
Monday, November 26, 2018

"The Actions of the Sea" by Noah P

A cloudy day, on the open sea, a pirate ship with a flag bearing a skull and glasses is seen drifting along. About 1 kilometer behind that ship is another, one with no flag, the only thing visible being a man on deck wearing a full black suit and tie. On the pirate ship, under the deck, a captain with glasses is seen with ink and a quill, writing.

“Dear Shanks, 

The sea has never been one to forgive, and has never been one to forget, you know that even better than I. I hear great things about your crew as the days pass by from passengers as well as World Nobles. The incident on the isle of chulk, however, has left a bad sense within my mind that you are being steered down the wrong path. Being in control of a sizable crew is indeed a stressful task, but do not let corruption seep into your mind. I've seen too many good men fall to the likes of it, growing further distant from their crew. Victory can be blinding, and power requires a steady hand to control. Please do not let your newfound “power” lead you to destruction. Follow the goal that you are so passionate about, the one you spoke to me about before, when you were in my pirate crew. 

Now, enough of the memories, it is better to hope for a better future than to reside in the past. I know how much of a “to the point” man you are so I'll give my portion of words. 

I need not remind you of the bounty that resides on my head placed by my own country, and that I have been on the run since the placement. What is new is that they are close on the trail, I suspect that they are within 1 kilometer of my ship. I have realized the gravity of the situation, and I am the only member on board. My beloved crew is gone as I told them to survive and live full and developed lives. The fact of the matter is that this will be my last communication with you, and I have one final request to ask of you. You and your crew are full of life and liveliness, and I see the power to influence in you youngsters. My generation of geezers is over, and besides your crew as well as a countable number of others, the Pirate life seems to be fading away.
Their ship is near, so heed my final words to you.

Inspire others for the sake of discovery and adventure, revive the pirate life, and protect your crew. Do not make the mistakes that I have made, always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 

The Sea never forgives and forgets my friend, see you in the next life. -Silvers”
As the old man writes what seems to be his final words, a single tear is shed from his right eye, and he walks onto the deck. The ship painted silver with a banner of the country of stark is now aligned with the old man's boat, and the man in the black suit and tie stares into the eyes of the old man menacingly. The old man stares back, the only acceptance remaining in his heart. 

“Your bounty has grown quite an amount over the years, after today, I'm going to be a rich man.”
There is a pause as only the oceans waves crashing can be heard, and a flight of pelicans fly over their ships. The old man breathes in deeply.
“Your Pirate reign is over, Captain of the Glass Pirates, Silvers Stark!” 

In an act of what seems to be superhuman ability, the old man unsheathed his sword and jumped from his ship to the suited mans. The suited man whipped out his pistol and aimed at the old man, and pulled the trigger, only for the old man to slice the bullet in half. 

“Take me to my countries execution stand, I want to die at home.”
The suited man, trembling from the old man's actions obliges, and after a 3 day journey at sea, they reach the country of Stark. As they set ship on the docks, the old
man is escorted to the execution stand in the middle of the town. The executioners rest their blades just over his neck and they ask him,
“Any final words?” 

The old man looks up onto his home town, which runs in a circular design with a path around the town and a giant noble palace at the top of the circle. He sees a statue in the distance near the palace, and begins to realize distant memories of a mentor long past. Then he thinks of Shanks, and smiles.


  1. Jacob Lopez 11/28/18 8:54pm
    I liked the imagery that you used to describe the old pirate and the symbolism of the circle of life as the old leave to have that spot taken by the young. You fleshed out the character of the old man really well and he's definitely got some skills with that sword. This definitely is a good story.

  2. Noah, I liked the use of dialogue and imageries in your story! It really kept the pace of an intense and suspenseful atmosphere throughout the old captain’s journey-it made me more and more interested to see how things turn out for the captain. The syntax was on point and cleverly thought out-they were concise and cohesive. Again, well done!

  3. I found your story very interesting. It never occurred to me how pirates feel when their reign came to an end. Your story made me ponder this fact because pirates are still human and when they become old they are not able to keep running away or commit more crimes. Also I found it interesting that at the end of this pirate’s life, he cared about someone else other than himself. This was a well written story.

  4. I really like your narration and imagery when it comes to the captain finally meeting his ends. I can vividly see the images of what's happening to the story as the captain finally meets their end. This story made me feel as if I sailed away in a red lion king boat, sailing away from Outset Island and sailing the wide seas to discover more dungeons...

