
Thursday, March 14, 2019

"Love" by Julissa S

There are many aspects and ways to love. Gary Chapman states there are 5 different types of love languages, receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and finally physical touch. These love languages gives us the basis of all types of ways to love. Love is a feeling of deep affection. Going from the service level of experiences a love for a color, to then a deeper affection for your mother, sister, brother, father etc. The list goes on and on, the world revolves around love. If there was no love there would be no hope for the future, no friendships or relationships. True love is as pure as a diamond. It may be rigid and take hard work to sparkle, yet when it is finally in its purest forms love shines, beyond any star. To not have love in your life is impossible, everywhere you look there is love even hidden in the deepest darkest areas of the world. There is someone in my life whom I deeply love, yet our love has not been perfected. It has not found the perfect balance to make it enjoyable. The love I have for my mother is immense, the amount of dedication and work ethic she puts into loving those around her is admirable. An occurrence that happened between us, that made me realize how much I love her, is actually after an argument. After the storm there is a rainbow, and the rainbow was that I realized that she has deep secrets that run through her veins, yet she still upholds a strong front. It may crumble sometimes, though she is one of the most successful women I know in my life. There is a song by The Beatles that states, “All you need is love.” I believe love is what flows through the blood of every single body on this earth. Each person showing it in different ways that accommodate to them. Love is pure, non-defining, and beyond what words can explain. The feeling of love is joyful, fulfilling, and a feeling of being completely and utterly safe. Find a person or thing or place that makes you feel safe, and think of why it makes you safe and then try to understand why it makes you feel safe. It makes you feel safe because it is filled with love, experiences, and different feelings of belonging. Love has a powerful force over every person, where if they are loved or loving they are receiving belongingness or giving belongingness. If your love language is gift giving, voice that to those around you and understand and try to communicate that to those around you. If you are receiving the wrong type of your personal love language you won't be able to see it as love. Love is for everyone, and everyone with a beating heart will soon learn to love and be loved. Experiences and occurances around you will fill you with the knowledge to love and know what kind of love you desire for yourself. Be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to the love you give and continue to love those that need it. Love, even when love isn’t being given back, because sooner or later you will feel the impact you had on others within yourself.


  1. Julissa, I love how you showed different ways of love. I don't think people normally see it this way, it really opened up my eyes to the different ways to love! Also, I like how you emphasized that loving will make such a huge impact. Great job!

  2. Julissa! This was so good! It showed more than just the superficial part of love and I thought it was nice how you decided to add in your aspect of love with your mother. Amazing job!

  3. Julissa, this was such a heartfelt piece. It has gone further in depth into the meanings and different types of love I would not have thought of myself. Great job! -Paul Aureus

  4. This was very sweet. At first I thought this was going to be a blog on how to get into a relationship, but this was so much better. When you mentioned the love you had for your mother, it made me really happy.

    -Grecia Sepulveda

  5. I love the way that you expressed the different kinds of love, it was really beautiful

  6. I found this piece as a great medium of elaboration on a concept that much of us don’t take the time to realize. Overall a great piece (with inclusion of a great quote). -Joshua Kidwell

  7. Your writing was very sentimental and true. I enjoyed this piece because it flowed so gracefully and had such a elegant, soft tone to it that made me want to keep reading. Everyone needs love in their lives and I like how you explain the many different types of love. Your piece was refreshing and beautiful, amazing job!

  8. Great job on your writing piece Julissa! I really liked how you talked about the different ways of loving. I especially liked the personal aspect you had with your mother, it made me even think of my relationship with my mother and how important it really is.
    -Alicia Garcia

  9. This was a really touching piece that served as a great reminder of love's true power. I appreciate how you included a couple of examples from your personal life to show how you view love and to prove that despite the imperfection that occurs in any kind of relationship, love continues to be a powerfully delightful feeling anyone could give and ever wish for. The imagery you used to describe love captivated me and gave me a wonderful visualization. It really helped me think about my affection towards my loved ones. Overall, this was a beautifully written piece! Thank you for writing about a topic many of us tend to forget about.

  10. Julissa, I like how well you articulated your message about the importance of love and how everyone should try to seek it. Also I like how you brought some insight of your personal findings of love. Well done Julissa!
    - Mayur Chhitu

  11. This is a great topic to elaborate on and you did a great job of doing it. Your piece was also insightful as you went in depth with your definition and also refering to someone else's as well. Great job.

  12. Julissa, I really enjoyed you piece and I felt every word that was written because often times people are scared or afraid to love without realizing that love is within them. Also, I loved how you included quotes from the Beatles and Gary Chapman for a different perspective, great job!-Amber Rich :)

  13. I really enjoyed reading this piece because it was easy to relate and understand what you discussed. I really liked how you used imagery and diction to explain the different types of love and how they are, to make it more easy to understand. Overall, I really loved this piece, great job!

  14. I always disliked today's definition of love since it always changes from time to time to where I felt that love meant nothing. However your piece and words give me hope of love and how important it is for the true meaning. Thank you and very well done.

  15. Really great piece really shines a light on the different ways people share their love. Also it was interesting to know the different ways because many people grow accustom to how they share their love that they miss how other people may.

