciation is what I noticed and it reveals maturity in your writing and you as a person. I'm sure that now you know having an allergy is nothing to be ashamed of and having learned that path of acceptance is something to look back on as a positive step into a direction that is now your current life, for we only prosper from here on out!

  19. This is crazy! I always wondered how you found out you were allergic to peanuts, but I was not expecting this. Your use of imagery, auditory, taste, and visual, all made it very clear to see what you were experiencing at the mall that day. Everything about you is wonderfully amazing, and this story only adds to your uniqueness. Thank you for sharing :). I'm pretty sure every time I go to the mall from now on I'm going to think of poor baby Yuan struggling from an allergic reaction due to a little blue M&M and text you, reminding you to live your best life because life is short!

  20. The imagery and detail of this story is incredible its almost as if I was there right next to you. Im so glad that you ended up ok and that now you know the severity of your allergy. What I think is crazy is that you ate those M&Ms before giving you a false sense of securety but I guess its like the saying goes we live and learn.

  21. YUAN! Your piece was nothing short of a masterpiece!! :) The impactful imagery really makes readers vision themselves in your shoes. The suspense was contrasted by its light-heartedness which made the story a much more moving piece. I am glad you are here today to write this! - Aaron P

  22. YUAN! Your piece was nothing short of a masterpiece!! :) The impactful imagery really makes readers vision themselves in your shoes. The suspense was contrasted by its light-heartedness which made the story a much more moving piece. I am glad you are here today to write this! - Aaron P

  23. Your piece is amazing! The way you included the human senses in your piece attracts the readers and creates realistic imagery throughout the piece. I'm glad that you're doing your best to avoid getting the severe allergy. Overall, your piece is amazing!

  24. The way you describe in vivid details of colors and the environment around you really helps create a clear image in my head. The fact you had such a terrifying experience at such a young age is awful, but the way you described the silence and the panic in your parents really makes it perfect for me to envision.

  25. This was absolutely frightening! I was scared reading how you instantly started swelling up and couldn't breathe.Your use of sensory imagery was incredibly well done, it felt as if I was there with you. I can relate to this I also have multiple allergy luckily not as severe but definitely frightening to not have control over your body.

  26. This was actually very entertaining to read. When I first started reading I had no idea on how you were going to connect the title to the story but then I realized how you were able to connect the two ideas together and you realized that you were allergic to peanuts!

  27. You put amazing effort into using details to help make your story come to life, I was immediately drawn in. - Katera Perry

  28. I like how you started this piece with a happy and exciting tone but as it nears the end, it becomes darker and suspense starts to build up. I love how you described every detail that happened at that time which made me envision the terrifying events that you must've experienced. Overall this piece was very well written.

  29. I love the imagery and diction you put into describing this interesting time. I love that you put some funny aspects into this piece!

  30. This is a phenomenal piece! I was so intrigued by your story with all of the use of imagery you provided. What I really like about your story is the meaning behind it and how this traumatic experience now reminds you of how important life is and how we shouldn't take it for granted. Overall amazing job!

  31. Your diction creates a very intense tone that kept me at the edge of my seat. I love the life-lesson you added and it made me rethink about my memories! Glad to see you were able to push through at such a young age.

  32. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaFebruary 12, 2020 at 7:42 PM

    This was amazing. Although the title, "M&Ms," may make the reader think that this story would be light-hearted and joyful, it is in fact about the struggle of survival for a young boy. This story puts life into perspective for many of us, because it shows us that life is not something that we should take for granted, considering that something as small as M&Ms can take our life. This piece really made me appreciate the life that I have now and it makes me see that I am fortunate enough to still be alive. Keep up the good work bro!!!

  33. Yuan great work! The way in which you described this event was very detailed and made the narrative interesting and grabbed my attention. Allergies are a very common thing but the way in which you described yours, makes it unique as you let the reader in your own experience.

  34. I'm really glad you were able to share a horrifying childhood experience with us. I was able to relate to it from the very beginning with the sensory details of the mall because I grew up going to Ontario Mills or Montclair Place all the time. Overall, I really liked the imagery you used throughout the entire story detailing the entire incident before and after as well as the lesson that we all need to learn.

  35. The imagery was so intense in your story, it made me feel like as if I was there. It's sad to know that you went through that as a little kid, at least you got to know early enough that you were allergic to peanuts. Over all I loved your use of commentary it helps create that sense of presence for the audience to picture your story. Good job bro!

  36. Yuan! Your piece was so interesting to read and is packed with details that allowed me to visual every little thing that was going on. This is such a terrifying situation to experience at such a young age but it truly was a "blessing in disguise" and I'm glad that the outcome wasn't any worse!

  37. Your piece is an exciting yet really scary experience to share. I love your use of sensory imagery, mainly olfactory and visual, as you establish the setting of the mall and describe the candies that you eat. Your use of a major turning point of plot really enhances your writing and boosts the engagement from the perspective of the reader. Overall, great piece of writing! -Nathaniel Alvarado

  38. Your piece was so interesting. I loved how you added suspense to make the reader want to read it. This was probably very hard to experience at a young age but you were really brave to share this story. There was a lot of imagery to which made your story more clear and helped me create an image in my mind.

  39. I really liked how captivating your piece was. I could picture every scene and imagine every scent that you described. I'm sorry you had to go through such a scary experience with your peanut allergy.

  40. Love your piece! It turned into something that I was not expecting. Your use of sensory imagery helped me feel as if I was actually there in that moment with you. I love how you turned this story into a life lesson.


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