
Monday, April 16, 2018

"The Rejection" by Kimberly C

March 28th, 2018 will always mark a turning point in my life, the day I received my Harvard rejection letter. I had been eagerly awaiting this day. As rank one in the senior class, three year varsity volleyball player, member of numerous clubs, and avid volunteer, my friends and family constantly assured me that good news would come to me on March 28th and all my hard work would pay off. They told me that I had done everything right and there was no way Harvard could turn away a student like me. I was so excited and nervous to begin a new chapter in my life, that I could hardly sleep in the months leading up to the decision. However, upon seeing the letter, I found out that the new chapter in my life wouldn’t include attending my dream school.
            My initial reaction was to be disappointed in myself for not being able to be considered an ivy league worthy student. I reread the letter over and over again. I had convinced myself that I read the letter wrong the previous time, and if I kept reading it, the decision would eventually turn into an acceptance letter. It didn’t. I began thinking of every mistake I could have made, the question “why wasn’t I good enough?” lingering in the back of mind. I drove myself crazy looking for every fault I could possibly have that would lead this school to think I wasn’t a great fit. In my mind and my heart I truly believed that Harvard and I were two halves, that, if brought together would create perfect harmony. Obviously, the feeling was not mutual.
            As I began to think more, my sadness grew into anger. I guess I had at least expected a Harvard scale rejection, but my rejection letter looked exactly like a letter from just any college. I felt like I wanted more from them yet all I got was a classic, cold and impersonal letter. It was completely anticlimactic, no huge triumph and no real tragedy (I would still attend a 4-year university), just an empty feeling and dissatisfaction. I became even more upset upon rereading one specific line of the letter. It said, I hope that receiving our final decision now will be helpful to you as you make your college plans.” This phrase filled me with a rage that could incinerate a forest instantly. In a moment when my dreams had been shattered and my heart felt like it had been torn from my body, this phrase felt like someone poured alcohol into that deep open wound. Harvard’s rejection did NOT make my decision easier, if anything it was harder. I was forced to choose from a few colleges that were not my dream school, which was extremely painful for me to do. I can’t imagine how they could possibly believe that denying me admission would simplify things for me. Initially, I was disappointed in myself but after some thought I was also disappointed in Harvard for not being more considerate. A school of that caliber should at least have the decency to change their rejection letter a little bit to be a bit more sympathetic.
            To get through this, I had to, of course, mourn the loss of my potential future as an ivy league student first. I wouldn’t get the bragging rights and the esteem that came with going to such a prestigious school as Harvard but I also couldn’t dwell in “what could’ve been” for too long. I had to move on with my life. In order to accept this decision, I had to hold on to one of my most treasured beliefs, everything happens for a reason. Some may consider it cheesy or cliche but this phrase will always remain with me. In the grand scheme of my life, I just wasn’t supposed to go to Harvard and I learned that Harvard is just a name. My true worth doesn’t stem from what the board of admissions thinks of me. It comes from my ability to overcome adversity and constantly get stronger with every experience. A piece of paper does not have to define the rest of my adulthood, I have the ability to choose what alternate path I will now take. Harvard will always have a place in my heart as my childhood dream, but I know now that my ability to succeed despite this setback and the accomplishments I make as an adult will say more about me than a Harvard education ever could. I plan to attend Boston University, which is just across the Charles River from Harvard. So Harvard, I guess you haven't seen the last of me quite yet.


  1. Wow, thank you for sharing your story. I know it must be hard dealing with the rejection of your dream school, trust me, I almost had the same thing happen to me. But the fact of the matter is that you overcame it, and now you're going to be attending an (almost) equally prestigious school like Boston University. I absolutely know that you'll do great things no matter where you go. You go girl :)
    -Carianne Lefebvre P.1

