
Monday, April 16, 2018

"Our Future" by Jalynne R

Dear T,
2 years, 7 months, 29 days and counting that I have spent with you being a part of my life (as my boyfriend.) Who knew that us being “just friends” would eventually lead to me being with my High school sweetheart. It’s been so easy for us, always seeing each other at school, having the same lunch for 4 years, almost being in all of the same classes and always hanging out on the weekends. Our senior year is almost over with only 6 weeks left. Everything that we have become so familiar with is about to end and everything with us is about change. You are the type of person that goes with the flow of everything, you always tell me, “We will worry about things when we get there,” but I am COMPLETELY opposite of you. I need to have a plan and be in control of it or else I can't function. It's difficult for me to sit back and let the world do its thing while I have to wait patiently. However, this bump in the road we are about to face isn't the type of thing that I am able to have a plan for. You and me are going to different colleges, we will be starting our careers pretty shortly, you have a job that takes up most of your time now and in two short years, I will be studying abroad. I know deep down that we both want the same end results, to be together, but that is difficult to do when we have such different paths ahead of us plus many challenges awaiting us too.  I will admit, I used to be afraid that we would be torn apart against our wishes to be together but you and me have an unconditional type of love that can’t be taken away. We have something special, something important and I will continue to be endlessly fortunate for you. You have taught me so much during this relationship of ours, stuff that no one else could have ever taught me. You showed me that love is deeper than just three words, that love requires constant effort, commitment, and emotion. You taught me that it’s okay to have disagreements because not everybody is perfect and as long as at the end of the day we still remember we have love for one another, we will be okay. You've shown me that even when i’m being petty and annoying, that you will be patient with me and reassure me that you aren't going anywhere. The vibe we have when we are together brings me the most joy that I could possibly imagine, a vibe and energy that I can feel in my soul. You have proved to me that love at first sight does actually exist and that it is absolutely possible to find love at such a young age. Your embrace is so welcoming. You make me feel safe, you make me feel alive and the most important thing of it all… you make me feel at home. So my love, even though these years to come will be the ultimate test for us, I know we can do this and I know without a doubt in my mind that we are going to do well. We are both determined and very strong-minded individuals, we have our eyes set on something wonderful, something special together. Regardless of how hard or impossible things may seem,, they won't be because I’ve got you, and you’ve got me. You and me together, we will forget what we have been told and we will take on the whole world together, hand in hand. Always remember that the bible says love will always last, and with you, I am absolutely sure of that.                                                   


  1. This is beautifully written, and speaks to a lot of people especially to me. A lot of people might be going through this situation and feel exactly like this, and its comforting to know that others are going through the same challenges and are not giving up. This is an amazing piece of work

  2. Awwww Jalynne!! This was the sweetest thing and I could feel the love and emotion that you put in to this. With this positive mindset and outlook on the future, I know you two will be able to get through anything that comes your way because of the trust, love, compassion, and strong bond you two share!!

  3. so incredibly touching and heartfelt, by posting this you allowed us as readers into your small and intimate own world of your relationship, its so refreshing to hear stories like this that give me hope that wonderful relationships exist and challenges aren't challenges at all unless you allow them to be. I wish you and your boyfriend a beautiful journey in this thing called life.

  4. This is well written. I enjoyed every single bit of it. A lot of people can relate to it. You two share a very strong bond and I envy it. Good job.

  5. This is actually such a beautiful piece. It is written with such love and vulnerability and it is amazing that you shared this part of you. This piece is extremely raw and it speaks volumes on how strong your relationship is and how you guys will be able to withstand anything. I wish you two the best in your future!

  6. This was truly beautiful. First of all, I think the reason why I enjoyed this so much is because I've always seen you and your boyfriend's relationship from the outside. I've always seen you guys walking and holding hands and you supporting him at his football games. It's kinda crazy knowing about you guys but knowing nothing other than you guys are together. This piece gave a lot more detail about your guys relationship and I'm truly amazed. The emotion behind this was truly beautiful. Loved this piece!
    -Tori Esquivel P.2

  7. this was truly an amazing piece , well written !! i feel like people can relate to a situations like this and how having a positive mindset will go a long way. Bravo

  8. This story touched my heart. I love how I can feel your emotions through your writing. Your story shifted through the different thoughts you are having but it flowed perfectly. Being in our last days, it's getting harder and harder to say goodbye. But through your writing, I can tell that the relationship between you and T is different that the typical high school relationship. Great job!

  9. Your story is extremely relatable to those who fear having relationships in high school because of all the changes that happen after graduation. Your ongoing experience is written out extremely well and I hope you continue to live in a the beautiful relationship you described.
    Valerie cortez

  10. Your piece is so incredibly enchanting and genuine. It’s clear to see through the description of your relationship how you two are truly meant for each other. I wish y’all the best of luck in the upcoming years, that though tough will only make your relationship two times stronger.

  11. I loved the emotion and candidness you wear able to share with us in your post. I wish the best for both of you I also love the fact you both are willing to chase your dreams freely without stopping, or weighing each other down. I had recently gone through something similar in which my ex boyfriend and I decided to part our ways amicably for now. However, I do believe, as cliche as it sounds, if things are meant to be they will work their way out accordingly. Thank you again for sharing this post!
    Kayla Rangel

  12. This is the most profound and sincere expression of love I have had the pleasure of reading. The way you describe your relationship with each other makes me believe that the love you share is truly exceptional. Graduation is soon and the bonds we made throughout these years will surely be tested, but I'm sure that from what you've said you two will always love each other no matter what. Falling in love with someone is the most wonderful thing when they love you back, so cherish the times you have with each other and never be afraid to say "I love you" as much as possible. It's incredibly brave to share something so personal and as precious as your relationship, so thank you for letting us know that we can love so deeply at our age. I wish you the best in your endeavor for love and that your relationship will continue to grow.

    - Justin Presto (Per.1)

  13. While I was reading this my eyes were watering because I could tell how much this topic is hurting you. I feel like many couples are in the same boat as you and dont know how to deal with it. I really hope for the best in your relationship.

  14. I’m really emotional right now so I lowkey started tearing up while reading this. The connection you guys seem to have is amazing and it must be scary no longer having this routine and knowing that things will change drastically. This was really cute and it’s nice that you shared this personal entry for everyone to read. Wish you guys the best!

  15. Great piece of writing, it was so informative and descriptive that I enjoyed it very much so. I really liked the idea that you put together such a nice piece that is very important to our contemporaries. You definitely provided something constructive, and we very much appreciate it !

  16. I can relate to this SO much. This was such a beautiful piece and it flows very well. I could feel the genuine emotion within your writing and it was really touching. I admire your positivity throughout this whole letter, and from that I see how much you guys love each other. I believe in you both!

  17. This piece was absolutely heart touching. Very well written! I wish you and your boyfriend the best.
    -Andrea Dagley-Parra
    Per. 4


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