
Monday, April 10, 2017

" Buhay" by Frances B

August 5, 1998
Dear Diary,
Today was my first full day in a whole new country. Call me Jasmine because it
truly is “A Whole New World.” Besides the fact that everyone here in California has
perfect American accents, everyone here is also a bit more, what’s the word?
Straightforward? Basically what I’m trying to say is that they’re pretty rude... Back in
Philippines, I knew about everyone in our province since they were all my “Titos and
Titas.” The moment I stepped off of my 16 hour, ear popping filled, okay airplane food
flight, I knew it was finally time for me to start a new beginning. To be quite honest, I’m a
little nervous.. Okay maybe a lot nervous but who wouldn't be? I’m most excited to see
how different getting an education here is compared to back in Philippines.

August 6, 1998
Dear Diary,
Guess what?!? I met a friend today! His name is Sebastián. And
no, he’s not Filipino, he’s actually from Spain and he’s also a new student here who
moved to California exactly a month ago from yesterday. He says it’s also very different
compared to where he’s from. He doesn’t know this because I don’t want to tell him yet
but he’s my very first non-Filipino friend. Oh right, my day! Well I’m still trying to get
used to walking to my classes and the whole schedule which may I add is pretty busy.
My very first class is English Comp. and it’s perfect because I get to start off my day
thinking and forcing my brain to wake up by reading and writing. After English, I found
out that Sebastián’s class is right next to mine and we walk to our next class together,
catching up on how sleep was last night, me asking him if he’s definitely sure he’s just
Spaniard and doesn’t have any Filipino descent. He assured me both his parents are
from Spain and he was also born in Spain though I am not fully convinced he isn’t
somewhat Filipino because that whole thing with Spain conquering Philippines and
yadayada. Anywho, I’m writing this in a restaurant that Sebastián says his favorite has
been since he’s been here, I think it’s called Inside Out, Up & Down, something like that.
(P.S. They have really really good fries and burgers, so thanks to Sebastián for
introducing me to Inside Out).

August 12, 1998
Dear Diary,
It’s getting easier and easier to go through my schedule each and everyday.
Sebastián and I also have been getting closer and I consider him one of my best
friends. It’s truly interesting knowing how his life was back home, he told me about this
one time he “ran away from home,” packing some clothes in his little kid backpack and
walking to his neighbor’s house and eventually moving back home because he missed
his family too much. I giggled and I told him the time I went to a mall and threw the
longest tantrum because my mom wouldn’t get be the toy I wanted so she picked me up
and I pulled this old lady’s hair and my mom hadn’t noticed until the old lady yelped in
pain. Sebastián just laughed and told me what a handful I was as a kid. Then we said
goodnight and he walked me to my dorm making sure I got there safely.

August 12, 2000
Dear Diary,
It’s been a while since the last time I wrote… I feel guilty but I’d like to think that
you already know everything that’s going on since you are me and well I am you.
Basically to recap on the last two years, Sebastián and I started talking and exactly a
year ago, he asked me to be his girlfriend. He asked me in our favourite restaurant,
Inside Out, with flowers and tons of french fries. Personally the fries did it for me, I
would’ve married the boy already if he asked with fries. Even though we’ve only been
officially dating for a year, it feels like we’ve known each other for years. Two years later
and I still consider him my best friend. Yes, I’ve made many other friends who I consider
my best friends but Sebastián’s been here with me since the beginning.
I decided to write one this particular day because recently, I’ve been stressing
out about school and everything just seems to all be crashing down on me. Many times,
I am discouraged and convince myself maybe school here in the States isn’t for me.
Sebastián helps a lot when I have these doubts, he’s sat alone with me talking
everything through, like my personal therapist minus all the questions because he
usually knows what to say. I’ve come to the conclusion that I truly do love him and he
has helped me with so many of my problems and I try to be with him whenever he
needs me because that’s what we do for the people we love. And after hours and hours
of talking, comforting hugs, we decided to take a nap and just enjoy each other’s

August 5, 2017
Dear Diary,
It’s been 13 years since I spoke to Sebastián. Since I moved back to Philippines,
we tried our best to keep in touch, though time and distance has been an obstacle we
are unable to overcome. Sebastián came and visited the Philippines because of some
work he had to attend to a couple years ago but we refused to see each other knowing
there was no point in catching up. I’m content with my life, my children are my bundles
of sunshines and my husband, who I am even after years of being married feel like we
fall in love with each other more and more everyday. Though there isn’t a day that goes
by where I don’t wonder how Sebastián is and he lives his life.


