
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"Kindness " by Halie M

     When people think of kindness, most of us often think about maybe sitting next to someone lonely at lunch or helping an elderly woman cross the street. Even though those are perfect examples of showing random acts of kindness, some people view kindness as spending a certain amount of money in order to make someone feel happy. Some may even think that just because they did something nice, they will get something out of it. However, not everyone has the capability of spending tons of money, and the key to kindness is to do something that comes from the heart, which leads me to my more descriptive definition of what the word kindness truly means.
     The original definition of the word kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. In my opinion, kindness is the act of doing something considerate, from the heart, and is what leaves an impact on people’s lives no matter how big or small the act ends up being. The whole idea of showing kindness does not mean you have to do something major or spend tons of money on something in order to please someone, rather it means to have a good heart and to demonstrate random acts throughout the day. This could be as simple as giving someone a compliment or saying hi to them. Many of us may not think about it, but the simplest things are what could change a person’s attitude for the rest of the day by sharing some positivity. In the article “6 Science-Backed Ways Being Kind Is Good for Your Health” by Maile
Proctor, she states, “Doing nice things for others boosts your serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of satisfaction and well-being. Like exercise, altruism also releases endorphins, a phenomenon known as a ‘helper’s high.’” This comes to show how important spreading kindness is no matter how a person ends up showing it.
     In today’s society, I would say kindness is still around but not as much as it should be due to the fact that people are becoming more self-absorbed. Have you ever encountered a person who was being rude to you? I know I have multiple times and for a brief moment I do not think about kindness, as it fades away in my mind. Usually when someone is being cruel to you, it is human to either show the rudeness back or ignore the person, wanting nothing to do with them. However, people like me need to be reminded that showing kindness is still relevant to those insolent people.      One person that had always showed kindness was a girl named Rachel Joy Scott. “People will never know how far a little kindness can go.” This quote from Scott shows how no matter what random acts of kindness we choose to do, it will still have an impact on someone else’s life. It is also a great demonstration on how kindness can be contagious and start a chain reaction.
In the end, if only everyone were to understand that kindness does not revolve around money or gifts, and if people were a little less self-absorbed, kindness could come from anyone and become an everyday occurrence. Perhaps it could also lessen the amount of hatred in today’s world.


  1. Halie I enjoyed this beautiful piece! I loved how you implemented your own definition for kindness and gave examples. I also enjoyed how you stated the problem in society today. I agree with you on how we have become a society where we are all so self absorbed. I strongly agree that we should self reflect on our own actions, so we could better ourselves and our society.

  2. I really enjoyed your writing about kindness. I especially how you pointed out when someone isn't necessarily being kind to you, our thoughts lead to their same rude attitude. Reading this made my mind go to several points in my day to where someone was being rude and i said some nasty things back in my head.

  3. In todays society, Kindness is really important and how you specified the word, kindness in this blog is stunning. I definitely agree that people have different perspective on how kindness should be defined
    By: Rumjeet Pandher

  4. You conveyed your thoughts and opinions on your definition of kindness with great passion. Using great sources and examples, such as Rachel Scott, someone that almost every teen knows because of the constant reminder of tragedy and "unkindness", definitely increases your statement's credibility and persuasiveness.

  5. What a wonderful piece Halie! I loved how you defined kindness as not an act of buying expensive gifts to make someone happy, but by having a good heart that will positively impact someone else. I also enjoyed how you incorporated quotes throughout your story that further supported your point. This was very important at a time where everyone should try to be more kind to one another. Great Job!!

  6. I very much agree with your definition of kindness and it's nice to see how you defined it as simply just doing something considerate from the heart and not needing to spend tons of money, because in our society today, people overthink the definition of kindness. They think they feel the need to do something very significant that'll impact one's life when in reality doing it's as simple as making someone smile. I also like how you use elements of psychology in defining kindness which I thought was interesting.

