
Monday, November 26, 2018

"Bliss" by Julia A

When you think of bliss what comes to mind? Bliss is defined as complete happiness by the Cambridge Dictionary. Having the feeling of joy and peacefulness in life and even towards people at the same time is my definition of bliss. Many people have different experiences and thoughts when it comes to happiness, making blissfulness difficult to label. As quoted from Deeka Chopra, “ Bliss is not a feeling but a state of being. In the state of bliss, everything is love.” This quote is very interesting, because it expresses how bliss is related to what a person is currently going through. What a person may be going through includes physical and the mental state of one, which plays a big role in what someone may think of bliss right then. For example, if someone were to lose somebody or something precious to them, in the moment of this the person is not going to feel “complete happiness” and therefore they are going to feel as if everything is against them ultimately leaving them the complete opposite of bliss. Deepak Chopra has also mentioned how experiencing bliss shows enlightenment in an individual. Enlightenment is the action or state of attaining or having attained spiritual knowledge or insight defined by the Dictionary. Although we do not consider bliss on a spiritual level, attaining the knowledge of happiness is considered on the spiritual outlook on things. Now that bliss is defined and clarified, how does someone obtain “complete happiness?”To simply inform
someone of complete happiness is quite difficult because there are variations among individuals and what they consider their own version of happiness. Personally something that makes me happy is food, whereas for others sleep is what makes them happy. I believe that doing things that bring you joy is the first step to achieving blissfulness. At many times I have experienced things in my life which made me feel everything but contentment. Being senior year it is very stressful, between school and things at home, my main emotion at the moment is stress and overwhelmingness. In a way I am still happy, however that “joy” is not all the way there. I look back to when I was at my happiest moment and I ask myself what happened. But, now that I think about it, my life in both present and the past have always been filled with happiness even though I have my days where a mental breakdown is a normal. From this I then wanted to explore the concept of being happy in life, and not just happy in the emotional state, but physically radiating that joy in everything we do. As a result I found that bliss was the best word to describe this concept, and as I dug more into researching more of bliss, I found that enlightenment was also an extended version of this word. Therefore being inspired by the concept of bliss I then wanted to explain that in life regardless of what you may emotionally be feeling, the state of being you are in is what really makes out if you look at life with bliss.


  1. I’ve never thought of bliss in that way, as something more than pure joy. It’s a very interesting topic and I think you did an amazing job talking about it. My favorite part is when you put that food makes you happy because I can relate.

  2. I like how you described the idea of bliss and connected it into your own life. Also, Ive never really thought about bliss having multiple meanings and I felt that your explanation has encouraged me to use this word more.

  3. I enjoyed reading about your perspective of bliss. You pointed out an aspect of life that not everyone takes the time to pay attention to. More people need to reflect and break down their lives and recognize what makes them happy. I am glad you wrote about this because it can bring awareness to a lot of people struggling to find their happiness in life. Your details and personal commentary on the word bliss are very refreshing and intriguing. Your insight and knowledge provides depth to such a simple word. I hope you continue to write and share your kind words in the future ;).

  4. The way you described bliss was simply amazing and for now on I will see it like that. My bliss will be drinking boba, because it makes me happy. Your perspective on the word bliss is very insightful. A job well done!

  5. I liked how you talked briefly of the loss of happiness but came to the positive realization of maintained happiness. Positivity goes such a long way, often much further than people realize. Overall enjoyed reading of your interpretation of bliss! -Joshua Kidwell

  6. Hi Julia! I just wanted to say your piece was very interesting because you were able to take a word very few of us people know and go about telling what it is and how it relates to us. Bliss is not a common thing in most people because they don't always choose what's best for them. I love how you said "Although we do not consider bliss on a spiritual level, attaining the knowledge of happiness is considered on the spiritual outlook on things." I loved this sentence because this is very true and many people in this world can somehow agree to the sentence. Your overall piece was GREAT!
    - Tanner Antonucci

  7. I love how you give the idea of bliss multiple means and be able to make connections into your life.One of the parts that i really liked was where you believe that everyone has their own idea of what bliss is ranging from food to sleep. with the multiple meanings that you gave bliss it made me wonder that oh yeah other peoples idea of bliss wont be the same as mine. This idea of thought in turn makes the meaning of bliss makes it have more of an impact, and how everyone has the same concept of mind but it is not the same as the person to the next. Good story it made me think even more about the idea of bliss.- Sezar Guitron

  8. I never knew how bliss can really impact a story like this. Great job ! This should have a part 2 yeah?

  9. I've never really given much thought to bliss but it seems Deeka Chopra has the right idea. Bliss as a state of being is an interesting take and one that I agree with now. In bliss, everything is happiness, not just select things. In that way, my favorite part of your article was connecting that definition of bliss in your own life and how you've looked to work towards bliss.

