
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Horchata Recipe " by Sean B

     Thank you for reading my “how to” on how to make Horchata, before we get to learning how to make it I’d like to explain myself a little bit. My name is Sean Bailey and one of my favorite things to do in my free time is too cook. I first started to cook when I was in middle school and I used to watch live streams of this guy online who used to be a professional chef and I started trying to cook some of the recipes he would use. Over the years I’ve slowly gotten better and I enjoy cooking just about anything but my most favorite thing to do is to bake. With how warm it is in California, baking is fairly simple on keeping it warm enough for dough to rise and for it to be the ideal temperature since Baking is all about temperature and time. Besides baking I enjoy BBQing, doing desserts, making hearty meals, you name it I’ll make it. I’ve never been afraid of trying new foods or experiencing different tastes or smells and one day I’d like to do some traveling and visit different countries and experience the different cultures around the world.
One of my favorite things to drink in the Summer, especially nowadays with how hot it has been, is Horchata. For anyone not knowing what Horchata is, it is a sweet rice milk drink with cinnamon that is really tasty and is a good thirst quencher for hot days. On top of how tasty the drink is, it is also incredibly easy to make which is fantastic because during the summer I often have to make it a handful of times because my younger siblings can’t get enough of it when they’re always running around. Without further ado let’s figure out how to make this delicious drink. 

● 1 cup of white rice
  • ●  1 1/3 cup sugar (adjust depending on how sweet you want - 2/3 cup of sugar if you want it less sweet).
  • ●  1/2 cup chopped almonds (optional)
  • ●  1 cinnamon stick ( 1⁄4 Cup Cinnamon)
  • ●  1 T vanilla
  • ●  1 Can (12 ounces) Evaporated milk
  • ●  1 1/2 cup of milk or almond milk
  • ●  1 Liter of water
  • ●  Ice
  • ●  Start by soaking the rice, cinnamon, and almonds in a bowl of water all night, or at least for 5 hours so that the rice softens slightly.
  • ●  Strain the water from the cinnamon, rice, and almond mixture that were soaking, disposing of water.
  • ●  Blend the cinnamon, rice, and almond mixture with evaporated milk until a smoother mix is formed and the grains of rice are completely ground.
  • ●  Strain the resulting liquid into a pitcher, and add the sugar, vanilla, and milk. Mix well until everything is well combined.Add a liter of water, and serve with ice.

Overall this is a very simple drink to make and a favorite for most. I encourage everyone who reads this to give the recipe a try since it requires no hard work, tough skills, or uncommon tools. I chose this recipe because it is very easy for anyone to give it a try. I hope you enjoyed my “How to” and if you try making it I hope you enjoy this delicious drink.


  1. I loved it. I've always been fascinated with baking but I am terrible at cooking. Its interesting to see the way you got into it because I watched Rachel Ray when I was little. I truly hope you stay with cooking you seem to have a real passion for it.

  2. I as well enjoy cooking in my free time so I was automatically drawn to your entry and will certainly give this recipe a try in good time. It is nice to see how you tied your personal background into the piece and shared with us not only a delicious recipe, but a little bit about you as well. The flow of the sentences in the beginning paragraph could improve, however that minor detail doesn't take away from your piece at all.

  3. I love the introduction of yourself in the beginning of this "how to." Cooking and baking are some things that I definitely need to improve on, so I admire your skill in these practices and the fact that you enjoy them. The only critique I have is to watch where you place your commas and find where commas should be, but I still enjoyed this regardless! I hope and believe that you can pursue your dream of traveling around the world to experience the taste of various cultural foods. Thank you for teaching us how to make horchata! :)

  4. Cooking also happens to be one of my favorite hobbies too! Speaking of Horchata it is in the list of one of my favored drinks, so when I saw the How-To I was absolutely in love. It was well written and very well explained. Hopefully I will be able to use this lovely recipe!

  5. Fun fact; I've never tried Horchata before, but after reading your recipe, I am definitely eager to try it. You've told me before how you love to cook and how you're eager to try new things, so one day I will bring you some of my Nigerian dishes for you to try! Food is the universal langue, in my book.

  6. Interesting. I have actually never had Horchata, but this "How to" makes me want to try it. I like how you go into detail about your love for cooking.

  7. Your piece was very informational and direct but also personal which was nice, I appreciated the personal connection. I too enjoy cooking and baking but the part that stood out the most to me was the fact that you would like to travel because I dream of traveling the world as well. I would love to experience different people, cultures, and most of all different foods.