  7. Amazing job! Your description of kindness accurately describes what the meaning of the word holds. Kindness is simply more than "being friendly, generous, and considerate." Something as small as the little things can create a huge difference upon someone's life. I love your use of including an article, because it further provides clarity that the little things do truly make a difference.

  8. I agree with you that grand gestures are not the only way to show kindness, when really it can be as simple as complimenting an outfit or holding the door open for someone. Also, its true that some people might expect to get something in return if they do something kind for you. I love how you brought that up, because I feel that many people have been in that situation before. Very insightful!

  9. I really liked and agree with your definition of kindness, even if you do something that would usually be seen as kind if it doesn't come from the heart then it's not truly you being kind. I really liked how you related to things that happen in everyone's life every day like having to deal with people being rude to you. It makes your writing feel more personal and like it can connect with the audience more because you provide a real example.

  10. This is a very good piece of work because it truly shows the true overall meaning of kindness. You really opened up my mind and helped me look into detail of this word. This also inspired me to be kind to everyone I come across with in life.

  11. I really like your ideas on kindness and how it doesn"t necessarily have a "price" and I also liked how you included the scientific support of your idea that spreading kindness is good for you. - Cameron Hunter

  12. I really enjoyed this piece because of the specifics you gave of what kindness is in today's society. Good job of proving that kindness can be anything, not just money and gifts!

  13. Great job! I really relate to the way you thought about kindness and the way it can be executed. It really does help mental health when someone simply asks how your day is. I really like this abstract idea. Great job :)

  14. I like that you bring up the idea of spending in regards to kindness, I think this is an idea that our society has lean towards which is why we tend to feel so strongly about material possessions. But I completely agree with you that kindness is the little things in life like holding the door open for someone, giving them a complement or even say bless you. These small acts of kindness build up and create something beautiful.

  15. I completely agree with your stance on kindness. Kindness does not need to be shown in a big way, we can show it through little things. Most people notice the little things and this makes an impact to their heart. Thank you for your amazing passage.

  16. This is a great piece. I like how to took kindness into a different point of view. As it might seems like everyone know that kindness isn't shown in big ways everyday, people still have it stuck in their minds that it is.

  17. I absolutely agree with your opinion on kindness. I enjoyed that you incorporated a quote from an article and mentioned Rachel Scott who impacted many lives. The fact that many believe one has to spend a certain amount of money for them to be kind should change and people should focus on doing it out of their heart.

  18. Your piece was very interesting and I agree with your argument. I often ask myself if I'm nice to people because I think I will get something out of it. Therefore, to me, when I encounter someone who is truly kind, it makes that kindness ever more valuable. I really like how you mentioned the point of kindness with the expectation of something in return.

  19. I really appreciated your stand on kindness and how it is viewed in society. Kindness today isn't really shown, but when it is shown, it shouldn't have to be grand, but rather, it can be shown through the smallest instances and it could have an impact on not only the target of the kindness, but those who see its value and choose to spread the kindness. A job well done on your piece, as you got your point across and cited specific examples. - Aaron P

  20. This was a great piece of writing. I loved how much you expanded on the definition of being kind and the importance of it. I totally agree with it. Nice job!

  21. I completely agree that kindness is something that comes from the heart and that people should try to show more of it to people instead of giving gifts and money. I know from my experience a smile and saying good morning or a compliment always somehow makes my day better and it is nice to pass it on to others.

  22. I really enjoyed this piece of writing because it really explains the depth of kindness and how it can be shown other than the typical favors. I have encountered a rude person before and it really upsets me when i do because what i think of is that they may need more kindness in their life or don't really have the opportunity to get any. I feel like if everyone was nicer to each other, the world would be a much better place. Overall, I 100% agree with what you had to say and enjoyed reading your writing.

  23. Halie I really like how you defined happiness through different perspectives. I also enjoyed how you mentioned how we lack kindness in society today which brings attention to the problem. I agree with this statement and I think everything would be fairly better if we pushed ourselves to be a bit more considerate and understanding with one another.

