
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"500 (More Like 4) Years of Fame" by Cody T

     Four years fly by fast when you're having fun. I remember how I thought it was
impossible to march in time and play an instrument at the same time when I was a freshman.
Speaking of freshman year, I met some of the best group of people that year. I played alto
saxophone, so I was a part of the alto sax section of course. We were always on top of things and
got all of our work done. But best of all, we were a family. Many of my good friends that I met
in middle school, including my best friend Stephany, were in the section and there were so many
amazing upperclassmen to look up to. Two of them in particular were some of my biggest
inspirations: my section leader named Andy and a senior, who was junior staff coordinator at the
time, named Araybia. They inspired me to go for junior staff coordinator and even alto sax
section leader. They taught me so much my freshman year and and welcomed me with such open
arms. I'm truly grateful to have been under their direction.
     My sophomore year, I ended up switching to tuba, which was a completely different
instrument from alto sax. So much for going for alto sax section leader. I joined the tubas
alongside Santi, Emon, and Manuel, who had already marched tuba the previous year.
Unfortunately, Emon had to go to the front ensemble due to complications so it was just the three
of us as sophomores. Marching tuba was much more demanding than marching alto sax. The
pain in my left shoulder was unbearable and I would often lose hours of sleep because of the
soreness. But I could not have been more happy with switching sections, oddly enough. The
tubas were another group of people that I called a family, and similar to the alto saxes, we were
always on top of things no matter how difficult the music or drill.
     Junior year kind of just happened. Everything went well, but no new major changes
occurred. But senior year was where plenty of change happened. I went for junior staff
coordinator and I ended up as coordinator and tuba section leader. Mr. Hackworth, our director at
the time, left and a new director named Mrs. Marin came in to fill the void. It was weird after
Hackworth left since he's been my music teacher for the past three years, but Marin has shown
she is just as capable during her first year with Etiwanda. There were a lot of changes this year,
but it went surprisingly well under a new director. We ended up getting third place at champs,
which was a major improvement from the twelfth place we got my freshman year.
     These past four years have been filled with joy, stress, tears, and sweat. Lots and lots of
sweat. And tears. But the experiences I've been through and the friends I've made are my fondest
memories. Music isn't just going "toot toot" and "bang bang" on some instruments. It's a way for
me to express myself and leave behind the overbearing stress of school. It isn't just marching
band to me. It's my life. The alto saxes and tubas aren't just my sections. They're my family. It's
been a blessing to have been able to march these past four years. Practices were hell, but the
feeling of performing made it worth all of the pain. They say that you'll know what it feels like to
truly be in a marching band once you step off the field after champs. They never said anything
about what it's like when you step off for the last time. It was one of the most agonizing feelings
ever, like walking away from a passionate relationship. But hey, at least it was in tempo.


  1. Your story was so sweet,sentimental and funny. I found myself smiling the whole time I was reading. As a former MER member I can totally relate to the feeling of being on and off the field. I really enjoyed how you talked about the power of music. How it helped you express yourself and how it brought you community. Great job on this piece!

  2. This was an amazing piece! I loved how detailed you were while discussing something you passionately love. This blog shows how the people mentioned have affected your life and I can tell how much they mean to you. I also like how your blog gave me insight on the life of a band member. The title and the last sentence gave a humorous vibe and overall, I really enjoyed your piece!

  3. You did a great job on your piece. I love how you took the us on a journey through your experiences the past four years. You did a great job describing your emotions throughout the piece and what you have learned through these experiences. I think many of us can relate to this piece and the feeling of doing things for the last time. Great job Cody!

  4. Thank you for sharing this part of yourself Cody. I can relate to what you felt after you left marching band. It was the same for me and Science Olympiad spending 4 years in Ms. Min's room studying long hours and once I finally left I felt like piece of my heart has been ripped out.

  5. This was a great reflective piece of your high school band career. I appreciate how you were able to reflect on yourself and notice what helped you grow and develop as a person. I think this is an important trait and ability in order to understand how you developed and what can help in your future. I also liked how your paragraph transitions each described a different year of high school. Good job!

  6. Wow, thank you for share your story. I loved the detail you used throughout this piece, it really shows how much you loved marching for our school's marching band. Thank you for the time you and the other seniors have dedicated to the band because you guys are amazing. It is great to see peers doing things they are passionate about it is very inspiring. Great job!

