
Monday, April 16, 2018

"How to Make Oreo Cakesters: The Discontinued Snack that Everyone Wants Back" by Noah Pierce

If you were a kid growing up in the mid-2000s, chances are you remember these. Oreo Cakesters were a staple of my childhood, reminding me of when times were much more simple. Unfortunately, these delicious treats were discontinued in 2012. A few years ago, my grandmother and I searched through numerous stores for these precious treats. We were unsuccessful in our pursuits but we were luckily able to find a recipe online which my family and I occasionally use today. I now present to you my recipe for Oreo Cakesters, the discontinued snack that everyone wants back.

Ingredients for the Chocolate Pieces:
2 beaten eggs
1 cup of oil
3 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
8 tablespoons of cocoa
2 cups of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of evaporated milk
Ingredients for the Filling:
1 cup of vegetable shortening
⅓ cup of evaporated milk
2 cups of powdered sugar

Now that you have the necessary ingredients for the Cakesters, you are ready to begin.

  1. Preheat the oven to 350℉.
  2. Sift the flour, baking soda, salt, and cocoa together in a small bowl.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients for the chocolate pieces and mix together.
  4. Drop the chocolate batter about three inches apart on a cookie sheet. It is important that you do not drop them any closer or else they will mold together while in the oven.
  5. Bake for 5-7 minutes. If you cook it any longer and it will ruin the consistency of the entire treat.
  6. Remove and place in the refrigerator. I usually find that 15-20 minutes is ample enough time for the Oreos to cool down and harden.
  7. Beat the filling ingredients together until it has a creamy texture. The Oreo will taste weird if you do not do this long enough.
  8. Put the white filling between two of the cookies like a sandwich after they are cooled in the fridge.
  9. This step is optional but I like to wrap them in plastic wrap and put them back in the fridge for later.

The finished product should look like this! I hold these treats near and dear to my heart because of the sweet taste as well as the memories I have had while eating these. I hope that you found this recipe helpful enough to try out one day and possibly share with your friends and family. Enjoy!


  1. Man, does this take me back. I'm glad that you shared this, I remember Oreo Cakesters were my favorite, and I was so so so sad when they were discontinued. But now, with this wonderful recipe, I can finally have my favorite childhood snack back. Thank you so much for posting this!
    -Carianne Lefebvre P.1

  2. This is the first time I've heard of Oreo Cakesters, since my parents were sticklers about healthy eating when I was little. No matter; I already started missing it, just by name alone. I'm glad that you posted your recipe since they look incredibly delicious and I have nothing but free time to try making them over the summer.

  3. I remember these Oreos, it’s so great that i can make my own using your recipe. I cant wait to try them again. Great job on your blog entry!

  4. Lauren Elizabeth WrightApril 18, 2018 at 12:07 PM

    Wow, I love this! When I find time I will try this recipe out. It's such a shame that they were discontinued, and it makes your how-to unique since no one can easily just go to the store and buy what you are teaching us how to make. This was well-written and informative; good job.

  5. Thank you for sharing this awesome "How To!" I love oreo cookies and this recipe is something I HAVE TO try out. I will have to try and make these A$AP!

  6. I remember these! They were so good that I would often sneak some to my room lol! My favorite dessert has always been oreo flavored whether it was ice cream or the OG oreo cookies. Thank you for reviving a piece of my childhood and sharing your substitute, I will be sure to try these out.

  7. I absolutely love this idea!!! I remember Oreo Cakesters but never had the chance to try them... and I admire that you and your family sought to recreate this recipe, not only does this look great but seems healthier too!! :)

  8. I don't know why, but I can and can't remember these snacks. Now I feel like I am missing something in mt childhood :( lol. ANYWAYS! Thank you for sharing this. Now I am able to get full experience this by making it. Your entry flowed really well and is easy to understand. Great Job Noah! I can't wait to try it!
    -Kristine Caspe period 5

  9. I ate these treats as a child too and loved them! I honestly forgot about them after they disappeared, but after reading your recipe it makes me miss them! I can't wait to try out your easy to follow recipe soon. Great job Noah!

  10. I remember always wanting to get these from the grocery store, but my mom always said no because she liked the original oreos. Thanks to your helpful recipe, I can finally have the chance to try them! I enjoyed your introduction and the easy-to-follow instructions. Good job!

  11. I completely agree that the Oreo Cakesters are a snack that everyone should want back! The last time I ate an Oreo Cakester was about 8 years ago and that sounds crazy. I'm lucky to stumble upon your recipe because of it's simple instructions and I'm ready to make them in my free time!

  12. This brings back memories from when I was younger. My dad would come home from the store and surprise us with this delicious treat. Maybe I can use this recipe in the future when my family and I start talking about the Oreo Cakesters.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  13. Okay this looks absolutely delicious! This recipe was easy to follow and I loved the personal intro you had. I definitely have to give this a try!
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  14. Dang I totally forgot about these, man it brings back memories. Now i can't wait to try them. I liked how it was easy to follow along with the instructions, I might just have to try to make these for my friends.

