
Monday, November 27, 2017

“Hopeless Romantic” by Janncarlo F

And there we were. You standing in front of me, and I in front of you. I couldn't see you all that clearly, but I knew you were there, beckoning me to come over. For some reason, my instincts told me not to: it could be dangerous, it could hurt me, it could drive me insane. But nevertheless my feet, my mind, and my heart all pushed me to go. They drove me forward with a spring in my step. As I neared, I found that I couldn't see you clearly, but I knew that I desperately wanted and needed to have you. I extended my arms out, but when I reached for you, you vanished from my vision.

I fell forward and found myself seated in a restaurant, across from you. We were dressed very nicely and plates of food and cups of drink lay before us. However, we didn't eat much as we were too busy in conversation. We talked about life, school, interests, etc. I laughed at you and you at me and we just had a great time. I took a sip of my drink as you began to say something. I can't recall what it was, but it I threw my head back in laughter and almost choked on my drink.

When I returned, I found myself walking on the beach hand in hand with you. Neither of us said a word as we walked together. The waves crashed onto the shore. Behind them was the sun projecting its red haze through the sky. We sat on the warm sand and I laid my head on your shoulder. After a moment, you got up and pulled me to the water and began to splash me. I tried to get up, but I slipped on the wet sand, and fell face first into the ocean as a wave blanketed me.

When it receded, I found myself lying there in the park on the grass next to you. We looked up at the myriad of stars  that glittered in the night sky. We talked as we lay there, about our hopes, our dreams, our fears, about anything and everything. In that moment, I finally felt complete. I looked around, and saw the brightest star in the sky and made my wish and hoped for it to come true.

We grew bored and began to run. I didn't know where, but we simply just ran. As I turned a street corner, I saw the sun begin to rise from the horizon. I grew tired, and you managed to get a small lead on me. You ran into a nearby building, and I quickly followed. When I entered, I found myself in a church. For a moment, I stood there paralyzed, not knowing what to do. The church was elaborately decorated: rose petals were strewn down the aisle, white linens lined the pews, the altar was decorated with ornate ornaments, and plethoras of flowers were everywhere. Music from pianists and violinists and flutists danced in my ears. Guests filled every pew. As I walked in, they turned and smiled. I looked down, and saw that I was dressed in a sharp, well-fitted suit. I was deathly nervous, and began to shake. I took a deep breath to calm myself, and started to walk. The people smiled as I passed. I reached the front of the church, and turned around. I looked towards the back doors, and as they opened, a blinding light rushed in and filled the room; I shyed away. The light dimmed after a moment and there you were, standing there, as amazing as ever. The Canon in D Major began to play as you neared. My heart began to pound harder and faster, and it felt as though it would fly right out of my chest. You reached the altar and I turned to you. At that moment, everything was perfect.

The music stopped, and for a moment, it was just you and I staring into each other's eyes. The pastor began to speak, but I was so transfixed by you before me that I didn't even hear anything he said. Then, you began to speak, and your words flowed like honey from your mouth through the church and into my ears. This was the perfect day.

Then, the ground beneath my feet began to shake. I didn't think much of a slight tremor, but they only continued and intensified. Ornaments rolled off the altar and shattered into a million pieces. Candles fell over and set flowers and decorations ablaze. As all this happened, a sharp pain began to radiate in my chest, and my mind began to throb as though it were about to explode. The tremors grew so strong that I lost my balance and fell over. I lied there for a moment pondering what happened, what I did wrong, what I did to deserve this. I looked to the crowd: some pointed and laughed; others shook their heads; others simply stared in contempt. The pain in my chest became unbearable and I screamed in anguish. Ghastly demons began to emanate from my chest, circling around me and screaming with a deafening Banshee’s wail. I tried to swat them away, but they wouldn't leave me alone.

Then, you came over and looked down at me. You shook your head with scorn and said something imperceptible. The tremors grew so strong that the ground beneath me cracked and crumbled. It could no longer support my weight, and I fell through into the dark abyss. The screams and pain continued as I fell. Above me, you remained, still shaking your head. I fell for what seemed like eternity while the darkness consumed me.

