
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

"Memories" by Alicia K

It was seven o’clock when we got to our destination, the familiar broken roads, reckless driving, and small apartment complexes welcomed us as usual. Everything was the same except the time we would usually go to San Gabriel, it was way too early for our arrival, but every family member was required to be present by 7:30. 

As we piled out of the car, it was strange, no one was running to bear hug our favorite great aunt at the front door, or formally greet our great-grandparents. Maybe it was because we weren’t at the house where I grew up at instead, we were at a small white building ten minutes away from the place that held so many memories. 

As each of us slowly walked towards the brown double doors from oldest to youngest, suddenly I heard sniffling behind me, I turned to see each of my three siblings having tears running down their faces, I didn’t understand why. I turned back around and continued walking through the doors and into the building. On both sides were rows of brown pews, I ignored everything and walked towards the front where our great grandmother was sitting, hugging a packet of tissues. Still knowing my manners, I acknowledged her as traditionally, and all my siblings followed in pursuit. 

Yet my mother did not follow the custom, she sat right in the empty seat next to our great grandmother and hugged her tightly, tears streaming down her face as well. At that moment I couldn’t comprehend the scene that was occurring, my mother and my great grandmother were never on the best terms, nor were they very fond of each other, and they both knew that. But then I realized why we were there in the first place, and why the seat next to great grandmother was empty. I looked away from the scene and towards the front of the room, and found our great grandfather. But it wasn’t actually him, it was just a picture of him in a black suit with a blank
face decorated with flowers. Behind the frame was an open casket, I didn’t need to look to know where great grandfather was really. 

Throughout the service, as the sniffling slowing went away, I still couldn’t figure out why everyone was crying. The only logical explanation I figured out was that despite all the bad blood within the family, at the end of the day they were still all considered family and made years of memories they would always cherish, especially with great grandfather.


  1. Alicia this is beautifully written. I really loved reading this as when I started reading I was not sure what was happening but then came to understand it. I admire how you wrote this, for it can symbolize many things, one being denial. Your visual imagery made it easy to see the events through your eyes. I am sorry for your loss.

  2. Alicia, I really like how real this piece is- your perspective from a younger age coupled with your commentary now allows the audience to deduce what is actually going on, and I'm sorry that it is an unfortunate event that you had experienced. For me, I think anyone who has attended a funeral at a young age and didn't completely understand what was going on could relate to this piece, and your words brought back similar memories (ha) of mine from years ago. Thus, as a reader overall I loved how nostalgic this piece made me feel, and although the circumstances were unfortunate, I felt like I was able to connect to you in a way that is not usually expressed in everyday life. All in all, nice work.

  3. Losing a loved one is never something that one looks forward to but the mending that it can bring to a family is amazing; it's just unfortunate that it takes a death to do so sometimes. I like that you chose this topic because it is something that nearly everyone could relate to and it was very well written. The imagery of one experiencing this moment by moment was spot on.
    -Mackenzie Tipple

  4. Alicia, this is a beautiful piece, beautifully written to symbolize the memories you cherish with your great grandparents. I too was in a similar situation when my great grandmother died, not knowing what to do, and not realizing the gravity of the situation when she finally left. Just know that you’re not the only one who feels this confusion and denial. Truly a beautiful piece, great job.

  5. Alicia, I love how you depicted the innocence of a child and how they are unaware of the meaning of death. It is very relatable either having experienced it or having a younger sibling that doesn't know what is going on. I also appreciate how the loss brought together the family and made them forget about any arguments they had in the past. I love how meaningful and real your narrative is.
    -Kailee Hinds

  6. I really liked your work and writing you put into this blog. It was well written all the way through and I could tell by some of the context clues it had to deal with a great loss. Your use of imagery was well places and I could visually see, as I read all the detail you described. Well done. - john b IV

  7. This was a very well written piece, I really enjoyed the imagery. Your blog really allowed the reader to understand what it was like to be in that situation. I love how you took the situation to learn something about the meaning of family. Great job.

  8. I really enjoyed how you consistently alluded to your innocent perspective. It built the emotion of the writing and it helped cultivate it to become a beautiful piece. Personally, my family is not on the best terms either but there are some gatherings that bring them together. I am sorry for your loss. Your story was compelling. Keep up the great work!