  8. I loved how you started off with a little background of yourself, That was a nice touch. Its always a good thing to know who's giving me a recipe and if they really can cook. I also liked how you worded things, it made you seem like you were on a t.v show yourself. Good job, Im going to try this recipe one day :) Thank you!!

  9. This was absolutely priceless do you know how long I've been looking for a Horchata recipe?! The steps are so simple I will definitely be using this! Good luck on your future cooking.

  10. Horchata is DEFINITELY one of my favorite summertime drinks as well, and I truly appreciate the fact that you'd go to the lengths to make it yourself! If I ever have the patience or capacity to make the effort to create this on my own, I will be sure to use your recipe!

  11. I spend a large amount of my time watching food network, as I am obsessed, and reading your how to was just as enjoyable and informative. I love Horchata but never really thought about making it until now because you have shown how simple, yet delicious a recipe can be! Thanks for the insight!

  12. Not only that you have a simple well written tutorial, you also incorporated a descriptive representation of what you are expected to have cooked up with your own personal intake.

  13. Being Mexican, horchata is obviously one of my favorite drinks and yet it never once occurred to me to try to make it from scratch! So I love how simple this recipe is and also how you gave us some background into your experience with cooking and food appreciation. I love cooking and I had no clue you enjoyed it as well, so I'll definitely talk to you more about it, maybe during rehearsals!
    -Anais Moran (period 5)

  14. We have quite a few things in common. I love baking as well so I can relate to your situation. Great job on your introduction which explained why you chose to make this type of blog. I'm looking forward to try out this recipe!

  15. I enjoyed this blog a lot because it was different from the others and a good switch. I've never had horchata so this makes myself want to go out and make some. Good job!

    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  16. I want to start off by saying that I absolutely love horchata. I never actually tried making it from scratch like my mom does, which made this blog very helpful. Also, I really like the back story of how you got into cooking/baking since I would watch some cooking shows with my sister when I was little but never actually tried making the recipes displayed like you did. Hopefully you keep improving as you progress as you seem to have a real passion for it.

  17. Sean i really like the background that you gave about yourself with your experience with cooking. Horchata is a drink that i sometimes enjoy, i say that because whenever i drink it i never make it myself and the major problem is when it is too sweet. So now with your amazing recipe i think that i can enjoy Horchata just the way i want it because of the second ingredient of adjusting the sweetness. I definitely believe that i will give this recipe a shot and hopefully enjoy the drink. Maybe Horchata can be a consistent drink for me.-Adrian Arteaga

  18. I'm Mexican and I don't even know how to make Horchata. I love cooking as well, but baking a lot more than cooking in my house. Thank you for sharing this recipe with everyone, I should share my Snicker Doodle recipe with you. :)

  19. I absolutely love horchata and have always wondered how they make it. I was so happy to see this tutorial on the site. I found it really interesting to hear your background with cooking and it was very well written. Im very excited to try this!

  20. I am so glad I chose your article first !! I liked how you gave backround on who you are and why you decided to write a "how to." Most definitely trying this at home ! && twins because i love to bake as well

  21. I am so glad you made this recipe. I have been looking for a horchata recipe for such a long time. I love that you even put the measurements for the optional ingredients. I can't wait to try it out myself.

  22. The name of this article alone intrigued me to read it. I saw your name and immediately knew it'd be an amazing recipe, having eaten recipes you've made before. The recipe itself was extremely easy to follow and your backstory in the beginning set a personal tone for the rest of the how to, allowing for the reader to feel as though the recipe was written especially for them. Can't wait to try this recipe at home.
    -Elaine Molina

  23. I am craving some cold sweet horchata, after reading this. i would love to make it one day or someone could make it for me. i liked how you inputted the hot California weather and how it is a perfect temperature for the dough to rise.

  24. This is a simple and easy to follow instructional recipe to create a Horchata. I liked how you added a little backstory about yourself too, instead of just putting the recipe. I like to cook as a hobby too and would like to create this Horchata when I have the time and make it for my whole family.
    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  25. Wowzers Sean. I can't say what part I particularly liked best because I enjoyed all of it!! Also, I have a question, is it possible to switch the can of evaporated milk with soy milk? If so, let me know!! Okay back to you, I was really fond of how you used a hobby of yours and shared it with others of how to excel with this specific recipe. I enjoyed previous recipes you've dished up and I can't wait to enjoy this one! ...Well as long as you make it for me because I'm lazy. XD

  26. This is a great piece you wrote about one of you're favorite things to do. Also, love the introduction you gave to the readers to know a little bit about you and reasoning into why you wrote this how to. But I love horchata great drink to have while eating tacos. I wish I know how to make this horchata I'm too lazy !
    Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5

