
Friday, October 20, 2017

"The Art of Fear" by Jacob B

 “Limits, Like fears, Are often just an illusion.” - Michael Jordan 

     Everyone has a fear in life, some people are scared of the dark, or snakes, or even the fear of failure. This list could go on and on but what they all have in common is that they affect a person in a certain way that changes them.People will state that they are scared of something or someone when really the only person they should be scared of are themselves. Any thoughts of uneasiness or nervousness come from only one person and that is yourself. You’re scared of something because you tell yourself you are scared of it, and you have already lost the battle when you are putting negative thoughts in your own head. For example, when I was little I was scared of the dark and I’m pretty sure many of you would be able to relate to this same “fear”. I would put in my own mind that something was watching me or coming to get me when in reality the only person in my room was myself. There were no monsters or demons with me in the room, but only my own imagination that was causing me to be scared of the dark. This same concept can be related to any type of “fear” that you may think you have. Horror films and tv shows make a living based off of people’s fears and they give people an idea of something to be scared of, and with many people they find enjoyment in being scared. With the idea of fear,usually people are open about their fears in life while some people keep it inside and try to hide it. Both of these two ways of trying to control fear are completely wrong. Talking to people about your fears in life and trying to get help won’t do any good If you have not come to peace with yourself that you aren’t scared of something. Trying to hide your fears also isn’t good because you aren’t doing anything to solve the problem you’re just pushing it to the side and hoping you won’t have to face it. You should confront your fears with yourself and really think about If it’s even scary or worth all the stress you think it’s causing you. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems and people are always quick to say they’re scared of something when there’s nothing to be scared of at all. It’s the month of October and the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind with this word is Halloween,a holiday built off of fear and trying to scare people. The concepts of Vampires ghost, monsters,etc. are all just illusions to scare you and contribute to the fearful day of October 31st. This day shouldn’t be different than any other day when it comes it to fear, the only person I fear in life is Jacob Aaron Blandino and any thoughts of fear I have our generated by my own mind. So no your not scared of heights, or the dark, but the person in the mirror is your worst nightmare. 

Works Cited


  1. Appropriate, considering the holiday season. Your perspective on fear is unique and thought-provoking. To improve your piece, please consider proofreading for spelling and grammar.

  2. Great post regarding fear and what it is and what it should be. I heard that your brain sometimes fakes noises in order to scare you when it gets bored. That proves your point that your worst fear is yourself. This post was very easy and interesting to read.

  3. Good job on your piece! It gave a different perception on how you perceive fear in humans. It was also interesting how you said the one thing we should be scared of is ourselves. It made me think why do we magically acquire fears over things. Overall great job on your piece!

  4. Nice work! I know that humans develop fear to defend themselves against what they perceive as detrimental to them but sometimes we develop irrational fears and should come to terms with them, which your piece states perfectly. Overall an enlightening piece and I like the title of the post.

  5. Great job on this piece Jacob! I agree with your statement that the only thing that people should fear are themselves because the mind play a lot of tricks on people which can cause fear. Once again fantastic job on your piece.

  6. A few grammar mistakes overall but good message. Although making yourself stand up to your fears is harder than succumbing to that fear, it is possible. This is inspiring to a person like me who competes in an activity and is only held back by my own mind. I'll definitely keep this in mind in the future.

  7. You did a great job in explaining of where fears come from. Our fears do come from us, we create them and we give them power. The examples you gave, such as monsters and being scared of the dark really contributed to your message. I think we should all take in consideration of what you said, so we can stop being scared. I found it funny that you're scared of yourself.

  8. I believe it was put best when Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". The thoughts we implant in our head and refuse to face are our doing and can be stopped!

  9. Great piece on the concept of fear. A very relatable subject and overall a good take on fear and how to approach it.

  10. Nicely done, the blog stayed on track with your topic. However, there was not any clear problem. Why is fear necessarily bad? Why do you we have to face it?

    Erl Lee

  11. I want to start off with that title "The Art of Fear"... you already got me craving. As I read through I felt as though I can relate or agree with you on so many levels. Choosing to write this on October was genius. I feel I can refer back to this from time to time. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

  12. This was an amazing story. I like when you said we should be afraid of ourselves. It really made me think about what I'm afraid of and the reasons behind the fear.

  13. What an unexpected twist! Honestly, I thought this was going to be a story about fear of spiders or the dark. I admit I was afraid of the dark and you’re right, it’s only is us that’s making ourself afraid. I’m intrigued by the face that you call fear an art, it made me realize about what I’ve been telling myself and how I should approach fear itself.

  14. I do find your piece very interesting. Fear is a manifestation of our perceptions and how we interpret them. You address it well and even bring up the conflict that it is ourselves who we fear because we give ourselves the capacity to have fear. However, I'd like to know how you overcome long term fear. Also, consider proof reading and spell checking for future improvements to your writing.

  15. Really spoopy twist at the end. I have heard this view of fears often because I, a 17 year old, am still afraid of the dark... and world war 2 gas masks. I mean, its not everyday I come into contact with a gas mask. But I have been trying to embody this view of fears to help conquer my "irrational" fear of the dark.. And your piece only confirmed it. Its happening soon. Thanks. Also, your point made about the two ways people attempt to overcome fears was very insightful and observant. I, subconsciously, have done both and it has gotten me no where. I loved this piece, though... very thought-provoking. Amazingly written. -Imani Crenshaw

  16. i like that you tried to give others a new perspective to look at their fears. its a great way to think of it and a great start to try to overcome whatever someone is afraid of. the end took a little turn i wasn't expecting but it was the truth none the less and something we all should recognize sooner than later. good job!

  17. This is a great piece on how to overcome one's fear and I struggle with fear daily. You showed me that in truth the only thing I have to fear is myself and that I found to be absolutely true with what you discussed. keep up the good work exploring deeper emotions such as fear.

  18. I really enjoyed your piece on fear and the various shapes and forms it can take on. It really expands on the different perspectives of fears and offers various methods in order to combat fear and overcome it. Awesome work!

  19. Im glad someone decided to talk about it. I think people see fears as a weakness but if anything they add depth to peoples personalities. I recently got over a fear of highness and went on a Ferris wheel for the first time. I went with a friend and it really helped me bond with them. When you tell someone about your fears its like showing trust and in my opinion they can be used as tools of self expression.

  20. This puts a great spin on the concept of fear. I love how you used an example of fear a lot of us could relate to as kids. I also believe the best way to conquer your fear is to face it.

  21. I found this piece of literature very intriguing. It really made me think about my fears and why we fear stuff. liked how you stated that the only reason that we are scared of something is because we tell ourselves that we are scared.
    -Steve Martinez

  22. This piece was very interesting and it filled your audience with emotion, like when you were talking about your fears as a kid, because we can all relate to that fear one way or another, so I applaud you for that.

  23. Your idea of fear is very optimistic. I like how you incorporated a quote to start off the piece. It helps to grab the reader's attention. Your use of anecdotes incorporate a personal element to this piece and ultimately help to reinforce your argument. Great Job.

  24. I️ thought this piece was interesting because it described another way of fear that most of us wouldn’t really see it as in the first place mostly because fear comes to us in one way. Great piece overall!

  25. This is necessary for a lot of people to hear, especially at this age. I, myself needed to be reminded that all my fears are created by my own head. The concept that fear itself doesn't exist without our own brains telling it to is fascinating and I'm glad you covered this topic. The piece felt personal, however because of the casual nature of the writing, you may have forgotten to proofread.

  26. This felt so empowering in the way you chose to write this. It really gave me insight on fear and why its there.


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