
Sunday, October 8, 2017

“What is Happiness” by Eric K


            By definition, happiness is “a state of well-being and contentment”. What is happiness? Is happiness considered a single definition of an abstract emotion that occurs in the moment, or is it something entirely different by itself? Frankly, there is no right answer, but it definitely is up to interpretation. In essence, I believe that happiness is anything someone chooses to experience. Happiness is of the mind state the person is in and does not specify to only one specific event or theme. Life in itself is something in which happiness is abundant in. A non stressful day, an A on a test, a compliment from a stranger, or a job promotion are all examples of what qualifies as whats normally labeled as a good event. They offer satisfaction and a feeling of content throughout the time period or in this case, day in which it happens. Despite the warm feeling obtained from this, good events are not the only examples of “happiness” that are present. That is a misconception that many people have. Happiness is not a noun that should be used to describe events that make one feel momentary delight or glee, but instead a state of being by itself. Of course those certain “happy moments” may contribute to happiness, but those events by themselves are much too small to be considered to be a being of happiness. True happiness is seen throughout a continuous time span. Throughout your life time, you go through many things, some of which are difficult and some of which are happy. Despite the fact that hardship is evident in instances of life, the fact that you also had multiple instances of good throughout your life is what is most important. There is a choice in what one chooses to focus on, whether that be a positive or a negative thought. By going through those struggles and persevering through them, happiness becomes evident. Without this, happiness would be an idea that would become very hard to see. Theres no such thing as happy day without first going through a sad one. As the famous quote goes, “Winning can’t be achieved without first knowing how to lose”. Happiness comes from a continued struggle within oneself. It’s ironic in the fact that, metaphorically speaking, happiness can only come from realizing what’s on the other side of the coin. This is why I believe that happiness does not stem from a single event. Those events will make up part of your happy memories, but, in the end, the only way to achieve true happiness is through your own self in the present. You look back and realize what you are blessed with, what you are thankful for, and all the good in your life despite the bad things that have happened. Happiness is no doubt an emotion, but it is also a byproduct of one’s own thoughts. I believe that it is a choice and a way of thinking. True happiness is something that is realized over time and cherished.



  1. Breanna Carrillo
    Loved your insight on what is happiness! You went into great detail and evidence on your perceptive of the term happiness. Also, even though this is about happiness you still added things about how we always go thru hardships in our lives. Really liked this reading and the way you emphasized the meaning and importance of happiness.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this! I loved how you put your own definition on happiness and gave examples to make the reader really understand! Great work !

  3. This was a great post on an everyday word that nobody gives a second thought. I enjoyed reading this, and I liked the quote that you used. I'd have to agree with your definition and reasoning and it made me think twice about a concept I've never thought about before.

  4. Eric, I really enjoyed reading this post and agree with you wholeheartedly! I think happiness is definitely a choice in which we must seek to find the positive in each situation. In a world where negativity is augmented frequently, it is a breath of fresh air to see someone explain the importance of a positive attitude.

  5. This piece gives me so much to think about and take in! Great job putting in your opinion and what you think happiness is. I overall enjoyed reading your piece!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  6. Great job on your piece and the amount of positivity in the writing! This piece does a great job in opening my perspective of happiness and how much we experience it.

  7. Great blog, I enjoyed reading about your chosen topic, a mundane word that normally passes through our mouths without a second thought. I liked the point that you made about one being unable to fully experience happiness without first knowing sadness. It made me stop, think, and change my perspective on the unfortunate events in my life.

    Erl Lee

  8. I loved this piece because this made me think of happiness in a different way. This gave me a different perspective of happiness and now I will forever think of it differently. Thank you!

  9. Eric!! You did an amazing job describing what happiness is and what you consider to be happiness. I completely agree with you when you said that there is a choice in what someone chooses to focus on, whether that be a positive or a negative thought. You not only focused on the things that we should be happy about, but also shined light on sad events and how we choose to react to them. This piece definitely changed my perspective on how I should approach and react to events in my life.

  10. Your perspective on happiness is exactly how mine was in the sense that it is something realized over time. The amount of detail you put in to describe your interpretation of happiness really pulled me in and enhanced my own perspective. The way you composed this piece kept me intrigued and the examples you used made me feel more connected.

  11. A unique take on a very important, reoccurring theme in life. A very different definition and understanding of the word "happiness" but one that contains a lot of intellect and thoughtfulness. Very good insight into your thought process and a new view on life and happiness.

  12. This was a very intriguing passage for me. Your use of questions kept my brain running and kept me engaged for the entirety of your post. Great job!

