
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

“How to Make My Creamy Fettuccine Sausage Alfredo.” By Joshua D

With spring and summer slowly approaching what better dish to bring to a kickback or family party to impress your friends or family than some creamy sausage alfredo. Ever since I was young Chicken Alfredo had always been one of my go to dishes when going to an Italian restaurant however I decided to try my hand at making Alfredo with my own twist. What makes my Alfredo different is that instead of chicken I use a more flavorful smoked sausage as the main source of protein and utilize three different types of cheese. The preparation time for this dish is around 1 hour to an hour and a half .Hopefully this recipe not only fills you up but feeds your soul as well with its thick and creamy sauce.
Materials :
Large pot Large pan Bowl
Paper towels

Smoked sausage
2 tbsp butter
3 cloves of garlic
16 oz heavy cream
1 package of fettuccine pasta Salt

Black pepper
Olive oil
1⁄2 cup shredded parmesan
1 cup shredded white cheddar 1 cup shredded mozzarella

Pasta preparation:
Step 1:
In a large pot fill 3⁄4 full of water and add about 3 tbsp of salt and bring to a boil on
high heat.
Step 2:Once boiling take the bundle of fettuccine pasta and drop it in the center of the pot to
help prevent them from sticking together.
Step 3:Cook pasta till al dente which should take around 8 to 13 minutes or until preferred
Step 4:Once done strain the pasta and add 2 tbsp of olive oil help prevent sticking and place
to the side for now.
Alfredo Sauce preparation:
Step 1:
Take the smoked sausage cut it into 1⁄2 inch thick slices.
Step 2:In a large pan add 2 tbsp of olive oil and add in the sliced smoked sausage. Cooking until crisp and brown on both sides.
Step 3:Once cooked remove the sausage and place in a bowl lined with paper towel to help soak the remaining oil.
Step 4:Using the same pan, now coated with the flavor from the smoked sausage, at medium heat add 2 tbsp of butter. Once melted add in the finely chopped garlic and cook until light brown.
Step 5:Once the garlic has turned a light brown, pour in 16 oz of heavy cream with 2 tbsp salt, 2 tbsp black pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg. Continuously mix until it begins to simmer.
Step 6:With the cream simmering add in 1⁄2 cup of parmesan, 1 cup white cheddar, and 1 cup mozzarella while mixing continuously to prevent any lumps from forming. Add more cheese if the sauce is not to your preferred thickness.
Step 7:Once the sauce is to your preferred thickness, add in the cooked smoked sausage and fettuccine, mix well, and serve.
This pasta is best served with some salad or garlic bread as well as great company. I hope you enjoy my take on Fettuccine Alfredo a recipe that I was able to come up with from my interest in cooking and interest in alfredo. This recipe is a for sure way to bring a smile to anyone's face and satisfy any craving.


  1. Let me start by saying that I LOVE alfredo sauce. This recipe seems so delicious and the three different types of cheese sounds mouth watering. I will omit the sausage because im vegetarian but this recipe still sounds so good! Thank you for sharing :)

  2. I've always loved fettuccine Alfredo, but I have never thought about making it with sausage. After reading your amazing recipe, I definitely want to give it a try. It was really easy to follow and very interesting, since this is already something I enjoy eating. Thanks for a new twist on a common food, and overall great job with this recipe post.

  3. I love Alfredo and i really love the recipe you shared! I liked how you included what makes your style better, and you were very thorough with your instructions!! Good job!

  4. my sister's favorite pasta is fettuccine and my mom always made it with chicken so we definitely need to try this recipe! It's a cool twist on an old favorite! Great job breaking down each step it makes following the recipe so much easier!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  5. First of all I love alfredo and the recipe you shared was great! This recipe is so understandable and easy for one to follow along and not get lost. I really enjoyed how you added your own style to it, which makes it even more unique. I definitely have to try this. Great job!
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  6. Thank you for this amazing recipe!! I love Chicken Alfredo and this twist on the recipe sounds absolutely delicious. Thank you for the details on the guide to the recipe

    Diego Armando Carrillo
    Period 1

  7. Fettuccine Alfredo is one of my favorite pasta dishes to order whenever I get the chance to go out to eat, I'm looking forward to learning how to cook this dish on my own so I can have it all the time! I really like how easy you made this recipe by making it almost impossible to mess up by giving very descriptive instructions. I'm definitely going to try this and I hope I can impress my family with my good cooking. Thanks Josh!

