
Friday, October 5, 2018

"Joy" by Johnny G

What is Joy? According to the Merriam webster's dictionary the emotion evoked by
well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. This definition while accurate is kind of Bland in my opinion. I believe that Joy is just the more permanent form of happiness. This may sound a little confusing but let me explain, when you get a gift you are happy but it is a temporary happiness because of the gift you received. But to me Joy is something that can't be so easily given or so taken away this is because Joy is a more permanent feeling. I believe that Joy is more of a characteristic which follows you throughout your life rather than being a temporary feeling that comes and goes like being mad or being sad. Often times Joy has been used to describe people characteristics for example “Hannah is a very joyful person.” In this context Hannah is someone who most likely is always in a positive mood. But one thing about Joy is that we must all have a place where our joy comes from without a constant source of this wonderful feeling it will fall into the category of temporary happiness. Some people find joy in their families others in hobbies and relationships. For me, my Joy is from my relationship with my girlfriend Hannah. The Joy that she brings me allows me to go about my life living the best that i possibly can and as Joyfully as possible. \Truth is we all have a thing that make us happy but finding something that brings us true joy is a rather rare commodity that not many people get to experience. These sources of joy fill our lives with
positiveness and often times motivate to attempt to live our best lives. Joy is something that allows people to always see the brighter side of things this is important because this allows joy to effect people personalities and how other people perceive them to be character wise. People who are able build their lives around the idea of joy are often seen as happier individuals or are thought to be richer and of higher social class. But joy doesn't actually come from wealth and possessions. More often than not Joy is found in the simple things in life like family or sports even going on hikes or walking your dog. Simple things like these that we enjoy doing can really help us to see the world in a different light. Joys permanency and lasting effect that it has on people is why I believe that it is more than just being happy in today's terms joy is a “whole mood.” All in all Joy is more of a permanent feeling that has stronger effects than simply being happy and that Joy to me is a feeling of lasting or never ending happiness which has one or more sources that are important to keep in our lives in order to keep the feeling of joy.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this because I found myself relating to it in a positive way. A positive way as in while i was reading it, it made me think of the joyful things i have in my own life. it helped me differentiate happiness and joy because i never thought about that. i never thought of happiness to be temporary and joy being permanent, which does make sense. i really enjoy how you personally related you having joy with your girlfriend because i can strongly relate to that with my boyfriend. and also my family, no matter how crazy or annoying they can be they still of course bring my joy. i agree with what you said about joy being the simple things. most people misinterpret that and believe bigger is better when that is not always the case. Overall i think this writing is very good and eye opening and i enjoyed reading about this.

  2. This was really insightful in a lot of ways and relatively innovative. For a while now, I've always thought joy was just a form of happiness and happiness alone. After reading this, It kind of gives me a view of joy having to be the small things in life that we don't exactly take into consideration but know somewhere in the back of our minds that it makes us happy and somewhat content for who we are depending on the person. This was really good, and I really enjoyed reading this, despite not really having any real life examples about this, yet how simple and straightforward it was made it worth reading, although things being short isn't always a good thing when it comes to an assignment, I think it really gives readers time to let it sink in and reflect.

  3. I really liked and agreed on your view of joy, that it's more than just a short term feeling, its a feeling thats more permanent and significant. Your piece also made me think about the little things in my life that I find joy in.

  4. This short story was very enjoyable because the vivid description added to the overall beauty and message of the story. I have never thought of the feeling of joy as super intricate like you have described. You said that the feeling of joy is more than just something temporary cause by an external event and I always have seen it like that. When you said that it was a more permanent feeling, I see what you mean and I agree with it completely. Your story has given me a new look on the feeling of joy and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story because it gave me a new way to look at life and my emotions as a whole.

  5. I loved seeing your view of joy. I agree with you, I think it is so true that joy is more permanent than happiness. It really mad eye think about how true your piece is. It's like when someone says, "He is very happy today", versus as you said, "Hannah is a very joyful person". The first example, "happy today" indicates that the happiness is bound to go away. And as you said, Johnny, the second example shows how joy is not as temporary. I really enjoyed reading your piece, great job! - Ashley French

  6. You did a very nice of job of implementing your emotion into this piece, it definitely adds depth to your words. I enjoyed reading about your perspective of joy, because no two people think alike, and you gave the word your own definition, which was very insightful and unique. The emotional aspects of this piece are very refreshing, and kept me very intrigued as a reader. The piece was very concise, but still meaningful. I hope your relationship continues to prosper and remain a source of your joy!