  27. Wow thank you so much for this. I've always loved horchata. My friend's mom would always make it when I'd go over and now I'm able to make it myself. Thank you for making the institutions so simple because other times I've tried to cook something, the instructions seem to be so complicated. Thanks to this, I will defiantly be making some very soon. Any more foods or drinks you could post about? Would love to try cooking and picking up a new habit. Thank You

    -Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  28. I love horchata. I never learned how to make it. I enjoyed learning about you and I think it's so cool to cook. I was never great at it but I'll definitely try this recipe

  29. This was a really good blog piece Sean. I like how you incorporated alittle about yourself and how you started cooking before you went on to explaining your recipe, thanks for sharing! I've only had horchata once, but reading your recipe made me want to try making it on my own one day. This could be a really fun family activity or something to try with my friends. Thank you so much and please share any other yummy recipes you have!

  30. I love drinking horchata all the time and I've recently been super addicted to it, so thank you for posting your recipe on horchata!! I bought a carton of horchata from the grocery store, but it's nothing compared to the drinks from authentic Mexican food places. I'm excited to try this recipe and make my own instead of spending a bunch of money buying some. I also have a huge sweet tooth, so that 1 1/3 cups of sugar seems very appetizing. Can't wait to try this, thank you!

    Alyssa Santos
    Period 1

  31. I love this! I love horchata so much and I think it is awesome you'd want to share the recipe, I also loved the introduction and that you gave a little background about yourself.

  32. This is a great tutorial on how to make some juicy horchata, i would of never thought of creating homemade horchata until now! Definitly will give your recipe a shot

  33. I love horchata but I have never made it myself, it has always been powder bought from the store that you mix with milk. Thank you for posting this how to. I know for sure I am going to try it out and that it will definitely taste better than store bought horchata. I also love how you introduced yourself because it made this how to seem more personal. I'm excited to hear some of your other recipes. Overall, amazing job Sean!!

  34. Thanks for this helpful tutorial on how to make a drink that I really enjoy drinking a lot. I Have always bought horchata from a store and never actually tried making it myself. I will make sure to try to make it myself using this and hopefully it comes out to be perfect.
    -Steve Martinez period 1

  35. As much as I love watching the Food Network, I love this how to! You gave a recipe that I will be definitely using and its very specific instructions.

  36. This gave me the right path to make an amazing drink, Horchata. You presented it so easily, and I also enjoyed the first paragraph in which you talked about your piece. Well done!

  37. Your instructional piece on how to make such a traditional Mexican refresher opened my eyes to how simple it can be made. The specific and organized details combined with a reliable backstory will definitely move readers into the kitchen with a copy of your instructions.

  38. After seeing the title of this blog i was already so interested to read it because whenever i drink horchata i wonder HOW its made
    and this article was perfect for answering my question. I also like how you gave a little background information introducing yourself
    It got me so excited and motivated to make horchata.

  39. I really enjoyed the background building you did before you introduced the recipe. It demonstrates the amount of influence cooking has had on your life so far and I hope you continue to pursue it as a hobby or possibly a career. The recipe was incredibly simple to follow so that those who are not as culinary inclined (myself included) can also make the dish with little haste. Great job!

  40. I love this piece so much because it has a personal connection with me, coming from a Hispanic household, horchata reminds me of families eating, drinking, and enjoying eachothers company. So, being able to make a very descriptive and informative tutorial that can allow anybody or any family to be able to enjoy such a nice cultural beverage like you did so very well here, is fantastic and great !

  41. I was very happy to see this recipe because growing up with a Mexican family, Horchata was always around, however, when it ran out all I could do was sit and wait for my mom's next grocery shopping trip. Half the time with that, I'd beg and plead, but she still wouldn't buy any. Now with this recipe I can make my own and reminisce, as well as bring my mom a cup of horchata as she used to do for me. Thank you!

  42. I like how you start off with your love for cooking and some reasoning for choosing horchata, i have never tried horchata but i have heard many stories of this glorious drink and I will gladly try to make some of my own using your recipe, Thank you very much!

  43. Thank you for posting this, as both my brother and my dad love Horchata! I'll try out the recipe to see their reaction. As for what you can improve, I suggest double checking grammar, as I see some errors. Fingers crossed that they'll like it!

  44. Starting off your "How To" with a background to your experience with cooking was very effective! It shows that you know how to cook other slightly difficult recipes but you wanted to teach us something easier! I also love how you told us that you've improved throughout these years! I love horchata and I will be looking forward to trying out this recipe!!


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