  24. Before reading your piece, I hadn't really put much thought to what kindness really was. However I absolutely agree with the way you mentioned society looks at "kindness" and I also liked how you provided a solution to impact other people's lives in a positive way. - Aneika Madrigal

  25. Loving the fact that you introduce the social definition of kindness while also adding a science lesson with a citation. This post feels genuine and important to you and it makes reading it much more enjoyable. This was a gentle way of teaching a lesson on what kindness is.

  26. I admire how you believe that we should “ kindness to insolent people...”, frankly I could never be so evolved as to do so but you give faith in humanity.

  27. This piece is so beautiful! You drew me in so provactively with your use of dark imagery and the attention to the five senses. Just wow! I felt pain for a breakup I’ve never even experienced!!!

  28. This was an excellent piece of work. Not only did you expand on the definition of kindness and how to be kind but you also gave us the opportunity to look at ourselves and really question whether or not we were living up to the Rachel's Challenge we all had to accept when we were in middle school. It really put things into perspective and with your writing, it was easy to understand what your purpose and meaning was.

  29. This was an excellent piece of work. Not only did you expand on the definition of kindness and how to be kind but you also gave us the opportunity to look at ourselves and really question whether or not we were living up to the Rachel's Challenge we all had to accept when we were in middle school. It really put things into perspective and with your writing, it was easy to understand what your purpose and meaning was.

  30. November 5, 2019 at 6:35 PM
    I loved reading your piece. I really enjoyed reading the part where you talked about how kindness is displayed in a way where one does not focus on the gratification of doing the kind action but to do it from the bottom of one’s heart. I also like how you talk about how kindness affect the human mind. Awesome job!
    -Joshua-Zion Hunter

  31. I thought that this piece was amazing. I like how you talked about the actual definition of kindness and about what kindness meant to you. I thought it was great how you think that a little kindness from everyone can change the world because I agree with what you say when you talk about people being more self absorbed.

  32. This definition of kindness is one that I completely agree with! I love how you used some facts about the brain from the article and how you connected the life of Rachel Scott and how her acts of kindness started chain reactions. I also believe that the smallest actions have the greatest impacts. Me being antisocial, the smallest from someone I didn't talk to would make me happy and I would be kind enough to pass on that kindness. Over all, great piece!

  33. This was a very insightful piece of writing with some interesting points. Your opinion's on kindness is very true especially in the society we live in today and how people treat each other. You backed up your opinions by providing quotes from several sources to back up your arguments. You did a great job of explaining how kindness is not about doing something to benefit yourself but rather benefit other people around you no matter if it is too much or too little. Overall a great piece! - Yuan Maneje

  34. CHRISTIAN MIRAFLORES JRNovember 5, 2019 at 9:52 PM

    This was an exceptional piece of writing. I like how you mentioned kindness and its effect along with Rachel Scott who has had a positive impact on people overall. Great work!

  35. I really enjoyed this piece and how you brought factual evidence from different articles to back up you point that I agree with because we have become a society where it isn't to kind to others. The quote on Rachel Joy Scott reminded me of middle school when we watched a whole presentation on the importance of kindness. -Jessica Quesada

  36. This is a beautiful way of defining kindness, because it is true how money isn't the only way of being kind to someone. People to this day should still be showing it, without expecting to get a reward from doing it, it should naturally just come from their hearts. - Breana P.

  37. I love how you defined kindnesses in your own way, and how there are many ways to be kind to others, and that it can come naturally too.

  38. Fantastic and truly well written!! I completely agree with the part where you said that kindness isn’t around as much today and it was back then. I also agree with the money part and that money isn’t needed in order to be kind. One last thing that I admired that you wrote was how people expect something in return. Nowadays people focus more on themselves and when they do something nice they expect something in exchange and it’s sad that some people can’t do a nice act without wanting something. But aside from that I love how you wrote this and made very valid points.

  39. I really liked reading your writing and how you described kindness. I was able to connect with your examples and it opened up my perspective on the world and how it isn’t always about the big fancy materialistic gestures, but the little acts that aren’t always noticed. Amazing job!
    -Linda Hung


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