
Friday, September 27, 2019

"On Morality and Justice" by Joshua L

      The United States of America is an incredible place to live where money falls from the

trees and the people here feel content. Except that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Our country, our government claims to be the liberators of the oppressed and fighters for freedom. While we have a separation of church and state, God is apparently their main motivation, or the money for reelection. If we dare choose to question their motives, we disappear. Or rather disappear in the news cycle.
What is morality? What is justice? I’d like to believe that these two overlap; that without one, the other doesn’t exist. If you try to separate the two, then it results in disingenuous solutions. For example, the United States of America is the richest country in the history of the world. Yet, we have forty million people living in poverty while the wealthiest Americans keep gaining wealth. What’s their solution to this? Cut taxes on the rich, cut benefits for the poor and keep you sick. How is that moral? When did we, the people, decide to let our government, the one we created, represent the interests of the few and not the many?
     The real remedy to this is actually quite simple. What we need is a massive redistribution of wealth in this country from the rich to poor and middle class. This isn’t as radical as the pundits or CEO’s might suggest. As long as we conduct the agenda of the American people in the proper manner, by getting young people involved in the political process and registering
 folks to vote, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. The way we eliminate this grotesque level of
income inequality, where the three richest Americans own as much wealth as the bottom half of this country, is to stop spending trillions of dollars on endless wars and reinvest that money into guaranteeing every man, woman and child healthcare as a right and not a privilege. We need to end the war on drugs which has disproportionately incarcerated our black and brown brothers and sisteWe must demand that corporations pay their fair share of taxes and act as responsible corporate citizens. We need a federal jobs guarantee through a Green New Deal, which will transform our energy system away from fossil fuels and towards energy efficiency and sustainability. This, and so much more, is how we take our first steps towards justice and equality for all.
     If you are reading this and think that what I said is impossible to accomplish because of the amount of money in our politics or how the special interest groups and corporations might react, always remember what President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. This motto isn’t just a catchy saying, but rather a challenge to each and every one of us. It being that in order to achieve justice and equality for all, we must have the moral courage to act true to the intent of our founding documents, that no matter your creed, race or gender you have the power that money can’t buy: People Power.
Sources: -own-much-wealth-bottom-half
Lechuga 3


  1. Great job! I can hear your passion about this issue just by reading your words! I also believe that in today’s world, especially with bribery and corruption, morality and justice are skewed in favor of those in power. I especially like how you incorporated rhetorical questions in your essay in between paragraphs 1 & 2 and between paragraphs 2 & 3: “What is morality? What is justice?” and “When did we, the people, decide to let our government, the one we created, represent the interests of the few and not the many?” I think it adds a lot of power and strength to your purpose. Furthermore, your incorporation of details such as the Green New Deal and the quotation from Franklin Delano Roosevelt really brought your essay to the Home Run!

  2. Jaw Dropping! Inspiring! An incredible piece of literature! While reading this,I was mesmerized by your use of irony to start off while finishing it off with an empowering quote. I loved how you used current dilemmas to address in your article that impacts the audience(young folk). As a society, it is imperative we take the next step because if not us, then who. If not now, then when? You really hit it home with the use of your literary devices like irony and rhetorical questions while ending it with a call to action. Really good article!

  3. Amazing! You can tell that you are very passionate about this topic. I like how you used modern situations to gain the attention of your readers. I completely agree with your viewpoints and think that we, as a group, need to fix our current dilemmas together. Amazing piece!

  4. you extreme passion for your cause is very evident in your piece. you have a wonderful way of using a firm and demanding tone that truly calls the reader to action. Nice work!

  5. I enjoyed how you summarized your main question and how you formatted it in a way so the reader can get a clear understanding of what the topic is going to be about. I also liked how you included a quote that helped end it off as a whole.

  6. Though we may disagree on most things politically, I do agree that morality and justice work hand in hand. In your writing you kept to the point and elaborated on the concepts that mattered most. The passion shines in that and so does the optimism when it comes to a better America.

  7. Amazing job! I enjoyed how you used tone to stand your ground about these issues in our country. I agree with what you stand for and your work is a great example of how to persuade others to think about the corruption in today's world.

  8. I really appreciate the tone being used in this passage it really shows the fiery passion you have to fight for change and improvement for the daily lives of people. It it people like you that actually speak out compared to the majority in the country who has apathy with the things around them. People these days really only care with things happening in front of them and not around them. I loved the questions you asked questioning the motives of our country, we should always be involved or immersed in government because it is everywhere we go according to Mr. Anderson and having knowledge allows us to make smarter decisions for our government.

  9. Your passage is very eye opening because how divided America is when it comes to wealthiness. With the questions being asked throughout the passage can make any readers even question the imperfections of America, the imperfections that others cannot see. - Leigh Rubillar

  10. If I can describe your piece in one word that would be Enlightening. I felt every piece of your word and it instantly made me want to exercise my voting rights as a minority in our country. I loved how you did not hesitate to reveal the true colors of the government despite living in it which only proves your credibility as a writer. The use of the quote at the end of your piece is very well chosen as it tied the whole argument together.

  11. Your words are truly put well together it was very passionate and I love how you are not afraid to show your own opinion. I really love your progressive point of view! Keep it up it's truly inspirational.

  12. Inspiring! I like how you aren't afraid to express your personal opinion on topics like this. Reading this made me realize that I should be more involved in practicing my rights as a citizen in this country.

  13. A very compelling and passionate speech! Your repetition of “We need to” really emphasizes your goal for reform in this country’s case of poverty as it is no excuse for a nation being the “richest in the world.” I really appreciate how your stance on the issue is so forward, unchanging, and confident, which is very necessary when proposing not one, but several, nation-wide solutions. It was also very appropriate to mention morality and justice as the two most definitely coincide with one another: the right morality of the American people will bring justice to the problems they so wish to resolve. Justice is dependent on morality as it is what drives the desire for reform and to do bring about what is right for the people. I feel the purpose of this piece for national financial reform was very well conveyed as you included proposals of various different solutions to national spending, a well-effective way to provide solutions that people believe are unreachable.

  14. Right off the bat I just loved the expression, "money falls from trees" because it being an idiom on the reason why money doesn't grow on trees. I also see how you asked questions towards the reader, but then answer them yourself in the following sentences. Everything seems to flow, so keep it up Joshua!
    -Nathan Guevarra

  15. Inspiring! I admire the fact that you are so open and straight up about your personal opinion. This was eye opening for me and made me realize that I should be more involved in practicing my rights.

  16. Wow! This piece is a testament to the power of our youth. Your ability to portray your beliefs throughout this is outstanding. I loved how you presented us with the problems out country is facing while also providing solutions to these problems. Your writing truly shows that you are very invested in politics and are very knowledgeable about the subject. Your use of rhetorical questions by saying "How is that moral? When did we, the people, decide to let our government, the one we created, represent the interests of the few and not the many?" was extraordinary.

  17. This is a piece that, like Isabella's piece, had me hooked from the very beginning. Unlike many others when it comes to politics, you know exactly what solutions you want to pursue in order to achieve the goals you believe this country should have. Your passion for justice is evident here and although many others may differ in their political views, I hope that one day in this divided nation more people will come together and fight for the good of all people. If this was published via a popular news media website, I believe this would go viral.


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