
Friday, November 22, 2019

"Vulnerability" by Meagan G

       Being vulnerable is one of the hardest things to do in our world today. It can be seen as
weak, but it is the complete opposite. It makes us feel brave when communicating with friends or family about what fears and what doubts we have, and we can get the reassurance we need. Vulnerability should be celebrated because that courage to be open with people, bring us together and have a stronger relationship with the ones we care about most. Having this quality can have more of an impact on us, and we can use it to relate to one another and have a bond like no other. This quality also allows us to be more sympathetic to others because we never know how much people are actually going through unless they tell us.
      Personally, this trait has made me closer to my mom and us having to work our differences out by talking without having a screaming match. We try to understand that both of us are under stress, especially in the past couple of months, where it has been more stressful than normal. It puts us into a good place with each other once everything is said and done, and we try to laugh it off and do something that makes us both happy.
      It’s not something everyone wants to do, which is understandable, but proving to yourself that you can do it makes it easier. By sharing those parts of you, it helps you grow into who you are and you develop skills that are essential to living, like compassion and understanding for
people who are going through things just like you are. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.”, this quote by Criss Jami, an American poet, displays exactly that it is okay to show the weakness because then can be proven as a strength. Strength is another reason for people to be vulnerable to others. This is because it shows that you can improve yourself with people guiding you through it. In a way, both that person and yourself learn and reassure each other that the world won’t fall apart, even if it seems like it at the moment.
      It is also something that makes you able to trust others more. By having that person to confide in that time of need, you start to have more trust towards people and the other way around. It is a natural way to share a bond deeper than others, since that person you give that information to already has a level of trust in some sort of way. This can put into perspective how much someone really means to you because of the sensitive information you tell them in order to be vulnerable. These are two keys to growing as a person in this world. Without this trait, people could be without compassion and trust, which are factors to successful relationships. The vulnerable side of a person is what helps people bond and create a new understanding of each other.


  1. Good piece! I enjoyed your writing and the added quote from Criss Jami. I agree with what you say, vulnerability is always difficult but is an important/crucial part of setting trust with others.

  2. I liked how by sharing your personal experience you connected the story to a real life situation that many people could be also experiencing. Also, quoting a poet talking about the topic gives more support to your piece. Finally, I enjoyed reading because vulnerability is so complex, meaningful, and powerful. It's what makes every single one of us humans and what allows us to connect to people. Great job Meagan!

  3. I completely agree with what you're saying! Especially in today's world, it may seem really hard to come forward and be vulnerable with your feelings, especially if you don't know who you should truly trust, but doing so is a very liberating experience. I really love the quote you used because I think it highlights how by being vulnerable, we can turn our weaknesses into our strengths. Overall, this was not only a great analysis of what it is to be vulnerable, but some great advice for people to consider as well.

  4. I absolutely agree that in today's society being vulnerable definitely has a more negative aspect to it and that it is not at all a bad thing to do. I like how you brought up how it has improved the relationship between you and your mom it shows how much you value not only that relationship but others too simply by making the effort to fix them when differences happen.

  5. Awesome way to describe how society view vulnerability today. It’s definitely on point and can be seen in everyone’s lives. Your quote by Criss Jami and your personal input made your piece all the more relatable and reassuring. Great job ! :)

  6. I completely agree with your view point. Vulnerability may take much strength to show others how, but once shown the power in it reveals itself. Nicely put together! -Dahrien Trotter

  7. I admire how you describe vulnerability as a strong characteristic that encourages you to show your true feelings more which is definitely a different way to take it compared to how it's usually described. It presents a fresh new meaning to vulnerability because most of the times it's viewed as a weakness and not a strength.

  8. I like your take on vulnerability that it is more courageous than hiding your feelings because of how people are pressured to suppress their emotions and only display that they are happy all the time. - Cameron Hunter

  9. The way you described vulnerability was very creative. There is a stigma that makes people believe that being vulnerable is a sign of weakness, however, as you said, it is the complete opposite. This was a great piece to read. - Breana Plascencia

  10. I really enjoyed reading this piece. It was interesting to see your perspective on what vulnerability means to you. I like how you included your own experiences; it makes this piece more personal and authentic. Great job!