  8. This was very good! I love fettuccine alfredo and this tutorial served as a very educational guide to making one of my favorite meals. I can't wait to try it myself! Thanks Josh! <333

  9. I love this recipe. Alfredo is the best and my favorite and I’m so happy I now know another way to make this! It was very easy to follow and I will enjoy making and eating this!! Good job.

  10. Nice recipe Josh! My mom loves to make pasta, especially Fettuccine Alfredo. She has never done the recipe with three different cheeses so I will definitely try to make this with my mom in hopes that it will feed my stomach, as well as my soul.

  11. This dish sounds amazing ! i like how you made your own little twist to it, my family loves pasta especially my little sister. I will certainly try this recipe out

  12. I love cooking various dishes, and I’ve recently gotten into making pastas and the like. I like how you added a lot of detail to your recipe. Your recipe seems very delicious and easy to follow. It’s simple, but a good kind of simple - one that anyone could follow. I’ll definitely be trying this in the future. Thank you for sharing this!

  13. Wow Josh, this was a wonderful recipe! The easy step-by-step process made me feeling very hungry at the end! I love Alfredo Fettuccine and I want to recreate this recipe in the future. I love how there are three different cheeses; That is different than most recipes. Once again, thank you for sharing this recipe!
    - Jennifer Kirksey

  14. This is a good recipe. Pasta is my favorite food, especially fettuccine alfredo. I always order pasta when going to Italian restaurants. I love this twist on fettuccine alfredo.

  15. Great recipe Josh! I would have never thought to substitute chicken with sausage in Fettuccine Alfredo, but I am glad I know to next time I make it. Your tutorial was very easy to follow and understand. Great details!

  16. Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5
    Wow this is a nice recipe to show on how to make this delicious pasta! Fettuccine Alfredo is my most favorite pasta to eat but I never tried to make and reading this has made me want to go ahead and make some of my own. Good job Josh I loved it!

  17. I love ordering fettuccine alfredo whenever I go to restaurants, but this is even better since it's homemade! I'll definitely try this, I can't wait to make it! Good job :)

  18. Reading this had my stomach growling. Personally one of my favorite dishes is Fettuccine Alfredo! I am a vegetarian so I cannot have it with the chicken, regardless I look forward to passing this recipe to my mother (since I cannot cook). Thanks!

  19. I LOVE fettuccine alfredo but I've never made it myself. Thank you for sharing such an easy to follow and great recipe that I can now try. I also like how you added your own twist. Thank you again for sharing!

  20. It's 5AM on a Monday and you've made me wanting some alfredo. My sister has been attempting to cook recently and these instructions are easy to read that there's no possible way of screwing up (hopefully)! I enjoyed reading your short story on how you came to this recipe and being a cheese-lover, THREE cheeses really caught my attention! I hope your passion for cooking expands so we all can get more of your recipes

  21. I know first hand how good your alfredo is. I will definitely be using this recipe in the future. Thank you!

  22. I’m excited to go home today just because I want to make this dish. I’m a big fan of Italian foods and pastas especially and my mouth stayed watering while reading this. Thank you for recipe!

  23. Wow just to start this off that sounds so amazing. I’m sitting here reading these stories and I came across this and I am so hungry now. I am going to have to try this some day.

  24. I LOVE Alfredo and I've never been a good cooker but this recipe seems easy to follow. Ironically I've been craving this and my mom isn't home and she normally makes it so ill be sure to give this a try.
    Avalon Freeman
    Pd. 2

  25. I love Alfredo pasta! I'm glad I came across your recipe so I can try it in a new way. I liked how your recipe was easy to follow.

  26. Alfredo pasta might be my FAVORITE dish, but when I try to make it and it usually comes out a little too salty. Luckily I can try out this new recipe because I have never put smoked sausage in my pasta . Thanks for sharing your recipe !!

  27. This sounds delicious!! It’s really cool that you’ve made a good dish into something new and definitely worth trying. With this post, making your creamy fettuccine sausage alfredo seems simple. Thanks for sharing!

  28. This sounds delicious!! It’s really cool that you’ve made a good dish into something new and definitely worth trying. With this post, making your creamy fettuccine sausage alfredo seems simple. Thanks for sharing!
    Zachary Judson
    Period 4

  29. Joshua, this is my absolute favorite dish and I love your spin on creamy fettuccine spinach alfredo. The intricate details and steps you provided in this recipe made my mouth water and I will definitely make this recipe for lunch!

