
Monday, January 29, 2018

“Everything Happens For a Reason” by Mia T

Ever since she was little, everyone would always say everything happens for reason. A simple mistake could be a lesson learned or an odd idea could be a brilliant plan, either way it was suppose to happen. She didn’t really take this seriously until one day at her first dance audition.
            Everyone told her she wasn’t going to get it because she was “too old” in the dance world and just not good enough. She put the negativity behind her and went for it.
She arrived at the studio 45 minutes early to stretch and prepare herself. Online people always say to wear something that would make you stand out, and well she did. The dancer was wearing a fire red leotard with flesh tights and her hair middle parted into a slick bun. Everyone else had on a black leotard with colorful ballet skirts and hair accessories. Once she reached the front desk to check in, the worker handed her a number and whispered to her, “You’re a little old aren’t you? Well older.” She didn’t let it get to her and politely walked away somewhere where she could warm-up. 
As she got out her shoes and began stretching, she started to think this was a mistake and she should have listened to everyone else. But then she remembered exactly what everyone said. Everything happens for a reason. She didn’t come all the way here to back out and leave before she had the chance to dance. So she tied up her pointe shoes and got ready until they called her number.
After two hours of watching dancers walk in and out the door in tears or with joy across their faces, she was finally called in. There was a panel of three judges seating along the mirror. She greeted herself to each judge then took her position. Before starting the music, one judge asked her age. She responded with, “25”. The panel all looked at each other then proceeded to wave the pianist to start the music.
The music began playing and she began dancing. The judges didn’t look to impressed by her skills as she finished. They told her thank you and that she would hear from them soon for consideration. She left the studio with her head up high while a tear streamed down her right cheek.
A week later the dancer had received a call from a ballet company in New York. They were interested to have her in their ballet production of Swan Lake opening next spring. She paused and took a small gasp of air then quickly answered back with definite yes.
            Once she hung up the phone she realized all the voices of negativity and people telling her she couldn’t were gone and forgotten. A mistake that she once doubted was a miracle and chance that she had found. The dancer finally learned everything does happen for a reason.


  1. I really like the lesson behind this story. It’s super relatable and I really do believe that everything does happen for a reason. I feel like everyone in some way could relate to having negativity thrown at them and continuing to pursue their dream. Good job!

  2. Reading this post I thought to myself that this relates to so many people and so many topics in everyday life and helped me to be encouraged that "Everything Happens For A Reason", your post was very descriptive, well-written, and contained great use of imagery.

  3. This was a very sweet story. I enjoyed reading about someone who's dream came true. I feel like with a bit more development, it could be even more inspiring.

  4. WOW, for some reason this story real made me believe that "Everything happens for good reason." I am personally in a stage of my life where all i am hearing is, "You can't do it, Failure" which brings all my motivation down but i still try my best to not let those get in my way to my destination. I am really happy to read a blog like these where you can learn and apply the lesson to yourself. So Thank you so much for sharing, i hope it will make changes.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per- 05

  5. I loved this Mia! It was super descriptive and you used a lot of imagery to describe each moment that was happening. It kept me at the edge of my seat because I wanted to know if she made it or not and I was so glad when she did!

  6. I loved your story! I especially enjoyed the slight twist at the end where we expect her to not get the part, but she ends up getting it anyway. I also liked the underlying message of the story. It's something that I (and many others) definitely needed to hear. I get caught up with stuff and forget that everything happens for a reason. Overall, a great story! Thank you for sharing.

  7. This is a great piece. I love the message of everything happens for a reason because that is a saying my mom constantly tells me. I’m glad the dancer gets to live her dream and didn’t listen to the negativity. Many times we're so scared to go after what we want so it’s refreshing to read a success story. Great job!

  8. Wow Mia your story was very touching and I'm super happy for how the story ended up. I was really rooting for the dancer and was proud she achieved her dream of dancing for the ballet production. Great story! Bravo!
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  9. awww this is such a great piece! I loved how you used imagery to paint such a vivid image. I can picture myself in the audition room crying. Great Job!

  10. Such a beautiful story of defying odds. And the moral of the story (being that everything happens for a reason) really can be applied universally to every situation, no matter the circumstance. I also love the point you had to make about standing out, especially in a bright red leotard. (: -Imani Crenshaw, per. 2

  11. Awwww this was a really sweet story! I have always been one to believe that everything happens for a reason and I love how you portrayed this message. I love how detailed and how relatable the story was. Amazing job!

  12. The meaning behind your piece is very important to everyone and holds so much truth. I loved that you wrote a story about someone being so passionate about what they love, in this case dancing, and reflected so much positvitity in the end that everything does happen for a reason. Good job!

  13. This was so heart-warming Mia! Being a dancer is one thing but living a dancers life is completely another. I love the way you ended the story keeping the theme of dedication and persistance throughout. The small aspects you incorporated such as her wearing a red leotard to stand out helped make the storyline so realistic and flow so nice. Great Job! - Sabrina Wilkerson P.1

  14. This story is very motivating for anyone really wishing to accomplish any dream, but they are too afraid. The situation you used fits the idea that everything happens for a reason and things take time to develop in life. Thank you for a very sweet piece!

