
Friday, October 20, 2017

"Falling in Love " by Justin P

There she was, standing with her friends before class waiting for me. Her name is Harper Owens and she is the girl of my dreams. Harper and I are childhood friends and we’d always talk and hangout when we had the time. We’ve been friends for so long that I can’t remember a time when we weren’t together. In that time, I would say we got very close to one another. Ask me a question about her and I’d most likely have an answer to give. I believe that it’s just like that the other way around, too. We’d always be mistaken as a couple out in public and our friends always tease us about that whenever they could. I don’t blame them because I honestly want to be with her. It has always been a dream of mine, Harper and I as a couple living well together and only for each other. 

When she’s not with me, all I can think about is her and how she is doing. I would yearn for her embrace and dream of the next time I can see her again. When I’m with her, though, I forget all of my problems and it feels like everything is going to be okay. She makes my heart melt when she smiles at me and her laugh is the sweetest thing I could ever hear from her. When she’s down, all I want to do is bring back that beautiful spark in her majestic, blue eyes and keep her from any other harm. I want to just hold her and do all I can to show her just how much I love her. She’s all I’ve ever desired and she’s enough for me to feel happy if I could be with her. I’ve always wanted her to be mine because I will always be hers. Although, I know I shouldn’t because of one important thing. 

There is something you should know about Harper. I don’t know why she does this or if she even has a good reason to do so, but she would always spend her free time with other guys. There would be those strangers that she’d meet somewhere and just spend the night with, the “regulars” she would visit and worst of all are the people she hurts along the way. The one’s who are in a relationship with her partners. She would always let them know what she had done and leave everyone broken. None of those late nights out or the compliments and gifts they give matters to her, just as a fun way to pass time. I’ve begged her to stop this and asked her why, but she’d just brush me off every time. I don’t think she ever really cared about anyone else but herself. 

There are those nights where I think to myself, “Is she worth it?” All those lonely nights yearning for her warm embrace that she so freely gives out to strangers. However cruel her methods may be to those she leaves behind, at the very least she gave them the common courtesy of a good time and all of her attention, none of which she gives to me. After all these years together, I can safely say we are so close yet so far from each other at the same time. Although, every night ends the same as the last. Regardless of her practice, I still love her. I still want to be with her and to care for her, even when she so clearly does not want to be with me. That’s the thing about love, you don’t always have a say in who you fall for. Sometimes there’s someone on the other side to catch you when you do and it can be the happiest feeling in the world, but other times you just fall.


  1. This was very interesting to me because it started out as very "lovey dovey" but it took a slight turn when you started talking about the bad parts about Harper. I kept having to re-read because I was hoping they would become a couple but sometimes things aren't meant to be.

  2. I love this piece. The detail captures me as a reader and I just want to keep going! Amazing Job!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  3. I really enjoyed reading this because I can relate. When I have had crushes, at first I can't get them out of my mind then reality sets in later if they are worth it or not. I like how the beginning had a positive and imaginative tone and then the ending shifts to a serious tone. I liked your use of imagery to strengthen your story and it was well written!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  4. Interesting piece. We've all been there, at least I know I have. If I could offer a piece of advice with this situation, I say to just go for it. Why spend all the time longing for a possible love when you could have it, or could move on? If you truly feel this way for your "Harper Owens", then go for her! She'll never know you feel this way until you say something. And the worst that could happen is that you have to move on, and things would be different between you and "Harper" (which as I typed it out, I realized the weight of it). Great job channeling your emotions into a piece. I have faith in your decisions with what to do next.

  5. I really liked your story, Justin, and the development of the plot. Honestly your feelings really captured my attention and how your feelings for harper is so pure and sincere. good luck!

  6. First off, thank you so much for sharing this piece because in our generation we all go through this most of the time. Second off, begging isn't and shouldn't be ever your option. You shouldn't ever beg someone for anything no matter whatsoever. I like how you express your feelings about her so well and it's so pure but of course not worth it because you should be her some first priorities. In a relationship it always have to be 50-50. And without telling all this will not give you a health result. Again, thank you so much for sharing everything.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  7. Great piece. I'm sure we can all relate to this. The shift in tone really had me on the edge. Again, great piece! -Eric Duong

  8. I have no clue if this is real or not. If this isn't, then this is a wonderful plot (you should considered adapting it into a book or even a play) however if this is something going on in your actual life... you should still consider doing the above!! (: Being serious now, your story was well written and incredibly captivating, even the title peaked my interest. I don't think I've ever read anything like this where the girl was the player and the boy was the helpless one... again I'm very intrigued!

  9. With this piece, I appreciate the reality check that love is not always a beautiful thing-that there will always be hardships. Though us readers don't know whether the narrator continues to pursue "Harper," he has the choice to overcome this hardship by persisting, or simply by moving on. I enjoyed the tone change from completely in love and airing, to hurt and confused when he realizes her flaws.

  10. Good piece. Overall, a sad piece that leaves the reader feeling for the writer but the mental journey you took shows your evolution overtime. Impressive growth!

  11. This piece is something we can all relate to, pining after something that we can't have. The saying, "you can't have your cake and eat it too" comes to mind. I feel we should all go after our "Harper Owens" as life is short and we should strive for what we want. This piece opened my eyes to how I should be pursuing what I would like out of life. Beautiful story.

  12. After reading the title and the first paragraph I thought this was going to be a piece where in the end the guy gets the girl or at the very least ends in some sort of happy way. I was completely wrong, I really liked that you added a tone shift to the piece, it made it less predictable and more interesting to read. The subject is easy to relate to, I think everyone has wanted something/someone they can't have before. Overall great piece!

  13. This piece did a great job at showing the real life problems that can happen and to show that not everyone can have a happy relationship. The length of the piece was perfect enough to tell a story as well as give me the desire for more. Good job this was really good!

  14. Great job Justin! I found your piece very interesting and relatable. I feel that a lot of people have experienced this feeling and I completely agree with you that love can either be beautiful or the complete opposite. In the beginning you were talking about how love was good but towards the end your opinion changed.I felt that your view of love was very realistic and showed the impacts it can have on a person.

  15. You left me wanting to read more. Very well written!

  16. I personally really enjoy romantic pieces so reading this had me completely engaged but I really do wish it was more upbeat because in the beginning I couldn't see hem not being together because of how highly this male character spoke about her.

  17. This piece is so relatable. I love how you didn't make this a cliche love story. The last two sentences are so heavy and hard-hitting. The reality of love isn't shown in most movies or books and I really love how you captured so much emotion into this. Great job!

  18. This is a great piece of work. When I first started reading this I expected the story to go in a completely different direction. The shift in the story caught me completely off guard. I really enjoyed reading this.
    -Steve Martinez

  19. I really enjoyed your work and how sudden the tone of the piece changed! I was immediately pulled in by the loving feelings towards Harper and it made my heart feel all warm, and then the change in pace definitely took me by surprise. Those loving feelings were halted by what was revealed as Harper's true background, which I found quite interesting. Her story may be very different from others, but I think we can all relate in the way that we have our own personal flaws and problems.

    Period 1


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