
Friday, October 5, 2018

"Untitled" by Jayleen L

An event that made an impact on my life was on Memorial Weekend of 2016 at Silverlakes sports complex in Corona CA. I played on a team called Team USA that was out of the city of Fontana and on that weekend, we advanced to the championship round in a tournament called Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup. It was Monday, May 30th 2016. 2:30 pm. 95 degrees. You could see the heat waves coming off the artificial grass on field 4. I remember talking to my teammates while warming up about a player who was injured on the field at that moment because they had to be carried off of the field. I was excited to play this championship game because it was my first ever championship game in the starting line up. *whistle blows* The game prior to ours is now over so, my teammates and I stopped warming up, picked up our backpacks, and walked over to the bench where my team will be sitting. Our coach, whose name is Jose, told us to line our backpacks up and to begin taking shots on goal, which was our every game routine. We walked over to our lines to begin shooting the ball, and I see my family members arriving which were my uncle Ricky and his sons aged 5 and 6. I continued my shots on goal *swish of net* and then finally the referee blew his whistle to signal that it was almost game time and we had a few more minutes to gather and get in starting formation *whistle blows*. My team and I before every game say a prayer and say our team cheer so there we went. We then dispersed into our line up and I headed toward the far corner from where we at to play the position left defender. My team and I were very anxious to begin our game and once the whistle blew, the other team began with the ball and began passing the ball around. My team then won the ball and we began passing it and then it eventually came to me. One minute into the game I had received the ball and since I had space to move forward on the field, I did so. As I moved forward I noticed I had no options and as this happens, two players from the opposing team sandwiched me and I went down..... When I went down, I noticed that I could not feel my left knee and it felt as it was asleep. At that moment the referee stopped the game and ran over to me. He told me to lie down so that he could stretch my leg but the funny thing is that it wasn't my leg hurting, it was my knee that felt uncomfortable like it was out of place. The referee then called my coach onto the field and he asked me what was bothering me and once he heard me say my knee he said I was no longer going to play in the game. I was helped off the field by my coach as well as a teammate and I sat on the bench. I was just thinking about what can possibly be wrong with my knee and I continued watching the game. My team performed amazing throughout the game scoring one goal after another. I wanted to get up from the bench badly to cheer my team on yet I was in so much uncomfortable pain. I got up from the bench to see how my knee was feeling and I put some pressure onto it and it did not turn out well. I took a step and nearly collapsed and my knee was wobbly. My teammates told me to sit down and not get up. I spent two hours thinking about my knee and cheering on my team from the bench. My team after there two hours had won THE championship 5-1. We had fought really hard all weekend to get to this championship and the hard work paid off. We cheered for a very long time on the field and then it was time for the award ceremony. I could not walked so I was pulled on a wagon to the ceremony. I arrived to the ceremony and we were presented with a trophy as well as medals.
We then took group pictures with the trophy as well as individual. I then said goodbye to my teammates and I congratulated every single one of them for their hard work throughout the weekend. On my drive home my parents and I thought of all the endless possibilities of what can possibly be wrong with my knee. We began researching about pains in the knees and what exactly happened to my knee while playing and many sources state that it could have been a sprain or a possible tear in the ligaments of the knee. I went home and began icing my knee because it was slightly swollen. I tried not to think too much about my knee because I was very worried and wasn't sure what the next step would be in curing it. Early the next morning my parents and I decided that I should probably go to the urgent care to get x-rays and to see if they can diagnose me with anything or give me an idea of what could possibly be wrong with my knee. I left urgent care very happy because they ended up telling me that it was only a sprain in the knee and when they moved my ligaments they seem to be intact because if not I would have been in a lot of pain when doing the knee exercises. About two weeks after the urgent care visit I ended up visiting my family orthopedic doctor and right away he recommended taking an MRI and an x-ray to be able to look at all aspects of the knee. The doctor within that visit sent me to go get an x-ray which came out positive meaning there was nothing wrong with the bones in my knee but the MRI on the other hand, could not be taken because an appointment was needed. We schedule an appointment on Tuesday, June 21st 2016 and I found the results out the following day. My heart dropped. I was full of emotions. My mother scheduled an appointment for that Friday to be able to see what the next steps were. I had torn my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Surgery. That was the next step. I had the option to get surgery in a couple of months because they were booked or three days later due to cancellation. I took the three days later option. Not by choice. My mother chose. I cried all day every day up until the day of because surgery I knew right away this process was going to be very long and painful. Monday June 28th 2016. The biggest day of my life. Surgery day. I woke up this morning nervous. I got dressed and went directly to church. I prayed to God to make sure he kept me safe throughout the surgery process as well as rehabilitation process. I arrived at the Highland Springs Surgical Center at around 9:00 am. Keep in mind that I was not able to eat 12 hours before surgery so my stomach was growling while waiting. It took a couple of hours to sign in and get dressed into hospital gear. Around noon it was time for me to lay on the bed. The nurse put an IV on my left arm. A few minutes later I was sent into the surgical room. heart pounding. hands sweating. I was nervous. The anesthesiologist puts the mask on my face. I countdown from 10 and last number I remember is five. Next thing I know I am up and ready to head home. Feeling exhausted. I take a nap on the car ride home and my mom helps me get out of the car and into bed. I had to sleep with an uncomfortable brace on my knee for about three weeks. I experienced lots of pain and found it very difficult to travel from place to place while being on crutches and I had to ask my family members for help everywhere I went. My rehab process took nine months. Within these months, I spent them crying, upset and frustrated, I missed the game so much. I used to complain a lot because I hated being handicap but with that being said, I have learned a lot about this
experience. There are people who have experienced situations like mine but even worse to a point when they lose a limb and may not work yet they still try to find a way to live their life.There are adults in this world that struggle from being handicap and can not get a job for example in Mexico. A trip recently has been life changing because after noticing how bad the economy is over there and how little workers get paid, these handicap people can't get a job. I used to complain about not being able to play yet I should be grateful that I have limbs and can get to work unlike the citizens in mexico who can't do anything even for their minimum wage. This process has impacted me and will forever have a place in my heart because it also showed me how strong I can actually be. I am very weak minded and tend to break down easily. Even though I broke down during the process, I now look back and realize that I made it and so can others who are going through something impactful. I now attempt to encourage those who are injured and are depressed and uplift their spirits because something can be done even if you think it is impossible.


