
Monday, November 27, 2017

“Out There” by Samantha E

     When high school is over and everybody has gone their separate ways, all I want is for people to remember me as that one girl who loves The Beatles. For anybody who doesn’t know who The Beatles are, well they are an old, British, rock n roll band. The date was August 10, 2014, the day my life was changed forever. Let me start from the beginning. I grew up listening to classic rock music and I just fell in love with these four boys from Liverpool; John Lennon, George Harrison, Sir Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr. Sadly, John and George are no longer with us, but their music still lives on. Their music really helped me in hard times and to see either Sir Paul or Ringo was a dream of mine. But, lucky for me, my dream came true. August 10th was a Sunday, the first Sunday into freshman year. My Nino (godfather) had bought three tickets to see Sir Paul McCartney’s “Out There” tour at Dodger Stadium. I couldn’t believe it! I was filled with joy and glee and I wanted to start crying honestly. My dad was a little hesitant to let me go, because it was a school night after all. I begged my dad to let me go, his only rule was that my homework had to be done beforehand and I had to go to school the next day. I never agreed so hard to anything before in my life. So, that Sunday I did all my homework, I put on my Beatles shirt, and I waited for my Nino to come and pick me up. The entire way there we listened to Beatles albums and I had to keep telling myself, “this is really happening. You, Samantha Ehrlich, are going to be seeing a Beatle, Sir Paul McCartney.” When we arrived at Dodger Stadium, there were a line of cars waiting to get parked. It took us awhile, but we finally parked, got inside, and sat down in our seats. I was so anxious and excited looking down at Sir Paul’s stage in the outfield. To calm my nerves, my dad took me to look at the merchandise. We both got a shirt and I also got a poster, which is hanging on my door still to this day. After that, we returned to our seats and waited for the show to start. I kept checking the time for 7:00, but the minutes felt like hours going by. Finally, the lights went out, Sir Paul came out playing “Eight Days A Week,” I jumped out of my seat so fast, as well as the rest of the people in the stadium did too. He played a few more songs, and then he took a break to say hello to the crowd. I was already crying, my Nino and my dad were laughing at me. Throughout his entire set list, I sang along to every song he played. Sir Paul McCartney played thirty-nine songs that night, with two encores. I’d like to see current bands today do that today. I don’t know how many times I cried that night, but I know it really hit me hard when Sir Paul played his last three songs. His last three songs were a medley off of The Beatles’ Abbey Road album. The songs are, “Golden Slumbers,” “Carry That Weight,” and “The End.” Once he broke into “Golden Slumbers” I knew he was going to finish soon and I wasn’t prepared to say goodbye yet. I just sang along with Sir Paul and enjoyed the music he was playing. “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make,” as soon as he sang those lyrics I knew that was it. My one time of seeing Sir Paul McCartney was over with and I survived the night. Once the song finished, Sir Paul and the rest of his band got up and bowed and all said their goodbyes to the crowd and thanked us for coming out to see them. Leaving the stadium, I was feeling bittersweet, I didn’t want Sir Paul to leave, but I felt really happy I finally saw one of my idols. That night, I rewatched some videos I took from the concert and fell asleep with golden slumbers in my eyes. The next day, I wore my new Sir Paul McCartney shirt and was greeted by my friends asking me how the concert was. I started tearing up saying how amazing it was and how I wish I could see him all over again. Well, I had a big surprise for me the next time I saw my Nino. He picked me up from school, handed me an envelope and told me to open it. Inside there were two concert tickets to see Sir Paul McCartney again in San Diego on August 28th! I was ready to start crying again! But, I controlled myself and just thanked my godfather for buying us tickets to see Sir Paul again. My dad told me the same rules to have my homework done and to go to school the next day, which I did. That Sunday the 28th, my Nino picked me up and we drove all the way to San Diego’s Petco Park to see Sir Paul again. The second time felt just like the first, I was in awe the entire time and didn’t want the feeling to end. Sadly, it did end and we drove home and I went to school the next day, despite getting home at 3:00 in the morning. Sir Paul’s concert meant the world to me, because I saw one of my idols with my own two eyes and heard him perform songs that hold a very special place in my heart. It was and still is the best days of my life.  


  1. Sam, I remember how big of a fan you were of the Beatles in middle school and it makes me so happy that you finally got the chance to meet one of your idols, Sir Paul McCartney, twice. Throughout your narrative I was able to see and feel the stong emotion you had at the concert and your gratitude towards your Nino for providing this gift to you. Amazing job providing a background as to why you love the Beatles and description as to how you reacted during the concert. Great Job!

  2. Sam, I was able to feel the emotion you felt the entire way through. Your description of going to the concert and enjoying it really brought to life the emotions you were feeling at the time. I remember you telling about going to these concerts and the way you described it to me then is the way you described it here. I hope you are able to see Paul in concert again and relieve for a third time the deep emotions you felt here. Good job ! Gavin Gnaster

  3. The way you typed up this paper made it feel like I was having an actual conversation with you. The narration was very natural when I read it in my head and I'm happy that you were able to meet your idols. Great job Sam!