  5. I liked the letter format that you started out with because it made it more personal and immersive. Also, the imagery you used worked well with the story and helped capture the image of an actual pirate ship. The beginning description of the captain immediately made me think of watching the scene unfold like I was watching a movie. Great job!

  6. The overall story was amazing. From the format of the story to the images that the readers imagine, your story was written beautifully. The plot makes me want to comeback and read more! Good job!

  7. There is a lot of things that you did very well in your story, especially the format of the entire story being in a letter which helps picture the environment that the pirates would be in within the story. Your imagery helps the reader to feel like they are on the sea allowing a clear picture of the images you are trying to create. The characters were well developed and you can see that the old man has truly enjoyed the rag-tag adventuring group that he was apart of.-Nathan Brown

  8. The story was a very interesting one to read since you took a letter approach which not all writers take. It was one of the most best choices you have done and I thank you for sharing this amazing piece.

  9. Your story was very intriguing. The images were fantastic and I felt like i was on the ship sitting there watching him write this letter. Your piece makes the reader think about how pirates have a heart and can for others. I loved reading your story. Great job!!

  10. The imagery and details of the captain are so vivid and heartfelt, I felt as if I knew him personally after reading this! Such a beautifully written work of literature. I admire how you built your character, because typically pirates are known to be greedy and selfish, but your character was the opposite of this. He used his last living moments to share and pass down his knowledge and intelligence with the next generation. Overall, a job well done. :)

  11. I really appreciate the manner in which you described the sea and represented it throughout the poem. The ocean seems to symbolize many things within your work. The imagery you included throughout your work allowed me to really comprehend and imagine your descriptive story. Great job!-Milena Codling

  12. Noah, I've known you for a long time now and I've never seen this side of you! but it is a good thing. To finally see your creativity shine through so brightly is wonderful to see. The imagery that you had used throughout the story is impeccable and executed to perfection. As an old friend, I wanna say that you've outdone yourself and I love your story.

  13. Noah P, I loved the story and all the imagery that you used, it was written very well. It was very inspirational. Good Job!

  14. I liked the imagery and dialogue you used throughout this story to convey what exactly was going on very smoothly. Your good use of these literary devices helped me envision the story as it was happening and making me more interested on what would happen in the end. Beautiful!

  15. Noah, this was a ONE of a kind PIECE. I really loved the mysterious and soothing tone throughout your story, like that of a calm ocean. The plot was great, everything was very organized and loved your detailed imagery. It's almost as if it reminded me of something...... Anyways, you did an awesome job! - Eric Chang

  16. Loved the story! It gave me pirates of the Caribbean vibes and I love that movie. The way you organized the story was very well put together especially with all the amazing details you put into it. It really made me picture everything that you were describing. Overall fantastic job!
    -Soraya Viteri

  17. The story told a great story. I love how you made every detail very clear and all the imagery you added. Adding that really made the story almost feel like a movie. You also wrote the dialogue in a way that you can really tell how the speaker is felling by just their words. A really great story.

  18. Noah, your piece was fantastic. I enjoyed your use of imagery as well as the reflective tone of your poem. Overall, very well done -Braden Bailey.4

  19. Noah I enjoyed reading your story, the imagery you used describes vividly everything thats going on which allows the reader to be able to fully visualize the scene, and the story feels like out of a mivue. Good job! -Santiago Rodriguez

  20. Noah, your story was so good! I thought that you developed the setting very well in the beginning and I liked how you used foreshadowing to make the reader anticipate what is to come. Throughout the whole story I was at the edge of my seat and the fight scene was very epic. Overall great job!
    -Amber Rich

  21. We don’t get a lot of sea fairing tales in literature or in media in general so I applaud you for your uniqueness

  22. There aren’t too many sea fairing tales in any medium really and this idea seems so fleshed out that I could make a movie out of this

  23. Your story has a fresh outlook on the lives of pirates, and on this blog itself it is a fresh take. It gave me a connection with the pirate, and I felt his pain. I thought that he was going to be taken in, but what a twist. Shiver me timbers!

  24. Great piece! I especially like how you implemented a personal, first-person narrative within a third-person work as a whole. This accompanied by a heartfelt tone and a present tense made for a great read. Overall, I also love how your work revolves around a topic that is not much explored in fiction these days- great job!

  25. I thoroughly enjoyed the smooth transitions from the letter to the main plot of the story. I loved the idea that the protagonist accepted his fate rather than run away from it. Overall, this piece was brilliant!


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