
Thursday, February 14, 2019

"The Power in Self-Confidence " by John B

     What is one major trait about yourself you wish you could fix? Right off the bat I would easily say my self-confidence and confidence with anything in general is my fixable trait. I believe most people, more or less could agree with me for the most part. This is something we are constantly at war with in ourselves. Now what really is confidence? To me, confidence is that wonderful feeling you have or a belief that you can really do anything. It’s an accomplishment to the mind while having motivation and knowledge to achieve whatever goal you set yourself to. I see confidence as a sort or kryptonite against anxiety. For example, before a public speech, you may have all the words and knowledge in your head before hand. However, the moment you begin, its like you never rehearsed anything at all and anxiety kicks in. If you maintained that confidence throughout your entire speech and belief in yourself that you will do good, I guarantee you will do just that. To an extent, confidence is a good thing, but to much cockiness turns to arrogance and no one likes arrogant people. Confidence is such a powerful thing to the mind. It reflects our actions, our mood, and all of our abilities in general. We should find self-confidence in everything we do, because it leads to success. A quote I really adore comes from Roy T. Bennett in their book, ̈The Light in the Heart ̈, which states, “Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” This quote goes for anything in life, such as a sport, school, work, an interview, a speech, ANYTHING! As we commonly hear, you are your worst enemy, plain and simple. I myself had major issues dealing with self-confidence, to many in fact, but one of the most impactful one's on me involved my career in baseball. I had been the starting second baseman for so many years for my travel ball team. However, one year, I had the biggest slump ever. I would constantly miss and bobble the ball. I lost my confidence in being the good second basemen I was and would constantly second guess myself. I'm sure most athletes can agree they have been through a time like this before and felt they have reached rock bottom. We might feel like we lost our “mojo” or confidence since we constantly sike yourself out. But in reality, we should actually grow from these mistakes, concur this slump and build an even greater self-confidence in our self because we mastered and learned from our mistakes. This does not only go with sports, however, it's everything and anything you are motivated to do. Having self confidence will allow you to reach so much success to go the extra mile and not limit yourself to anything. It's such an important aspect to individuals who are developing dreams and goals in such a competitive environment. At the end of the day, remember, if you have faith and belief in yourself, there are no limitations to what you can accomplish.


  1. Hi John :)
    I really loved your blog piece and how you spoke upon how having self-confidence is one of the best things you can you do for yourself. Also, how you included that how sometimes not having confidence may cause someone to become anxious, that's a very good point and I'm glad you added it. It was so nice to read your piece, truly. Good job!! :) :) :)

  2. John, I completely agree with you on your view of confidence. It is so important to have a good level of self-confidence, but also not be arrogant. I like how you incorporated a personal story and a quote from a book. Great job!

  3. John, this was a very inspirational piece. It was also super relatable because I feel like a lot of people our age tend to struggle with self confidence. I like how you mentioned that self confidence was applicable to more than just sports and how it can really impact our life. I enjoyed reading something that I related to so much!
    -Chimi Nebedum

  4. okay but reading this piece John was really great. Honestly from my view, i relate a lot to your writing and I am sure most of us actually agree with what you said. Bringing up arrogance was a good go to as well since some view it as the same of having confidence- even bringing up how not having confidence causes anxiousness and can really effect people is really relatable. Overall, you did great with this writing!! -Alani Sullivan

  5. This was so inspirational! This is a topic that not a lot of people want to talk about because it means that we have to point out the flaws in ourselves and I am so glad that you were able to see the flaws about yourself and attempt to work on them and make yourself a better person. A lot of people struggle with self confidence and I think that this piece will help people realize that it's okay to have bad days. Good Job!

  6. Your piece sits dear to me because it is something I struggle with, we all do for that matter. I'm glad you recognize that you need more confidence because that means your'e on your way to getting it :) It is really important that we notice the moments when were letting anxiety win so we can fix it.
    -Mackenzie Tipple

  7. This was so inspirational john! I can totally relate to your blog because I struggle with self confidence and suffer anxiety when presenting also! The quote brought up was amazing and so inspirational! thank you! -jayleen lupian

  8. This is such a great story everyone should be confident in themselves, it is so important because every one is so unique and has traits that no one has. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that there will never be anyone like us. Great job!
    - Ivan Mejia (Per.5)

  9. Hello John Borden, this piece was very inspirational. I too have a big problem with my self-confidence and can develop anxiety every now and then so i was glad to see that I related to this. Good Job

  10. John, your piece is very inspirational. I am the type of person that always doubts myself, before tests, public speaking, and always convincing myself that I will fail. I have been working on this trait of mine, and your piece has given me so much motivation! When I fight with my pessimistic self, I always tell myself that everything happens for a reason, and it's okay, instead of telling myself that I will do fine. Anyways, I totally agree with you that self confidence is an essential element to success, and it is the ability to ignore others' judgments and believe in ourselves.

    -xiaoqing zhong P.4

  11. I really enjoyed reading this motivational piece! The advice you gave was very inspiring and motivated me! I also really enjoyed how much energy this piece had while reading it. It was really well written!

  12. This blog post was truly inspirational. Self-confidence is a major problem that many teens and young adults face throughout their years in school. I love your message that you brought to the audience. Believing in ourselves in my opinion is one of the best way for us to gain a better understanding and motivation to get through a funny road called "life". -Jacob Ramirez

  13. This was a great piece! I loved the quote you used and how you explained what confidence means to you. The way you used sports as an example was very relatable and was the perfect representation of how confidence can impact your actions in general. Great job.

  14. You did absolutely amazing on this piece. I felt confident just reading it. I really loved how you personally defined confidence because i think each individual views confidence differently (like for some it may be asking their crush out and others it may be raising their hand and asking a question in class) but you did a great job on conveying the importance of self-confidence.

  15. John, I found your piece very inspiring and motivational! A lack of self-confidence is something that I feel like everyone can relate to and I like that you chose to write about it. Good job!

  16. John, I really loved the topic of your blog post because it's something I can really resonate with. I especially liked the allusion to sports that you made. Through your skilled writing the message that believing in yourself is all you really need to succeed was definitely conveyed. Good Job.
    - Brooke Leslie

  17. This was an amazing piece. I understand how you... but not with sports (lol) but its mostly about school and other things. Your piece was very inspirational great job!
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  18. This concern over self -confidence I'd say is a relate-able feeling most folks can cling to, myself included, in that even though in certain circumstances I do enjoy putting myself "out there", a bit of anxiety can still find its way in. i'd say that you have here a well written piece that brings together these feelings of insecurity and the need for confidence. - Ethan Ford

  19. I like how well the moral of this piece was: We should find self-confidence in everything we do, because it leads to success. I also liked how you describe the barriers towards reaching success which is one's self. I believe that itself says alot about how others see you as a hard-working person who never lets their fear overcome their ideal goals.
    - Mayur Chhitu

  20. Good Job on your piece John, I never really thought of confidence the way you had described it. It really made me think as to how confident I am at this present moment. I liked the quote you had inputted into your writing because it really caused it to display exactly how you feel towards your own potential. Be sure to feel the same way throughout life and keep going after your own self-confidence.
    -Alicia Garcia

  21. It's great that you chose to speak on a topic that really does hit home for a lot of teenagers. A lot of us struggle to develop and keep that confidence in ourselves to stand out and shine, putting in that quote really solidifies the idea that in reality no one can take it from you unless you let them, because ultimately it's up to you if you let it get to you. Loved this so much, really great job on this!-Leslie


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