  2. Kimberly, you did an excellent job of making the reader feel the saddness and bitterness and upset you felt toward the rejection. I understand the upset you felt, especially when you quoted Harvard's letter of rejection. However, at the end you showed that you weren't going to let your dream school stop you. You are confident and ready to shine. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hello KImberly, I love and really appreciate for writing this piece. Specially, when we are all going through the same moments of rejections and acceptance. I got rejected from my dream college too and that brought all my motivation down including not going to Prom, Grad Night and so on. My family tried to convince me that God always have better plan, but i couldn't tell myself how did that happen to me, where i was very sure that i would get in. Then i finally found a way to not give up on my dream college. So i stopped and got my together for the big goal now. We all have to move on an accept what we got with all the hopes. So thank you again for sharing and i love your writing skills too.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  4. Kimberly, I am so sorry to hear that you are not going to Harvard but I am so happy that you are going to Boston which I know isn't your first choice but it's a school that I've heard you talk about for a while. It's crazy that Harvard didn't accept such an intelligent and well rounded student as you and they are missing out on a lot without you there, they just don't deserve you. Hopefully, you will enjoy Boston so much, more than you think possible. Thank you for sharing your story!

  5. I just want to say am so sorry to hear that you got rejected. Secondly, I admire how you grew as a better and stronger individual from reading this entry. Throughout your story, I saw your inspirations and towards the end it was still there, but it was stronger. You are still pushing to fight for your future, which I am proud of. You are a really strong person and I see a bright future ahead of you! Thank you for sharing your story with us, great job Kimberly!
    -Kristine Caspe period 5

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your story. You did an amazing job making the reader feel every emotion you were feeling too. I too got rejected from one of the schools I applied to, but not my number one choice, so I cannot imagine how you felt. I loved how you included how you moved on from it too. Amazing job!

  7. Thank you for sharing this personal story. Throughout the entire post I felt like I was standing right next to you sharing your heartache and gaining your confidence at the conclusion. You have put so much effort, time, and late nights becoming a top student and many other students (including me) share the despair in receiving a rejection letter from their dream school but I am so happy and proud that you have a positive outlook on your future because, you are right, things do happen for a reason. I wish you good luck at Boston University!

  8. Kimberly, I am sorry to hear that you won't be attending Harvard, but I really liked how you were able to grow and understand that a rejection letter doesn't define your worth. You are bound to accomplish great things, and you have many things to look forward to in the future.
    - Eliana Rodriguez

  9. Thank you for opening up about your rejection letter. Many seniors shy away from opening up about getting rejected from their dream college. It's amazing how you opened up. I'm sorry that you didn't get into Harvard. You did an amazing job in describing your feelings about the whole experience.

  10. This was quite shocking to me... there must have been a mistake? You have every qualification in the world to be a Harvard student! Although it is not the ideal situation at the moment, you have to believe that this was meant to happen. I definitely agree with the cliche saying that everything happens for a reason and I'm happy that you do too. Who knows, maybe Boston University will open doors for you that Harvard never could. Maybe your soulmate or best friends will be attending the same school as you and God wanted you to be put on the path to meet them. Boston University is still a beautiful college and it is something to be proud of! You were able to capture the emotion of rejection in your blog artfully, good job!

  11. Wow Kimberly, I am so sorry for your rejection. Your use of diction really made the reader feel all sorts of emotions for you. Even though you can't say you went to an ivy-league school, you can say all the amazing work you did in high school! I'm still very proud of you and happy that you learned to move on. Great piece!

  12. I'm so sorry that you weren't accepted into your dream school, I don't know you personally, but I know you are extremely intelligent and will go far in life no matter what school you go to! I like how you thoroughly expressed your thoughts and feelings at that moment with the use of similes and metaphors so we can feel your frustrations as well. Because of how relatable college rejection is at this time, I admired this line "My true worth doesn’t stem from what the board of admissions thinks of me. It comes from my ability to overcome adversity and constantly get stronger with every experience" specifically as it reaches out to all of us. Thank you for this!!! Good luck!

