
Monday, March 19, 2018

“How To Drive” by Meila P

Sixteens the big year that everyone looks forward to because it’s the year they could legally get their license. Having the ability to drive is the ticket freedom and not having to ask your parents to take you any where or constantly ask someone to pick you up. The ability to drive is having the right to never call shotgun and annoy everyone else in the car. Yes, mostly everyone reading this has their license and have a few years of experience, but some people still don’t know the fundamentals of driving, including me, so I wrote this how to help all of us and make the streets safer. Enjoy!
What ● ● ●
What 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
you need to drive:
A car with working blinkers, brake lights, working brake (4 door/2 door your preference) A license
Mirrors aligned right so you can see everything

To Do:
When you get in the car, remember to put your seatbelt on
Check your mirrors, your rear view mirrors, or if you have a camera, make sure it’s clear Put your gas on the break and turn on your engine.
Make sure your parking brake is off.
Put your gear into drive and slowly drive off checking all surroundings.

How to drive in traffic
  • ●  Stay in your lane
  • ●  If you’re in front of a car do not drive slow if everyone else around you is driving at the
    same speed limit
  • ●  If you are going to turn, use your blinker so the driver knows if they can go or not
  • ●  If you are driving faster than the driver in front of you, go around them, don’t tailgate
    them or else they may go even slower, just proceed to go around them
  • ●  If you want to switch lanes turn on your blinker and proceed once available, people
    aren’t going to let you go if they don’t know you want to switch lanes
  • ●  If someone has been wanting to merge onto a lane, drive faster or let them go, do not go
    the same speed as them
  • ●  If someone is letting you merge then merge and not let them wait any longer than they
    have to
  • ●  Honk when needed, if someone is cutting you off, not going when they’re supposed to
    then go ahead
  • ●  If someone’s telling you to go in a four way stop, don’t tell them to go back, just go
  • ●  Look when you are backing out, if no ones there then back out
  • ●  Make sure when you turn you don’t go over a curb
  • ●  Turn on your headlights when needed
  • ●  If the lights been yellow for a long time don’t go
I know, I’m not a perfect driver but every time I drive there’s always people that don’t know what they’re doing. I really enjoy driving and I do it for fun sometimes, and for me personally, I’m always the one to pick everyone up and I just want them, and myself, to get there safely. If everyone would just learn how to drive the right way, I believe the rate of accidents will decrease immensely.


  1. I really enjoy the simplicity of this, the tips you mentioned are not only laws of the road, but plain common sense and common courtesy. I think if people followed these rules more closely we could prevent quite a few car accidents and just make driving in general a safer environment. ALSO I LOVE THAT YOU INCLUDED NOT TO DRINK IN DRIVE, not only is it illegal but it is totally selfish and irresponsible.

  2. Driving is really one of the most scariest things humans do. We operate mechanical vehicle with nothing to guide us but lights and lines and nothing but air in between us. Which is why driving is so dangerous. Thus it being crucial that people take it seriously and follow simple rules, like those you mentioned. You did an excellent job and keeping it simple and straightforward as to things drivers should follow and conduct by. Great use of description and getting your point across.

  3. I wish this was something I had when I first started driving. This guide is very helpful, and I think it'll help many other people who are going to be starting to drive soon. The directions were clear and simple and anyone can understand them. I especially like your inclusion of rules of common courtesy, because there are so few people on the roads today that actually know what that is. Thank you for sharing this guide!

  4. I do not have my license yet (unfortunately) but I am currently practicing and learning to get it so once I saw your title I immediately clicked. This is very helpful and useful advice. I appreciate how you included basic tips like checking your mirrors along with on-the-road tips like following the speed limit because the basics are easy to forget. I love that you are promoting safe driving because I see too many people on the road driving dangerously, whether by not putting on their blinker when changing lanes or tailgating. Great job!

  5. I am so glad someone said it. I totally agree with your statements. We are all human and aren't perfect but people tend to not know how to drive. The fact they got a licenses is beyond me. Good job at making your blog something people/students can relate to.

  6. I love this blog because i feel like people don't understand how serious and dangerous driving is. People are too careless and inconsiderate when its plain common sense. This is something everyone should follow and think about every time they are in a car. Great job!!

  7. These tools and rules are so helpful. I love it. More people who are just getting their license should read this.

  8. Thank you for this quick explanation on how to drive. I haven't started to yet and found this really useful and informative.

  9. This was so cute and imformative! I really appreciate the reason why you wrote this because even to those of us that do have our license it is always good to get a refresher. Teenagers are the age group that are known for reckless driving so even your simplest tips are necessary to know and understand before hitting the road. I appreciate that you laid out your post in a way that is super easy to follow. Great Job! -Sabrina Wilkerson

  10. This was so cute and informative! I really appreciate the reason why you wrote this because even to those of us that do have our license it is always good to get a refresher. Teenagers are the age group that are known for reckless driving so even your simplest tips are necessary to know and understand before hitting the road. I appreciate that you laid out your post in a way that is super easy to follow. Great Job! -Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  11. Considering that many Californians rely on their cars to get around, it's funny to see that there are still many drivers that lack the fundamentals in driving, whether it be using their turn signals, or even considering right of way. This how-to is a good refresher for those that drive like they need it.