I don’t know what happened. It was like a dream turned into a nightmare. Perfection into darkness. A hope crumbling down...

And then, I woke up…


  1. What a crazy turn of events! One moment your in complete heaven with your beloved and the next your having tremors on the ground feeling like your about to die what a rush of emotion! I enjoyed how descriptive you were with every location you went and all the thoughts that ran through your mind, great plot!

  2. Hey Janncarlo. It’s Alex. Just letting you know that I wouldn’t have let anyone else comment first aside from yours truly, since you’ve been downplaying this as long as I’ve been waiting to read this submission. So, here I go. It’s hard to criticize something that I (and other hopeless romantics) so fondly connect with. It’s everything to want in a dream of pure bliss, only broken by the eventual return to conscious reality. Aside from a few word choices and some grammatical issues (the SAT has taught me well), I think your submission is fine. I love how you explore your dreamscape, especially during something as personal and vulnerable as this. Keep on being awesome, as usual.

  3. So wait, it was all just a dream? Awww, I was rooting for the narrator. But, I suppose my emotional investment in the story is a testament to your abilities as a writer. I do suggest minor proofreading, but aside from that, good job ^^

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. The emotions depicted were all too relatable and I found myself reminiscing over pst events. I was able to vividly picture each location by how detailed the descriptions were and the crazy turn of events at the end made this piece that much more interesting and unique.

  5. I just don't even know what to say. I loved the description but man I am mad at you for making that wedding stop. I'm a hopeless romantic so when things went left I got all confused and I hoped as I read further that everything would go back to being perfect. I had to like reread what was going on because I was hoping there wouldn't be demons everywhere. But overall, I loved it.

  6. WOW Janncarlo, I am so surprise by knowing that this is your writing. It's been three years i know you and i had no idea that you could write this well. Anyhow, i really like your writing skills and i could never express my dream this well. Some of us have this kinds of dreams and some of us live on this. I could see your feelings for her so clearly and deep. I am pretty sure, many of us can relate to this dream because we all go through this but we're not good at explaining this well. So good job on well writing and thank you for sharing.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  7. This was a cute piece. I love how you juxtaposed your "perfect" romantic dream with your one of your greatest nightmares (demons and all). I kind of hoped your nightmare would be a little gorier, but I guess it does have to be a school-appropriate story.

  8. WoW.....Wow... that was amazing! In the beginning I was like awww this is so cute, but then towards the end I was so shocked and heartbroken. I love how you had me on my feet ready to read more. This story was great.

  9. This really is quite an amazing piece. The rapid flashing of scenes, the climbing and pitfall of emotions, all of it really sticks out to the reader. Maybe I wouldn't know what experiences led you to feel this, but I admire how well you expressed them.

  10. Lauren Elizabeth WrightDecember 4, 2017 at 6:01 PM

    I was really into this piece, and the end was like a slap in the face. You did a great job of portraying a lovely scene to the reader and making them feel blissful and happy, and then completely twisting the plot by revealing that it was all a dream. I also felt a little bit of bittersweet relief at the end when I found out that it was a dream; relief because on one hand, the horrible events that took place at the end of the story were not real, but on the other hand, it was bittersweet because all the beautiful parts of the story were also not real. Great job!

  11. I really enjoyed your piece. The changing of the scenes and how one scene led to another is exactly how a dream is when it randomly changes. You did a fantastic job at bringing it to life by using imagery and description. The plot twist at the end when it turned to a nightmare was a nice touch. Good job.

  12. The end may be the most disappointing ending because I was rooting for the narrator and the relationship, but this story was extremely detailed and I absolutely enjoyed it.When you said "Neither of us said a word as we walked together. The waves crashed onto the shore. Behind them was the sun projecting its red haze through the sky.", you used such detailed words creating such a perfect image. I truly enjoyed this story, thank you!

  13. Wow crazy story! I liked how in the beginning and end you has described this love as the best something could be but also something so bad it can cause massive damage. Your use on imagery was really great as well I could really visualize each setting and event.

  14. JannCarlo! Great piece! You used very detailed descriptions of imagery that really captivate the numerous events running through this character's memory. Sensory details were on point where during the plot twist, I can really feel and perceive what this character is going through. Keep it up!

