
Monday, April 10, 2017

"Appreciating Moments" by Jessica E

     My freshman year I made friends with a group of, at the time, juniors. They were all
some of the best people I’ve ever surrounded myself with to this day. Every one of them had
their own personality and they all came together as one big group of friends. However, there was
one individual I met that year that I appreciated in more ways than one. Normally, I wouldn’t
want people knowing who the person in my story is, but this person is too special and important
to hide, so his name is Nate. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated every other friend I had, but Nate
played an important role in my first two years of high school. There is one night that I can think
of that he was there for me when no one else was. It was my sophomore year now, and Nate’s
senior year. Nate, my best friend Kameryn, and I decided to go to the Friday night football game.
Since I couldn’t drive at the time and Etiwanda’s home games were held at Colony, Nate drove
us to the game. Once we got to the game we were all cheering in the stands with a few other of
our friends. Nate asked me during halftime if I would go with him too get a drink from the snack
bar, so of course I joined him. With it being a football game, it was chaotic and noisy. We
walked down from the cheering stands to the bottom. We made our way down to the snack bar.
He ordered a blue gatorade and sour punch straws. Once he got his drink and snack, he didn’t
want to go back to our seats just yet, so we just sat on the railing on the ramp. We started off
casually talking, then he started asking me questions about myself and my recent behavior. At
the time I was struggling with some things and wasn’t acting like myself. He told me some
things that I’ve always kept to myself and always will, just because it makes it that much more
meaningful to me knowing that his words will always be between just the two of us. We were
both too far into our topic to stop and go back to the game, so our conversation pretty much
lasted the rest of the game. This entire conversation is what made me realize how much he meant
to me. The way he would talk to me and wouldn’t stop until he knew I was feeling better made
me feel worth his time and made me feel important and appreciated to him. He always knew
what to say and had a way with words that could comfort me at any time. The advice he gave me
that night helped me become a better me. Nate was that person for me that made me want to
become a better person. After he helped me feel better, he would tell me about himself and
would trust me with everything he told me. Not only that night did he help me, but before and
after that, he was always there to lift me up and I would try to do the same for him if he ever
needed me in return. This night showed me to appreciate the people I love in my life and cherish
every moment I have with them. Just knowing that I had that type of support from him was
enough because I knew I could always count on him. At the time, not a lot of people around me
wanted to hear about my problems or have to deal with them. I never understood why Nate
wanted to even be friends with me, especially since he was a senior at the time while I was only
a sophomore, but that was just another reason I appreciated him. Unfortunately, now I haven’t
seen Nate in over a year because he is in the military in Japan. I’m proud of him and miss him
dearly, but I know he’s doing well and I hope to see him as soon as possible. Overall, Nate didn’t
care what others thought or how others looked, he was friends with people because he connected
with them and genuinely liked the person. This was one of the many reasons I look up to him and
hope to be as empathetic and a genuinely good person like him. Nate taught me a lot about being
the best person you can be and being there for others when they need you, and for that I am
grateful to have met him and gotten the chance to become close with him.


  1. I have meet friends that changed who I am, but they have moved on in life. Some of them are friends that I have met in real life that motivates me to become a better person. They were part of a club that I'm into and I was part of it. We got to meet each other at an event and become closer from there. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. Great piece, Jessica!

  2. You are lucky to have a friend like Nate who supports you and will listen to your problems. It is hard to find a real true friend like that. I also have friends who are always there for me when I am struggling but it is hard to see them because they are both in college. I hope you are able to see him again after he gets out of the military. Overall great story!

  3. I think that's an awesome lesson to come out of high school with: be the best person that you can be. Your post came off very genuine and it effectively delivered that message to the reader. It's awesome that you're able to say that you have had defining moments with special people in your life. I think it's really cool that you've personally made the decision to reflect the kindness of your friend in your own life. Especially now, being that it's your turn to be a senior and pass on the generosity you were shown.

  4. I think it is great to have a friend who genuinely makes you happy when you see them. I feel like we all have those friends who are really close to us but you simply don't tell them things because you know they will judge and ridicule you and make you feel bad. Then there are those friends who have done and been through worse and help you to manage and get through and I believe that everyone deserves that friend and needs that kind of friend!

  5. I feel we all need a Nate in our lives, high school and life in general is just so tough buts its comforting to know that we have someone who cares about us for who we are and someone who wants the best for you. You did a really good job describing your friend and allowing us to see the sincerity of your friendship!

  6. I remember how close you were to Nate and so was Kameryn. It is good to have a friend like that and everyone should experience that. Having someone there to support you really helps you get through life and even a better person. Good job on this Jess!

  7. wow, this story helped me realize the importance of feeling genuinely connected to someone. i am glad that you had such a great friend like Nate at this time in your life. i am glad there are people out in the world like him, and i hope you get to see each other soon. great job jessica!!

  8. This piece is great, it shows the importance of friendship and the positive outcome of having someone to depend on when needed. This piece also made me value the friendship I have with the people who are close to me, thank you for writing such a lovely piece.

  9. This piece does a great job describing a true friendship and how people shape and affect our lives more than we realize sometimes. I'm glad you have a friend like Nate and had someone to offer you advice in times of trouble. Also this piece was very descriptive and uses wonderful imagery when explaining the conversation you had. Great job!

  10. It's important to have someone who is there for you and I think you describe it well in your personal story. I also find this story relatable because I know how special it is when you know you have a strong friendship with someone that lasts a long time. I'm glad that you have someone who is there for you just as I'm sure many of us do as well. Overall this was very descriptive and heartwarming. Thank you for sharing.

  11. It's truly an amazing feeling knowing that we as high school students sometimes get blessed with very great people in our lives. I think for you, that person you got blessed with is Nate and your piece does a really good job at describing what a real friendship is. I really enjoyed reading this piece!

  12. The story of your friendship is very special. Its hard to find those who will be there for your when you need it the most. When you find those friends in your life who will stick with you during tough times, those are the friends you want to keep. Really great story, thanks for sharing!

  13. Wow I really loved this piece bc I feel like nowadays people truly forget how important those who love and care about us are in our lives. For me I've always been one to hold on to friends despite the time and situation that have held us apart bc they have of course made some sort of impact in my life just as Nate did in yours. I believe that everybody in each one of our lives is there for a reason and they might not stay forever but they are there to make some sort of impact and it's important we take the time to appreciate it all before it's too late. I love how personal and relatable this piece was. Overall great job!


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