  7. Cody, this piece is so great! I enjoyed how you explained the build up of being in band from freshman year to now and the journey it was for you. I liked how you discussed briefly the people you met and encountered while being in band and how you looked up to them.I also liked how towards the end you tied everything together and explained that music is more than most assume it to be, but it is also about the expression and a way to escape reality. Great job!

  8. Cody, I love this. This is exactly what I feel about Senior year. It flies by in an instant. You being one of my close friends, I'm sad that you are moving away for college, but you will always be one of my close friends. I kinda wish I joined band just so I can meet the cool people you describe, but I guess we live and learn. Great piece!

  9. Many people are blind to see the hard work and recognize the effort that band puts into their performances and your story truly shows the struggles behind it. Speaking from someone who isn't in band, I knew that band isn't simple to be apart of but after you explained the pain of your shoulder and learning how to march and play at the same time, I believe there is no simplicity to it whatsoever so major kudos to you guys (clap emoji). It was interesting to see how you've progressed through your years and enticing to read your accomplishments. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Its all true Cody except you have said it better than I ever could. You can make the reader feel for marching band like you did because of your convincing personal narrative.

  11. Wow , thank you for sharing your personal experience at Etiwanda and at least enjoying it. I'm glad you were able to get into an activity with a campus and be able to express yourself in music. The band here is amazing and even though you switched throughout the years from different instruments to levels of positions you were in I'm glad you were able to adjust well, that's a real talent not everyone is blessed with. Great job.

  12. The perfect word to describe this piece would be sentimental. I believe that we all are experiencing this feeling of bitter sweet feeling as we are approaching our last days of high school. You did amamzing with detail throughout the whole story, it was a very interesting and good read. :)

  13. This was so emotional to read. It is nearing the end of senior year and it forces us to remember the best parts of our high school careers. It's amazing to see how much marching band has made an impact on your life. You really showed how passionate yu were through your thourough description. I love how you didn't just talk about marching band in general, but that you strung out the story of your four years in band. Thanks for sharing!

  14. This was very emotional to read and brought me on a feels trip. It made me think of how these years went by so fast and how I'm going to miss everyone I've met these years. Thank you for this post Cody!!!

  15. This was a great piece as it was a true reflection of your memories throughout your four years of marching band. I liked how you showed a progression in the relationships you made as well as your skills with different instruments from freshmen to senior year. You did a great job expressing how much marching band means to you and the hard work you put into something you enjoy.

  16. I can definitely relate to this in that school has truly gone by fast and that junior year wasn't to special. Though I didn't stay in the band and to be honest I'm glad I left I love music and found my passion for music elsewhere and despite leaving the band I can't seem to get away from it as I go to every show and see the hard work you guys put into the shows and the long as hell hours you put in an 8 or so minute show. The story was quite touching and sets the reality that in a couple of weeks we're gone, done with high school

  17. First off, I loved the play on words for your title. Its hard to imagine how much we have been through in four years. In that time I have met my best friend and some other amazing people. I remember meeting you in band and can totally agree that these people are a family. No matter what is going on in life music is something I can turn too. I loved how you took us through all 4 years of your high school career.

  18. This piece was definitely a reflection of high school. Without a doubt, everyone has their own journey through high school whether it encompasses around academics, fine arts, or other extra curricular activities, and hearing your story and journey has played as a reminder to me about how fast these 4 years have really flew by. I enjoyed the imagery and how it easily appealed to my senses so that I was able to see your perspective. And I could definitely relate to your love for music, music has become something that has grown even closer to me and it's something that I have relied on more frequently in times of stress. Good job, Cody!

  19. This piece was very well detailed and a great reflection of your years with the marching band.I like how much dedication and hard work you put towards marching band and the memories you shared. The piece also did a good job at connecting everything with music and expressing what music means to you. Great job!

  20. Cool story, Cody! wow I can't believe its already been four year since we were freshman in marching band, a lot has changed since then, but for the better of course. Congrats again on getting junior staff coordinator, you truly deserved it. Oh and nice title lol, it really fit the piece and theres a bit of nostalgia think about our first marching show.

  21. Your title really pulled me into this piece, because it really is quite humorous. I enjoyed how your piece really showed just how much you've experienced in the last four years, and all of the amazing memories you've had. I also commend you for talking about your band career, which I believe the band students don't get enough credit for all of the time and work they put in every single day. Your story was really sincere and helped set the reality that in just a few weeks, it's all over. Great job!