  15. I TOTALLY forgot about these! I only had them a few times but I loved them every time my family bought them. I didn't even think about trying to find a recipe to remake Oreo Cakesters. Thanks for sharing!

  16. These were one of those snacks I would secretly hide at the bottom of shopping cart while I was dragged into running errands with my mom. I remember the heartbreak I suffered as I was told they were no longer in stores. I'm super glad you shared this easy to follow recipe, now I can remake one of my favorite childhood snacks! Good job!

  17. I can't recall trying these, I probably haven't had them. It looks delicious, I can't wait to try out this recipe. I found it really sweet that your grandma tried to help you find the cakesters. I'm glad you found a recipe that brought back the delicious treat.The recipe is very easy to follow, I can't wait to try it.

  18. I remember seeing these cakesters on shelves in the grocery store but never got the chance to try them. As a lover of oreos I am definitely interested in this recipe. Thank you for sharing this blog with us all! I can't wait to finally try them!

  19. I am so happy you decided to do your tutorial on this! I used to love these so much and the fact that you gave us a great alternative to getting them is absolutely amazing. The directions were very clear and detailed which helped make the whole process so much easier. Thank you!

  20. This recipe is sooo cute! The story in the beginning about your grandmother was a nice touch that melted my heart. Your recipe was very simple and seemed easy to follow. My family will be absolutely thrilled when I try these out for myself. Thanks for the great recipe!

  21. I remember these so much. Honestly, because of this, I'm going to start making these again. Thanks for a great How-To.

  22. I rememeber these cookies, they were so yummy! I'm glad you've reminded us of these wonderful dessert cookies. Your piece flowed well and included enough detail for anyone to follow along with. Thanks for sharing. Gavin Gnaster

  23. I used to eat these all the time, and I only came to Winco for that purpose. However, like any normal American, I was distraught when they were discontinued. But with your amazing recipe, my life has changed completely. Thank you for sharing what is probably the answer I've been searching for. Great post

  24. I am allergic to chocolate, but if I wasn't I would make these! I love the fact that you chose this as your topic! My dad loves these and after I show this to my mom I'm sure she will make them! I enjoy the fact that you included a picture and used a really simple broken down recipe. Great piece!
    - Tori Esquivel P.2

  25. Wow this is so great! I was so excited when I clicked on this because I miss the Oreo Cakester treats and I'm so happy there's a recipe for it! This is something I'm definitely going to try. Good job!

  26. Unlike a lot of people I have no clue what an Oreo cakester is but just reading the instructions of how to make it interests me and kinda got me hungry. Great job for making the instructions easy to follow!

  27. i cant say iv have theses oreo cakesters before... but after reading your 'how to" and seeing the pictures, this a must to make ! thank you and i cant wait to make this

  28. I forgot that these used to be a thing. Your how to brought back many good memories from my childhood. I'm excited to try your recipe so I can once again eat a delicious Oreo Cakester
    -Dominique Madrigal
    per. 1

  29. Honestly this is the first time I have ever heard what an Oreo Cakesters is and it seemed like a great snack to eat during your free time! I am happy that I read this "How to" so I can try to make these on my own since they discontinued.
    Breanna C.
    period 5

  30. I'm honestly so tempted to make these right now. It's almost midnight and I'm really debating on it. I'm glad you chose a unique how to since this isn't sold anymore, it made it your piece stand out. You did really good on explaining step by step, and including pictures was helpful. Good job!

  31. The temptation to actually make these is unreal, these used to be my favorite snack when I was in elementary school, thank you so much for sharing this!

  32. I remember seeing these all the time as I love oreos but never had the chance to try these. I like the fact that you put discontinued and now you know how to make something not made anymore and it's such an easy "HOW TO." Good Job!

  33. Wow! I remember eating these all the time. Thank you for sharing this recipe and bringing me back to my childhood. I will definitely be trying this at home as it seems very simple to make and I look forward to it.

  34. I love how you made this simple "how-to" a trip down memory lane! Going back to the simpler times to remember and treasure the amazing treats that we used to have is such a great way to start your post. I appreciate you making it super simple and easy to follow along. I'm excited to try these myself. Great Job! - Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  35. My mouth was watering just reading the recipe. I am excited to try this and enjoyed the backstory as well!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  36. I remember these! Thank you being this back because I'm sure that some people are still wondering where the Oreo cakesters went. Good Job for making the directions super easy to follow and recreate.

  37. You should consider selling these HA! I actually remember when they stopped selling these! I am excited to tell my grandma about this so she can bake them.. for me. Thanks!

