
Thursday, February 14, 2019

“How To Love Yourself” by Francis A

Being a senior in high school isn’t easy. Rigorous courses, deciding what your next path is, part-time jobs, and balancing a social life, all in the same breath? Most definitely not a walk in the park. Especially around this time of year, things like college decisions and Valentine’s Day can be huge influencers over our self-image and can cause us to begin to look at ourselves in a negative light. Whether it’s a conflict with your best friend, getting denied from your ideal university, or you’re tired of people posting about their relationships on social media, loving oneself should always be a top priority: before you can love others earnestly (Jack and Algernon say hi) and genuinely, you have to put yourself first. Here are a few steps on how to enter the road of self-acceptance, and love yourself. 

First things first: avoid being perfect. Starting off, I already know this step is a hard one for many us: being AP students, we are bred to believe we are expected to always be on top, and to constantly be the best of the best. But the reality is, sometimes we come up short, no matter hard we try. We’re human. We make mistakes. Self-acceptance stems from the realization that we don’t have to look, speak, or act a certain way, and owning our individuality as human beings. If anyone expects you to consistently fit to a standard, the most essential thing to do would be to ignore their comments, or completely cut them off. You failed a Physics test last week? That’s okay. Reflect on your study habits and the grade you received, and develop a plan to ace the next one. You are not perfect, neither is the richest human in the world (which currently is Bill Gates, by the way). Use your shortcomings as stepping stones for improvement. 

Secondly, take time for yourself. In 2019, we are in an era of exponential technological advancement, where everything is digitalized and quickly spewed out from a computer screen. Trust me, I get it, we’re becoming more efficient as a species. But, that doesn’t mean you constantly have to be going at that same pace. When you feel overwhelmed by your personal or educational situation, slow down and participate in something that brings you joy. Whether it’s playing a video game, listening to your favorite playlist, taking a nap, strolling through nature, or just petting your dog for a solid 10 minutes straight, these simple activities can greatly decrease stress and put one in a better mental space in order to feel more comfortable with themselves. 

The third step: rewards. This could be considered one of the more fun parts of self-love! Consider all of the effort you put into the many facets of your life: family, friends, grades, and so much more. You deserve to treat yourself for the things you did well, right? Yes, the answer is yes. Let’s say you just passed all of your finals after some serious study time. Great! So, buy that new phone you’ve had your eye on. Take yourself out to see that new movie. Turn on the faucets and take that long bath you’ve been craving. You can even challenge yourself to do these things
on your own; practicing autonomy and independence is essential in the quest of loving oneself. This helps to not rely on others for one’s own happiness. 

The fourth step in this process is to have a plan for when things go wrong. Again, we are human, thus we are bound to go through setbacks and experience negativity that will only stunt our development. It is essential to recognize the people, places, or things in general that block the path to your current road towards self-love. Once they are identified, keep in mind that it is not always possible to have power over others’ actions and words, so tackling the problem head-on is not always the best choice. Rather, have power over the way in which you choose to respond and react. For example, if such negativity comes from a specific person, such as a family member or friend, try to figure out why they are treating you in such a manner, and if there is no valid explanation, address that person and their behavior, or even consider distancing them from your personal life. Recognizing your feelings and turning others’ negative energy into positive reinforcement is the base of building a confirmed sense of self-worth. 

Lastly, one must “speak it into existence”. This colloquial term is often used as a joke to express a hope for a positive event or outcome, but in reality, holds true influence and is essential in learning the practice of self-love. Think of positive thoughts that are capable of lifting you up, and continue to repeat them to yourself throughout the day, even if you initially don’t believe in what you’re saying. It may seem a bit cheeky or facetious at the first try, but once this turns to habit, these positive affirmations will begin to spread throughout the mind and eventually come true. This process can take time, as is true with the other steps, but if you were to say “I am loveable” with repetition when you feel at an emotional low, the brain will continuously process that information as you “speak it into existence”. The key is to believe in yourself, and the power that is held in your own voice.
Genuinely loving yourself isn’t a particularly easy task. In fact, it sounds a bit daunting when stated on its own. But, in reality, we have the tools we need: ourselves. I personally look back to the times where I felt that no one understood what I was going through internally, the times where I felt that no one was suffering more than I was. But when I look at the process of self-love holistically, I could see how it was possible to at least try to implement these steps in my day-to-day life. I am now in a better place mentally, yet I know that I still have a long way to go before I can say I can accept myself fully, with both the good and the bad. We are all capable of doing it. It just takes time. Take your time.


