
Sunday, October 8, 2017

“How to Make a Successful YouTube Channel” by Stephanie V

            Anyone can post a video on YouTube, but it takes patience and commitment to grow a successful channel. There are tons of genres that have made their mark in the YouTube world.  From cooking to fashion, building and singing;  millions of people from around the globe embark on their journey by the click of a button.  Here are some beginner tips for establishing and maintaining a successful YouTube channel:

YouTube account
Any electronic device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone
Recording device
Editing software

Step 1: What is your purpose
Decide whether you want your video to be educational, comical, political, etc… This will have people coming back for either your intelligence or commentary.

Step 2: Decide who is your demographics
Are you targeting children, teens or adults?  What is their background knowledge of the topic?  Are they new to the subject or well versed? Demographics can help you decide how much information is needed for the viewers to understand.

Step 3: Include original content to ensure your videos stand out
YouTube has videos on many topics, but it would be difficult for your videos to be seen; especially if you are a beginner. Having a unique style in which you create your videos and creating new content that is informative, will result in people subscribing to your YouTube channel.

Step 4: Have good quality videos
A major aspect to ensure many new subscribers is how well your video is presented.  Having a camera that records high quality and clear audio is the best.  No one likes to watch a video in 144p in which you can count every pixel.( No potato quality)

Step 5: Editing Software
Adding edits and cutting parts of your video makes it easier for the viewers to focus.  Also, it helps gain attraction on your style of editing, which can include text style, reference pictures, or voice-overs.

Step 6: Time Management
As you start to grow, people will want to see more videos from you.  Try creating a personal schedule that gives you more time to record and edit videos to ensure quality work.  Additionally, let your subscribers know the day and time you intend to post.  Time management is crucial because content creators tend to start off with consistent posts, but eventually poor time management will likely occur and their growth on YouTube will lessen or even stop altogether.

I have been posting on YouTube for the last four-five years with different YouTube accounts. The reason why I had several accounts is because no one helped me become successful and it took a lot of trial and error to get where I am today.  The most troubling aspect I had with YouTube was time management.  I was growing at a pretty fast rate, until I began not to post as often as I used to.  That prevented me from becoming more successful with my channel.  Although having the best recording device and recording software helped me grow, I quickly came to a realization that being consistent with posting is the key to success. The tips I previously discussed helped me grow on YouTube.  If you want to become successful on your own channel, follow my steps with patience and commitment! Good luck and don’t quit!


  1. Breanna Carrillo
    I loved what topic you decided to pick because Youtube is such a big company now to create your own videos. Also loved how you added to create original content to be successful in your channel. This was a really good thing to choose to write about because Youtube is something we all use in this society. Great job!

  2. I love the format of this how to, it's very clear and your statements are backed up. You went in depth when explaining why each step is important and that's crucial in a tutorial style piece. I really enjoyed how you ended the tutorial with the explanation that through your own trial and error you've created this, because it makes it more real. Best of luck on your own channel!

  3. This is such an awesome topic to discuss because it is so relevant. A lot of people do not understand how much of a buisness youtube can be until they actually start. You gave a lot of useful tips to help anyone prepare that were not biased to your specific genre. I loved the personal commentary at the end describing your career as a youtuber. Great Job!- Sabrina Wilkerson P.1

  4. This was a really simple "how-to." Great use of detail and commentary! I might make a youtube channel mow!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  5. From reading this to connecting it to myself and my friends everything you had stated was all very true. I personally think people don't see it. Your subscribers want to see new content and I feel people lose interest when their videos are longer than normal and don't have good editing. When that keeps building up their channel slowly dies off. Good job with the information!

  6. I like how you used your own trial and error to give us gems of advice. This is great advice as you have lived it and have grown yourself by using these steps. It was clear and simple and anyone could learn to make a YouTube video from your advice. Great piece!

  7. This is a great little "how-to." Youtube is so huge and so many people want to get into it, that it just makes your story even more relevant. I like how you included your own faults and how you overcame it, it just makes this piece even more authentic. Best of luck to you and your channel!

  8. This is a nice "how to". Considering how much people make having a YouTube channel significant to them and as their job, this tutorial can be useful to anyone. I like how you gave your side of struggle of trying to make a successful YouTube channel.

  9. I admire your persistence in your path to success in You Tube. Also being self-made and no handouts is quite impressive and I agree that time management is crucial to becoming successful in any endeavor.