  15. Breanna Carrillo
    Mia, this was amazing to read you had me hooked from just reading the title because everything does happen for reasons that we don’t or do get. This is setting you used for this was a great way to show how “ Everything happens for a reason”

  16. This was truly motivating. I do believe that “everything happens for a reason” weather it be positive or negative and this story shows that. People will always have something to say and if you push through and believe in yourself then you can make things happen. Mia this was truly a great piece and will hopefully give people push they need to persevere.
    Avalon Freeman

  17. This is beautiful, the dancer went through so much with everyone trying to put her down and she did not let that get to her. That shows that in todays age words are just words and you just keep pushing to your goal. This is amazing.Great job Mia.

  18. Ohhhh, I really appreciate the message behind this piece. In my personal opinion, there is a lot of truth in how you view the universal statement that everything happens for a reason. I enjoyed the story you used to parallel with the theme and the way you structured your piece added to the overall effect of the great ending. I admired this piece!

  19. This story was really adorable! I always say everything happens for a reason so it was awesome to see a story modeled after the popular saying. The message was also really great and reminds us all that you should always follow your dreams not matter how old.

  20. This story was really good. I myself believe things happen for a reason. I like how the 25 year old dancer went for it and she got to dance. Thank you for such a good story.

  21. The way you presented the main point of the story was beautiful. It made me think about all the occasions, good or bad that I have gone through and where they have led me now. I do in fact believe that everything happens for a reason. Good Job Mia!

  22. I love the saying "everything happens for a reason". This was such a hopeful story, I love how the main character in the story still pursued her passion despite what other people said. Ignoring the negativity paid off! This was a nice, feel-good story. I like it!
    -Sammie Sandoval

  23. I really liked this, I truly have to start believing in this. Fulfilling your accomplishments are extremely important. I really enjoyed how you made the story come alive with details, it truly made the story line more real. I enjoyed reading this!

  24. I really loved this! It made me really start to think about how I need to just not listen to negative things people say and do what's best for me! I loved the detail during the dancer audition, it made it feel like i was there and visualize everything! Good job !

  25. I enjoyed this piece and its happy ending. I also believe that this piece is extremely accurate and can apply to anybody on this planet. I agree with the idea that every action has a reaction (consequence) that could be either good or bad.

  26. This piece was very inspiring. I am once again reminded that everything happens for a reason and to also brush off negativity! I really enjoyed reading your story. Good job Mia!

  27. Such a motivating piece,I myself live by the saying everything happens for a reason which is why i enjoyed this piece even more.The sensory words used allowed me to connect with the protagonist and visualize as well as feel the emotions and setting of this story,Well done Mia!

  28. Very relatable topic. Everyone makes the kind of mistakes. There's always good and a bad. but we always have to get through it. Thank you so much for your motivation.

    Jeremiah Credo

  29. This piece is very important, it is easy to feel like things are happening for no reason, but its important to remember that as cliche as it sounds everything really does happen for a reason. Overall its a very well written piece with a nice lesson incorporated into it!

  30. I really enjoyed this piece because of the message you are trying to send. I really loved how the character progressed through the story; it shows how she was iffy and not as confident as she was after she got the call from the ballet company. This piece just shows never stop trying, it can go a long way. Good job Mia!

  31. I'm in love with this piece Mia! I love how you were able to implement an important life lesson into such a beautiful story. This was a super enjoyable piece!

  32. Amazing job Mia! I love the positivity that radiates from this piece. My favorite part of the story was when the dancer left the studio, with a tear streaming down her face yet her head held high, because it greatly resembles the gracefulness and powerfulness the saying "everything happens for a reason," holds.

  33. This was a great piece of writing. It was really inspiring. It made me realize that I should always follow my dreams even if others are telling me to give up on them.
    -Steve Martinez Period 2

  34. The positive message behind this story is radiating and comforting. As seniors about to enter the real world everything can seem really scary and hectic but this piece was very pleasing to read. The idea that everything happens for a reason is very powerful and your story captured it beautifully.
    -Rachel Adzaho
    2nd period

  35. What a cute story Mia! I love how realistic this story was because this could happen so many times in the dance world but people just have to remember that if they were meant to be in a certain addition then whatever the results are then it was meant to happen for a reason.

  36. This story is super inspiring. Being someone who received negativity from doing things I enjoy, hearing successful stories such as this give me hope to keep doing what I love and to never stop. I feel like a lot of people, including myself, can get easily discouraged from criticism. Your story gives me a reason to keep pursuing what I enjoy.

  37. The story has a very nice message. The suspense towards the end of the story had me anticipating failure for the main character, but I was pleasantly surprised by the ending and when I reread it I noticed the foreshadowing to the outcome in both the first paragraph and the title. It's amazing how you managed to fit in such a well-developed story in such a compact form. I'll try to look on the bright side of things from now on.

  38. This piece was very entreating and made me think deeply about my life choices. The underling optimusum made me very happy.


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