
Monday, February 3, 2020

"Baking With Drishti " by Drishti M

How to Make: 

Cinnamon Walnut Banana Bread 

     Do you happen to have overly-ripe bananas sitting on your kitchen counter? Craving something sweet and high in potassium? Why not make a loaf of banana bread! Banana bread is one of the most simplest yet delicious recipes you can make in your kitchen; you can have a slice for breakfast while enjoying a warm cup of coffee, share it with a friend for a light afternoon snack, or even serve it as a dessert at the dining table during the holiday season. In fact, you probably have most of the ingredients required for this recipe in your kitchen right now! My mom and I love to bake together for fun; this is one of our favorite recipes to create throughout the year, especially when we have leftover bananas at home. In my family, baking is our way of spending quality time together; it is about creating the foods we love from scratch while enjoying each other’s company. With baking, one thing is always certain: sweet, everlasting memories are bound to be made along the way. Also, the flavor combinations for such a versatile recipe like banana bread are practically endless! In this tutorial, I will be teaching you how to make cinnamon walnut banana bread. I have a HUGE sweet tooth, so I love to enjoy my banana bread with a fresh scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top, or even with a light spread of Nutella chocolate. However, feel free to enjoy your cinnamon walnut banana bread however you’d like. 

P.S. If you are hesitant about baking from scratch, do not worry! This tutorial is thoroughly explained, and is simple enough to follow for those who have little experience in baking. Let’s get started! 

Ingredients Materials
One cup all purpose flour
  • ○  1 cup all purpose flour
  • ○  1 cup almond flour
  • ○  1 stick of butter
  • ○  Hand mixer
  • ○  Cooking spray
  • ○  Measuring cups/spoons
  • ○  2 teaspoon baking powder
  • ○  1 cup walnuts
  • ○  4 bananas
  • ○  3eggs
  • ○  1 cup white sugar & brown sugar
  • ○  1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • ○  1 teaspoon pure almond extract
9x5 baking pan
One cup all purpose fl
  1. Preheat oven to 350 F
  2. Smash bananas into smooth puree
  3. Mix dry ingredients: almond flour, all purpose flour, baking powder, white sugar, brown sugar,
    salt, walnuts, cinnamon
  4. Mix wet ingredients: banana puree, stick of butter, pure vanilla extract, almond extract, eggs
  5. Combine both wet and dry mixtures into large bowl; do not overmix!
  6. Pour batter in a 9x5 buttered loaf pan
  7. Bake in oven at 350 F for one hour

I. Choosing the Right Bananas
I cannot emphasize this step enough. It is VERY important that the bananas you use in this recipe are ripe. The bananas should be very brown, soft, and squishy to the touch. Why? Bananas that are ripe tend to be sweeter in flavor; this will dramatically improve the taste of your banana bread. Also, ripe bananas are easier to mash into a smooth puree; you do not want lumpy batter! In essence, the browner and squishier your bananas, the better! You DO NOT want yellow, perfect-looking bananas. In fact, you want to use the ugliest bananas you can find for this recipe! Here is an example of what your bananas should look like..... 

II. Preparing the Batter
In a large bowl, combine your dry ingredients: almond flour, all purpose flour, baking powder, white sugar, brown sugar, salt, walnuts, and cinnamon. IMPORTANT: Make sure the walnuts you are using for this recipe are chopped into smaller pieces to prevent sinking in the batter. If the batter has large pieces of walnuts, this may give your banana bread an uneven, raw texture! For this recipe, I prefer to use both almond flour and all purpose flour in my batter. In my experience, I find that almond flour gives the bread a more sweeter, nuttier taste that will enhance the natural flavor of the bananas. However - if you do not

have almond flour - do not worry! You can simply double the amount of all purpose flour that is required for this recipe. In a separate bowl, combine your wet ingredients: banana puree, stick of butter, pure vanilla extract, pure almond extract, and eggs. TIP: If you prefer your banana bread to have a fluffier, cake-like texture, I recommend that you use 1-2 more eggs than the amount suggested by the recipe. Finally, combine both the wet and dry ingredient mixtures into a larger bowl. Using a hand mixer, mix the concoction until all the clumps of flour have disintegrated into the banana puree; however, DO NOT over mix your batter! In my experience, I find that overmixing the batter gives the bread a less desirable taste. According to science... the more you mix, the more gluten will develop in the batter. This means that your banana bread may lack moisture and taste really dry; we do not want this to happen! 