  7. One main reason why I really liked this poem is that it is very positive. I find pretty amazing that you were able to find an excellent difference between happiness and joy. I have never thought of it this way.

  8. I liked how you explained joy in your own words. You described joy as something that is everlasting. I liked the connections you made with joy especially the example of finding joy in families. A different outlook that I have on the word joy is that its a temporary feeling that you should embrace and cherish as long as you can. I really admire your positive outlook on the word joy and I am also happy that you found joy in your life.
    - Karen V.

  9. I never really looked at joy as more than just an impermanent feeling, but your interpretation of joy is really deep and perceptive. I especially liked the way you capitalized 'Joy' as if to say that Joy is more than a fleeting feeling, it's an important emotion. Joy does exist in the simple things we take for granted, and the bigger things like love and family. I identify with finding Joy in the small things, because more often than not I am content with just spending an entire day with my family or doodling in my sketchbook.

  10. I really enjoyed how you provided the literal definition of joy but then took it and spun your own interpretation into it. It actually made me question myself whether or not if I knew the actual meaning of joy and gave me a deeper understanding on what makes me happy. Your inclusion of how your girlfriend was your source of joy was also very sweet and fresh to read. This piece is great and allows the audience to really engage themselves in the piece.

  11. I really enjoyed this writing because you compared how different two similar emotions, happiness and joy, can be used and viewed by people.

  12. A great short but perceptive read explaining in your own interpretation of joy, I felt as if I were right there being taught your definition of joy and why it means the way it does based on your reasoning, such as, "Joy is something that allows people to always see the brighter side of things...this allows joy to effect people...perceive them to be character wise." This quote along with others lead me to contemplate my definition of joy. Which could've been your intention for the readers to do and that's why I enjoyed reading this literary work.

  13. The way you elaborated on a simple word that not many of us think about on a regular basis really amazes me. I always considered joy a temporary state of mind, but your comment showed me that it is really more of a state of being, and you as a person are going to have to work towards it. Well, to conclude, this poem brought me a little closer to experiencing joy!
    -Mirza Baig

  14. After reading this, I found myself thinking about all the little things in my life that I would overlook and realizing how much joy they actually bring me (for example, having friends and family that I get to see everyday, late-night drives, and even just going for walks). I think that oftentimes, we tend to take things like this for granted, and after reading what you wrote, my perspective has changed almost completely, so thanks for this. :) It was an interesting topic to read about and I thought it was very well-written.

  15. Your perspective on joy is very interesting and I actually really like your idea of it. Starting with the dictionary term for joy and transitioning into what you feel it is was more impactful as we get to see both perspectives. Your reasoning was also very interesting and I too am in a relationship so I completely understand the way you feel what joy is. Another thing that I think is important to mention is the fact that you related joy to more modern terms which can relate to a more younger audience. Overall, a really interesting piece that i enjoyed reading.

  16. This was quite a unique look at joy and I really enjoyed it!! I never would have thought about joy like you did. Im glad I read your piece because it was eye opening and inspiring. Great job!!

  17. Great Job Johnny! I love the way you delineate joy being different from happiness, as many people do confuse the two and the connotations thereof. It makes me happy knowing that someone can understand the very acute and slight difference and elaborate in a full paragraph between the two.

  18. I was talking to a friend recently who challenged me to write 10 "values" that I felt important to my happiness and appreciation of life, which is what I spent a good deal of yesterday doing. I then read your post today and found myself remembering those values and thinking about another post I read today (namely "Living" by Lance A). The way I see it now, joy is the reason one exists-- the ideal to which most people strive, whether consciously or not. It's interesting how you assert that one must find some strong and enduring source of joy, like a relationship or a loved hobby, but also that despite this most joy is gleaned from appreciation of more modest expressions of beauty or happiness. This seems to be one of the differences between joy and happiness as well-- happiness has only one source, while joy has many (both temporary and more permanent). This implies happiness as more of a superficial emotion than joy, being merely singularly based and short-lived; as such, it is joy, and not happiness, that one must strive to. It really makes one think of their own sources of joy (in my case, the values I wrote about) and how strong they really are. Thank you for writing about this topic, and explaining it the way you did-- by doing so, you have made all your readers conscious of their search for joy and helped them to find joy with suggestions of its many sources. With this information, all those who read this entry have the ability to lead more fulfilling lives.

  19. As I was reading your piece, I found myself thinking of one person the whole time. I related to what you were saying as you explained your source of Joy. I agree that someone can be your source of Joy which is not a temporary feeling. Aside from relating to your definition, I enjoyed your reflective ideas upon this concept and I felt relaxed all throughout the piece. The thing I can take away from your piece is that we need to enjoy the little things as well which is really important so I appreciate your sharing that in your piece.