  30. This pasta is so good Josh! I remember when I was with and you made this dish for my birthday. It was actually one of the best pastas I have ever had. I remember we wanted extra cheddar in our pasta so instead of having one cup we put in two and the thickness and taste was perfect. I remember that you had told me that you weren't giving me the recipe because "it was your secret recipe" but now that it is on this blog I'm going to be making this all the time. Great recipe Josh!

  31. My boy Josh coming in with the heat! Fettuccine Alfredo is definitely 100% one of my favorites! Your recipe with smoked sausage seems pretty good. Will have to give it a shot. Good Job Bro

  32. This was a great recipe. I really enjoy the fact that your steps to completing this dish aren't so difficult and everything is well put out. Great job!

  33. Chicken Alfredo is one of my favorite Italian dishes to eat as well so I found your recipe very interesting. I liked how you gave a background to why you make your modified version and your steps are organized and easy to follow. Great job Josh I'll have to make it soon!

  34. I absolutely looovveee alfredo!! The twist you added is brilliant, I can't wait to try it for myself! Also, like most people, I'm addicted to cheese so the use of three cheeses was an awesome touch. Great job and thanks for the new recipe!

  35. Amazing post! Not only do you offer delicious directions, the story behind it is just as great. The way you describe your recipe's homely origins creates an intimate feeling of belonging which makes the entire post easy to read. Great job!

  36. Really enjoyed this. I've a dish similar to this kind before but I've never had this kind. Would diffidently love to try and make this sometime soon. Pasta is one of my favorite dishes so I'd love to try a new type.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  37. I love food but especially fettuccine alfredo, its awesome, ive tried making this before but hopefully if i try your recipe i can do it justice thank you for sharing !

  38. This sounds like it would taste amazing! I can't wait to try to make it with Kim over summer. Awesome organization in the ingredients and procedure for making the pasta. I'm sure I'll still find a way to mess this recipe up though.

  39. I love this how to, it sounds totally mouth watering! Even though I'm a vegetarian I'll defiantly be attempting to make this, without the sausage of course. I can't really cook but, I sure will try!!!

  40. Great job with this recipe! I really enjoy Alfredo personally and would love to test out a new recipe, I’m sure it will be delicious. I am also intrigued by the addition of sausage but I have no doubt it will be yummy:) Again fantastic job

  41. Hey Joshua! Chicken Alfredo is my favorite meal! I've never heard of a dish like yours, but it sounds delicious! I love reading recipe posts on here, but yours was especially interesting and helpful! I will make sure to follow your easy steps in order to try this recipe out with my family and friends. Thank you so much Joshua!
    Kayla Rangel

  42. My all time favorite food is fettucine alfredo. The ingredients you used made my mouth water just reading it. I have always been a fan of adding chicken for some protein, and never have I thought of adding sausage! I will definitely be following this recipe and sharing with my whole family!

  43. Fettuccine Alfredo is one of my favorite dishes, and the sausage is a great addition to this recipe. The steps are very clear, and this recipe is well thought out so that anyone is capable of recreating it. Keep up the good work Josh!

  44. I love this piece so much because it has a personal connection with me, coming from a household of cooking, it reminds me of families eating together, and enjoying eachothers company. So, being able to make a very descriptive and informative tutorial that can allow anybody or any family to be able to enjoy such a nice cultural meal like you did so very well here, is fantastic and great !

  45. This sounds amazing, like many other Alfredo pasta is my favorite dish but i never attempted to make it myself. I always thought it was better eating it at an Italian restaurant. Reading this and seeing how well you organized it to be understandable, made me want to go and try it myself. Thank you for sharing!

  46. Im so happy to see this entry on pasta!! Fettuccine alfredo is one of my favorite dishes ever and your addition of sausage to it made it seem a hundred times better. Thanks for sharing this with us :)

  47. Fettuccine Alfredo will always be my favorite! Your recipe seems to be very simple and very tasty! Cant wait to give your recipe a try!

  48. This pasta how-to is amazing and very nicely incorporated ~ I would love to give this recipe a go.

  49. These were some very clear and easy instructions to follow. Very well written and I would more than defensively make this as soon as they get the chance. Splendid job. You have truly outdone yourself this time.


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