
Monday, November 27, 2017

"How to Take Care of a Dog" by Mikaela S

Obviously, dogs are one of the best companions man could ever have. They are compassionate, energetic, and can surely lend an ear when you need one. Dogs are a great addition to any family, so here’s a guide to taking great care of one!

Step 1: Research dog breeds.
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Look for what breed would best fit you and your lifestyle! Known to be a couch potato? Bulldogs and basset hounds are known to be, too. Love exercising and being outdoors? Jack russell terriers and German shepherds are your best fit.

Step 2: Research your chosen breed’s special needs.
Some dogs need extra attention. Pugs, for example, need to have their snout rolls wiped thoroughly daily to prevent build-up and infection. Yorkies need to be regularly groomed to prevent knots in their coat and keep their sight clear of bangs. There are many different precautions to take with different dogs, so make sure to pay special attention to this step!

Step 3: Prepare for your new family member!
Buy all of the essentials.
       A crate (for crate training)
       Dog bed
       Dog food (make sure it’s for the correct life stage and dog size)
       Food and water bowls
       Potty pads
       LOTS of toys!
       Dog shampoo
       Cute outfits for them, if you’re into that.

Step 4: Schedule an appointment with the vet.
Your new friend will need to have regular check-ups just as we do, so find a good permanent location to depend on. If you’re buying a puppy, they’ll need their first set of shots. Get that done as soon as you can before exposing them to the outside or other dogs to prevent illnesses.

Step 5: Make plenty of time to be with them.
If you go out a lot or always have work, maybe you should put off getting a dog for a while. They need a lot of attention from their owners, so be sure to show them a bunch of love and take time to have one on one time to play with them.

Step 6: Pets are forever.
Having a dog is literally the exact same thing as having a child, and don’t try to argue with me. Making the decision to get a new furry friend is so much more serious than one may think. If you’re the type of person to get tired of something a week after you get it, I’m begging you to not get a dog… or any pet, really. If someway you suddenly cannot provide properly for your dog, please find them a better home where they will be much happier! It will be very beneficial for their well-being and you won’t have to stress about it.

My family and I are the biggest dog lovers, and currently have a black pitbull labrador mix named Riley and a yorkie named Milo. They are a big contribution to my happiness, and are the best cuddlers I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I hope this helps you if you were thinking about getting a dog, and hope that you love your new best friend! (...send me pics of your dogs)


  1. Mikaela, i want to start off by saying great job on your blog post. Your post was put out very clearly and thoroughly. I've always wanted to get a dog because they just seem like really great companions, but i never knew how much work it would take to get a dog and care for it. Hopefully one day in the future I will get a dog. Once again great job!

  2. I love this post. It has realistic steps to getting and taking care of a pet dog. I like how this post shows the uniqueness of each and every dog. If someone wants a dog it goes beyond just paying for it, someone has to give it constant love and attention. As someone who is interested in getting a dog (a miniature schnauzer) it gives me a lot to think about and some steps to take before I welcome a pet into my family.

  3. This is a very informative article and the format of it makes it super clear. I love the topic you chose and this could potentially be helpful for any new dog owners!

  4. I think that this is very informative especially for people who want a dog but who have had no prior experience. Knowing how to take care of a specific breed and the dogs needs are very important most people just purchase a dog and have no idea how to take care of it.
    Avalon Freeman

  5. This is super important! I feel like people want a job without really thinking about everything that comes with it. Hopefully this shows anyone who wants to adopt not only a dog but any animal, that there is more then just their cuteness. Great job!

  6. I have a dog now and if I would have token these steps I would be even more of a good owner. I love how its super clear and and detailed. I also liked how you called and referred to them as family. Nice touch!

  7. You did an amazing job! I think it was important to include that people should research different breeds. I agree that dog are the best companions. You gave great advice to new dog owners. Such as, making sure you know your dog's needs.

  8. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been trying to convince my parents to get me a dog but aren’t really sure what to look for. I agree that you should get a dog that would fit into your lifestyle. This would definitely help those who are new to getting a dog.

  9. Since I was small I have always wanted to have a dog so this post might be good for me to study in preparation if I can ever convince my dad to get one. I loved your intro and how you matched the personalities of different people to the personalities of the dogs to make sure on is the best dog for your lifestyle. I also liked how you added your own experience with dogs in the conclusion just to give a touch more of reliability to the ending. Good job.

  10. You did a great job! A lot of people do not know how important it is to take care of a dog and that different dogs have different needs. And I definitely agree with you that having a dog is exactly like having a child. A lot of responsibilities come with ownership, but it is worth it!