III. Preparing the Loaf Pan
It is VERY important you prepare your baking pan by coating it with either non-stick cooking spray, melted butter, or oil. For this recipe, I prefer to use a standard 9x5 inch baking pan. If you are looking for a softer bread texture, line the baking tray with parchment paper as well. If you prefer a crispier texture for the corners of your bread, skip this step and simply pour in the bread batter. To make sure there aren’t any air bubbles inside the batter, it is important that you lightly tap the bottom of the baking tray against a countertop. By now, your oven should be preheated to 350 F. Place the loaf pan into the oven and allow the bread batter to bake for around an hour. Don’t forget your oven mitts! Make sure you place the baking tray in the CENTER rack of the oven (to ensure even baking). The warm, delightful aroma of the sweet banana bread wafting out of the oven may be tempting, but you must remain patient and allow the batter to bake for approximately 60 minutes before you take out the pan! After the timer goes off, check to see if the batter has fully baked by poking a toothpick through the center of the bread. If the toothpick comes out clean, your bread has fully baked and is ready to be served! Happy baking... and eating! ☺


  1. I am a banana bread enthusiast and it's one of my favorite things to bake. I've always stuck to my mom's recipe and it turns out good. However, yours looks very interesting and i'll have to give it a try. I'm sure nonetheless it'll turn out great! I never thought about adding the extra almond flour along with almond extract. I'll definitely be sure to try out your amazing recipe :)

  2. This recipe was very easy to follow and the amount of detail and the effort you took to write this made it very easy to understand and to make. I am sure if I share this recipe with my sister she will fall in love with it!

  3. This seems like a good dessert to try out! I've always enjoyed banana bread, and this has convinced me to try it out someday! The steps were very easy to follow as well. - Breana Plascencia

  4. I really want to try this recipe, I like baking and have made banana bread before, but not like this, I will definitely be trying this recipe !

  5. I honestly do not like bananas but my family always brings home dozens of them, yet I do love bread. Seeing this, I now want to use those bananas and get some carbs in my body. Thank you for this detailed recipe. - jaeyeon romero

  6. Firstly, I absolutely love banana bread, so I will definitely use your recipe and tutorial, lol. But anyways, I love the way you introduced the readers to your “How to:” tutorial; it seemed very welcoming and the tone really gave the readers a sense of your passion and interests. I think the way you organized the structure of your blogpost was also very logical, creative, and reasonable. It allows the readers to follow closely and basically “walk in your shoes” as you are making the banana bread. You basically paved the road for us to succeed in baking banana bread. Thank you!

  7. I absolutely love the way this how-to is set up. You made it very easy to follow all while keeping my attention and making it enjoyable to read. I appreciate that you provided alternatives for those who like their bread with different textures and savors. I am definitely going to try this recipe out :)

  8. This recipie sounds absolutley tasty, thank you so much for sharing! I love how easy and understandable the recipe was to follow, I cant wait to try this myself!

  9. Personally not a very big fan of banana bread but you really did a great job of making the instructions clear and thorough enough. I especially like how you included the choosing the right bananas portion of it because I’m someone who has absolutely no clue which bananas or fruit in general are good or bad so I found the fact that you included that very funny.

  10. Personally not a very big fan of banana bread but you really did a great job of making the instructions clear and thorough enough. I especially like how you included the choosing the right bananas portion of it because I’m someone who has absolutely no clue which bananas or fruit in general are good or bad so I found the fact that you included that very funny.

  11. I love this recipe and how you explained it. It was easy to follow and the pictures helped me vision what it is supposed to look like. You were very clear in what needed to be done and what should not happen.

  12. I really like your recipe seems easy and easy to follow.With the images you put shows how get the right bananas. I will definitely use this recipe next!!
    Rumjeet P

  13. These instructions are so clear to follow and I have never tried banana bread so this is a must for me! The way you make it sound so good and enjoyable makes me want to try it even more! This reminds me of reading a family recipe so it feels comfortable and cozy which makes it feel even more genuine.

  14. I made this recipe with my mom and it was the best banana bread that either of us have ever had. The instructions are super easy to follow and understand. Thanks for the great recipe! - Cameron Hunter

  15. I found the addition of almond flour very interesting and I'll have to try it next time I'm making banana bread. I love the execution of this recipe and how easy the steps are to follow. Great job!

  16. What I love most about this is its convenient. I always buy a bunch of bananas that end up in the trash because they are ripe, now I actually have use for them. I don't have too much experience with baking, but I love the fact that you assured that its okay to not have as much experience. I also love the way you set up the baking instructions that way if I get lost while baking I can find it easily because of the headings for each section.

  17. Reading your recipe made my mouth water! Your careful instructions make it easy to follow the recipe, and your extra tips give your readers various options on how to make their bread. I'll definitely be trying this recipe out. Great job! :) - Zoe Picon

  18. I was incredibly excited to see this recipe as I have some bananas that no one wants to eat in my house and did not know what to do with them. I loved how you had the three individual sections going into more depth on choosing the bananas, preparing the batter, and preparing the loaf pan. It was nice to have more in depth instructions that I don't usually see in normal recipes.-Isabella Patterson

  19. Wow! I love this unique take on banana bread, it sounds super delicious! To start off, your writing style is so warm and welcoming, and I love how you connected this recipe to the bond you create with your family. Your instructions were neat and organized, making it super easy to follow. I also liked your advice on alternative methods; it makes this recipe friendly for those who dont have some of those special ingredients. I also loved how you used your knowledge of food science to back up your instructions. It shows your knowledge as a chef and the passion for what you do. Overall great recipe, and I cannot wait to try this out! - Julia Lozano

  20. The organization of this How-To guide is really great! It's very linear and easy to do yourself without getting lost in confusion as you read through this. It is very well thought out and definitely a try out for the future! - Aaron P

  21. I really liked how you mentioned each ingredient thoroughly and provided visuals, making it easy to follow, great work.