  1. I am amazed at your story, very inspiring especially for the people who have torn there ACL. You conveyed your story like a novel that is written in first person. You gave precise details how the incident happen and made if feel as if I were on the sideline watching. I noticed that you and your team pray before every game and which is good because we should pray before anything we no not matter what it is. Overall your story is very good and how you showed perseverance after the surgery.

  2. I was immediately drawn into this story as soon as I was aware of where it was heading; your recollection of the details of what happened at your tournament really emphasized the suspense and I had a gut feeling it would not end well. Of course, I did not expect for you to have torn your ACL! I know this is a big deal and my heart went out to you because my mother herself has gone through/is still going through having an injured knee and also had to have surgery. I felt for you because getting any type of surgery at all is a frightful experience, but you remained so strong even though you knew you may not be able to play anymore.
    My personal experience has made me aware of the world of disabilities, and I recognized that in your piece as well towards the ending, where I could tell this experience really changed your perspective on many things.
    Overall, thank you for sharing your story! Your use of detail which was displayed through your unfiltered emotions tied along with visual imagery truly created a piece that I found well-written and unable to stop reading. You are so strong!

  3. According to the beginning, it seemed as though you were going to tell a soccer story, but then you went further into your injury. I felt the anxiety when you were constantly being tested to find out what was wrong with your knee, especially since urgent care could not find anything. Even when you went to the orthopedic doctor, you had to schedule an appointment and wait to finally find out what was wrong. This is truly a very inspiring story to persevere through the toughest of hardships.

  4. After reading your story I feel as if I know you a little better. I loved the way you opened up to your audience and was willing to share your emotions that I myself would have been hesitant about. I especially loved how you were so positive and encouraging during the rest of the game towards your teamates. It is great to hear that you took this experience and used it as a learning mechanism as you mentioned in your conclusion. Overall great job on the specifications within your story as well.

  5. I love that you used this piece of writing to reflect on how a situation brought change to your life and your mindset, it really shows a lot of your character and expresses who you are. The imagery played a very important role and allows for readers, like myself, to bring your story to life and create a connection to you. I have also gotten surgery for my ACL, meniscus, and patella, and it is definitely not an easy journey, but you were able to overcome and you showed that very well throughout this piece!

  6. While reading this story, I could really relate to what you were saying. Having an injury as an athlete can break everything you've worked so hard to achieve. You did an excellent job of describing how you felt when you were going through the process. Thank you for sharing your story. This was amazing!!

  7. I loved this post because of how personal and raw it was jayleen you shared a personal experience and it was absolutely beautiful. I felt as if I was there experiencing it with you. The lay out of your story kept me on the edge of seat and I was feeling every emotion right there along side of you. You did an amazing job.

  8. Wow! Being an athlete myself, I could understand everything you wrote about. I really enjoyed how you opened up to the audience and told your story. Many people don't know what it's like to be injured to this extent and you really shed some light on what it is really like. Great job with using so much descriptive detail. It really felt l was right there with you the entire time. Great job!

  9. I love this because I was there to experience this with you. I love all the detail you put into this. Good job Jay!

  10. Jayleen you did an absolute amazing showing the audience your story through your eyes. I felt as if I were you because of the amount of details in your story. You kept me on the edge of my seat while reading this story because you described it as a normal day. The way you shared your feeling on such a personal topic was amazing. Great job jayleen! - Sofia Canseco

  11. This piece is a great one because you allow us to read exactly what your feeling. I was feeling anxious when you were describing the same feeling. It almost felt like a book but instead this was all real. All the emotions that were greatly described were felt right through the screen. Great job.

  12. Your story was so detailed. I could imagine the game day, I could feel the anxiety of not knowing what was wrong. I felt the roller coaster of emotions that you must've felt. You did such a good job.
    -Deanna Ortega

  13. Wow Jayleen! After reading this I was in awe of how you have overcome this obstacle to be where you are today on Varsity soccer with me! I remember the week you told me you had torn your ACL and that you would be out for a whole season which was last year. After being told this, I remember saying to myself that you will be back in no time for your senior year because I love how much effort you put into sports and everything you do in life, even though you tend to be a little tuff on yourself sometimes but I know it's for the better. You are the type of person that never gives up and you will keep trying again and again to get yourself better at any task life gives you. Your piece has showed me that just because people run into obstacles in life it doesn't mean you can't overcome them, it just takes time and effort into achieving greatness. Also after reading your piece, I loved how you were able to tell of a time that has impacted your life greatly and how you were able to tell us what it's like to go through a scary situation like tearing your ACL


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