
Monday, March 19, 2018

“Unexpectedly” by Janae S

            February 18, 2018, the day of excitement and anxiousness turns into a day of sorrow. I woke up early on this particular Sunday. I had a college audition at the University of California Los Angeles. This day was going to be nerve- wrecking, but exciting all at once. I got everything I needed for the audition and left. My mother drove me to Los Angeles. The audition consisted of an information session about University of California Los Angeles’ theater program, learning a choreographed musical style dance, performing two monologues, singing two songs, and an interview. This lasted for about four long hours. Once the audition was done, I was finally able to go home and rest up. Until tragedy had struck.
            On the way home, my mother got a call from one of her brothers, who is one of my uncles. I was listening to music with it blasting from my earphones into my eardrums, so I was unable to hear the conversation that was going on. My mother has her phone connected to the car, so she does not have to have her phone in her hand while driving. I paused my music when I noticed my mother’s face. She was in shock. When she got off the phone, my mother decided to tell me the news at that moment, so I would not find out in a hard way. One of my cousins, who I grew up with and was very close to, has passed away.
            Denial had come first. I told my mother not to say that because I did not want to believe it. She said my cousin had a seizure. I wanted to start crying, but because my mother was still driving, and for the sake of her to also not to start to cry, I held it in. We went to his house, but the closer we got, the more I wanted to scream out. The police was there, and so was my aunt, his mother. I stayed in the car, while my mother went to go and comfort her sister. I could not bear going inside the house. Once alone, I broke down. I could not help it. This was the first time losing someone that was so close to me. We were at the house until midnight. Then, we allowed ourselves to go home and at least, try to get some sleep. Sleeping that night was difficult for me. In the morning, I did not want to get out of the bed, but I forced myself to. When I did, I would stop and look at the few pictures of my cousin that we have around our house.
            My family told each other that we would all get through this together. When time for the funeral came two weeks later, we all had to emotionally prepare ourselves. The funeral was packed with his friends and extended family. His friends and colleagues talked about how they appreciated him and looked up to him… literally (he was taller than six feet and seven inches!) Hearing all the wonderful comments people had to say about my cousin brought happiness to my heart. Upon taking a glance at everyone who attended, I was able to see my father, along with two aunts, an uncle, and two cousins all from my father’s side of the family. I was ecstatic to see that they came to the funeral.
            My cousin’s death taught me that I need to appreciate more, the people who are in my life because I never know when they will unexpectedly leave. My family’s religious faith is what we looked to when trying to think of positive thoughts. We know he is looking after us, and that he cares. We know that he is happy. Whenever I see a picture of him or hear his name, I am reminded of all the precious moments we have had together. I will think of the last time I had seen him at a family gathering. I will think of all the times we would laugh about the most ridiculous subjects. I remember every time we see each other, he would greet me by saying “hi cousin”. I remember how much of a picky eater he was. I remember when going to his college graduation and how my cousin had to bend down to get the medal he was awarded around his neck because he was taller than his professors. I will always have memories of him to look back on.


  1. This is such a heart-wrenching piece of writing, because i know how hard reality is able to hit sometimes... and how incredibly unreal the initial shock can feel. I would have never been able to put it into words as precisely as you did. And your ending, reflecting on the lovely moments you had with your cousins and his accomplishments and personality, was amazing.
    -Imani Crenshaw, per. 2

  2. I feel like your vivid detail of your own thoughts and experience during this tough time captivates really well the magnitude of how this death affected you. You have incorporated an effective use of imagery in order to retell this event and I admire how by the end you mentioned a new perspective that can inspire others as well.

  3. This actually made me cry and also the way you describe every little thing about the incident is very touchy. I am so sorry to hear that, but as you said there’s always a reason behind everything and we should learn from all the good and bad times. I love the way you represent your family and your faith on them. Your story inspires me and others a lot, thank you so much for sharing.

  4. It must have taken a lot of courage to put such a personal piece on the blog, I admired this very much. You packed so much raw emotions into this and it really made your piece resonate with me. I thought adding the portion about your day at the audition before really reinforced your message that your life can change at any moment.