  13. I loved that you chose to write about happiness because it is an overused word in our society, people are quick to use it without stopping to think about its implications first. Your piece really made me reflect my own life and that I completely agree with you that happiness would not exist without sadness. I think your word choice gave an intellectual feel to the piece and made it extremely interesting.

  14. Wow Eric! This was a fantastic piece on the idea of happiness. I completely agree with you when you said, "True happiness is seen throughout a continuous time span." I personally could not have said it better my self. I never really considered thinking about the concept of happiness but this made me think about it more than twice and really put the definition of happiness into perspective. Once again great work!

  15. This was a great piece Eric! You’re point of view and beliefs about happiness were the driving points of this. I think you did a great job at conveying your thoughts and opinions about the ideas of happiness. Good job!

  16. I couldn't agree with you more on this. I loved how you started off with a rhetorical question, which sets up your entire entry, and due to that, piece by piece you showed your own interpretation of happiness. It really opened my eyes that there is more to happiness because it's not just about all the small, good events that happens to you, but as well as the bad ones that led into something good. It lets you take the time to appreciate what you have and what you should be happy for.

  17. This really opened my eyes to the idea of happiness. It makes me want to only focus on the good and not stress about the bad. I really like your point that we can only notice good things when we have experienced some bad ones. This was an excellent piece.

  18. Happiness is a very overused word in our society today and the fact that you redefined happiness as a developing emotion over a particular time span rather than a temporary feeling is really insightful and well thought out. Great job!

  19. I loved how this piece went very in depth with what happiness truly is. Before reading this, I never really gave too much thought about what it was, but now I have a whole new perspective and outlook on happiness. Also, I know that many people struggle with finding happiness within themselves and I believe that this piece will help them do so.

  20. You did a good job with this one. Especially through your incorporation of the quote. Your use of metaphors and analogies allowed me to understand the point you made and I very much appreciated that. I enjoyed your piece you should try making writing more. I would enjoy reading more from you.

  21. WOW, i am amazed by your writing style. I totally appreciate the fact that, you defined happiness in so many ways possible. And it's so beautiful to see that, there's still so many ways we can be happy. I hope your writing does open doors for those who are still looking for true definition of happiness. Because it did open my doors. Thank you so much Eric for this beautiful writing.
    -Taslima Ahamed

  22. I completely agree with your definition of happiness and furthermore believe that people are the source of their own unhappiness. We have so much pressure to fit in we overthink the little things. Your metaphors showed just how strongly you felt about the subject which was a nice touch. Good job man

  23. I really enjoyed this piece. You gave good concrete examples to prove your point. I also agree with the quote you used. It made me realize that like the quote, one cannot win without learning to overcome losing, likewise with happiness. One can't be happy unless they are able to overcome the sadness in their life.

  24. Your familiar examples of monetary happiness threw readers a lifeline into the ambiguity of this topic. In all, your impressive writing style successful conveyed this distinction between ephemeral and lifelong happiness, all the while teaching the reader to trust themselves when making these important decisions.

  25. I completely agree with you on the fact that happiness is stemmed from perseverance through past struggles and that it resonates in past experiences. This piece does an awesome job at explaining what happiness is, and I love how you end it by reminding us that happiness is a choice and can be achieved even through tough times!

  26. Amazing job Eric! The idea of happiness is something everyone thinks about and wants in life. I liked how you gave different examples of happiness in one's life and mentioned taking the good with the bad. You were clearly able to give your opinion on this subject and i found your ideas very relatable to my own life.

  27. I won't say this brought me happiness, because that would contradict most of what I just read. Instead, I think it's more appropriate to say it enlightened me on happiness and helped me to appreciate all my happiness that much more. I loved that you stated that happiness was a 'byproduct of one's own thoughts.' because it truly is based on the individual. People are shaped by the experiences that they go through and the actions they take based on those experiences. And the fact that happiness is based on who you are and the things that have built up that feeling makes it that much more precious.

  28. Hi Eric! I loved your piece a lot. I liked how it makes the reader think about what happiness truly is. This was really interesting to read, and I enjoyed it very much!

  29. I really enjoyed your piece Eric it made me open my mind think about why certain things make me happy. When I read the quote you added it made me reflect on my past experiences and helped me understand what you were saying, I totally agree that for there to be happiness there has to be some sad times.

  30. I really liked this piece of writing because i often question "What is Happiness", really. I couldn't agree more and you did an amazing job explaining what it is. I like how you interpret it many different ways but it all still comes down to one. Great job, I enjoyed reading this

  31. Great detailed piece on such broad topic, something that every person has questioned to themselves. You were able to speak so well on this topic, even giving us different insights on what happiness really is. Keep up the great work, Love it !


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