  1. Francis, it made me so happy to read your blog. The idea of "How To Love Yourself" is so creative, and you did an amazing job of executing it! I think so many people need to read this, it is so important to love yourself before anybody else. I can definitely relate to the part where you said "or just petting your dog for a solid 10 minutes straight". Your use of vocabulary and reference to "The Importance of Being Earnest" really made your blog thrive. Overall, you did a great job, Francis!

  2. Francis, this was an incredible piece. In fact, I think it was just what I needed. Reading your blog gave me closure and peace of mind that I do not have to be so worrisome and on edge all the time. You reminded me that it is important to take a second to just breathe. Also, you worded everything so beautifully I reread it multiple times. I enjoyed this piece so much !
    -Chimi Nebedum

  3. This was a very reassuring article for me especially right before college acceptances/rejections come out! First of all, I appreciated the allusion to the "The Importance of Being Earnest" allusion right off the bat and made me feel more open to reading this article. Each of the steps you provide in loving yourself (avoid being perfect, rewards, etc) are all essential and things that everyone should integrate into their lives. It just so happens that most of us tend to be pessimistic as well so it can be very difficult, but your fourth step addresses that as well! Overall, this article was a very helpful and lighthearted guide on how to love yourself! I appreciate the fact that you tackled this subject matter and I sincerely hope you're able to love yourself as well! Great job Francis!

  4. Francis, what an interesting and useful piece. As you pointed out, many people find it very difficult to find self love and this piece will truly be helpful to those, especially me! Great job -Paul Aureus

  5. I really enjoyed your essay Francis! It was incredibly well-written and it also maintained your "voice" so-to-speak. It is very rare for a writer to maintain both exquisite writing and their own voice. -Joshua Kidwell

  6. Ashley Sierra-TilleryFebruary 19, 2019 at 5:30 PM

    Francis, this brought tears to my eyes. You have developed so extensively in you writing capabilities and you never fail to impress me with your candor. Your writing was concise and eloquent, as always, but you took this piece further by infusing it with your experiences and the way in which they have transformed you. This writing was not only purposeful and direct, but it is significant in the lives of many of those who will read it. I applaud you.
    -Ashley Sierra-Tillery

  7. Francis! I firstly want to mention how profound your writing voice is; as in I could hear you talking to me as I read it. Secondly, I love your quote "practicing autonomy and independence is essential in the quest of loving oneself" as I find that to be true as well. Your article overall was very thorough, as I found it, and I completely agree with everything you had stated. Personally, I favored your last two steps, which were to plan for when things go wrong and to "speak [it] into existence." I appreciate your uplifting and truthful words of how "it is not always possible to have power over others’ actions and words," and that is something that I think many people should realize, as in order to love one's self they must accept that they cannot control everything that happens in their life. Overall, your encouraging and optimistic words on the matter of self-love were very descriptive and true, and honestly I believe you are the best person to advise others on this matter:)Great job!

  8. This is one of my favorite blog entries because it is so positive and helpful, especially for high school students who deal with a lot everyday. I love how you talk about several different ways to take care of yourself instead of just saying do this. Thank you for mentioning that we are all not perfect because sometimes it feels like I’m the only one messing up. Overall, amazing job!