  13. My heart broke while reading this because I too know what it feels like to get a highly anticipated rejection letter. Although you did work extremely hard, you truly do have better things in store. I loved how you were able to turn a low point in your life into something great! Wonderful job (:

  14. You did a fantastic job at writing your anger and sadness and getting the reader to feel the same emotions as you. It has to be heart breaking to get rejected from dream school. Your are right, Harvard is just a name and who you are is not determined by a school. I hope you enjoy your time at Boston University.
    - Dominique Madrigal

  15. You did a fantastic job at writing your anger and sadness and getting the reader to feel the same emotions as you. It has to be heart breaking to get rejected from dream school. Your are right, Harvard is just a name and who you are is not determined by a school. I hope you enjoy your time at Boston University.
    - Dominique Madrigal

  16. Everyone has at least one type of experience such as this. Working extremely hard for something, putting out one's everything, but not receiving the result that is desired. For not giving up after the rejection letter, your determination to getting Harvard is commendable. Awesome relatable piece.

  17. Amazing story Kimberly. I can't truly understand how it is to be rejected from your dream school; however, I love how did not let that rejection define! Great work!

  18. Very well written! I am familiar with that feeling of rejection to the school you planned on for years. I love how you acknowledged that an admission or rejection in no way defines who we are as persons and hows much success is to come. Good job and I know you will do amazing things!

  19. I am so sorry about your rejection Kimberly. Thank you for sharing this and I wish you the best in the future!

  20. Kimberly, you are one of the smartest, kindest, and most helpful of person I know. I understand this was a very difficult experience for you to go through, but I'm glad you were able to come to terms with it and regain the confidence within yourself to become an even stronger person. I and many others can find a lot of things to admire about you, and Harvard is incredibly pea-brained for not being able to recognize those very same qualities. My opinion might not mean much to you, however it is their loss. You are set to accomplish a lot in life. So to heck with them!

  21. It always sucks getting knocked down like this, especially when you feel like you're so qualified. It doesn't help that most colleges send out generic rejection letters to applicants. It's nice to know you've moved past that, though. Thanks for sharing your experiences with this, it's something I know quite a few people are going through/have gone through right now.

  22. Wow Kimberly you can see the passion and fire in you heart in this post. I'm so sorry to hear about your rejection but I know you will excel wherever you go and everything happens for a reason. Many of us have had similar experiences of being rejected from our dream schools so you are not alone.

  23. Like you said everything happens for a reason, you just have to trust that there’s a bigger and better plan for you in store. I’m really glad that you got the message through and altered your perspective on a matter that so many of us students can relate to .

  24. First of all, the following message goes out to you, and to anyone else feeling a similar way for whatever reason: don’t ever forget that you’re amazing okay? I enjoyed your story so much, and I know others do too because it’s something we have all experienced recently. Though not Harvard, I was also rejected from my first choice school. I know it sucks, but I’m glad that you got over it and are still persistent to create an amazing future for yourself, even if it wasn’t the one you originally envisioned. Thank you for sharing!

  25. Wow Kimberly, this situation really bummed me out at first but when you started to explain the realization you had about how Harvard is just a name and the hopes you have for the future, my mood completely changed! Although you were unfortunately rejected from Harvard your various achievements are surely going to bring you future success that is greater than Harvard. Thank you for sharing.

  26. With your resume I think you should have been accepted, however the college you go to does not mean everything. Perhaps you will really enjoy attending Boston University. So long as you keep up the grades you should be able to get your dream job quite easily, regardless of the school you attend. Your writing in this story was very good, and made me feel quite angry, since I know what it is like to be rejected. This was really open, and I thank you for sharing.

  27. Thank you because this exactly how many of us feel when we got rejected from our dream schools. I appreciate that you had the talent to vocalize how many of felt. I really hope that you enjoy Boston and get a great education! I liked the writing style.

  28. Alejandro QuintanillaApril 26, 2018 at 5:54 PM

    I'm very sorry to hear that you didn't get into your dream school. But as you said everything happens for a reason and I'm sure you will do amazingly at Boston University. Good luck with your future and make Harvard regret its decision!

  29. Kimberly I understand your pain and anger, I can relate to this in so many levels. It hurts to dream and work for something and then someone saying you cant have it. You have to remember to not make this one hurtful event from stopping you from giving up on yourself. You cant second guess yourself and think you are lower than who you are. At your stay at Boston University make Harvard wish they would have picked you.

