
Friday, April 5, 2019

"How to change a flat tire " by Santiago R

     I believe it is extremely important to know how to change a flat tire for your safety and convenience. As seniors, a lot of us drive already and although some may not drive yet you most likely will at some point so this information can still be useful. Most people don’t know how to change a flat simply because they do not need to. It is estimated that about 60% of Americans do not know how to change a flat tire. All they have to do is call AAA and wait for a roadside assistance specialist to arrive and take care of the tire for you, or call a friend or relative to come help. For some people who rarely leave town, this is more than enough. But what if one day you find yourself with a dead cellphone and in a remote area? What if it’s the middle of the night and you caught a flat mid road trip? Roadside assistance is not always a guarantee, and even when it is available many things such as traffic and weather can have you waiting for hours. Working at a tire shop i've seen similar scenarios play out countless times and people wishing they had known how to change a flat before. That's why I will teach you how in a few simple steps, so if you ever find yourself in a similar spot you will know what to do. 

Tools: Spare tire, Lug wrench, jack Optional: Hazard Triangle, Reflective Vest 

(Note: These tools are provided for most cars, they should be under the trunk carpet lining)
STEP 1: Be aware of your surroundings and make sure it is safe. Also make sure your car is on a flat surface. Park the car and engage the emergency brake. Turn your hazards on to warn other drivers you are working on your vehicle. If you have a reflective triangle place it near your car facing oncoming traffic. Wear a reflective vest if you have one available. 

STEP 2: Place the car jack underneath the frame and lift the car up. The jack will come with a small wrench which you will use to turn the circular knob on the side of the wrench. Lift the car until the damaged wheel is off the ground. (Note: Do not get under the car for any reason,as it can be unstable) 

STEP 3: Remove the lug nuts. These are the small bolts in the middle of the tire. Most lug nuts follow the righty-tighty lefty-loosey rule. Attach the lug wrench to the nut and turn until it is loose. Do this for all five nuts and remove them with your hand. Remove the tire after all nuts are removed. (Note: Lug nuts tend to roll away, so make sure they are all in a safe spot) 

STEP 4: Mount the spare tire on the wheel lugs. Once it is centered place the lug nuts on and tighten them by hand and then follow with the wrench. Make sure you tighten the lugs in opposite pairs so the tire remains centered. (Note: make sure all the lug nuts are tightened as hard as possible)

STEP 5: Lower your vehicle all the way and remove the jack. Place all the tools and the damaged tire in your trunk. The tire shop workers will try to salvage your tire if all it needs is a patch. This can help you save a lot of money. (Note: Spare tires are not meant to be driven at high speed. Your owners manual should have the maximum speed for the tire, if not a safe bet would be not to drive over 50 mph)

After completing these steps you’ve successfully changed a flat tire and are now part of the 40% of Americans who can replace a tire on their own. Now you can get yourself to the nearest tire shop and they will patch or replace your tire. It’s important to remember it is not recommended to drive on a spare tire for a long time. Get it replaced as soon as possible. If after reading this you realize your car doesn’t happen to have the tools needed, you should go buy them at your local auto store. They are fairly inexpensive and could possibly save you hundreds of dollars in fees if you ever have to change one of your tires.


  1. Learning how to change a tire has never really come to mind when it came to my list of learning how to do, but I always believe that sometime down along the way I would like to learn on my own. Having been able to come across this piece I was able to learn or at least get a general idea on how to do it! Your step by step explanation was really immersive and it really shows how much you know when it comes to this type of thing! Overall, this was really nice and I would definitely refer back to this in my future endeavors!

  2. Though I do not drive yet, this was an article that I definitely needed. As you mentioned in the opening paragraph, I would classify as an American who does not know how to change a flat tire. However, after reading this informative article, I don't find myself to fit that demographic anymore! I appreciated how you provided images alongside the instructions so that we can visually comprehend what needed to be done with each step. I also appreciated how you made sure that safety came first in all steps. Overall, this has been very helpful and now I know how to change a tire! Great job!

  3. Thank you for this very helpful information on how to change a flat tire. I have always wondered how to do that in case of an emergency and your blog helped me immensely. I am usually a clueless and lost person so knowing this will help me in the future when I become stranded and don't know what to do. Great Job!

    - Valarie Ly

  4. Such a great instructional blog! I really enjoyed reading this because I do not know how to change a flat tire and this is a step further into actually changing one myself. - jayleen lupian

  5. Santiago, This was a great piece. I am part of the 60% of americans who cant change a tire (even though its a useful skill to know). This was really helpful and ill probably use this for any future needs. Great job!
    ~Maddy Behee

  6. Thank you for sharing this useful information. I myself don't know how to change a tire. This guide makes it look so easy. I also liked the fact that you put statistics on your blog about how many Americans know how to change a flat tire and how many don't. Your blog will be useful for current and future drivers in the future. Thank you for the instructions.

