
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"Good Samaritan" by Katy O

      It all started at driving school. I know right! Who’s parents would make their kid actually

go to driving school instead of taking online classes? Well, mine did. But anyways, back to the matter at hand. It was just the usual day of driving class during Spring Break of 2017. I would sit in the small, cramped classroom and get lectured on why it’s dangerous to have your brights on while it’s foggy. Then, finally might I add, the class was dismissed for lunch. We all walked up the street to the nearest food center up the street. I was strolling along the sidewalk minding my own business when I saw this lady with a suitcase next to her. As I took a closer look, I realised that she was homeless. At first, I just saw her as another homeless woman wandering the streets in California. But then, when I got to thinking about it, I had always wanted to help a person in need. It all started from Youtube (classy I know). I would always see these nice and kind-hearted people help out those less fortunate. Some would give the homeless person $100 while another bought an entire house for a man. After seeing those videos, I had told myself that if I ever saw a person in need like that then I would help change their life. So I took this as my chance to change someone’s life. Or at least their day. I ran as fast as I could to the nearest Target to get some food and water for the woman. I couldn’t stop smiling. It got to the point where I felt like my cheeks were about to break off. I felt good. So, I got the food and drinks and put them in my red bag from Etiwanda High School. I walked as quickly as I could down the street and back to where I saw the woman. But when I didn’t see her, my smile instantly faded. I really thought “that would happen to me.” As in, “I really could’ve helped someone but instead they left” type of deal. At least, that’s what I thought. I started walking down the hill slowly and I imagine that I looked something like a dog with its tail between its legs because that’s just how disappointed and sad I felt. Here I was, trying to make a difference and get some good karma, only for it to blow up in my face. This is not how I planned it out in my head. So, as I trudged along the jagged and cracked sidewalk, I pulled my head up to see if I was close to the crosswalk at the end of the street. As I’m looking, I see her. I see the woman that I wanted to help so badly. “Oh heck yes”, was the thought that ran through my head at the sight of the woman with the purple suitcase. Quickly, I sprinted down the street in order to catch up with the lady who was walking away from her shady spot by a tree. My smile from the store returned. I shouted to her, “Excuse me ma’am!” I had to do this a couple of times because I was still pretty far from her. After the second time of calling her, she turned around. She had a look of confusion and a little bit of fear as she probably thought, “Okay, why is this random stranger running full speed at me whilst calling me?” I finally got up to her and introduced myself. I told her my name and that I saw she was under the tree. She explained to me that she was waiting for the next bus but she realised that she doesn’t have the money to pay the fair. Then, I pulled the two salads and water bottles out of my bag and gave it to her. She took all of the items and said, “How did you know I like salads?” I smiled as I replied that it was a lucky guess. She then looked back up at me and asked me if I was with a group. I said no. Then she asked if I was with a church. I said no again. She seemed astonished at the fact that I bought her all of her food and drinks simply because I wanted to. She looked at me and said thank you and my heart just filled with warmth and happiness. I finished the meeting by giving her the $22 dollars in change I had so that she could pay for her bus. We both exchanged “God bless you” and parted ways. I called my mom on the way back to class and told her about the entire exchange. She
said she was happy for me and, as lame as it sounds, I started crying. She asked why and I simply said that I felt good about what I had just done. After the phone call ended, I looked back on all of the things that I have. I have a family, food on the table, a roof over my head, and clothes on my back. I then realised that there are so many people who would do anything to have all of the things I’ve been blessed with. Each and every day, I pray to God and tell him that I’m thankful for all of the things I have ever since that encounter. And as the holiday season approaches and we all get the things we asked for for Christmas, I recommend that we all recognize our blessings and give back to those who aren’t as fortunate. I don’t really know why this memory has stuck with me but I’m glad it did. It taught me to always be grateful and never take things for granted. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my good samaritan act of the year.


  1. I enjoyed the story, for it was very encouraging! What you explained in your situation had almost like a basic story plot. Personally I think that we should all help the less fortunate when we are able to and if God calls us to because it might brighten their day or possibly change their life.

  2. This was very inspiring and you had a very good message at the end. It's easy to forget all the things we have and how most of us are very fortunate. Thank you for sharing this memory and inspiring me to be a "good samaritan" like you said.

  3. Wow Katy this actually a great story thank you for sharing your experience with us. I really like on how you use figurative language such as metaphors and hyperboles to convey how you felt towards the audience. For example I really like when you said that you would smile until your cheek breaks off it kinda shows you how happy you were in that situation. Also I really like your title "Good Samaritan" it gave that allusion to the biblical narrative of how a person helps another person despite their differences. Finally, I really like deed you did to the woman, and I appreciate it. Coming from a third world country stricken with poverty. I really happy that there is still good people out there. Keep Doing the good deeds!
    -Jean Andre Molina Period 4

  4. I love it when people talk about their good acts since it is a good way to inspire others as well! Considering how you were inspired by YouTube videos really shows how sharing these acts are really effective. Acts like this really makes the world that much better! Thank you sharing and inspiring your peers to make good decisoons as well. :)

  5. This was a really heartwarming story- I was definitely smiling for you while I read it. I have no doubts that your story will send a message to all readers to reach out and help those in need. I hope that you continue with your good deeds- there's always room for a little more charitability in this world.

  6. I really liked this piece on helping those who are in need just like the good Samaritan from the bible. Keep up the great work and keep helping others as it is such a great thing to do.

  7. Awww Katy what an inspiring story! It makes me so glad that there are other citizens like you who show compassion for this community. Random acts of kindness like this never fail to give me hope that the world could be a better place someday. I also like how you described your feelings with a couple of cute similes. Overall, I enjoyed your overall reflection. Nicely done and thank You for being a "Good Samaritan". *wink wonk*

  8. Katy I love your story and how relateable it was. I too have had encounters like this and seeing their reaction really changes your perspective and life. Thank you for sharing.

  9. I really enjoyed reading this! It was like I was there with you and I also really enjoyed the internal monologue! It was a very inspiring piece!
    -Deanna Ortega

  10. Katy this was such a amazing story . I admire you to that you spread kindness to this world. I sometimes feel like doing some random acts of kindness but never had the chance too but once I get to I will. We need to spread more kindness in this world just even a smile can make someones day.
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  11. This was really fun to read! I think your act of kindness is super awesome and I’m glad you shared it with us. I think small acts like yours make our community so much better. Keep doing great things! Also, my parents made me take the class for drivers’ ed too and I remember how boring it was! Good job on your writing!

  12. Amazing story! I really like how kind you are and you did it because it was the right thing to do and not for any reward. I hope to follow your lead and help others in need, just like you.-Andrew Macias

  13. Katy, I love this story so much! Works of literature like this inspire people to do good, even though it may not be personally beneficial. I enjoyed the fact that you used one of the biblical allusions that the class learned (Good Samaritan) and applied it to your writing.
    -Brooke Leslie

  14. Hey Katy! I thought you did a great job on your choice of diction and the way you were able to describe a good scenario like this. I also liked the way you were able to bring yourself into some of these good feelings from helping someone out. Overall this was a great piece! ~ Tanner Antonucci

  15. Katy I love your piece and can relate to it so much. I have had such a passion to help people and have had to go out of my way to find them but the great feeling you have afterwards is worth it. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

  16. Hey Katy,
    There was so much that I could relate to throughout your story. Situations such as the ones presented throughout your story can have the potential to completely change our perspectives on how we view life and to see that take place within your story made it a very inspiring read.
    -Ryan Kang


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