  38. This is very interesting. I’ve personally never heard of Oreo Cakesters, but after reading your post, it’s something I’m definitely willing to try. It sounds so good! I liked your post because it’s simple. A good kind of simple; one that anyone can follow. Thank you for sharing this! I’m off to make some Oreo Cakesters for myself!

  39. This takes me back! Thanks for sharing a nostalgic memory as well as a great recipe. I look forward to coming back to this next time I am in the kitchen!

  40. I loved this! I loved these oreos and creating your own recipe after its discontinuation was a great idea. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  41. Noah, I am sooo thankful for this recipe! I am literally an oreo finatic, and oreo cakesters had to be one of my top 5 snacks as a kid. I have yet to come across this recipe and thought this snack would remain a food that would be lost forever, however this recipe has really restored my childhood memories. I am very excited to try this easy to follow recipe and make some oreo cakesters!
    -Destiny Freeman

  42. Ahhh the good ol' cakesters. I remember how good these things were. Thanks to you, we all can enjoy this snack once more. Will be definitely giving this a go.

  43. Noah, I loved this! I was so sad when I couldn't find them in stores anymore. The introduction was super cute and helped me become invested into learning the steps of how to make these delicious cakesters! It was also super helpful of you to include pictures of what the finished product should look like!
    Kayla Rangel

  44. Wowww!!! These were a childhood snack that were always present in my pantry!!! Thank you for sharing this recipe! I especially love your introduction and how personal it was great job! I might just start making them now !!!

  45. Woahhh!!! These were a childhood snack of mine that were always present in my pantry. I love your introduction and how personal it was thank you for sharing a recipe and breaking it down step by step with numbers! Great Job!!

    Eddie Avila
    period 1

  46. Sounds so good. I've never had these before but seems like something I'd love. Desserts have always been something I loved so I really want to try this.
    Austyn Coleman

  47. Omg I remember these!!! Thank you so much for making this how to. I'm definitely going to try these out. I love how you added a personal story at the beginning with your grandmother. Thank you so much again and great job!

  48. THANK YOU SO MUCH NOAH!!! I loved cakesters, and I was so confused when they stopped appearing at Stater Brother's. I will be copying this recipe into my recipe book that I plan on using in college. Thank you again for bringing back one of my favorite treats.

  49. I am very happy you decided to post this because I completely forgot about these. Oreos will always be my favorite, so I might try to make these. Your layout is very organized and easy to follow. Thank you, again!

  50. Wow, I really took in all of this detail. I really like oreos and cant get enough of them! I think ill try this out for myself now

  51. Although I don't remember seeing or eating oreo cakesters, these seem very delicious. I'd love to try these one day and this recipe makes it possible. Thanks Noah!

  52. This treat really brings me back. I remember eating these in elementary school and i'm grateful you posted this recipe. I was surprised at how simple the ingredients were and how easy the steps were to follow. Overall a well organized and written recipe that I can't wait to make as a late night snack.

  53. I saw this advertised somewhere and thought they looked so delicious and googled where to buy them but did see that they’re no longer sold. So happy you made this and that the steps are easy to follow.

  54. I can't believe I forgot about these wondrous snacks! I want to try this recipe soon, I feel like it'd take me back to being a kid again! Can't wait to try this and thanks for the blast from the past.

  55. I remember these back when I was smaller, yet I do not recall how they based like. This will give me a chance to remember. Thank yu so much for sharing this how to. it will be very helpful since I will be trying this recipe.

  56. I completely forgot about these! Reading this brought back so many memories, I have to try and recreate this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  57. I love this "how to" because thinking of finding a recipe for a lost dessert is genius! The introduction was very well written and relatable through personal experience, making readers automatically connect to the piece. Hopefully they bring it back!

  58. Noah I absolutely love these snacks they were the best things in the world. I can not wait until I try to use this extremely well written how to. Hopefully the ones I make are as great as the original.
    - Steve Martinez

  59. I absolutely love this piece, especially because I can't get enough of Oreos. The introduction immediately reminded of my childhood, which was a great personal touch. I will definitely have to try this out, thank you very much for sharing your recipe with us. Your directions are nice and clear cut, this dish sounds absolutely delicious and suprisingly sounds very simple to make.

  60. I really missed this dessert and I was sad when they discontinued them. I'm glad you helped bring back a childhood favorite snack. I will have to try to make this with my family.

  61. i remember having one back in elementary, and this recipe does not seem to be to difficult. i also love how you made the directions very easy to follow.

  62. I love the little backstory you gave behind the recipe, it made it a little more interesting to read. I too remember these delicious things from my childhood, and reading this was almost like remembering a long forgotten memory. I enjoyed this how to :)

  63. I remember these Oreos! I always wanted to try these but I never got a chance to. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe with us. I will definitely give this a try!

  64. OH my goodness! These take me back YEARS! Thank you for bringing the memory of these back with your recipe!
    -Kaitlyn Rueda


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