
Friday, September 27, 2019

“What is Happiness?” by Aneika M

      “Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit.” Have you

ever wondered what happiness actually is? You may have a different definition of happiness than the people that surround you. If you search up the word happiness, it will phrase “the state of being happy,”which is not an explicit response. It will make you wonder if happiness is something that only comes to you or if it is a personal choice. Once you find an answer to that question, it will make you wonder what that happiness hinges on.
     Happiness is a choice, not the result from something else. Happiness shouldn’t depend on anything because everything is temporary. Many people are often disappointed because they let their happiness depend on something else, and once that something ends or isn’t there anymore, it makes them feel like there will be nothing that could make them happy again and that their world is collapsing. Just like in that situation, some other people believe that they will never be happy because they keep on waiting for everything to just come to them instead of working for it to make it happen. For example, in our daily lives we live on depending on the way society ideate us. Constantly trying to please everyone and living depending on people’s complements and opinions; in reality people won’t ever be pleased because everyone was born different and everyone has their own point of view.  What only matters is what people think of themselves,
once they realize that, they will learn how to love themselves. Many of people’s daily life problems are based on them believing that they are not good enough and not believing that they are admired and loved by others because they don’t even love themselves. So, if they don’t love themselves how could they possibly expect others to do so.
     Personally, during my childhood I grew up around expectations and criticism from others. My main goal was always to meet all of those expectations and I always tried my best to be enough for everyone. I was letting my “happiness” depend on other people and on their approval. My own happiness depended on my family being proud and on the approval and acceptance from my friends. So, if someone didn’t like me for who I was, I constantly believed that I wasn’t good enough and that there had to be something wrong with me. Later on, I realized that I was letting my “happiness” depend on others and situations. Meaning that if something bad happened I felt like I was never going to be happy and I kept on waiting on good things and situations to just happen to me instead of working for those things and making them happen and making them possible myself. As the years have passed, I have realized that what really matters is what I think of myself. I have learned how to love myself and if I don’t like anything about myself then I change that, but I do it for me and not for others. I’ve learned that not everyone will like me because they all have their own point of view and we are all different. People will always give their opinions but it is on you to decide what you’ll do with them and realize what really is important.
      People in our society don’t realize that they need to stop looking for happiness because happiness has always been there in themselves. People, friends, family, daily activities, everything is just a compliment to your happiness but not what is really made of. Once you learn
how to love yourself, everything will become much simpler and you’ll be able to feel complete. Friends and family, are just people you should share and embrace that happiness with instead of looking for it with them.
     There will be many tough situations in life but it is on you to decide if you let that affect you and as time passes by and you have more experience, later on it will make you realize that some previous problems that you had in the past and thought you would never pass them, they were not of that much importance and you will understand that everything always happens for a reason and everything has a lesson because if it didn't happen, you wouldn’t be who you are and where you are now. You will learn how to live in the moment and enjoy the good moments without worrying about what will happen next because everything always gets better and if not, you work for it and make changes to make it better yourself. Happiness comes from loving yourself and being in peace and harmony with yourself, and once you manage those three important elements, you will find the direction and not the place.

Works Cited
Opening Quote by: Hosea Ballou
“What Is Happiness and Why Is It Important? ( Definition in Psychology).”, 4 July 2019,


  1. Really good piece! I love how you connected your own personal experience to the main idea of your piece. I also like how you kind of give advice in your piece and how deep in the subject it goes! -Alison F.

  2. Your essay started off as a great definition piece, and to make it more personal, you added your point of view and personal experiences, which a sensitive topic such as yours needs. By giving your personal input, the tone shifts from a more formal tone to a more intimate one. In the very first paragraph though, your first quote is a great one, but I couldn't distinguish any explanations to that quote in particular, unless it was meant to be the starting point for the essay.
    Other than that, great job! :)

  3. This is a great piece, your first sentence really hooked me in.( I guess that's why the call it a hook haha). You actually had me thinking of what happiness really is and where to find so called true happiness. I truly believe that if society found that inner happiness, the happiness that is within then the world would be such a better place. I also like how you turned the piece personal to appeal to the emotions of the readers.