  22. I love how genuine and personable this story is. I've never really thought about how hard it would be to hold up a tuba for so long, props to band people! Music is such a hard thing for me so I respect people who can can preform and play instruments. I like how you reflected on your growth throughout the years, it's a nice story of big accomplishments!

  23. Great piece Cody. I loved how you took a trip back down memory lane and reminisce on all the memories and moments that made your four years of high school memorable. I feel like everyone can relate to your piece because we are all seniors with about a week and a half let until we are officially done, and reflecting on how and what made your experience at high school something to remember.

  24. I really enjoyed reading this because you conveyed how important marching band was with your words. I know it takes a lot of dedication to be in this and it shows. Your depiction on how fast time goes by is very relatable and I like that you described your role in band for each year. Thank you for sharing!

  25. I think this piece was really well stated and very reflective. I like that you summed up the most important aspect of your life in these past four years. It truly demonstrated your passion and why you appreciate music so much. It was very entertaining, well organized, and very purposeful. Great job!

  26. With a simple glance at the title, I knew I was going to read this piece first! I could not agree more with your passion and emotions for the Marching Eagle Regiment. Although the band hired a new band director, I know this band will continue to be great in the future. It has been a great honor marching and playing alongside with you and Santi within the tuba section and we could not have gotten stronger as a section without your leadership and overall dedication to this great organization. Wow, Owen. Great moves, keep it up. Proud of you!

  27. It's great to know that you were able to use this opportunity to further yourself. From my own experience I didn't really find my passion until this year when I was finally placed into digital film. Looking at it now I can agree with you that junior for a good amount of us was uneventful and boring, junior year wasn't a great time for me personally. It's crazy to think about how quick these four years have passed, for the most part I've hated high school until this year the most changes happened when I started forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone, but I think it's awesome how you found something in which you challenged yourself and the hard work paid off in the end. Great job and I hope you can find enjoyment in your future endeavors.

  28. First of all of one thing cody, pray for Emon. Also great story, I always saw marching band as a huge waste of time, distraction, and unnecessary stress from school. When you showed me how its a passion to you, it made all the difference. Because I can relate to it in many shapes and forms, because most people who do something a lot do it for a reason and when I don't see it its similar to existentialism (meaningless) Great story!!

  29. This was such an amazing and inspiring story Cody! I could hear your tone of voice as I was reading it and that really made your piece emotional. The structure of your writing made it flow really well and your playful diction made it fun to read. You really displayed your personal relationship that you have with marching band. I can also relate to this relationship with my art class and i'm very grateful that you wrote something you are passionate about as well. Well done Cody!

  30. Hey Cody, I like this piece because it embraces the standard sequential pace of storytelling through your four years of high school. I also enjoy the comedic pauses and statements; as a whole I appreciate the intentional simplistic syntax used to make the piece relatable to those who might not know the experience of such a long term commitment as band. A job well done.

  31. I absolutely loved this post! You made your readers feel so many different emotions at once. You told the story of something that is very important to you, which in turn made it important to us. I loved the humor you ad to the sad ending as well, it gave us a comic relief. Great Job.

  32. This piece was amazing to read because it was very relatable. I have not experienced the feelings of being in a band, but I can relate to it with my four years of playing baseball for the high school. This piece brought back my own emotions and memories of my time in high school. It is a bittersweet moment to see how not only you feel at this stage, but also with my own thoughts as we prepare to graduate and move on in our lives.

  33. I enjoyed this rice because it was something personal and introspective and that takes a lot of courage. It makes the reader interested to read because we are seeing those four years from your point of view. Good job!

  34. I really enjoyed reading about your personal growth throughout high school! And I can relate on the part where you switched instruments. I went from the saxophone to the piano but it was a really good piece good job!!!

  35. Wow! This piece was genuinely emotionally as it reminisced the past four years of your personal high school journey. I loved how you used the names of your friends that had an impact on you and your band career at Etiwanda High School. The achievements that you and our Marching Eagles Regiment have will always be remembered as you grow and move on to future endeavors :) greeaaaat job!

  36. TODY! The dedication and passion you have for band is very clear in your piece. I really liked how you went through the events in chronological order because we were able to see how much you progressed through high school simply from your experience in band. Your piece was really personal and many of us can relate to your experience even if we are not in band. Great piece!

  37. I enjoyed reading this and I loved your incorporation of a reflection on high school, this was a really good piece. It was definitely relatable. High school went by so fast and it was such a good experience. I also how you shared your passion because it made it more personal and intriguing. Good job!