    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  12. Wow, this is such a helpful "How To" for those barely starting to drive. I know it's frustrating and scary for beginners and the bullet points with the most important things to remember are very neat. This was great !
    -Valerie Cortez

  13. Hey I really liked the topic. You gave a lot of good ideas to help those who are scared or first time drivers. I feel many more people should look at this as an everyday tool cause I've been around people who drive and I often question how they got their licence.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  14. when i learned how to drive i had to learn and follow all these rules and still do. i like how you emphasize the importance of following these rules to be a good and safe driver and not cause accidents or get in one yourself

  15. I really admire this post because a lot of people don’t realize how crucial it is to know the importance of being safe when driving, driving is also a privelage and I was able to experience getting my liscense and it definitely is not easy but I really appreciate the time you took to share the value upon safety.

  16. I wish I had this before I took my test. Your directions are quite concise but very easy to read and understand. Good Job!

  17. Great job! Personally I’m taking my behind the wheel test in about a week and this was an excellent reminder of the things I need to know and a great refresher on the things I already know. I really enjoyed how easy it was to read and understand as well as the overall simplicity of your piece. In summation, really good job on this :)

  18. Many of us have our license, but I feel like this was a great reminder to those who have had it for a year or so. This how to was very simple and to the point to ensure everyone understands the basics of driving.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  19. These are some pretty helpful tips that would help a new driver. One thing I don't think you are supposed to do is honk your horn. If I remember from the test, the horn is reserved for when it's an emergency and you are about to crash, not when someone cuts you off. I like how you mentioned tips that seem like common sense, but really aren't such as not driving over the curb. I've seen these mistakes made several times, so I'm glad you made a list about them.

  20. Meila, this is very good, but i also find it very ironic considering I have seen you make a left turn on the no left turns. However, I think this is very easy to follow, and hopefully everyone can remember this!

  21. When I was learning to drive, these same principles were applied and are now embedded into my driving actions. I appreciate how clear and concise your directions are.

  22. While I've been driving for over two years, this is a nice reminder to always follow the rules as its easy to become a lazy driver. This is very helpful for those who just got their license and are even going to get it soon! I also love how you put in caps, "DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE" as high schooler's always need a reminder. Great Job!

  23. I loved this how to because although majority of us know how to drive and obtain a license, it is relieving to know that you also care about the minor things while driving. Good job at emphasizing not to drink and drive. Wonderful job

  24. This is extremely useful for upcoming or new drivers, I enjoyed the fact that all these tips are super helpful to new drivers who need more guidance,great job.

  25. I enjoyed this piece because it stresses the fact that driving is a serious issue. I feel like this generation takes driving lightly. Whether or not you have been driving for years, safety is a huge part of it. This piece was informative and educational. I appreciated it very much and it even reminded me to constantly be checking the way I drive as well.
    - Tori Esquivel P.2

  26. I really enjoyed how simplistic but yet, so informative your piece was. Your tips are going to be very helpful to new drivers, including me! I think that as teens, we tend to forget how important the basics of driving are
    because we are to consumed in our newfound freedom. Overall, your tips are a helpful reminder to all of us drivers before we head out on the road.
    Jalynne Reyerse Period 2

  27. I found this piece really interesting because I had never read a "how to" talking about the fundamentals of driving. Your tips were very clear and any driver would be able to learn from this and imply it to their own driving skills. Driving can be a very scary process especially starting off. I wish I would have been able to read something like this when I was preparing to get my license. Great Job Meila!

  28. The formatting of this piece is really clean and easy to follow. I definitely find this piece necessary, as I personally see that some of the worst drivers are people our age.

  29. These are very helpful tips for people that are just starting to learn how to drive and also for some of those that have been driving. Some of the things that you listed, I wish I knew when I first started. Thanks

    Jeremiah Credo P1

  30. i like this piece, although i'm 18 and a bit late considering all of my other peers are already driving, this gives me some good tips, they are very informative and helpful and gives me a very encouraging push that driving wont be so bad and that i can do it lol thank you for this blog post and how well informed you have made me.

  31. This is perfect timing and great review as i'm going to take my driving test very soon. It also puts emphasis on many of the dangers of the road that people take for granted such as don't drink and drive. Maybe hearing it from someone their own age will stop teenage drivers from making those mistakes.

  32. really great information, now that i am getting ready to take my permit test and soon enough my driving test. i will definitely use this to my advantage and review before taking my tests.


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