  7. Thank you so much for writing this! Your blog post is very informative and useful, especially now because most seniors drive. I would like to note as a visual learner that I liked the pictures add into each step. Good job!

  8. Thanks for the tutorial this really helps because I had occurrences where we needed to change a tire but nobody in the car knew how.

  9. This was a really good piece to write because as teens we sometimes overlook certain things when were excited and learning to change a flat tire is probably one of them for most. I'm sure this post will be really helpful for a lot of students and the pictures that correspond help even more. Nice work.

  10. Thank you for sharing this useful information with us. I always thought it was general knowledge for someone who drives knows how to change a flat tire.

  11. Thank you for sharing this useful information with us. I always thought it was general knowledge for someone who drives knows how to change a flat tire.

  12. Very easy to follow and will definitely come in use later in my life. Thank you for also putting side notes as they were also as important as the instructions.-Carlos Villegas

  13. As someone who drives myself, I always have this fear that one day my tire is going to blow out and I won't be able to do anything about it. But after reading your article I became so informed of changing a tire. Even from the first step my mind was blown I didn't even know that the tools for this were in my trunk so thank you for providing us with this crucial knowledge

  14. Thanks for the tutorial Santiago. A lot of times my dad is too busy to help me do maintenance with the car and I've always been wondering how to change a flat tire in case of an emergency. I'll definitely trust and use this tutorial.

  15. Great job Santiago. The tutorial is very clear on what to do and the little end notes make it easier to understand why certain steps are necessary. For example, when you state not to go under the car because it is unstable, it sounds like a no brainer, but there are a lot of people who do not understand the importance of safety.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  16. Thank you for the reminder of how to change a flat tire. As a FYI I'm part of that 40% who know how to change a flat tire. I hope this teaches seniors so they don't have to rely on anyone. The piece was very well instructed and informational, good job explaining.

  17. Santiago, this blog is so helpful and came with perfect timing because soon I will be getting my own car and I definitely don't want to be in a tough spot if a tire ever goes flat. This is a very important skill to have and I'm glad you have provided the simple instructions so I'll be able to remember them. Good job!

  18. I’ve always been told that changing a flat tire is an important skill to know, and now I know how! This was concise, easy to follow, and immensely helpful. The additional notes such as the lug nuts tending to roll away were also important bits of information that I’ll be sure to remember. Nicely done!

  19. Santiago what a great man teaching people how to change tires. Although I know how to change one myself, it's good to know that others are informed even in the worst of times. - Joshua Perez

  20. I honestly read this because not too long ago I had a flat tire and I was too prideful to call for road side assistance so my friends and I tried hopelessly to fix the flat until some guy stopped and asked if we needed help. I feel like I learned way more from your "How to" than I did from the youtube video "How to fix a flat for girls". You did a great job on writing the instructions as they seem easy to follow. Also i think the reflective vest was such a great tip! Good job!

  21. Thank you for a well written and easy to follow blog piece. This is extremely useful for people who may not know how to change a tire and is something everyone should know in case of an emergency. Some of your advice for after you completed the change is super important. Good job and thanks for the help. -john b IV

  22. Ashley Sierra-TilleryApril 23, 2019 at 4:35 PM

    Santi, as someone who lacked the slightest inclination as to how to change a tire prior to reading this article, I appreciate you very much for sharing such a well written and easy-to-follow tutorial. I'm sure this knowledge will help me sometime in the future, and i'll have you to thank! Great Work!
    -Ashley Sierra-Tillery

  23. As a new driver I don't really know how to change a tire so I feel like reading your piece will really come in handy for people like me. I really enjoyed reading your piece because it will be very useful one day especially if it is ever an emergency situation. Thank you :) (Julia Avalos)

  24. Thanks for sharing one of many useful things that all people should learn. Hopefully I will never have to use this guide, but if I do I am glad you have written this. -Andrew Macias

  25. This is a really great piece. This is a great reminder on how to fix a flat. It is great information in case of an emergency. The tips for after the tire is changed are very important. Great job and appreciate the info!

  26. This a very valuable life tip that most of us are going to encounter a flat tire one point or another. I really appreciate the fact that you provided pictures as well which made the directions much more clear. Thank you for sharing!

  27. Thanks a lot for the informative blog post. Regardless of whether one has learned to change to tire already, I think it is important that this information stays abundant and widespread as it is information that will always come in handy. Personally, I will remember the information from this post when the time comes, and I will have you to thank for it. ~Ryan Kang

  28. Thank you so much Santiago for writing a piece about changing a tire because as a girl I definitely DO NOT know how to change one and this tutorial could definitely help me!
    ~ Tanner Antonucci


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