  38. This piece was so relatable on so many levels as many of us seniors are feeling the same agonizing pain you expressed throughout. It's sad to believe that the last four years of our lives at Etiwanda is coming to an end, and I can totally relate to the pain of separating from my group of friends and cheer. I enjoyed reading the details of your four years in marching band and congratulations! Your emotion was clearly depicted through word choice and tone. I respect and admire the amount of dedication, hard work, and passion you put into it!

  39. I really enjoyed the light hearted and sentimental piece that you used in this piece. It was so well organized and I was thoroughly entertained as you were reminiscing on your high school years and describing how far you have come. This was truly a great story, thank you for sharing!

  40. The title you gave this piece brought back so many memories for me. I too have a hard time believing that it's already over, and as our previous director warned us, we went through all four years in what feels like the blink of an eye. Great writing, thank you for bringing up so much nostalgia, it made me smile - Alana

  41. What's good Cody, I love your piece because it brings back the memories of my high school. It makes me look back at all the people that has played a part in my high school life, your use of comedic pauses and your use of syntax was indeed captivating to read. I love you ma dude!

  42. Your piece brought a lot of nostalgia in me. You looked back upon your high school years with no regrets and that is very admirable. The readers can definitely relate to your adventures as we look back on our own high school careers. Overall a great piece and a great topic.

  43. Your piece was nostalgic and reflective which made for a good read since high school is wrapping up. It is crazy to think that our four years are already coming to a close. Your light hearted piece is definitely relatable to all of the emotions that everyone is feeling at this time. Great work!

  44. What a great story Cody! Your passion for music and the marching band is truly great. You convey a powerful message of dedication to what you love and how it has influenced you for the last four years. Your story is very relatable even though I am not in marching band. Being on my soccer team with some of the same guys I played with when I was 14 has made them into my brothers and I will never forget the times I've had with them. Great story Cody!!

  45. reading your story was enjoyable cause i found myself looking back at my own years throughout high school as well. I liked how well you transitioned throughout your story into the different years and the emotion that you focused on with how much band has meant to you throughout these 4 years

  46. I can relate to you on all levels right now. Reading this piece gave me an almost bittersweet feeling because it's true, four years flies by. I remember freshman year when i first started off in dance and here i am, my senior year back where I started. I love stories like this because it reminds me that we all have our own little family that we got to create and build during our high school career. This was a great piece!

  47. Cody! This piece was so inspirational because i went through this journey with you and I get emotional just thinking about it. You have managed to gather up all the memories of our past four years and place it into one story and it is just amazing how accurate all this is and how emotional i get reading it. Great Job on creating something that made my heart happy and thanks for the shout out in the story.

  48. I greatly enjoyed your piece because it is relating to what all of us are currently going through. I've noticed these past weeks I have been reminiscing on my past and its great to see someone else's perspective. Your story made me very emotional and it was great to read about your time throughout these 4 years.

  49. wow! it was amazing to see how you grew and experienced high school through band. It was nice to read a personal sentimental piece of you're life. It was well organized from freshman to senior year with specific detailing of the band life.

  50. 4 years of high school went away just like that. To be honest, I'm not ready to move on because most of my friends and memories were made in high school, but we all have to move on. Like how you committed to band you were, I was committed to a club. I put my time and effort into that club so much I don't want to leave it. I'm afraid to leave all these behind, but I'm always down to make new. Great read, Cody T!

  51. Wow.This piece was honestly inspirational. It brought up memories I thought i had long forgotten. Thank you Cody for bringing up such emotion through your narrative.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I really love how you took us through your experience in band in chronological order so we see the shifts and changes that happened to both you and the organization. It's clear to see how passionate you are for the group and understand the bittersweet feeling of it all coming to a close. You have a lot to be proud of and I'm sure your legacy will live on in the Marching Band. Great job

  54. It was so great that you included a breakdown of each year as your structure so the reader was able to see your growth each year as you experienced it. The consistent tone of happiness and optimism seen in the piece caused the reader to feel your joy and understand where your passion is derived from. Great piece!

  55. Amazing piece I love the first sentence you really pulled me in. I like how you mixed the saying with what you were trying to pull. This was overall a great piece great job!!!

  56. Cody, this piece was great! Your use of highly connotative diction and detail really helped me feel your passion for band as a reader. As we travel through this crazy thing we call life, there are times when we feel a great passion towards a certain thing or idea and other where we just feel like were in the world without much purpose. You did great at bringing this idea about in your piece. Loved it. Thanks for writing!