  10. I love this so much. YouTube is on of my favorite social media sites. The detail you used to break down every step/tip is great for any upcoming or new YouTubers. Well done!
    -Mia Tolliver
    period 1

  11. I really enjoyed reading your "How To" on making a Youtube channel! I liked how short and to the point it was, even with you packing a bunch of helpful tips in it. Great job Stephanie!

    -Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  12. This is a great how-to! The steps were simple and easy to follow and your ties from your own personal YouTube experiences make the narrative sincere. You're practicing what you preach. I hope the best for your YouTube channel in the future!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  13. This was great! The reason I say that is because I never thought making YouTube videos took so much time. I thought people made them for fun without realizing how much editing it takes to make a good video. Amazing piece of work!

  14. This was great Stephanie! I've always wanted to create a youtube channel and this is a great "how-to" to work with. You were really clear and I am glad you wrote about this. Good luck with your youtube channel, and keep up the good work!

  15. I really liked this step by step process, it was really thought out. I have been thinking about creating a YouTube channel so I will definitely be using these tips.

  16. This piece was really good. I've created a Youtube channel a long time ago but I didn't know what I was doing. Maybe with this, I can give it another try haha. -Eric Duong

  17. Yes, thank you Stephanie! I've actually been thinking about starting a YouTube Channel for my club, so I'll definitely use these tips!

  18. This was a great tutorial on starting up a YouTube channel. i never knew that it took so much time and hard work to be a successful youtuber, i created a channel quite a while ago and i haven't really been able to understand how to stand out but with your tutorial maybe one day I and a bunch of over people can make a successful YouTube channel.

  19. This is almost like a M&M chart, an easy way to get started on creating a youtube channel. Great Advice!

  20. I think this is a great topic especially considering how much YouTube is on the rise and will continue to be on the rise due to the use of technology. You were very informative and to the point, it was a great read.
    Avalon Freeman pd.2

  21. Great job Stephanie! This step-by-step was very straight forward and stated all the tools that you would need in order to start your Youtube career (or even progress it). I love the fact that you said your personal experience at the end; which provides the audience with evidence that demonstrates how successful this step-by -step procedure can be. Honestly, reading this made me want to start up my own Youtube channel!

  22. I have been watching YouTube for the past 2 years and I always thought to myself why I don't make my own YouTube channel and start a vlog or something. I never actually went through with my plans and after reading this I have the urge to start one. This wan an extremely well written explanation on how to start a YouTube channel.
    -Steve Martinez P.1

  23. Stephanie, I loved your entry. You gave us a very straight forward How-to and this piece could definitely be helpful to another aspiring Youtuber! Good luck to you and your channel.

  24. I remember when I was in middle school, I loved watching YouTube and aspired to be a YouTuber once myself. Reading this how-to is super helpful and easy to follow, making me wish that my middle-school self had the ability to read this. Everyone once in a while I make videos for the marching band at our school, and as I read this I realize how having good quality videos and a good editing software is super important in creating videos. At first I struggled with making videos because I never really understood what was "good" to the public eye, but this helps a lot. Thanks!

  25. This was a great "How To", epscially since people tend to forgot that Youtube isn't JUST about camera quality. It's about the dedication and effort you put into the videos. I used to make videos and was also gaining a lot of attention until I stopped posting consistent videos, so you hit the nail on this step-by-step. Great job!

  26. This was actually a really great topic to write about since YouTube and social media are such a big thing right now. The step-by-step instruction is very helpful, and I love your personal comment at the end. Great job!

  27. Great topic for a piece!!! I really enjoy reading things that are relevant to the times and this certainly hits the nail right on the head. I felt that the steps were helpful and well thought out. I also commend you on the fact that you steps allow for creativity and originality while still being informational.

  28. Thank you for this "HOW-TO" it was very easy to follow! I also enjoyed it very much because I would love to start my own youtube channel! -Diego Carrillo

  29. Great How-To post, I very much enjoyed your take on how to create in essence a future in YouTube. Which is very relevant to the times now, being that YouTube is now the main source for entertainment. Learning how to create a successful career on the internet is essential for some of us in the future, and I loved your take on. Keep it up !

  30. Stephanie, I really like this entry because it contained useful information and got to the point on how make a successful YouTube channel.
    -Jerico Franco
    -Period 6


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