
Thursday, February 20, 2020

" How to Make Perfect Avocado Toast" by Simer D

      Growing up in a multicultural household with both of my parents being extraordinary
cooks, I’ve always wanted to learn to cook from both of them. Ever since I was little I have loved observing them cook and experiment with different palates even if that meant I would have to sit on the counter and peel garlic. As I’ve gotten older I have learned from watching them cook and from time to time I try to recreate their dishes while adding my own personal twist to them. Unfortunately, my culinary skills definitely need a lot of practice and refinement because many of the dishes I do try to make do not come out so great. However, there is one thing I do take pride in, and that is my avocado toast. My entire family loves this quick dish and it is perfect for our busy mornings. Many, if not all, of us have either tried avocado toast or have seen it posted on a foodie’s Instagram page before. While making avocado toast may seem self explanatory, I have had one too many avocado toasts that did not quite do themselves justice. Avocado toast is such a versatile dish to make and can be served as a snack or dressed up with toppings of your choice and be made a meal! Another great thing about making this recipe is that most of the things you will need are probably already in your kitchen, so trips to the grocery store are not needed. So, if you are in need of a quick, filling dish and have a few minutes to spare follow the 100% fool-proof recipe below!

What you will need:

  • ●  2 slices of bread of your choice (I prefer using whole grain bread however any type of bread will work just as well)
  • ●  1⁄2 of a ripe avocado
  • ●  1⁄2 of a lemon or lime’s juice
  • ●  1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • ●  Trader Joe’s Everything but the Bagel Sesame Seasoning Blend (A key
  • ●  Crushed red pepper flakes
  • ●  Salt (optional)
  • ●  A fork
  • ●  A toaster or toaster oven
  • ●  A small sturdy bowl 

    Above photo: Ingredients needed that are listed, appliances are not included in photo
1. To begin with, you will need a toaster to toast your bread slices to your liking, I
personally prefer my toast on the crispier side.
  1. While your bread is toasting, this is the perfect time to start preparing your avocado mixture. Start off by cutting and scooping out half of a ripe avocado from its shell and cutting it with a fork until slightly smooth but still textured, you do not want to over-mash your avocado or else the consistency will be too mushy for one's liking. Make sure the avocado is ripe enough or else you may find difficulty in mashing the avocado. (FYI: Keeping the seed of your avocado in a container with the leftover avocado will help keep it fresher longer)
  2. Once your avocado is mashed you then add your wet ingredients starting off with adding a tablespoon of olive oil as well as half of a lime or lemon’s juice and mix well.
  3. After all of the wet ingredients have been mixed in, your toast should almost be done so be ready for your toaster to go off any second now.
  4. Once you have your toasted bread, spread the avocado mixture over the slice of toast and then proceed to top with the dry ingredients. There are no specific measurements to this, sprinkle as you please. In no particular order, sprinkle the Everything but the Bagel Seasoning generously (don’t be shy), as well as the crushed red pepper flakes to your liking (depending on how spicy you would like your toast to be) and although there is salt in the seasoning added if you prefer your food on the saltier side you may wish to add some salt to top it all off.
  5. Add additional toppings of your choice and get as creative as you would like. Some easy and delicious ways to jazz up your plate are by adding: an overeasy egg, fresh sprouts, vegetables of your liking, or your favorite cheese! Don’t be afraid to experiment with combining different flavors. Remember, expanding your palate is always a good thing!
7. Repeat steps 1-7 for your second toast and enjoy! Here is the finished product: 

Whether you use this recipe to make avocado toast for the first time, add a twist on your own recipe, or have any tips I should know for future reference let me know!


  1. I am definitely going to try this out! I personally love avocado toast and cooking as well. I also think that the steps are really helpful for those who may not be as experienced at cooking and the suggestions at the end to what you could add onto it are good sources of encouraging others to try different things with it.

  2. Reading your perfect toast just made my mouth water. I've never had toast with red pepper flakes on it. Great job on your entry!

  3. I also come from a family full of cooks and sometimes fail to recreate their dishes, so I loved your easy to follow recipe for such a popular yummy dish! You made the recipe easy to follow and informative. I especially appreciated the avocado tip you offered. Can’t wait to try it soon, great job!

  4. I love how easy this recipe is to follow! I especially like how you included photos of all the ingredients and the final product. Making this recipe will be so easy with your step by step process. I can’t wait to try your twist on the avocado toast!

  5. I love how easy this recipe is to follow! I especially like how you included photos of all the ingredients and the final product. Making this recipe will be so easy with your step by step process. I can’t wait to try your twist on the avocado toast!

  6. Avocado toast is one of my favorite foods to eat because its quick and easy to make and just like you I didn't get the culinary jeans either. I really Like how you left space for the reader to apply their own spin on the food.

  7. It was very interesting to see a different perspective on how to make avocado toast. I am not usually a fan of avocados but reading this and seeing how you seasoned the avocado makes me want to try it.