  15. This was such an amazing piece. The level of detail is superb, especially for something like a dream. I was literally on the edge of my chair with so much interest to this piece of writing. Great job!

  16. Well written piece. The sensual imagery of all senses were touched in some way. The narrator's state of mind and feelings during the dream was clearly conveyed; His happiness, fears, and confusion.

  17. After reading this piece I am so upset it was just a dream. Your use of detail and emotion really allowed us to enter the mind of a hopeless romantic in the middle of one of their fantasies. I even let out a couple of "awwww"'s mid read. As I was once a hopeless romantic myself, I strongly felt for the narrator. The plot twist was unexpected, yet genius, as it portrayed the harsh reality hopeless romantics find themselves living in.

  18. Your piece successfully made me feel so emotionally attached to the narrator. I felt happy because he/she felt happy and absolutely destroyed when he/she felt absolutely destroyed. From the beginning, it was clear that happiness was never meant to be truly achieved by the narrator and that created a sinking feeling in the reader until the feeling was confirmed at the end. Overall a really well-written piece.

  19. I really enjoyed reading this piece as I imagined it very vividly in my mind because of how much imagery and detail there is. It really makes you desire to be there part of the story, yet the plot twist really was unexpected which made the story even more mysterious and interesting. I loved it1

  20. Janncarlo, your piece grasped my attention the entire time and I quickly read each turn of events, wanting to know what great thing would happen next. Then the pain, confusion, and darkness overcame all of the love. Having dreams such as these are wild and mysterious. You're use of imagery and dialect made me feel as though I was a part of this whole dream, I loved it!! Great job!!

  21. I loved this post! I did not expect the ending, however I thoroughly enjoyed how compelling this piece is. Great use of imagery!
    Kayla Rangel

  22. This was such a great entry! I was so in love with the little scenes of the dream, they were too cute! The sharp turn at the end though, really caught me off guard. It was disappointing to see the characters dream deteriorate and turn into a complete nightmare!

  23. Great piece there Janncarlo it was as if it was burned into your mind and you were able to perfectly recall this dream. I love listening to other people's dreams it really gives you different perspectives, I enjoyed the very descriptive voice that you employed.

  24. Hey Janncarlo. I really loved this piece. From the title I could tell this story wouldn't end well but I didn't expect it all to be a dream. The way you described each new scene was superb and everything any hopeless romantic wished for. The emotions I felt throughout the story went from awwwwww to AWWWWW to wait what Noooooo. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope to see more in the future!

  25. Your descriptive writing really captivated me! It felt as if I was watching a movie that was playing from your head. The imagery and the detail really ties this piece nicely. We all can relate to this feeling when we have fallen for someone. I can really feel emotions here! Amazing job!

  26. Janncarlo, this was such a well developed piece! I feel like I really connected with it. I was so bummed to find out that it was just a dream. Overall, I really liked the way you told this story using imagery, it really helped set the scene making it easier to understand. I almost thought I was in the story myself.

  27. Can I just say WOW. This made me so emotional while reading, what you wrote was amazing. The person speaking, whether it was a boy or girl, was very clear on what they felt towards the person they were writing about. There was a twist that I enjoyed, even though it was sad for the speaker, it caught me off guard. I definitely didn't expect that. Great job!

  28. This piece had beautiful / vivid imagery. It really set the tone for each paragraph. I was heartbroken because it went from lovey dovey to something dark, but overall it was a very interesting piece of work !

  29. This was amazing! I love how you switch between settings so smoothly, it reminded me of how, in a dream, you kind of switch settings seamlessly. All of a sudden, you're somewhere else! Then, your story ended up being a dream. Anyway, this story is perfect, a bit tragic at the end, with how everything falls apart. I really hope this is just a model of the fear you might have of losing the specific person in your story, not an allegory for something that happened in real life.

  30. This was a trip to read, I was constantly wondering where this was going. I was captivated by your detail and eloquent vocabulary and the story you were telling is a fantasy I think of constantly. I am a hopeless romantic and love all the little clichés that come with it, like walks on the beach. So thank you for a beautiful piece and for the killer plot twist at the end. Although the ending did make me a bit sad because I now interrupt the message as that life only exists in dreams, but nonetheless it was lovely.

