
Monday, March 19, 2018

"One Of My Forever Time Hero’s" by Mekka J

     Growing up I was always a daddy's girl at heart. There was nothing that could

separate me from my dad. Not even the video games on PlayStation 3. I remember the nights he would leave to work and I would just break down crying. I thought my world was ending until he got back home that night and would say hello. My dad is a hero in my eyes not because he had mysterious magic tricks, but because of his love for my siblings and I. He was always steadfast and would be our savior when we got into trouble with our mom. Like the time I got into trouble by my mom and I ran from her as she chased me down the hall with her belt. I jumped in my dads bed and threw the cover over my body shouting “daddy save me!” 

My dad had always been a significant person in my life. He is the reason I push harder in class, on the track field, at work, and in any other thing that I get into. Yeah I mean he was tough on all four of us growing up but that was because he wanted better from us. He envisioned us going off to college and being successful unlike the rest of my family. I remember in the fourth grade I had received an award for “Perfect attendance” and he looked so displeased he said “i’m tired of yall getting these perfect attendance awards get something else like the other kids.” From that day on I worked super hard in the classroom because I wanted to shut him up; being the little brat that I am, I did. When I got the award that said most excelled student alongside three other awards my dad was so proud of me he even brought his video recorder. 

My most fondest memory of my dad was when I had turned 12 he took my siblings and I to Raging Waters for the very first. There was this ride called Drop Out and after reaching the top I didn’t want to get on. Of course my dad was the first one to go on the ride but he came back to the top because I had held up a line and refused to go on. At that moment my dad became my hero, he influenced me to go on the ride. I still remember his voice and the exact words he said to me. “Come on baby were all cheering for you, you can do it, you got this baby,” those were the most influential words my dad had ever spoken to me, and I will never forget them. 

Just at the short age of 12, my dad was taken away from me due to and endless act of racism. He had done nothing wrong, but walk in his skin that God had blessed him with. The day I found out that my dad was no longer, I was numb. I began to shut everyone out and turn away from everything, including school. I began to invest my time into things that made me feel most connected to him, such as basketball, and I would play Call of Duty World at War every day just shooting people up. I had so much hatred towards the world for about a good year or two. Every year as October 13th makes another year, my life becomes harder. This year has been one of the most challenging years for me because I am battling his absence and me growing up. I try to make the
most out of everything for him. I submitted some college applications on his anniversary and made it a positive act, but life is not easy for me now that he is gone. He will never get to call me his “Chocolate Baby” again, and he will NEVER get to walk me down the aisle. Each day I tell people goodby and depart from them with a hug or smile, because you never know when your last time will be. I remember the last time I gave him a kiss goodbye as I watched his car drive away from my house. I will forever remember you dad, until we meet again at the Golden Gate
~Love Your First Chocolate Baby.


  1. This story is so heartfelt and it was very brave for you to write this. I can feel the connection you had to you father through these words and I am sorry for your loss. The beginning was very sweet and the recollections you had of your childhood were very touching. Thank you for sharing this piece with us and great job!

  2. Mekka, I first want to say that you are one of the most hardworking people I know and I know your dad would be so proud of all your accomplishments thus far. It takes a lot of strength to write a piece so personal to heart. I liked how you incorporated many memories of your dad to give readers a perspective as to what he was like and his impact on you. Not only was this a sincere tribute to your late father, but I find this piece inspiring for others as you also mention how you continue to strive and work for your future. Great job Mekka! Stay strong!!

  3. I am the biggest daddy's girl as well. I was smiling as you described all of the little memories because it reminds me so much of my dad. I could not read the ending without crying. You are so strong, so talented, I'm so proud of you. I know your dad is smiling looking down at you making prom court!! Beautiful story, beautiful memories.

  4. This was so emotional and a beautiful piece about your father. I'm tearing up and can't believe how brave you are. Your father sounds like a true hero and I know it is tiring to hear but I'm sorry that he was taken from you far too soon. You are amazing and I'm proud of you for being strong and taking control of your own life.

  5. I am sorry for the loss of your dad Mekka... This piece is so incredibly beautiful and heartfelt. You're a strong and confident individual, I'm sure your dad is very proud of the person you have become. I especially love how you added some of the lines he would say it made your piece that much more heartfelt. Amazing job

  6. awhh Mekka!!! I am so deeply sorry for your loss. This truly hit me hard. This story was very shocking and you did very well writing it. I can't imagine how hard it is for you during these times. I totally agree with the fact that you will never know when someone will leave this world.

  7. You did a really good job at conveying your emotions and embodying the idea that it's all the little things. The memories you shared were heartfelt and heartbreaking all at the same time. It was brave of you to write your blog about your father and share your story. You are a beautiful soul and you definitely taught me to ALWAYS say goodbye to the people I love and care about. Love you!

  8. Mekka you are one of my best friends and we have had our ups and downs and I have always admired how mature and confident you are. You are a strong, independent and loving individual. Your piece was so heartfelt and intriguing. Stories of your childhood make me want to cherish mine forever. You are an amazing person and don't forget that. Your dad has a wide toothy smile right now from how proud he is.

  9. Mekka you are such an amazing woman inside and out. I am so proud of all of your accomplishments no matter how hard it got you never gave up. I love you so much! I can not wait to see what else God has instore for you.

  10. Mekka, I'm so sorry for loss. I admire your strength to be successful in everything that you do. Your dad is always going to be there for you and know that he's very proud of you. Keep going because you are a strong young woman. I'm sorry for your loss again.

  11. Strength comes from the heart they say, and this story packed a punch. Couldn't help but cry and feel heart warmed. Continue to smile and live happily for your dad, I'm sure he's proud.

  12. You are such a strong girl! I'm so sorry for your loss, but despite your hardships, you still thrived as a person and took those hardships to make you stronger. You are such an inspiration and serve as a prime example of how one's trials can be persevered and turned into greater things. I hope one day I'll be able to do the same. Thank you for sharing your story!

  13. Wow Mekka this was awesome. I am proud of you for turning an event like this into something positive for you and using it as motivation and excelling nevertheless. Thank you for having the courage to share this with us as well.

  14. This is such an emotional and beautiful piece and I’m very proud of you from sharing your father’s story with us. I don’t know you but from your blog post I can tell you’re a very strong woman and I’m glad I stumbled across this post.
    -Jacqueline Cortes

  15. This is such an emotional and beautiful piece and I’m very proud of you from sharing your father’s story with us. I don’t know you but from your blog post I can tell you’re a very strong woman and I’m glad I stumbled across this post.
    -Jacqueline Cortes


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