  8. You gave me a piece of this before and it was really good, I liked how your recipe was done and how easy it was to follow.

  9. I love avocado toast already, and i definitely want to try your method of making it !

  10. I love your way of making avocado toast! I've never tried it with seasoning in this way and I will definitely make some avocado toast myself!

  11. The introduction really made me want to try this toast. You made this easy to follow and interesting twist on something so simple.

  12. Yummy! This seems like a perfect recipe to use when you're in a rush to get to school but also very hungry. I also did not know Trader Joe's sold that seasoning *current thinking of all the foods that would taste delicious on*. Your steps are very easy to understand and interesting to follow. Thank you for teaching us how to make your version of Avocado Toast!

  13. I love to cook so I would love to try this especially since I have been trying to eat new, different, and healthier food.

  14. I love how you add other things to other toast other than just avocado. I typically have my toast with an egg on top, but next time I will try it with some red paper flakes next time.

  15. I have always considered making avocado toast but never found the time to. After reading this, I will most definitely try it. Thank you!! - Breana Plascencia

  16. I've never tried it with the avocado mashed before because I've always been too lazy or too rushed to actually make it the right way, so I've got to try it this way next time.

  17. I enjoyed a little background of your culinary history. This post really made me hungry thinking about it and made me crave the toast. It's simple and easy to follow, as I might want to give it a go later on. - Aaron P

  18. Simer.

    Thank you so much for sharing your recipe on avocado toast. Your step-by-step directions are so clear and concise that even I, as terrible of a cook that I am, feel like I can make this no problem. I have been dying to try avocado toast for the longest time but have been slightly embarrassed because it was so trendy and many people mocked it. But I will try it now because it looks so easy. The pictures you included have motivated me even more!


  19. I love how easy this recipe has a twist!! I can’t wait to try this recipe!! You don't find many people putting olive oil and Sesame Seasoning Blend on their toast.
    Rumjeet Pandher

  20. I have always had Avocado toast with just salt and pepper but after seeing this I am excited to experiment with the seasoning more! Your suggestions are well explained and simple which makes the dish seem even more desirable to make any time of the day! My sister has avocado toast almost every other day so I will even have her try it too! Thanks for sharing!

  21. I absolutely love your recipe! The detail you provided in each step makes the recipe so simple which makes me really want to try it. I especially like how you incorporated your family background about your culture and how it motivated you to want to cook. Can't wait to try it!

  22. I loved the addition of the Trader Joe's seasoning ingredient. I think it will bring in a lot of flavor to the avacados!

  23. I love your take on avocado toast, especially with the touch of Bagel Sesame Seasoning and olive oil! That is so creative! ! It is definitely one of my favorite foods to eat for breakfast, so I cannot wait to try this out. In terms of your writing, the overall structure of the piece was very organized, and made this recipe very esay to follow. I also loved your backstory and how it connects to your inherent amusement for cooking, it helps to make the food representative of who you are. Your writing style is also very reflective of your kind, bubbly personality! Overall great job :)

    -Julia Lozano

  24. Great explanation! I loved how clear the steps were and how easy you made it to follow. I also liked how you mentioned that most of the ingredients needed are probably already in our kitchen so it's possible that anyone could try this recipe. I love avocado toast so I’ll definitely have to try this! Overall, great work.

  25. I think your instructions were very descriptive and easy to follow. I also really liked the image you provided for a visual representation of what was needed to create the perfect avocado toast. I think that it's really cool how you are able to attempt to replicate their dishes. Great job!
    -Linda Hung

  26. I really loved the fact that you included pictures throughout your instructions. It makes it really easy to know if my finished product were to look like yours or not so it would tell me if I’m doing it right. This sounds really good I might even try to make it sometime and you were very clear good job.

  27. This is such a simple and easy recipe that I'll definitely want to try out. Personally, I like to add and egg with bell pepper with the avocado toast and it makes for such a fast and easy breakfast. Thanks for sharing!

  28. I have tried avocado toast before but never in the way you have made it. I love to cook so i'd love to try and follow this recipe. I also love how easy the steps are to follow. Thank you for sharing -Kaj Miranda

  29. I love avocado toast! Thanks for this I will try to go to Trader Joe’s and get that everything but the bagel topping. It sounds so good, great work - jaeyeon Romero

  30. Damn your piece got me hungry now! Im definitely gonna try this out. The steps seem very easy to understand and follow. I really love trying new things to cook and thank you for the avocado toast idea :)

  31. I love how easy to follow and simple the recipe is. The recipe was concise and it sounds delicious! I like how you have pictures at the end as a reference.

  32. I absolutely love this recipe! Avocado toast is amazing and the picture of the toast looks so good. Your instructions were also clear and easy to follow and understand so thank you for that.

  33. This looks really good and so simple to make. It’s so original too! I really like the backstory and the easy to follow recipe that goes with it. On the rare occasion that there is avocado in my house, I will definitely have to make this.


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