  30. Kimberly, I definitely felt similar emotions as you did while I was reading your post. A lot of us ended up not getting into the school of our choice, which is something that seems impossible to get over. But I truly enjoyed how you said that you can now create a new path for your future. I've always followed the motto, "Everything happens for a reason" and genuinely hope that you find success in your endeavors!

  31. I am so sorry you didn't get into Harvard! But it is great you are learning from this experience! You will do amazing things in life. Great Job.
    -Vanessa Fernandez period 5

  32. College rejections feel absolutely awful and I really admired in your piece how you perfectly captured all the candid feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness that comes with receiving the dreadful letter. However, it is inspiring how you overcame all those feelings and select a college that suits your needs as a student. If Harvard can't realize how awesome you are that's their loss.

  33. Currently wanting to send this piece straight to Harvard so they know what they're missing! They're missing out on an extremely smart girl who I think is amazing. Writing this piece showed great strength in accepting the rejection. What's meant to be will be and I know you'll find the right path! Awesome piece.

  34. I sympathized with you as I read this because I know the exact feeling of being rejected from your childhood dream school and it does feel like your heart is being ripped out of your chest. However, you have so much going for you and you will succeed anywhere and at anything. I hope that you have a great experience at Boston University and have many doors opened for you.

  35. Kimberly, this was such an amazing piece. I know it's not always easy to share personal things, but you did such an amazing job at captivating every emotion you felt. Good luck in Boston!

  36. Kimberly, this was such an amazing piece. I know it's not always easy to share personal things, but you did such an amazing job at captivating every emotion you felt. Good luck in Boston!

  37. It’s really inspiring to see how you moved on and took control of your situation, as someone who also was denied a college they really wanted to go to I can sympathize. I will remember your story as I too go to a college that wasn’t my first choice and use it to move on and accept my path

  38. Thank you so so so much for writing this piece and for sharing it with all of us! I know that there are many people out there who have experienced the same thing that you have, including myself. I also know that it sucks not being accepted into your number one school but it's their loss not yours. However, don't let this get you down and just like you said, Harvard is just a name, it doesn't define or determine who you are as a person. Even though i may not know you, I know for a fact that any college will be lucky to have you on their campus. Keep having that positive outlook!
    Jalynne Reyerse Period 2

  39. Wow, I'm honestly stunned you didn't get in. This piece really embodies your emotions well. It was a roller coaster of emotions from anticipation, to disappointment, then acceptance and finally new excitement. In the end your confidence is radiating through, showing what a strong individual you are. Congratulations on your acceptance to Boston University, I hope you love it there!

  40. Im sorry you did not get into your dream school. But your comparison of this being a relationship, with the other half not being mutual was a bit comic relief I enjoyed. But on that note, If a student as brilliant and as involved in extracurriculars as you are did not get into Harvard, it wasn't you... It's them. (That famous break up line)... But honestly, you should look at all of this hard work you have put into your education as something you did to build your knowledge and awareness of the world, not solely to be accepted into a college, you know? Because to be number one in the class is outstanding. So I am absolutely positive that Boston University will have more to offer, being that they recognized your hard work. Always remember, you (the student) are the valuable asset to what makes a college... Not the other way around. (-:

  41. Kimberly, I am amazed that you weren't accepted, and really, that's THEIR loss.
    As it's coming closer to the end of the school year, the question of college hangs over each of us. I completely resonate with the feeling of not getting to go to your dream school, as I am in the same position. I too thought I was not good enough at first, but I have learned that whatever happens happens, and that no matter what, life goes on. This was so beautifully written and thank you for sharing this with us.

  42. wow thank you for sharing your story. When i first saw the title i was expecting a love story, however this is much deeper and motivational. You did your best and you are truly amazing. Congratulation on getting into Boston University.

  43. I'm so sorry you didn't get into your dream school, but regardless I'm incredibly proud of how far you've come and how well you're handling the rejection. You deserve to receive back all that you've put into your education and future, and I still believe that you will, just maybe in a way that doesn't involve Harvard.

  44. This was honestly so deep and personal. Thanks for sharing this with everyone. It brings insight that even the best dont always get what they want. Im so sorry.


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