
Monday, May 6, 2019

"Opportunities" by Kayla H

      Why are we so quick to doubt ourselves? Is it because we believe we are not good

enough? Or not smart enough? Even when we are told that it is possible, we believe the exact opposite. Throughout my life I've always doubted myself, mainly because I believe the negative comments that people say about me. So I don't try. I believe that if that is what people think about me while i'm trying then why try at all. I constantly doubt myself about the smallest things which has leaded up to anxiety and overstressing. Although this negativity in my life is a constant reminder of my insecurities, I've learned to use that as my motivation. To do better and prove everyone wrong. I've been given so many opportunities in my life and all I can wonder is why, why me? Why was I finally chosen to correct my mistakes and change. Out of everyone who is going through the same thing, or maybe worse, I was given an opportunity. An opportunity that will define me in all my glory. Being handed this opportunity gives me a fresh start, to start from scratch and a chance to redefine myself. “ When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade” is the saying people say to imply that when you have been given an opportunity, you make something out of it. So what will i make out of this opportunity? I've spent my entire life cruising about , not worrying about the fact that my actions have consequences. And by those actions I mean not focusing on my future and the consequence has lead me questioning myself and the people who claim to be there for me.
     Being blessed with this opportunity was not just handed to me, but had to be worked for. My mother, a strong beautiful woman, was the one who encourages me to work hard. She, out of everyone, is the only one who is by my side when I need her. She is the only one who believes that I can do anything that I put my mind to. When I got the letter from the college program that I
applied for, my mom had just picked me up from school. I was overwhelmed with thoughts. What if i didn’t get in? What if I wasn’t good enough to make it? What will my parents think of me? Because they only excepted sophomores, this was the only chance I had to prove everyone wrong. As soon as my thoughts cleared up, my whole family watched as I slowly opened the letter that will soon lead me to a better future. As I read the letter, my eyes lit up with joy knowing that I had been accepted. Suddenly I didn’t feel that sense of disappointment or doubt that circles around my head. I felt proud, that something that I had worked hard for was finally my opportunity to change. Even though this program was an opportunity for me to make something of myself, meet new people, and try different things; it was also an opportunity to show my family that I am capable and ready to take on different obstacles through life.
     But still, to this day, i still wonder why out of all 400 girls that applied, they chose 50, and i was a part of that 50. Is it because i AM actually good enough? Or smart enough? Were all my thoughts and criticisms the only thing that has been stopping me from truly believing in myself and achieving something greater? I guess so because once I actually believed I could do something and I had that courage to try and risk failing, it was all worth it.


  1. This piece really stood out to me because I ask myself these questions almost everyday and I know a lot of people around me do too. When I got accepted into colleges I really wondered if I earned it or it just happened to work but I really need to believe that it is because I am good enough. You wrote this beautifully, good work. :)

  2. Sometimes I wish life was simple and explained every step...flawless I guess. But then again without risk or “opportunity” there is no real reason for being! Good read! -Joshua Kidwell

  3. Amazing, this was amazing to read and it is always true that we are preset to doubt ourselves in anything. It is our heart that drives our desires and passion to believe that you can do it, that you can make it. Thank you so much for sharing. Reading this makes me feel I can do anything.

  4. Kayla I'm sorry to hear that you doubted yourself so much I'm also sorry for bringing up those feelings because that's the way that I feel, but in the end we are friends. I will be there for you as you will for me and listen to what I tell you when I say that you are smart and strong just like you describe your mom to be. - Joshua Perez

  5. First, I would like to congratulate you for being selected for the program. I know you will do great. Second, I enjoyed the reflection of others' criticisms and how that has developed you as a person. I am glad that you overcame those who did not support you and you accomplished great things still. Great job Kayla

  6. This is an amazing piece and im glad you wrote it beacsue a lot of us doubt ourselves constantly. It took couarge to write this and share it with us.You showed the reader how you overcame and that was greta to read. Congarulatiions on getting into the program and great job on the piece!

  7. I really enjoyed reading this reflection on doubt and criticisms. Opportunities are hit or miss, and it would always be a miss if you never even tried applying or working for it. Congrats on getting into the program. This was an amazing post to read! -Jacob Ramirez

  8. Kayla, what a wonderful a relatable piece. I believe mostly everyone in today's society shares the same feelings of never being good enough. I liked how in the end you started to believe you were good enough and worth something. Great Job! -Paul Aureus

  9. This piece is very encouraging. I’m glad to hear that you motivated yourself through your times of receiving tough criticism. Just remember that the negativities in life can only hurt you as much as you let them.

  10. Hi Kayla! It is so inspiring to read your narrative about so great of an accomplishment. Your words are definitely relatable, as I am sure that many adolescents struggle with the same obstacle of knowing our self-worth and potential, Great Job!

  11. Kayla,congratulations on making the program! I want to thank you for writing this piece because I literally ask myself this same question everyday so knowing that I'm not the only one is really comforting. I'm so happy for you and I wish you nothing but happiness and success.

  12. Kayla, this was a really good piece and I especially like the internal monologue. I think doubt in our own capabilities is what holds lots of people back. Nice Job!

  13. Reading the introduction of this certain reflection of yours definitely describes me as person. One of my major flaws is always lacking that self-esteem and knowing that I have capabilities that can still lead me to good opportunities. Your narrative made me realize that I'm really not the only one who tends to feel that way. I like how you included a lot of questions you tend to ask yourself. I think that really connects with the audience in a much understanding level to how you felt before and after you opened that envelope. Thank you for writing this remarkable, inspiring piece. Well done!

  14. Kayla, this was an amazing piece. I really enjoyed seeing you overcome your internal conflict within yourself and I'm glad that you have overcome your struggles. This is a really great piece. Great Job!!

  15. Congrats an your acceptance. This piece was very encouraging and motivational. You really ask and answer questions that most people ask themselves and you did it excellently. It shows that people are actually pretty similar. Great Job.


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