  20. I really enjoyed the explanation you provided in the giving the audience a full understanding of joy. I also enjoyed your own perspective to joy as well. It gave us an idea of your interpretations on the topic. The feeling of joy is more than just something temporary cause by an external event and I always have seen it like that. This piece is great and allows the audience to really engage themselves in the piece and to also think about their own aspects of joy in their lives.
    -john B

  21. I really enjoyed the explanation you provided in the giving the audience a full understanding of joy. I also enjoyed your own perspective to joy as well. It gave us an idea of your interpretations on the topic. The feeling of joy is more than just something temporary cause by an external event and I always have seen it like that. This piece is great and allows the audience to really engage themselves in the piece and to also think about their own aspects of joy in their lives.

  22. Fantastic job Johnny! I very much enjoyed reading about your very own interpretation on the word "joy". You seem to have a very unique perspective that I was able to relate to in a way. I always thought joy was just another synonym for happiness. You have it quite clear that it isn't and that's what I really loved about your piece.
    -Taylor Archuletta :)

  23. Wonderful explanation, your use of examples and little anecdotes gives depth to the definition of joy. You can really feel the emotion that was deliberately put into this piece.

  24. I loved your writing johnny, I loved how you used the dictionary definition and yours and how you talked to sweetly about your girlfriend. Great work!

  25. I love your writing johnny, I love the way you used the webster's definition of joy and also yours. I loved the way you talked so sweetly about your girlfriend too.

  26. I especially enjoyed the part where you mentioned that joy cannot exactly come from the luxuries you have or how much money you acquire. You wrote beautifully and clearly on how it’s more of the simple things in life that really bring us that joyful emotion, such as spending time with a loved one. Moreover, I thought that mentioning your own joy of your girlfriend really allowed the readers to further see your personal interpretation rather than just stating in-general ways to find joy in life. Amazing job!

  27. I especially enjoyed the part where you mentioned that joy cannot exactly come from the luxuries you have or how much money you acquire. You wrote beautifully and clearly on how it’s more of the simple things in life that really bring us that joyful emotion, such as spending time with a loved one. Moreover, I thought that mentioning your own joy of your girlfriend really allowed the readers to further see your personal interpretation rather than just stating in-general ways to find joy in life. Amazing job!

  28. Aaliyah Mallard
    I was moved by what you wrote! I didn’t consider the difference between joy and happiness or how joy is long term while happiness is short term. It was very eye-opening and made me think to myself about if I am truly happy or have true joy, which after reading this piece I now know i have true joy. Always being in a positive mood and giving off a positive vibe towards others and myself. I love how you incorporated your own personal relationship and joy into your piece.

  29. I really appreciate how you broken the down the modern definition of Joy to something that gives you a "permanent feeling of happiness." I never thought abstractly that joy as a form happiness. However, the examples you give are very logically especially when you refer to your girlfriend Hannah as to joy. It got me thinking and I finally saw the connection. When you loved someone you get that sense of permanent happiness in this case you called that permanent happiness as Joy. In my case, I get my permanent source of joy from my family. I really like how you used your relationship as an example because it made your argument much more realistic, thus winning me over. Overall you had great evidence to prove your argument and it excellent written - Jean Andre Molina

  30. I totally agree with you about the idea of joy. I'm been obsessed with We Happy Few, a game where it takes place in a dystopian land where people take their "joy", a pill that makes them happy. But it's very temporary, since it doesn't provide you true joy. So reading this gave me an insightful idea of what joy is :)

  31. This piece of writing is certainly something I can agree too. I liked your expansion and elaboration on the true definition of "Joy" itself. I also liked the examples you included to help me get an understanding of the things that can bring everlasting joy in our lives.

  32. Thank you for sharing your interpretation on the joy it was insightful and interesting. It gave a new perspective never thought of it as a permanent feeling but temporary. After reading this blog it made me think what joy really meant and it would seem that your definition is the my conclusion.

  33. This is a great story, it really picks up your spirit and makes you think about all the things that bring you joy. I found it interesting because I always saw joy as something that comes and goes but the context you put it in really made me think about joy in a totally different light. Your story had such a positive mood and that's what made it so uplifting.
    - Ivan Mejia (per.5)

  34. Your interpretation of joy was very interesting and you did a really good job backing it with your meaning behind it. I have never thought of joy that way, but I actually really like your interpretation and I have to say that I agree with it. I also really liked that you used some of todays terms so that you could relate to a younger audience as well as an older audience. Overall, I enjoyed reading your piece and discovering a new perspective on the word "joy".