  57. Great Job Cody! The detail and diction in your piece truly conveyed the passion you feel for band. It also did a great job of bringing across the idea that all of us have times in our life when we feel very passionate about a certain thing or idea, while at other times we simply feel like we're just there. Once again, what a great piece of writing. Thanks, Cody!

  58. Wow Cody I loved your personal reflection on your 4 years in high school and the meaningful events that occurred throughout yore four years. The use of imagery as to you playing your first instrument and experiencing high school as a whole was very relatable. Great Job !

  59. I truly love the way you conveyed how you are part of an endearing family, and how you expressed your love for the alto saxes. It was an honest progression the way you moved through your highschool career, and its an accurate representation for all of us seniors. It seemed very conversational and overall the details of this piece seemed true to heart.

  60. I loved the story and how it summarizes your life in the past four years. I organized your thoughts very well and gave the story life. You also made it very emotional explaining your love for music, which I think really added on to the overall beautiful story.

  61. Thanks for the shoutout :) You honestly made me feel so sad remembering the good times freshman and junior year in marching band, because being a part of such a group really strengthened my relationships with my friends and made me feel tired in the best way. Your piece is very well written and sums up four years of personal experience beautifully. Thanks for sharing and great job, best friend :)

  62. Good job Cody! This is a very great story I liked how it was a touching piece. Your format and structure were very well thought out piece. Overall a great piece. Not only is this a relatable story but you also give us an insight on how you view this topic.

  63. This piece was very reminiscing to read. I can connect to your passion with something you love and totally agree with you about the feeling you get after walking away from something that means so much to you. It hurts, and it hurts bad. I also loved you humor at the end, I feel like it was a good way to end the piece and show that funny side of you. And you will always have those accomplishments to look back on for a very long time! Great work both in your writing and through band!

  64. Reading on your experience made me reflect on mine throughout these four years. From the way you were inspired freshman year, to adjusing to the great amount of change you've experienced this senior year is truly amazing. Reading on your last four years in this school makes this end a bittersweet one to remember that these are all just experiences, but the humor you've added to this story makes it more sweet than bitter. Good job

  65. Wow its like you and me are the same person! You really captured what most seniors are feeling as we count down the last days of our high school career. With this piece bringing a tear to my eye, I enjoyed every written word and example that sympathize your agonizing feelings. The path you've chosen is incredible, the things you've accomplished and dedicated to the Marching Eagle Regiment is astonishing. Thank you for a great 4 years with me and Manuel, also for being a great section leader! Love the work Oweb, may the 3 amigos live on!

  66. Amazing story Cody, it seemed so simple yet so detailed in something that was so important to you as marching band. I wish I could enjoy such an intense feeling as you did with marching band, but I suck at keeping tempo especially with multiple things hahaha. Great story once again Cody!

  67. I truly feel feel where you coming being in performing arts also has its tolls physically and emotionally and you made me reminisce over those times the good, the bad, the happy ,the sad. It really makes high school unforgettable once you are attached to a program it gives a purpose and you showed me that. Great Job!

  68. Reading your piece really made me reflect on my own experience these past four years. You made it personal and i was able to put myself in your shoes and reflect on all that i accomplished in my own time in school. I enjoyed reading your story and your tone and passion make it entertaining. I never really took the time to appreciate the band but your fresh perspective allowed me to do so.

  69. Since most, if not all, of us are seniors, we have all felt the way you have felt. High school has been a bumpy ride, and you have conveyed that feeling perfectly. Well done indeed.

  70. I loved this piece so much because your description of band and all the experiences you went through were so vivid. Time goes by so fast, and the fact that we are letting go of 4 years worth of memories, ups and owns is scary. But i loge how you showcased and highlighted such a beautiful part of your life and revealed how much it meant to you and shaped you as a person. Great job!

  71. Cody, this was just an amazing story that really did hit close to home. I can't believe we're already seniors, I honestly remember our freshman year section leaders like it was yesterday. I really liked the way you put such a personal vibe in your story. I loved reading our four year experience in band from another fellow peer's perspective. Great job Cody!

  72. I love how you developed and structured your story, and I could really feel your appreciation and hard work for band. You really went into details of the pain and the happy times~ I can empathize with you although I've never been in band but I've done ice skating for 7 years. Your story made me bring back memories, thank you. Great story


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