  11. I really enjoyed this because it is very important for people who are thinking of getting a pet dog. You organized the information very well and precise.

    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  12. Personally I don't own a dog so seeing this piece has given me a better perspective of how much attention you need to take care of such a good pet. The organization can really help to non dog owners looking into adopting.

  13. This was really helpful and I liked it a lot! You did a great job at showing the hassles that all dog owners must deal with at first and it made me reminisce about the first time I got my dog. Good job!

  14. This piece was very insightful. As a dog owner of two, many people don't take into consideration all that a dog requires, and end up treating the dog like a disposable toy. Thank you for this post! Btw, Riley Sanchez is my favorite. :)
    Kayla Rangel

  15. Your blog post is so on point and is super informative, especially for people that have never had the experience of taking care of a dog! I do have to agree with you, that they are very similar to us, such as their needs, check ups, and even their love for cuddles. You were definitely informative and stern with both how dogs should be taken care of different ways in which you are able to do so. Great job!!

  16. I thought this post was not only educational but also very cute! I love the eye-catching title and detailed steps mentioned. I also enjoyed how the importance of set aside time for a dog is necessary and being responsible is a large factor when owning a pet.

  17. I really enjoyed this post because it is absolutely necessary for animals to be cared for properly. You did a great job of breaking down the process to successfully become a responsible dog owner.

  18. I really like the topic you chose. It shows that you need to be careful and be sure that you truly want a dog and you understand how to take care of it before purchasing one. My family and I did almost exactly what you wrote about to prepare for new dogs. Your dogs sound adorable, I have four Pomeranians!

  19. I've never had a any pets before (except for some bunnies), but I know that when I'm older I'm going to own a couple of dogs so this was definitely something I could use for the future. Thank you for the guide!

  20. I own a dogs too and you did a great job conveying all the effort, care, and love that comes with owning a dog. I think this post can provide some valuable information and insight to those who are thinking about getting a pet. Thank you for sharing!

  21. These are such helpful tips! I love the incorporation of things to get and helpful tips to help the dog adjust better. I especially appreciate Step 6 to stress the importance of treating animals correctly. Great Job!- Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  22. This was such an detailed and insightful post yet you managed to keep it brief. I enjoyed your specific examples of dogs and the comparison to the type of person one might be. I do believe that new dog owners underestimate the work of tending to a job and this post was perfect for properly informing them about the different tasks in the future.

  23. This was such a great how to! Being a first time dog owner is not easy, but these comprehensible and organized steps break down the importance of properly taking care of a dog. Step 1 and 2 are definitely one of the most important steps, because an individual should choose a dog they think fits best for them so that they are able to give them the proper care and love they need.

  24. This format helps keep everything straightforward and understandable. I found this piece very helpful and informative especially when you suggested certain breeds of dogs to match a certain personality type. Also, thank you for reminding me to schedule an appointment for the vet !

  25. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much responsibility taking care of a pet is! Your step by step guide takes away some of the chaos of taking care of a new pet. I love how you included the importance of taking the animal to the vet. Overall a very insightful piece. Great job!

  26. Mikaela, these steps made me realize that dogs and pets in general really need a lot of attention. The use of diction and the personal connection really made this piece stand out.
    -Jerico Franco
    -Period 6

  27. I loved this post! Not only did you show people who are thinking about getting a dog the responsibilities that come with it, but you also made this so relatable for current dog owners, like myself. Great job incorporating your personal experiences to make it more real life!

  28. This was a really great and insightful guide on how to prepare for and take care of your dog. Being a dog owner myself I cant agree more with how much work and effort goes into taking care of them, they can be a handful at times especially when they first become part of the family but they are absolutely worth it.

  29. I really enjoyed this post because you made the process of taking care of a dog seem so simple and it almost makes me want to get another dog. Your love and joy for dogs really stand out in this post. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  30. I saw the word dog and I automatically clicked this piece and I’m glad I did. I love dogs and I agree that they are “one of the best companions man could ever have.” I don’t have a dog at the moment but I have owned dogs all my life and feel that these steps are spot on. Being a dog lover myself, I enjoyed your personal input in this it really connects to the reader deeper because we as readers can tell this is a genuine passion of yours. Overall, great job :)

  31. Mikaela, this piece will be very helpful in the future, when i get a dog myself. I really liked how you incorporated the importance of researching the types of dog that will match our lifestyle, while providing couple example of dogs.

  32. This is the most pure post ive read its so sweet that you wrote this I own two dogs and i can definatly say I wish I had this when i first got them. This list is very in detail and thourough great job!!
    Sara Perez
    Period 5


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