  35. WOW !! What a great piece of writing ! This reminded me of writing about a blank paper last year. You went into such a personal side of your life that gave so much more meaning. Truly a great piece.

  36. Johnny, this is a truly amazing piece. The insight that you offer into the meaning of joy opens our eyes more as to how we can interpret it. I also enjoyed how you used specific details from your own life to offer insight. It really felt like I was hearing from the heart, and I loved it. Amazing job!

  37. Your interpretation of joy was very interesting and you did a really good job backing it with your meaning behind it. I have never thought of joy that way, but I actually really like your interpretation and I have to say that I agree with it. I also really liked that you used some of todays terms so that you could relate to a younger audience as well as an older audience. Overall, I enjoyed reading your piece and discovering a new perspective on the word "joy".
    - Kendra Gonzalez

  38. I really enjoy reading about these comparisons: Genuine happiness versus temporary joy. I always enjoy seeing people in restaurants with their families or friends and having a good laugh, you can really tell when a smile and laugh is totally genuine and it brings me 'second hand joy' to see such. Although a perspective I periodically return to, I love to read about your perspective on this and how it makes you feel as well, giving personal insight on what makes you significantly joyful! - Adam Huizar

  39. To start off, I enjoyed the start of defining the generic term for Joy and how you went in depth with general experiences and then a personal definition of Joy. The ties to real situations made a dictionary definition seem inadequate, which I believe you captured in naming it "Bland".

  40. To start off, I liked the way you defined Joy in dictionary terms first, and then led into general examples and finished with specific personal experiences. This really tied everything together and made it more clear and more convincing that Joy isn’t some cookie-cutter defined feeling or experience.

  41. I must say, that I agreed with the notion that "joy" just seemed like a bland word. It was the word that reminded me of Christmas, or children's stories. However, with your new take and redefining of the meaning of the word, you have provided me with a new found appreciation for the word. The use of "joy' more so as a feeling of longing happiness and an overall feeling of fulfillment acts to create more depth and impact in an otherwise popular word. I especially felt in agreement to the use of joy in contexts of immaterial satisfaction as well, and its use in interpersonal relationships and the emotions produced from those relationships.

    -Ethan Ford

  42. Johnny, I found this piece to be quite the shift of perspective on joy, and what it generally means to most people, and I loved it. Thank you for including the denotation of the word joy, as well as what joy is to you within your own perspective and personal experiences to give a deeper emphasis on what joy truly means to you, aside from the surface-level perception of what joy is. This is my favorite one so far, great job team!

  43. Can we make this into a movie please? The agents of darkness and mystery allows the reader to want another story! You did an amazing job setting the scene and intriguing the audience. Good job!

  44. I really love your thoughts on joy. I was obsessed with a game called We Happy Few where people live in a dystopian place of being in denial by taking your "joy". Reading this gave me insight of what joy truly is as joy is when a person finds permanent happiness.

  45. I liked this piece because the pursuit of joy is something I think we all have in common. It is a constitutional right after all. I liked how you defined what the dictionary had for joy then you gave your own definition. I also enjoyed your commentary the subject and like others said I would like to read more of your ideas.

  46. I really appreciated the example of joy you presented with your girlfriend, which brought a very high sense of emotional credibility to the piece

  47. I 100% agree with your definition of joy, you really hit the nail on the head. I also love that you see joy as a permanent feeling and gave vivid examples to support that. This is a very good read!

  48. By Jacob Lopez
    This was very intuitive and I really enjoyed reading this. Also I liked that you used your own experiences to define the term of a more important type of content than the short term feeling that has people constantly chasing after things that never really last.

  49. Wow I really loves how you were able to show the difference between happiness and joy. It really brings out a deeper meaning to the word itself and how us human beings can actually be like. It helps find out the truth of the word itself and how to use it in a sense. Great Job!!! 10/10

  50. It is impressive that you found a big difference between happiness and joy. To me the seemed like the same exact thing but you the deeper meaning of a very small word. The detailed you put really made a three lettered word sound like a thousand words. Great job and keep feeling joyful.

  51. Johnny you did a really great job on this! I really loved the part where you talked about the different things you find joy in. I think the most important thing to do in life is take care of yourself because when an individual is happy then the people around him or her are happy. Being joyful can be contagious! I also loved how you were able to bring a personal situation into this and explain it through your own eyes. -TANNER ANTONUCCI


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