  4. This piece has a beautiful message! I like how you shared your own personal journey of self love and acceptance as it is something that many people can relate to or aspire to achieve. You are a very talented writer, and this was very interesting to read. Great job!

  5. Wonderful writing! The concept of happiness is always a fascinating subject that can vary between people though personally I agree with what you say here in your piece. Society dictating what it is to be happy is a common modern motif which is a sad reality. Adding your personal story makes your piece more substantial and enjoyable to see your development with how you developed your own happiness. Also putting suggesting advice how to achieve happiness for those who struggle is also another reason why this piece is good and valuable.

  6. Your piece is very well-written! I completely agree with your idea of happiness and when you states everything happens for a reason. Additionally, I like how you were so expressive with your ideals and how you used your personal experience to back up your definition of what real happiness is and used this evidence to strengthen your point. You did an awesome job! :)

  7. I really enjoyed your concept on how we can choose to find happiness instead of depending on it from others. This piece was greatly put together and I honestly really enjoyed reading it and the message behind it, you did really great! :)

  8. I really liked your in-depth explanation of what happiness really is. The fact that you said that happiness comes from yourself, that you are your very own source of happiness yet we put our happiness in the hands of others was just beautiful and absolutely, 100% true. I also really liked how you linked your own personal life experiences into this piece because I think that it really added another depth or layer to how you came to realize what happiness really was to you.
    -Melanie Lee

  9. So utterly relatable. I myself have also struggled and am still currently struggling with finding personal happiness. From time to time I actually fear that I have been dependent on people for my happiness as I know deep down that I would not be able to live truly through that alone. The very idea of happiness is merely defined as a joyous feeling but like you said, what is happiness itself? Where does it come from to be considered real happiness? I agree that it lives among your experiences and personal realization in appreciation of the people, relationships, and occurrences as you live through this journey we call life. I want to recognize how you, yourself personally, mentioned how you grew living up to other’s expectations, later realizing that your happiness was being suppressed and prevented from flourishing, which is really important to express amongst a group of similar-minded individuals, particularly our fellow high schoolers! All in all, loved this analysis on happiness!

  10. I can understand this piece from a different point of view, as someone who believes that they should always be happy, not taking into consideration anyone else's actions towards them that might bring their self esteem to the lowest point it could be. Your narrative goes into depth about life and the harsh truths it brings sometimes, while looking at others who we think are "living the life" and it is not true. Overall, you are completely right, your piece brings out the truth in all of us, even the one we couldn't find the words for.

  11. Amazing essay! I completely agree with your stance on happiness and loving yourself. Your story was very inspiring!

  12. Such a great piece! I love how you questioned happiness and interpreted a quote explaining what you think happiness is, I really admired how you opened up to the audience about your childhood, "growing up around expectations and criticism." As I read that, I assumed you were showing readers the reality of your life. I also picked up on your use of connections, not only applying your reasoning from the quote but connecting it to your life and society, giving the overall piece a positive motive and message. -Ariel G.

  13. The way you explained the broad, fruitless definition of happiness, then went on to put the definition in the hands of the reader was a great way to not only motivate, but engage the audience on a deeper level. A work well done! A thoughtful and interesting read.

  14. I really like this!! The personal connection in addition to a well though out explanation of what happiness is, really brings out who you are! <3

  15. I love how you started off by asking the readers a question, to almost come up with their own idea of happiness first, and then giving your interpretation of the word and how it could be achieved. I also liked how you tied the word into your own personal experiences. Overall, really great work!

  16. Your really get into the grit of how to find true and not "counterfeit" happiness. You are correct, we can't please everyone, and when everyone else is out of the picture, we just have ourselves to please and you conveyed that in very straightforward and questionless words which leaves no room for a thought of doubt. Associating your essay's purpose with your own personal anecdote, you make way for a very persuasive article in which, if not all, many of your readers believe. Topics like these are deep and very interesting to spend time pondering about, and you choosing this topic to write and elaborate on has brought me joy. Very well written.


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