
Monday, November 26, 2018

“I luv u gma” by Kailee H

     The morning is fair, the rainy season has come and gone once again. Every morning my mom wakes me up unreasonably early. School starts at 8:30, yet here she is rubbing my back, ever so gently, telling me it’s time to get up at 5. At first I pull the blanket over my head and hide under until she starts tickling me and I have no choice but to surrender and roll out of bed. My mom always picks out my clothes for the day and brushes her teeth with me while I imitate her every move. She helps me put on my clothes and we head downstairs. She has already made breakfast, I see steam rising from a bowl. I get on my tippy-toes and grasp the countertop trying to peek at what’s inside. She picks me put and sets me on the skyscraper like chair, I look in the bowl and it’s my favorite, oatmeal and raisins with brown sugar. I eat my food in .2 seconds and ask for more, but it’s already 6 o’clock and we have to leave.
     We walk out the door and all I want is to do is curl back up in my blankets. My mom still has me sit in a booster chair whenever I go in the car. I’m already 7, I think I’m big enough to ride without one. She hates how I put my hands all over the car window, but I love to draw pictures and aggressively point out dogs and birds that we pass by. I also love singing to the music she puts on every morning, which includes Veggie tales and Hannah Montana. It is tradition for us to spend time with my grandma every morning. We arrive at her house, I am taken out of the car and I run to the front door. I have a special knock whenever I go to my grandma's, so she knows who is at the door. “Knock.knock......knock.knock.....knock.” As my mom walks up, my grandma opens the door with the same smile on her face like every other day. We enter her house and I go straight for the candy bowl, I shove a hand full of m&m’s into my mouth. I glance over at my mom and she gives me the death stare, so I walk away from the bowl. My mom and grandma start talking, but I don’t pay attention and I walk over the my grandpa’s bed side. I always thought it was odd that he never got out of bed, talked, or left the house. But I loved the way he looked at me and smiled whenever I entered the room. I was his favorite, I helped my mom prick his finger and give him medications, but I didn’t know what was wrong with him. I would sit on him and tell him about the games I play with my friends and how bad I wanted a little sister to play with as well.
      When it’s time for us to leave, my mom would have to pry me off of my grandpa because I loved to sit with him. By the time my mom had finally got me off I was in tears and would lay on the floor refusing to leave. The only way I would calm down was the promise of coming back tomorrow. We said our goodbyes and I was off to school.
      Our mornings are the same everyday, nothing changes. But my birthday is coming up and I am so excited for presents and cake. A week has passed and tomorrow is the big day. But this morning we don’t go see my grandma. I think nothing of it because my mom said we would visit later in the day. When we arrive to my grandma's house, the whole family is there. Including people I didn’t know, who had on weird blue outfits and looked as if they were guilty of a crime. As soon as I enter the house, I rush over to my grandpa and grab his hand. The enjoyment on
my face makes him smile and everyone around starts tearing up, trying hold back from bursting into tears. Even my mother is acting this way, she never cries, and in this moment I knew that something was wrong.
     As I’m still holding onto my grandpa's hand, I yell across the room to my mom and ask “Momma, why are you sad?” She walks over to me, kneels down and responds “Oh my sweet little ladybug, you are too young to understand. Just remember the smile you put on your grandpa’s face everyday.” I am still confused and my mom pulls me away from my grandpa. I don’t resist her because of the way she looks at me, it was unlike any face she has ever made. One person in a blue outfit walks over to my grandma and asks her if she was “ready in begin”. At these words everyone becomes silent, waiting for her answer. My grandma replies a simple, “Yes”. The people in blue outfits gather around my grandfather and start removing the tubes that are connected to him. They stop and there is one tube left to remove, this one is connected to my grandpa’s nose. I wonder why they would hesitate, but a minute later they remove it and my grandpa closes his eyes. Everyone is crying but I am emotionless. My mom picks me up and hugs me tight. She whispers to me “I love you”.
     We have a new morning tradition now, leaving notes for my grandma. Every morning we would drive to her house and put post-it notes on the screen door. They would say “l luv u gma”,”u ar my hero”, “I wil aways be ur favorit”, “gandpa is in heven now”.