  4. It's wonderful that you got to see Sir Paul in person! It really brought me joy when you were describing how you felt when your Nino gave you the tickets. I'm glad that you had a wonderful time at the concert and I would've been nervous to see my idol too. Thanks for sharing your best day of your life.

  5. Me being a huge fan of artists, I know the rush you are feeling after finally being able to see them in concert. It is such an amazing experience, I am so glad you got to see someone who you idolize. That being said, you have an amazing Nino, I hope you tell him that all the time. I hope you get to experience many more concerts. Lovely job!

  6. This was interesting to read because I know exactly how you feel watching a performer you love, especially a classic one thats very special because there will never be music like that again and its a life time opportunity. I'm glad you appreciate music and that you were able to watch one of your favorite artist live. I really felt how excited you were through this.

  7. Samantha, I'm glad you shared this experience because I remember having similar feelings when I saw my favorite artist in concert. Your captivating vocabulary and writing style kept the story interesting and made me want to keep rating. Great job!

  8. Thank you for sharing your story Sam! I knew you were a huge Beetle's Fan, but I'm grateful knowing the backstory. The details, emotion, and imagery you used drew me into the story with you. I felt I was at the concert singing along to the songs and having a good time with you!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  9. Reading this made me smile and feel happy about your dreams coming true, and the detail you used to explain this dream make it a great piece to read through!

  10. I'm very glad you got to live your dream and have that life changing experience when seeing your idol in person especially when hey are performing. I know that feeling and it is amazing, I was really interested in this piece because from reading it I had flashbacks when going to see bands as well.

  11. Samantha, This is a great piece. i can feel your excitment for your first beatles concert and how much this meant to you. please write more!!

  12. I really enjoyed this piece! You did a great job expressing your emotions because throughout the entire piece I could feel how happy and excited you were to see your idols. I also really liked how the story felt almost like a conversation with you. Great job!

  13. What a great piece Sam! Anytime people talk about their passion I get excited due to how much people love talking about their passion it just overflows into me and your passion is no different, keep on rocking and rolling! I absolutely loved this piece!

  14. As long as I've known you, you loved the Beatles so I thought that writing about them was very fitting. Your piece was very personal and did a great job conveying your love for the Beatles. I could feel your excitement and joy during the concert and could also feel the sorrow when it was over. Overall I really loved reading your piece.

  15. I want to take a moment to tell you that this made my day. Your legacy as the Beatles fan will go on my friend. This story was truly heartwarming and made me wonder about what I can do to leave something for my friends to remember.

  16. This entry is so cute. It's nice to see you were able to achieve your dreams and see the Beatles. With you going into detail from the day you first fell in love with them and the journey after that, it really shows you are really passionate about them. Good JOb! I really loved this.

  17. This is such a beautiful story Samantha!I loved how you expressed something personal yet exciting. I could feel your emotions as I was reading, good job !!

  18. I enjoyed how well and detailed your piece was. I love how you described every moment and that was building a adrenaline rush of emotion by just reading this, imagine how you felt! It is amazing to see someone so excited to see their dream. I hope you were able to see Sir Paul McCartney again!

    Stephanie Valdovinos

  19. The details you used to describe your experience seeing the Beatles in concert was captivating and made me feel just as excited and reminded me of when I saw my favorite artist in concert. Loved reading this!

  20. This was such an amazing piece Sam! It's amazing to see how much their music has influenced you. I'm glad that you got to experience this.:)

  21. Samantha, I loved the detail you used explaining how excited you were to see your idol twice. The amount of emotion shown through the piece, made it more powerful. The imagery really drew me in as well and it was a great piece overall. Great job!
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  22. Samantha, I loved the detail you used explaining how excited you were to see your idol twice. The amount of emotion shown throughout the piece, made it even more powerful. The imagery really drew me in as well and it was a great piece overall. Great job!
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  23. Samantha, I loved the detail and overall emotion you had when you explained how you saw your idol twice, it just made the piece even more impactful and powerful. The imagery really drew me in as well and it was a great piece overall. Great job!
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  24. Wow, reading this made me feel so happy. I grew up listening to The Beatles and I can only imagine how excited you were. It truly felt like you were having a conversation with me about one of the best experiences of your life. You are so blessed! I enjoyed reading your narrative. :)

  25. Awwww Sam, my goodness. Classic Rock is the best, I love it hahaha. But as for your story, well I love it too. I noticed that I was anticipating the events that would follow, I was being drawn into your words and getting ahead of myself. We all have something or someone we look up to, something that has a special place in our hearts. It's fantastic to hear you were able to experience these special moments with your family. Great narrative, inspirational and powerful.

  26. Sam this is a fantasticly emotional piece, I remember from middle school how much you loved the beatles and it warms my heart that you got to live your dream.
    Sara Perez
    Period 5

  27. I loved the detail and emotions you added to your piece, it made your piece more powerful. Im glad you met your idols!


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