  9. OHH Francis! This is amazing. We all need to learn how to love ourselves. With so much stress we do not focus on how important it actually is.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  10. This was an amazing piece i cant stress that enough (pun intended) but this shows how we all go though stuff may it be education or family life and we have to learn how to look at life and realize we need to take a breather. it puts into light how everyone has issues and needs to acknowledge it, from a simple school student to one of the richest men in high-standing society which can get hard from all the pressure. You were able to effectively explain this type of struggle though your word choice and the type of audience that you were going for. That being said this piece was made able to be felt though any person who reads this since we all have struggles at points and we all need to learn when we need to take a breather in life when we are going through things. Great writing technique- Sezar Guitron

  11. Reading your piece I loved it. I think that in today's world self-image its stressed so much in both positive and negative ways, yet people focus more on the negative things said of self-image. It makes me realize that its often easier said than done, but definitely you writing the steps to learning how to self love really helps with easing into loving yourself. (Julia Avalos)

  12. Wow, Francis!!! Great job at writing this, it was amazingly done! You gave such amazing advice into how to love ourselves. I really liked how you gave many different ways to take care of ourselves. I feel that everyone should read this because we all need to learn to love ourselves, especially now-a-days because everyone is so stressed about not being perfect. I really loved how you said that everyone is not perfect because sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who feels that way. Thanks to your post, I believe I'll be able to start loving myself more. Great job Francis!!

  13. I appreciate the idea you impose for your readers of this very important life tip. I do agree that self care is the number one priority about yourself and that you cannot expect yourself, or anyone for that matter, to be perfect. Great job.

  14. Francis, you wrote your piece so well and at such an appropriate time when many of us are indeed struggling with self-love these days. Often times, it just takes one person and their words to remind us that yes, we do need to step back and appreciate ourselves for who we are despite the standards we are bounded to, so thank you for being that person for all of us! Awesome job on elaborating each point for the steps to self-love, it makes it easy to validate the healthiness of each one. I will surely use these in my own development for loving myself, thank you and great work!

  15. This was such an amazing piece! It is so beneficial and a lot of the things you mentioned are so essential to learning how to love yourself. I think we are all still learning how to love ourselves and it is nice to have a step by step guide on how to complete that goal. Good Job!

  16. I really enjoyed reading this piece.I agree with everything you had to say on the ways we can learn to love ourselves like, how we need to "avoid being perfect" society pressures us a lot of the times to fall into certain categories and change who we are in order to be accepted. I also, liked how you mentioned that we need to do the things we love and I think thats so important and a big step that will help us love ourselves.

  17. This was very well written Francis! I loved every word of it, I especially loved how you put it into steps which I felt like was very interactive with the audience. This was very good because you mentioned stuff that actual students think and added your little quirks as well. - Sofia Canseco

  18. Truly a beautiful piece! I love that you wrote on this topic, because it is honestly something that everyone needs to do more. It warms my heart that you took time to emphasize how important self love is. Especially when you started off by saying “avoid being perfect”, I felt that. I should really take your advice. You wrote a very well written work of art, while also managing to bring awareness to a topic that most people struggle with but refuse to acknowledge. I love it!

  19. Francis, this is truly an inspiring and insightful piece. As AP students, it really is easy to overlook that grades and social pressures aren't the only things that should matter to us, but we should also take time to recognize and appreciate the things that bring us happiness, so that we can keep striving for our long term goals.
    - Lance Anthony Aquino

  20. This was a very great piece and just what i needed. I really need to learn to love myself. I've been struggling with that since freshmen year and then comes senior year and i still struggle. You did such a great job on this!!!

  21. Wow, this piece made me emotional. It’s something so inspiring and so relateable, you not only address the societal issues that created a need for the subject of this piece, but you found ways to solve it. The title in itself already is an eye catcher as the topic is a fragile one, but something that everyone definitely needs to hear. You put so much detail in every step of advice, it was so beautifully written. Something very well needed, amazing job!

  22. Great piece, Francis! This blog is so so important, especially at our age. People at this age often seem to forget about self love and as humans in general, we're extremely hard on ourselves so I'm very glad you decided to write this. Again, great job. - Don'yale Thomas

  23. Francis, what a great piece! I have found it hard sometimes to find something to love about myself. Reading this blog has really changed my perspective. Based on the title alone, I knew that this was going to be an interesting piece. Well done!