  16. This was a fantastic not only because of how it flowed but because of how much I can relate to it in my own feelings. There are too many different forms of love, but none the less are meant to express affection towards another person. -Joshua Perez

  17. This was a very touching piece! I liked how you used a simile to diamonds as a way of comparing what is love. I really enjoyed reading your definition and perspective of love. This was one of the most purest and genuine definition of love that I have read. Great job!

  18. As someone who just completely loves love, I have to say that I loved your piece! It made me feel happy to be reading something so warming and insightful. I also really liked that you included Chapman's love languages. Great work <3
    -Mackenzie Tipple

  19. Julissa, I really enjoyed your definition of love as something that 'flows through the blood of every body on this Earth'. In this day and age, love seems to be something we are sorely lacking in- if only we acknowledged that we all have a little bit of love in us- different kinds of love- maybe things could change.

  20. Julissa, your writing was very love-ly. Your perspective on love was very unique, and I feel that you're correct in saying that it has no definite definition, but rather it is a feeling of security and warmness you recieve from others.
    -Lance Aquino

  21. I love the way that you expressed the different kinds of love, it was really beautiful
    -Kila Nunez

  22. I loved your piece because I strongly believe that now and days many people have their own definition of love and the form that love takes. I think that by talking about love it opened my eyes to what exactly the different types of forms it takes on and I really think that its important for many people to realize there is more than just the common love people fore take. Thank you:) (Julia Avalos)

  23. Hello Julissa, this is a great well written and well structure peace. I really like on you deeply analyze what love is, what love means, and the different types of love. I really like on you used your personal experience to give an example of the different types of love and what it means to be in love. I really like on how you used your relationship to your mom as an example of how love is having a deep affection for someone. By using your personal experience, it helps the audience understand on your perspective about love. Finally I really like on how you introduced the topic with a statement/quote from someone, it made the piece more attractive. Overall amazing piece and Thank You!
    -Jean Andre Molina

  24. This was a really beautiful and heartfelt piece! I loved the simile comparison you made between love and a diamond and thought it was really thought-provoking. Thank you for expressing your deep insight on the topic, I especially enjoyed it with your anecdote on deescribing your love for your mother. Great work!

  25. It is very difficult to describe such an abstract idea like love. However, you really hit all the hard points of what love is really about and it was really amazing how you are able to put them into words! I know most people are not able to clearly explain what love is but you were successful in explaining it! <3

  26. Nathaniel LanderosApril 1, 2019 at 8:11 PM

    Wow this was really nice! I liked how gave the examples of the five basic types of love that everyone sees. Also you showed it through the example with your mom and which is a good example of love. I would also like you to know the other type of love which is the one Jesus showed to us. In John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting." For this is the greatest form of love. Figured you would like to know and I pray that may God guide you and be with you forever and ever!

  27. Julissa,

    I think you were able to convey something so broad, in such a great way. I think you made a really great point when you said, "love is for everyone," because you went on to explain that love is different for everyone and that you have to find it in a way that applies to you. I think that you really explained your view through your inclusion of what the different love languages are. I also think your choice to include a pure example of love like yours with your mother is really wonderful, and supported your points. Good job!

  28. I really enjoyed the way you described love. This piece was very detailed and I thought comparing love to a diamond was very thoughtful. The way you began the blog really captured the audience. Great job!

  29. Julissa this piece is very touching and i'm happy that you have such a great bond with your mother. It's incredible that you were able to define the undefinable. I enjoyed your definition and applications of love and the reference to Chapman's 5 types of love language. You completely covered any question the I would have been left with as a reader. Great job.

  30. The rhythm of your piece conveys the five examples of love given to the reader very successfully. The simile used to compare love to a diamond shows the knowledge that you have about the topic. Great Work!

  31. Julissa, first off this piece was so moving an inspirational. I had never seen love in the 5 different ways that you had described, well at least not at all. Love is such a powerful thing and I loved the way you described it so elegantly. Thank you for sharing your take on the word.

  32. I agree with you that love in effect is this highly influential force in people, and acts as a "great motivator" of sorts. I can feel the passionate input into this piece, of which came out a good read. The world can be a better place with more love around. - Ethan Ford

  33. This piece was very well written and conveyed great emotion. I loved your interpretations of what Love is to you and I like how you strayed away from the superficial ideas of love to express a deeper meaning. Good job :)
    - camryn greer

  34. Julissa, I admire how you chose a topic that is so overlooked. Not many people can see these different types of love and you have given light to love as more than just a feeling towards a partner. I feel that your use of imagery and figurative language was a really great tool when describing love. I found it very interesting how you compared love to a diamond by saying " It may be rigid and take hard work to sparkle, yet when it is finally in its purest forms love shines, beyond any star." By incorporating this simile, the reader is able to clearly imagine real love and what it stands for.
    -Kailee Hinds

  35. After reading your piece about love, I really liked how you used a number of different comparisons to explain what love meant in your eyes and what you interpreted it from people around you. I always find it kinda cool to see what others peoples thoughts are on a common topic like the feeling love. Great job on your piece!
    ~ Tanner Antonucci

  36. Julissa, I loved your blog!! Love is such a beautiful, sacred thing and I love how you showed many different aspects of it and related it to your own relationship with your mother. Awesome job;)


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