  1. Wow Frances very interesting story. I liked how you wrote this in diary entry's and set them as so time had passed it helped give a scope of your characters timeline. The entry's definitely seemed authentic. It somewhat reminded me of my own experience of when i first moved here and how i didn't know anybody. The way that things were going i was not expecting the breakup, how tragic. I was unsure if your character was pronouncing In-N-Out incorrectly because she was from the Philippines or if the burger place was actually called Inside out. Overall grreat story i enjoyed reading it!

  2. The structure of your piece really captures through gaps in diary entries on how somethings aren't meant to be and certain things happen for a reason. Although I was expecting a love story, it shocked me when Sebastian and her went their separate ways they basically fell in love with their commonality in understanding their change in surroundings. This was a wonderful piece and I wish I could read more.

  3. I love this story because of how meaningful it is. It shows how people develop and things don't always end up the way you'd expect them to, and that's all referenced towards your title. I didn't realize how it played into your story until I finished and saw it again, but this just shows how life is. Things can be great in one part of your life, yet troubles in another can greatly change that. Amazing story, I truly think it's great.

  4. Your entry made me realize one very important thing; time changes everything. It's crazy how a simple move can add to the difficulties within a relationship, and how the uncontrollable conditions of time shifts certain situations in our lives. Overall, I loved the concept! Well done, Frances! Love you <3

  5. I absolutely loved your piece!!. the diary style writing mad it really easy to follow, and showed your message quite well. When writing about a piece it is important to put a little bit of yourself into it otherwise its meaningless, and your piece clearly expressed your emotions with the message you told. I really enjoyed this piece, GOOD JOB!!

  6. Frances, I loved he diary styled structure of your piece because it provided such a personal and heart warming touch to your writing. I also enjoyed how truly honest this piece was because there are times when we are unable to maintain and sustain the friendships that we want to due to distance or time. You showed the difficulty of keeping in touch with each other as life continues its course. Amazing job!

  7. I really enjoyed the structure in which you wrote this piece, the diary format definitely added to how personal the story was to the narrator. I really enjoyed the plot twist at the end where you see how much time has passed and the characters haven't spoken in so long. It brings in a sense of reality to the story since most things in life don't have a happy ending. I also liked the fact that you added a reference to Aladdin and the "whole new world" thing with Jasmine. Also, the fact that the main character couldn't say In-N-Out correctly made me chuckle (hopefully it was actually a reference). Overall, I really enjoyed the story and love the the message that it sends to the reader, great job! (:

  8. this was a very interesting story. Setting it up as a diary really helps with the plot development and it also helped makethe stry more real. The plot twist at the end was very suprising. The story was very well written and overall a good read.

  9. Woah! The last diary entry totally hit me because I didn't see that ending coming whatsoever. I really liked how the diary entry fast forwards 13 years later because it catches the reader off guard. I would imagine Sebastian and the speaker to be together and in love forever, but that's totally not the case. This piece gives a realistic feel in that it lets the reader know that relationships don't always work out and that's okay, because you'll find your happiness in something or someone else. I also liked the lighthearted/funny tone throughout the entries. Great piece, Frances!

  10. Wow, this piece was very interesting and I really enjoyed the way you made the character express herself. It felt very relatable to me, and the format of the diary shows the development of the story and purpose of it. Nice job!

  11. This is a perfect representation of how life goes. People come around and who knows, they may mean everything to us one day yet we may become simple acquaintances in a few years. I feel like you forced your audience to accept the fact that the future is unpredictable, even one choice can change our course. I genuinely appreciate this piece and found it very useful for the direction my life is headed. Great piece, Frances. :))

  12. You did a great job with this piece. I was first intrigued with the way you structure your story since it's in the form of diary entries and I loved how cute and quirky you portrayed the narrator. I think the ending is very similar to what all people feel in their lives, which is having the life you didn't expect to have when you were young. Good job!