  24. This is probably one of my favorite pieces so far. Your message is so important and really highlights the positive effects simple tasks can give you. Since we are all AP students, I believe it is especially important for us to realize that we are not perfect and to have some leisure time every once in awhile. Overall, you have an impactful message and a great mindset and i'm really glad you wrote this piece.

  25. im filled with so much happiness and content after reading this :) i agree with every thing you have just said and is blog entry is so detailed positive and inspiring. you did such an good job. keep being you Francis!! we love you <3

  26. Wow Francis! I loved this topic because I too believe that self love is important. Taking care of yourself is not easy but is something that can definitely be done! I loved when you mentioned to "avoid not being perfect" and I agree with this because NOBODY is perfect and everybody always has something that they can work on. Overall you did a great job in writing your piece.
    - Tanner Antonucci

  27. Francis! This blog post is really amazing. it is written in a very descriptive and positive way. I appreciate that you decided to write on self-love which is important and we all need to prioritize as it is very undervalued. Great Work! -Nufsat Khan

  28. Francis,

    This is such a good topic for you to choose to write about. I have trouble with feeling capable of loving myself and I think that I learned a lot from your piece. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way either, so your piece is helpful to so many. Your writing is so eloquent and easy to read. You’re easily able to reach any reader, which makes this so relevant. Great job!

  29. I feel very inspired by your post. I love the organization of your work, It allows the reader to easily follow through with the story. A lot of people don't see their worth and I appreciate the way you incorporated serious as well as humorous detail. Overall very eye opening and well written.
    -Kailee Hinds

  30. Thank you for sharing this piece. I really liked the way how you put together the facts on how to love yourself. It was great to read especially that I don't have self love. I also liked your quote " avoid being perfect' and that it does not matter. Thank you.

  31. This piece is inspiring and very helpful to those that are struggling. I needed to hear this, and I really appreciate the amount of effort and time that went into this piece to make it such an amazing piece of work that was a good read. -Julissa Saenz

  32. Great job francis, love the great advice. Its not always easy to love yourself but thank you for sharing.

  33. Francis! This is probably one of the most touching blog pieces I've read and I just want to say thank you so much for teaching me some valuable life lessons. Loving and accepting your true self is easier said than done but with your steps I think it will make it easier so Thank you. Great Job.

  34. I LOVE THIS!!! Francis this is what I needed. I think that your blog is so inspiring because people our age are having trouble with it. I'm impressed. Of course knowing you you would've came up with something excellent. Thank you for this. I will keep your blog in mind. Great job!
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  35. I hate you (in the most loving way possible) for that "Importance of Being Earnest" pun in there. Also, this is a very adorable and necessary self-love piece that really reminds the audience to step back from the stresses and pressures of our lives to care for ourselves and maintain mental health. Overall, this piece had some great messages.

  36. Self love is one of the most important things that people struggle and usually is not talked that much. I really appreciate how you were to bring self love into the light and be considerate enough to enlighten your peers! Thank you for this, Francis <3

  37. I really like the idea of doing a how to on something this unique. I think everyone should love themselves and have a very high self esteem about themselves. This piece can and will help a lot of people and your to thank for that. Great job.

  38. Francis, I have to say that you have a nice piece here. I like how you give readers motivation to overcome their problems or mess ups and see the bright side of things to help gain more positivity that we can do better. I also would like to point out how you provided your own experience and how you transformed to a better and greater person overall. Nice work! :)

  39. Francis, thank you so much for this. You always see on social media love yourself but never how. You helped me realize the areas in my life I can improve on but also how much i have grown in the past couple of years. Thank you for the enlightenment and wise words.

  40. Francis!!
    This piece was so amazing. This topic is oh so vital in our day and age with issues of society,mental health and other pressures in our lives. I'm so glad you addressed this topic because self-love is truly important. I've always been so caught up in trying to be perfect and please others to the point where I'm forgetting to put myself first.I'll definitely be taking your advice!
    -Kaley Chambers

  41. I absolutely loved this piece. It was so relatable while also opening my eyes to the things I need to work on in my life. Self-love is so important, Thank you for sharing such a positive piece with us <3
    - camryn greer


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