  10. Julia, I really enjoyed your take on what bliss is. I also really enjoyed how you related it back to your life as well. When I think about being happy, I'll remember this blog and everything all of the amazing insights you've provided for me. Well done!!

    -Katy O'Hara
    Period 4

  11. Wow I never realized that bliss could have so many meanings! The way you explain your bliss is actually quite inspiring. I’m sure that everyone who reads this will be inspired to find their own bliss

  12. i love the way you clearly described the word in your own true meaning. i never thought much of that word until you described it. you did a very good job :)

  13. I really enjoyed your definition of bliss as being happy and at peace with everything. I also enjoyed how you stated you wont always have bliss due to events that cause other emotions to prevail. You helped shed light on aspects I can change in my life to reach bliss.

  14. I loved the way you described bliss and the way you saw it. You see bliss in a a totally different perspective. When you said food and sleep make people happy, I definitely agree with that aha. Good job!

  15. I really like the way you showed us your perspective on bliss. I never thought of bliss in a different way instead of great joy of happiness. The way you wrote about finding happiness in the small things are amazing.
    - Nufsat Khan

  16. I loved how you gave a dictionary definition of bliss and then gave your own break down of it. My favorite part was the quote you included stating " the state of bliss, everything is love." Overall, I love your blog post and am glad to have read it.

  17. I loved how you gave a dictionary definition of bliss and then gave your own break down of it. My favorite part was the quote you included stating " the state of bliss, everything is love." Overall, I love your blog post and am glad to have read it.

  18. Never did i imagine that bliss was associated so strongly with joy and happiness, nor did I even realize how closely bliss is related to perspective. This piece was not only interesting to read, but extremely eye opening as well!

  19. Hi Julia! I just wanted to say your piece was very interesting because you were able to take a word very few of us people know and go about telling what it is and how it relates to us. Bliss is not a common thing in most people because they don't always choose what's best for them. I love how you said "Although we do not consider bliss on a spiritual level, attaining the knowledge of happiness is considered on the spiritual outlook on things." I loved this sentence because this is very true and many people in this world can somehow agree to the sentence. Your overall piece was GREAT!
    - Tanner Antonucci

  20. I enjoyed reading this piece because I felt the same about what "bliss" really meant. Senior year is a struggle not only with schoolwork and academics, but your mental and emotional state are affected during this year too. I hope everyone at one point will reach their own peak of bliss. This was a great and observant piece! - Ella Macaraig

  21. I deeply enjoyed reading your piece and especially your outlook on life and happiness, as to be honest, I already agree with the points you made here. I agree that happiness is an individual variation; I agree that true wholesome happiness - "bliss" and ultimately "enlightenment" as you put it- is something that is achieved from how someone lives and looks upon their life, rather then their current emotions. Some real important thoughts being shared here in this piece-real glad to have been able to read them.
    - Ethan Ford

  22. Julia, I enjoyed reading your piece. Your in depth, personal definition of bliss made me think of what it means to me as well. This was a very well written and thought provoking work, good job!
    -Brooke Leslie

  23. This was a very well written piece! I enjoyed how you were able to elaborate so thoroughly on a feeling and concept that most people may experience, but not think much of. I also appreciate how you were able to let your audience in on a more personal note and relate bliss to your own life. Well done!

  24. This was definitely an interesting analysis of "bliss". I enjoyed how you defined that feeling as not just an emotional state but also a physical state. The quote you included from Chopra opened my eyes as well. The overall piece had a bright purpose, but at the same time was realistic as you included the negative emotions you feel as a senior. I appreciate your motive behind writing this, I believe this will help lost individuals in finding their bliss one say. Thank you for writing this piece, I'll now see bliss with a different perspective.
    - Charlene S.

  25. I never knew one can write something so creative about bliss, it is one of the most powerful piece I've ever read. Thank you and keep writing more !

  26. I really enjoyed all the details you provided of bliss. Including a dictionary definition and even your own definition. This blog seems to bring happiness and a positive vibe to anyone. I really appreciate some of the adive you give to people who may be lacking happiness or "bliss." Well done! - John IV

  27. Hi, I really enjoyed your perspective on the word bliss. I never would have thought the word bliss as anything other than emotional feeling. I liked that you provided examples in order to provide better understanding of the word bliss.
    - Karen V.

  28. Julia, the way you started off your piece was so lovely. I enjoy the fact that you kind of went off of the dictionary definition to take the time to define your own version of bliss. Reading about this topic in general was so insightful because you showed me a perspective on bliss that not everybody really considers. - Chimi Nebedum


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