  11. I could not agree more. Being vulnerable is extremely difficult due to the lack of compassion in our world today. However, it is something that must be done in order to make lasting relationships. I love how you included the personal experience with you in your mom to show the true impact of vulnerability. This is a message that needs to be more widely understood.

  12. This piece resonated with me because I often lack vulnerability. It was interesting how you explained that this characteristic can create closer bonds and ultimately bring about trust. I was also intrigued about your perception about how this quality allows personal growth. I appreciate your description of vulnerability. - Lauren White

  13. I really like how you chose a word and topic that relates to society as a whole. You explain the positive impact of being vulnerable and squash any negative popular beliefs on the matter, emphasizing the importance of opening up to those who matter around us. It’s an eye-opening and reassuring piece that a lot of us in this day and age needed.

  14. I loved that you chose to write about vulnerability for your piece. Its unfortunate that in today's society, vulnerability always seems to be associated with weakness. I agree with you in that our society's
    negative connotation of vulnerability prevents many people from expressing their feelings, which can be harmful to one's mental state. Vulnerability should be appreciated, not negatively stigmatized. Your piece was very insightful.

  15. I agree! Vulnerability is often something that is seen as a weak and an unfavorable trait but I too believe that allowing yourself to be vulnerable not only takes courage but can help you build better relationships and it also helps you grow as a person. Thank you for sharing your own personal experiences with vulnerability and hw it has helped you establish a good relationship with your mom - Isabel Quintanilla

  16. I loved your piece on vulnerability, it made me reflect on my choice to open up and allow myself to be vulnerable with others.You wrote this piece in a way that everyone can take something away from it and apply it to their lives. I also admired how you were able to be vulnerable yourself by mentioning your relationship with your mom.

  17. I really liked your piece and really connected to it. I loved that you defined vulnerability, not by definition, but through your personal experiences and human experiences. I completely agree with you that today's society doesn't accept the vulnerability of people and emotion. Lately as humans we just go about our day and never take a second to find that person we can confide in. I also really liked the quote you used from that poet and it really applies to your topic. Overall, it was a great piece and never goes off topic.

  18. I value and agree with your stance on vulnerability, especially in today's world. Great writing and very good explanation and reasoning. I appreciate you bringing to attention the need for people to be more open and unapologetic about what they feel and the emotions they experience.

  19. While I was reading this piece I was being pulled into the subject further and further which caused me to think about my own experiences. The way that you defined vulnerability in this writing Is on point when explaining our current society. Sadly people aren’t able to share their experiences without being judged and if more people were given the opportunity to read this piece I believe it would truly make a difference for the better! Great Job!

  20. This topic is something you don't see much of. Expressing the amazing and bad parts of vulnerability and how it is can be seen in society. -Rebeca Sandes

  21. I really liked this story because you really showed how positive you are as a person and how negativity is always used in our society. -Ariana Hernandez

  22. I really love how you chose to write about vulnerability and how you included your own personal experience. And by including the quote by Criss Jami really tied everything you were saying together. Great job! -Jadyn Young

  23. I really liked your piece, I agree with your point of view. I believe that once people allow themselves to be vulnerable makes them even more brave because they get the courage to share how they feel. Nobody is perfect and everyone should feel like they can be vulnerable sometimes because it also takes a weight off your shoulders being able to express yourself.

  24. I love how you first outlined the fact that being vulnerable isn't always a negative trait, but can also help communicate to loved ones about your feelings. I also enjoyed how you went against societies stigma on vulnerability representing weakness. It probably took a lot of courage for you to also incorporate your personal life about how being vulnerable helped you connect with your mother better. Good Job!!

  25. Vulnerability, such a wide and open-ended topic that can be used for a variety of examples. You explained it very well especially when comparing it to our daily life experiences. You even put out quotes that help us more see the point you're trying to make and how much of an impact it can have in interpreting your piece. Great Job Meagan!

  26. I’m amazed by your piece and I agree with your perspective on vulnerability in today’s society. I really related with what you said and I think that the quote you used really fit your writing. The bond that you talked about between two people who share these difficulties with each other was truly amazing and touching. -Linda Hung

  27. I completely agree with what you are saying vulnerability has been and is seen as such a big weakness when being vulnerable with someone else can make the relationship more beautiful and stronger then it was before like you and your mom. Really enjoyed your piece!


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