  9. Despite the short length, this reflection of yours really touched my heart. I enjoyed how you provided a visual setting in the settings you walked through with spontaneous diction. They really helped set the overall tone of this reflection. You reminded me that no matter how much you may not adore someone in your family, there is still this hidden family connection that continues to exist regardless of the kind of terms you may be in with a family member. The embrace that your great-grandmother and your mother shared despite their terms greatly symbolized love amongst your family. They definitely emphasized the impact of losing a loved one. Overall, nice job and thank you for sharing this melancholic, yet beautifully written piece! Prayers for your great grandfather.

  10. We all have family disputes and fights in our families, and it is even worse when they separate us. But, it hurts the most when it takes a tragic event to bring us together. You captured this emotion, not capable of being described with words, but your own personal experience through your younger and more innocent eyes. Fantastic work Alicia

  11. Beautiful writing that made me feel like I was there. Although it was sad it showed the importance of family and being together with loved one that everyone should cherish. This writing made me remember my great grandfather's funeral and I am glad it was very similar, with everyone sharing memories of him and coming together.-Andrew Macias

  12. Alicia, I love the way you articulated this short story with such deep and mournful imagery. At first, I didn't know what was going on and as I kept on reading I became more and more engaged in this short story, almost feeling as if I am also being personally affected by it. I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope everything is going when within your family.
    - Mayur Chhitu

  13. Having had been in this situation multiple times, both before and after knowing what was happening, I know what it must have been like, but It’s a great post, I like how the fact that it was a funeral was always alluded to, but not explicitly revealed until the end.

  14. Before getting to the story, I want to say how beautifully written your story was. The imagery and detail allowed me to perfectly picture the scene. I am sorry for the loss of your great grandfather. Acknowledging a loss is important and having the ability to be strong and keep the family bonds tight is also important. Your story reminded me of my grandfather's funeral and we shared similar feelings about our situations. This is a beautiful piece to read and I am sorry for your loss. -Jacob Ramirez

  15. I could've read this piece for awhile but unfortunately it ended so shortly. However, the structure of the work was well articulated and planned presenting an experience that others could relate to and genuinely, heartwarmingly understand your emotion towards this well put story.

  16. Alicia, I am so sorry for your loss. This piece was super touching and beautifully written. The details that you included, as well as the amount of emotion made me feel like I was there with you. Great job!

  17. Losing a loved one is hard writing and telling people about it is even harder. Your piece showed that yes losing a loved is very sad but it brings the family together and remembering all the good times about the one you lost. The narration from the point if view from your younger innocent self made the piece. It showed how kids deal with the loss of a loved one and how they se the positives on such a sad day. Very well done Alicia!!

  18. This is a very well written piece and your use of detail and imagery really helped me feel the atmosphere and the emotion within the piece. This really shows how important family is and how those memories are still cherished. Overall, this is a very beautiful piece, thank you for sharing.

  19. I loved how you used imagery to your advantage and how as I read through it was almost like I could envision what was happening. I really enjoyed that these memories are something that you shared. (Julia Avalos)

  20. Alicia, I with the use of details throughout your story, I felt the sadness and kind of sniffled a bit myself. This made me recall some memories of my own experience with losing my father and grandfather, but your piece touched me. I have to say that I really enjoyed your story and see how no matter what, family is always there for another in the end. Great Job!

  21. I am terribly sorry about the loss of your grandfather! It is hard to lose someone you loved dearly like this, It is astonishing you remember this detail at such a young age! Its very beautiful and heartfelt - Adam Huizar

  22. Alicia this was a beautiful piece. The emotions in this writing was really strong and really helped me to connect as a reader. I know this piece was hard to write and I appreciate you sharing with us. Keep up the good work <3
    -camryn greer

  23. Alicia this was a beautiful piece. The emotions in this writing was really strong and really helped me to connect as a reader. I know this piece was hard to write and I appreciate you sharing with us. Keep up the good work <3
    - camryn greer

  24. Alicia, first of all I just want to say I’m sorry for your loss and I want to thank you for sharing such a touchy subject with us all. This was so well put together that I felt all types of emotions running through me. Great job on all the detail put into this making me feel as if I were there. once again thank you and Great job.


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