  1. what an amazing story kailee... i am completely at a loss for words. The description put in allowed me to visually see everything that was happening! - jayleen lupian

  2. It´s very heartwarming to read your times with your grandmother. The imagery provided by ¨ a blue outfit "and conversation between you two helps the memory come to life. What a wonderful relationship between your family.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  3. It´s very heartwarming to read your times with your grandmother. The imagery provided by ¨ a blue outfit "and conversation between you two helps the memory come to life. What a wonderful relationship between your family.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  4. It will always be some of the small things that will impact our lives and your imagery correlates to that saying so much. I personally never had a close grandmother, however I knew I would spend time like you and yours !

  5. Amazing storytelling here. While reading, I always felt the suspense building up. Your style of writing, of the small anecdotes and closed perspective of yourself as a child built up the suspense and adds even more weight to the conclusion of the story.

  6. While reading this piece, I became reminiscent of all of the times that I spent with my grandmother. Your use of imagery was amazing. It was as if I could see the story unfold in front of me as if i was watching a movie. Well done!

    -Katy O'Hara
    Period 4

  7. It is commendable that you were able to put your personal story out there like that. You effectively made it so that any reader could picture what was going on in the story in their head, and feel the strong emotions you felt with your family. Really amazing job!

  8. After reading such a heart-warming, and vivid description of the event that had occurred, I am at a loss for words. With such vivid detail and amazing description, it was almost as if I could play it back in my own head. At a moment that most are unable to explain do to their state of mind, you perfectly put into words the aspect of obliviousness, yet knowing the atmosphere around you. Amazing job!

  9. This really made me tear up, first off your imagery is amazing I loved the way I was able to understand every bit and detail written. What I don't understand is why they did it on your birthday (if I understood correctly)? Families are beautiful, 10/10 - Adam Huizar

  10. It was a very heart warming story. The way you used the blue outfits to describe the nurses was amazing to show how you young you were. As well as how well you wrote in the emotions into the story.
    Alejandro Marquez

  11. My heartstrings were plucked so effortlessly. This reflection of yours nearly made me covered in tears but I really enjoyed it. I love how the introduction was strong with aesthetic, morning imagery and how you were able to portray it from a child's point of view. The fact that you were able to write a narrow perspective of a child but maturely embrace that is admirable. It felt raw and honest to me, especially when you included your sticky notes saying, “l luv u gma”, ”u ar my hero”, “I wil aways be ur favorit”, “gandpa is in heven now”. Thank you for sharing a masterpiece like this! - Charlene S.

  12. Ashley Sierra-TilleryDecember 5, 2018 at 6:10 PM

    Kailee, you were careful and concise in your retelling of this very personal experience and you thus created an emotional atmosphere that truly touches the reader. Your use of imagery and attention to detail were greatly impactful to said atmosphere and overall, the work came together nicely. Great Job!
    -Ashley Sierra-Tillery

  13.'re an extraordinary writer and I don't say that lightly. At first I came into reading this with the intention of leaving a short, sweet comment commending you on your literary work but I instantly became engrossed in the story and the slight details about your mother and grandparents, I became attached to them too. I can't imagine what it would feel like losing someone so young but your 7 year-old self has inspired me to take on all of life's challenges head on and remain resolute in my love and care for people. Amazing work. :)
    -Jennifer Flores

  14. Kailee, The way you describe the whole situation I felt as if I was standing right there by you every step of the way. Your use of imagery like when you were describing your morning routine ever The way you describe the whole situation I felt as if I was standing right there by you every step of the way. Your use of imagery like when you were describing your morning routine is what really added two the dramatic ending since it was just something that happened out of the blue. I feel like a lot of readers can relate to the same situation since people have experienced this when they were young however they just didn’t understand. Admire the fact that you were able to put this experience and your emotions into words that really allows the reader to understand. Thank you for sharing!

  15. I really liked the way you thoroughly described a routine and strong topic through the eyes and point of view of a child. I was able to comprehend the way in which the child thought and emotionally approached the situation.

  16. I personally do not have a close grandmother in my life, however it is so heart warming and I bet I would have many warm golden memories like you have had.

  17. Kailee I am so glad that you decided to share this because it was such an amazing story. Every second of it had me smiling or had me in tears. I love the relationship that you have with your grandparents and your mom. Great job.


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