  31. WOW! I cant believe that this was all just a dream! Being a hopeless romantic, I instantly connected with the narrator of the story and was desperately hoping for things to carry on being loving and peaceful. I really enjoyed the imagery you used such as "The waves crashed onto the shore. Behind them was the sun projecting its red haze through the sky. We sat on the warm sand and I laid my head on your shoulder" because it created such a serene vibe. Even though the ending wasn't what I expected, I really enjoyed the plot twist because it shows that not everything in life is how you picture it to be, you must be drawn back into reality.

  32. Alejandro QuintanillaDecember 6, 2017 at 9:32 PM

    I greatly enjoyed this story and was very surprised by the plot twist were the narrator fell into the abyss and awoke, I wholeheartedly admit that I liked the romantic dates/events and I could easily identify with the narrator. The transitions were fantastic and truly demonstrated how wild and dizzying love can seem.

  33. I’ve always been a sucker for a good romantic story, but this, my friend, really brings it to a whole new level! The amount of description that you put into this entire piece, from the pleasant parts to the more depressing parts, the entire reads like a true love letter, which I find to be quite beautiful in itself. I especially love how real this becomes at the end, when the “fantasy” is ripped away and “reality” comes back into play, very artistic. Whoever inspired this must be only lucky person ;)
    -Carianne Lefebvre

  34. This story was awesome. It was a very enjoyable read. And the sudden turn of events caused a great shock factor. The diction through your portrayal of this dream turned nightmare, worked perfectly. great job!

  35. This story was awesome. It was a very enjoyable read. And the sudden turn of events caused a great shock factor. The diction through your portrayal of this dream turned nightmare, worked perfectly. great job!

  36. This piece had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. The transition from scene to scene was very vivid. I imagined myself falling into the ocean and then waking up in the grass. It felt as if I was following you through the story. The ending was a nice touch as it explains a lot of what happened. I thought this was very creative and unique.

  37. Your writing is so colorful, it was great! I was capitivated from beginning to end and felt so much emotion reading it. I also loved the transitions in this. Great job!

  38. Honestly, this was one of, if not, my favorite piece I’ve read so far. You took me on a journey— I felt like I was witnessing this state of euphoria. Sadly, I had a feeling that something wrong would happen because my cynical mind won’t allow me to just enjoy happy moments, but low and behold, I was correct. I think this poem also showed me that we shouldn’t get too comfortable with fairytale life, because there will always be a nightmare creeping up. Nonetheless, this piece was BEAUTIFUL and I really want you to consider performing this in Drama. Mr. Kiley would really love to hear it!

  39. Amazing, really. Just truly amazing. I wasn't sure if the whole thing was just a trip going down memory lane and that I was just reading this man's happiest moments with his girl or if it was something else entirely when I began to read. Regardless, I was just enjoying the good times and was immersed in all the positivity that you described in great detail. It wasn't until the end that I knew exactly what was happening and I can say that the suddenness of it all was a good way to convey the shock that must of happened to the protagonist. It even ended off a little funny with that last line. I always hate those moments when a good dream goes so horribly wrong. I just hope that he actually does have someone in his life and that it isn't just all in his head, the poor guy. Yours is a great story and I enjoyed reading it all.

    - Justin Presto (Per. 1)

  40. Wow this is crazy. Each paragraph leads into the next with you waking up into some place new and then finally waking up literally in the last sentence. I really liked what you did here and your writing style is so unique. There were so many illusions that I didn't know if the main character was experiencing something in terms of a dream or something real. It's awesome how you can deceit readers into not knowing what the true reality is. Great job man!

  41. Janncarlo, I have already told plenty about how much I love your writing. But this one in particular takes the cake. My goodness, for one I must say that it came as a surprise when I first learned that you'd be writing about love. But this is something, I'll call it pure. Passionate. Intense. It's immensely impactful and offers something intimate with the audience. It makes the idea of love something so tantalizing yet petrifying, I absolutely love this story Janncarlo. I'm so proud of you, keep up the good work


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