  5. Your title "Unexpectedly" seemed to stay attached in my mind as I was reading your personal reflection. It really can be the unexpected events in life, when it comes to losing someone close. The word dragged on, in my head from your description of the particular Sunday because we don't get a choice when devastating situations like this occur. It just unexpectedly happens and as humans we are left to deal with it. This leads to the reason why I loved your ending. Especially, how you reflected upon the great memories with your cousin and how people in our life should be appreciated more. And thank you for sharing your personal reflection.

  6. "I'm not crying my eyes are just wet." This piece made me feel all sorts of emotions while reading and I commend you for being able to write about something so personal on an open forum. Great writing sorry for your loss.

  7. Your piece was very insightful of your emotions after you lost your cousin. Writing about your audition and then explaining how you found our your cousin passed away really showed how it was unexpected. you did an amazing job showing emotions through your writing.

  8. I am so sorry about your loss Janae. I admire how you vividly talked about your great memories of your cousin and how much his life greatly impacted you and how you view your time with your loved ones. It's crazy how abrupt something so heart breaking like that can happen, but that's just another reason why you have to take in and appreciate every second spent with the ones that mean a lot to you. I loved your piece so much and I know your cousin is happy, cheering you on!

  9. Wow. I was not expecting this from reading your title. But I love that you added the part about your audition to really show how life is so unexpected. I admire you for writing about something so personal and it really shows your bravery. I'm so sorry you had to experience this. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. Losing some one you're close to is hard enough as it is, but, also after such a long audition must have made it all the more hard. I'm so sorry that he had to pass so early. I hope that you feel better soon.

  11. First of all, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Losing someone so close to you in your life is extremely difficult and I admire your strength. Your post was very heartfelt and moving. Your cousin is watching over you and proud of who you are becoming!
    Kayla Rangel

  12. Wow!I couldn't imagine the feeling all those emotions at once, losing someone so close to you is hard, yet you were able to clearly describe and organize the events that took place that day,great job.

  13. This blog entry took me by complete surprise. I absolutely did not expect the shift in the subject and it hit me hard. Fortunately, I've never been through something similar to this experience but I could just tell how excruciating it was for you just by the raw, emotional writing style you used. Sorry for loss and thank you for sharing.

  14. I found this entry really touching and sentimental. You had shared a personal story that you didn't have to and with that being said, it says a lot about you as a person. You are really strong and brave for dedicating this entry to your cousin. Also, you are completely correct that we shouldn't take advantage of the people we love around us. I just want to say, thank you for sharing and I am so sorry for you loss.

  15. Losing people like that in your life at an unexpected moment will definitely impact how you feel about everybody around you. The future will always be unknown. The loss of a loved one is a tough obstacle, but eventually time will do its part and ease your emotions. I'm very sorry for your loss.

  16. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us. I'm sorry for your loss. I was able to relate with your entry. It's really a tough thing to go through. I hope you're doing okay, because I was able to feel how much you loved your cousin with how you wrote your entry. Stay strong!

  17. It must have been a very emotional piece to write. Thank you for sharing your story. I have yet to lose a loved one in my life, but this makes me think of the grief that I will face in the future, as my grandparents are in their 80s and their health is declining. I'm very sorry for your loss.

  18. Janae, although I don't know you so well, I want you to know that I too know the feeling of losing a family member for the first time. You are incredibly inspiring and brave for sharing such a personal story. I believe forms of art like writing, acting, or singing are great outlets to express these emotions and I believe you especially can appreciate that. I pray you continue to live your life for the sake of your cousin. Life is a beautiful gift and I know some days will be hard, but you will get through it because like your piece, you inspire.

  19. I applaud your ability to take this unfortunate circumstance as a learning experience, its hard to go what you went through still thinking positively. The way you wrote out even minuscule details makes this piece more personal and realistic.

  20. This is so powerful. The way you described every detail as if reliving the moment was very heart wrenching and I even felt as if I were there. Your tone shift in the fourth paragraph where you started remembering the good times and even used comedy was extremely touching. Its amazing how you are able to write about something so personal and the way you handled it in writing proves how strong you are.

  21. I can't imagine the pain you must've felt I'm so sorry for your loss, Janae. Your title really caught my attention and took me by surprise. Thanks for sharing such a personal story.

  22. I am so sorry for your loss Janae. It is difficult losing someone you are attached to. The description used in this piece to life. I admire your strength while dealing with this incident.

  23. This is such a touching piece, since I too have been through a terrible loss of a close family friend. Thank you for sharing your feelings and showing your strength/positivity through a devastating event.


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