  13. First off I want to start off by saying that this was a very well written work. I like the diary style way of laying out the story because in my opinion, it allows the audience to get an inside look into the character's head. I also just like the story overall, I almost feel like this could actually be in a book somewhere. The story has a romantic element to it but still end in a satisfying way with no loose ends. Overall it is a really good piece of writing FrancEs. :)

  14. Great piece! I enjoyed how you put this in diary format, it was very effective in telling the story, in making the reader stay invested.

  15. Frances, I liked the diary approached that you used. It makes each entry more intimate and the dates set up a kind of foreshadowing between each entry. I also really liked the plot, it really shows the reality of love and how certain circumstances can affect relationships, good job!

  16. I love your story Francis and the surprising twist at the end. I honestly thought Sebastian and the main character were going to end up together. Anyways, I love how it is in diary format because to me it gave it a personal feel. Great Job!

  17. This piece is really good Frances nice job! I like your decision to format this piece like a diary because it reallt gives the reader a clear indication of the speaker's life. Your imagery and vocabulary really helped paint a beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing!

  18. Wow I really wasn't expecting that ending. I really loved your story and how it was more personal since it was formatted like a diary. I also liked how the ending was realistic and the narrators personality. Great job Frances!:)

  19. Very interesting piece. I liked how you wrote this in diary entries, it felt as if I was living in the moment of when it was written. The way that things were going i was not expecting the breakup, such a sad thing, I love happy endings . Overall great story i enjoyed reading it!

  20. This piece really emphasizes the impact of time and how relationships will always change no matter what. From the beginning of your story 'til the end, each day gave a new picture of the speaker and conveyed the speaker's growth. The title was also very creative and adds on to the realistic perspective of how love can also end up. Good job, Frances!

  21. Wow Frances. This whole journey of their relationship flowed through the stages of friendship and the splitting. The sincerity and personality in the protagonist's diary entries led to me feeling the pain of them parting ways. The diction and having her stumble on words not only added humor but made the piece more believable. The ending was a brilliant choice as well, thanks for getting me thinking!

  22. I loved how the piece was set up in the form of a diary because it made it feel very realistic and like these events actually took place. Your writing style is interesting and it kept me entertained throughout the piece and left me wanting more. The message of how people grow apart and the directions shift is very true, especially now in this time in our lives. Good job!

  23. I loved your story Frances! With this being in the form of a diary I was immediately interested. This piece kept me captivated the whole time. Good job.

  24. Great job on writing this piece, i really enjoyed reading it. I like the way you wrote the story like a diary. it makes how the characters change through time and helps us readers to know more about them. I loved how I greatly relate to this piece cause I moved here in 2013 from the philippines as well, and did not know really anyone and I barely know how to speak English. Anyway, thank you for sharing this great writing!

  25. Wow, I was honestly blown away by this piece. I like how you wrote it in a diary format, it makes it feel that much more personal and it is super effective. The relationship you portrayed between Jasmine (is that her name) and Sebastián was a rollercoaster of emotions. It was super cute at first then it made me sad but kind of happy and its just so hard to describe. But it was such an interesting yet realy scenario, as this can often occur for long distance relationships. But overall a great read! And I wonder how Sebastián is doing as well. Wow Frances, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

  26. I like the diary style of writing it's very unique. It brings out a personal feel to it. It is almost as though I could of written it. You really brought me or the audience into it just by the format itself great job!

  27. The organization of this piece is probably what impressed me the most. The way you were able to tell a story in the form of diary entries without confusing readers is great. Overall great job.

  28. I was drawn to your story because it was in a diary format. I loved how the piece had the date so I knew how long it has been. The ending surprised me because I thought they would have still been close to each other. Great story!

  29. I truly enjoyed your entry, the diary format gives it a different style to the traditional writing and also presents your work in a more personal manner. Even though I've never watched the Aladdin, it was a clever idea to incorporate other pieces of work into your work. Good job Frances!

  30. The title of this article was what first caught my interest because I am Filipino, and the first entry attracted me even more because I myself an immigrant. The way you structured this piece was very unique. The fact that the last couple entries were so spaced out is so realistic and relative to how life really is, which is what gave this piece such a huge impact on me. It reminds of La La Land because although I would love a happy ending, the one you and the movie illustrated is much more relevant. Good work!

  31. I thought the story was going to end a different way. the way you set up your story was organized and great!! It really caught me off-guard at the last entry! This story is really interesting and different. I really thought she would end up with Sebastian. I laughed every time you mentioned Inside Out!! i loved it!


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