  22. I am someone who loves baking and I love trying new things! The instructions you gave are clear, understandable, but without making it so I have to follow this recipe EXACT; it leaves room for creativity and I love that! I can't wait to try it.

  23. Your piece is very instructional Drishti! I understood every step and it is very easy to comprehend and follow! Thank you for sharing this recipe! Will definitely try this in the future.

  24. Yess! I love banana bread! Thanks for a new recipe for me to try! Good job at explaining the types of bananas you need because if you use them too fresh it doesn't taste as good.

  25. I've been wanting to make banana bread for a while now. These instructions are super easy to follow and I can't wait to try out the recipe. -Katera Perry

  26. Banana bread is so good and I cant wait to try this recipe, and you explained it so clearly it is very easy to follow!-kate sainz

  27. I love how organized this how to give is! Even though I have made banana bread with walnuts in it, I would love to try making this, especially adding the cinnamon!

  28. With the way that you described this recipe, you made it very clear and organized on what to do. I like how you mentioned in the beginning that if someone were to be hesitant about baking from scratch they shouldn't be worried because of how well of an explanation you provided and how simple it can be to bake. Overall, the cinnamon walnut banana bread looks very delicious. Amazing job!

  29. Your piece is very instructional Drishti! I understood every step and it is very easy to comprehend and follow! Thank you for sharing this recipe! Will definitely try this in the future.

  30. Although I've never baked it, I've had it fresh out of the oven before and I know it SLAPS (In case Mrs. Cogswell doesn't know, that means it's really good). There are almost always overripe bananas in my house so maybe I should give it a try. After all, I've never had it with walnuts in it, nor do I remember the last time I've eaten anything with walnuts in it. Anyways, your recipe is easy to follow, full of detail and I really like how you explain the logic behind the importance of the small steps of a recipe that many people may overlook. Great Job!

  31. Banana Bread is great by itself and to introduce me to a cinnamon walnut banana bread will change the game for me in the kitchen. The explanation was really well and I will have to try this for myself to really see what the goodness is about.

  32. These instructions were very easy to follow and personally, as someone who knows absolutely nothing about cooking, the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. I also love that you included how to pick the right bananas because if it wasn't for that, I would probably not use the bananas at the right time.

  33. I love the personal advice you give us throughout the whole recipe. I’ve never made something from scratch before but now that I’ve read this helpful guide I know I could make something tasty - Hannah Colunga

  34. This was my first read of a How-To guide and I absolutely love this recipe. Personally, I am not too fond of cooking despite my extreme love for food. However, this guide is so simple that a person like me could try it. I loved how you included tips such as choosing the right bananas and the little paragraph in the beginning saying that it allows you to spend time with your family. Overall, great recipe and I know I will be trying out this recipe when I have the chance. :) -Nathaniel Alvarado

  35. I love the amount of detail you inserted into this recipe, it makes it very easy to follow along. I also liked the structure of your recipe, with the introduction to the cinnamon walnut bread, to the ingredients, and finally the instructions to baking the bread.

  36. I enjoy how easy this recipe is, the instructions are simple and the description is mouth watering.I will be looking forward to trying this out and maybe make my own version of this. - Yishai Renteria

  37. This is a super nice recipe Drishti. You put a lot of detail into both the recipe and how to prepare everything which is really nice because it showed how much effort you put in. This is definitely something I'd be super interested in trying out for myself later. Great job and Thank you!

  38. I appreciate the effort you put into each step, and the detail you incorporated into this recipe. I liked how the detail made the recipe so easy to follow and how you elaborated on the importance of certain steps and picking certain foods. Well done! - Hannah Ekelem

  39. I appreciate the effort you put into each step, and the detail you incorporated into this recipe. I liked how the detail made the recipe so easy to follow and how you elaborated on the importance of certain steps and picking certain foods. Well done! - Hannah Ekelem

  40. This story was very insightful! The addition of the rhetorical questions at the beginning helped pull the reader in instantly. You provided very detailed, step by step explanations on how to make a delicious snack. The fact you included a list of ingredients as well as pictures to show what the finished product is supposed to look like will immensely help the reader if they are trying to make this dish. A very good job on this piece! - Yuan Maneje

  41. The direct details of everything was perfect, specifying all the ingredients was key here and you nailed it. Even the visuals were nice to have, considering some people may have no idea what banana bread is or even looks like.

  42. I just love the format teaching me how to cinnamon walnut banana bread I went read thoroughly and followed each step and I have to say finding the right bananas to use was truly the most important part.


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