
Saturday, March 11, 2017

“My Experience” by Gaby R

     As a child you really don't have a say about what school you can attend nor do you actually really know the difference. You just kind of go with the flow until something actually bothers you and then you realize, “hey I really don't like this school”. When I was in kindergarten I attended Solorio elementary and I was happy with all the friends I made until my parents told me that we were actually going to move to Rancho and that they were sending me to another school. Of course as a 5 year old I wasn't thinking about it too much but one thing that changed was that I had to wear a uniform because they were sending me to a Catholic School known as Sacred Heart. I was okay with the idea when I first actually went there but I wasn't so thrilled since I found out that they were really strict and I could barely leave a class just to go to the bathroom. I was upset with my parents sending me there and all I wanted to do was go back into a public school and have my old friends back. Having those new friends wasn't bad at all especially since every year they were going to be in my class seeing that Sacred Heart only had one class for each grade. I had an understanding later on that my parents sent me there to learn about religion but also when they were younger their parents put them in Catholic schools. In reality what people didn't know was that this school was actually not that great considering it cost a lot of money to send me their and they were behind in their teaching. My purpose isn't to talk bad about this school but the fact that my parents realized that spending all this money wasn't even worth sending their child to that school. When I was in 5th grade I found out that my parents weren't going to send my back to that school for the following year and I was going to go back to a public school for 6th grade and all I could remember was how happy I was. My parents didn't have to spend so much money on uniforms even though it was nice not worrying about what to wear everyday since I already knew. The fact that I got a better education in a public system says a lot and I couldn't be any more thankful for my parents making the decision that they did to make sure I wasn't struggling in school. I guess you can say is I did struggle when I first went to Summit Intermediate but I worked so hard to try and catch up to everyone else. Some people might not feel the same way but that's my personal experience and how I had a bad time going to Catholic School. Just because you pay to try and get a education that you think it's good doesn't mean it's always the best.


  1. My parents have told me stories of their time in Catholic school. There's an obvious similarity between your claims and theirs. They told me how strict it was, like you explain; but, I liked that your story was more than just a complaint directed towards the expenses of Catholic school. Your story works well with the idea that you highlight: Just because something cost more does not mean it is the best.

  2. I agree and relate with this so much much! I too was a product of a private k-12 school, and I know first hand the strictness and cost of private schools. Transferring into public school can be take a huge weight off your shoulder financially. I agree that people usually base their decision based on the external part of the school and don't look into the actual value of the school. Being so young, I understand that you felt like you didn't have a say or an important opinion since you were so young. There were a few grammatical and punctual errors, but all in all it was a great piece.

  3. I can not relate with you about the private school because I have always gone to public schools but I did relate to the parts when you switched schools. I went to so many different schools during elementary and each school is different. They expect different things from the kids and it is hard to adjust when you are a kid. I also love how you wrapped it up at the end. You said in it that you were not just speaking poorly of the school and in the last sentence you really showed us the real meaning that paying more does not always mean that it is better. Good job!

  4. Definitely can relate to this. I lived in Pasadena technically my whole life until we moved out here and I actually have to say I would not regret moving because the environment I am in now as far as a safe and convenient atmosphere is way much better. I do miss Pasadena sometimes because it's my hometown born and raised, but sometimes we come to find out the bad experiences eventually turn up good situations. Thanks for sharing your piece, lovely.

  5. I definitely see what point you are trying to make in this. I did not go to a private school but I did go to a lot of different schools. I didn't finally stay in one place until 5th grade but I always felt sad that I did not have someone I grew up with since 1st or kindergarten. Thank you for this piece!

  6. I cannot relate because I have never been inside of a private school in my life, however I have had family attend a private school for most of their school life and I have definitely sat through the extensive rants they take on it. I love the description you do in this. Amazing piece!

  7. I am actually very surprised by your experience! This just shows that the cost or higher price of something does not define or guarantee better quality. I am actually very glad you enjoy public school a lot more than the private school. Nice job.

  8. I love stories like this where I feel as though I am with you and you are speaking to me. This point of view makes the story more personal to me. Overall, this was a piece that can be relatable to others and allows us into your perspective,

  9. That sounds like a very difficult experience, but the fact that you were able to persevere through such a difficult transition twice really shows how determined you are. It's very impressive to see how far you've come since then. I completely agree that high costs doesn't always mean quality, and it just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover because you never know what you're getting until you look within the contents to see what you're really getting.

  10. I'm sorry that you had to go through so many changes, moving schools is already hard as it is and when you have to catch up because your old school was behind can be a major headache. I just wanted to say im grateful that you moved schools or else we never would have met and i wouldnt have found such an amazingn friend like you. Great job!

  11. I related to this piece so much. My parents sent me to a private school my freshman year and I'm still trying to catch up. The school was super similar too in the fact each grade only had one class, so I know exactly how you felt when you left, you described it well.

  12. I can definitely relate to your piece. Around the same age I had to go to private school and it had its ups and downs. I love how you have others who haven't experienced this a look into what it's like having to adjust to new schools where you know no one. I also liked how you put a positive spin on the outcome. You did a great job.

  13. I am glad it all worked out for you in the end and that you found comfort and were able to catch up. It is unfortunate to know all the money parents can place on private schools won't all be put to its best use. Great overall message however to show that price does not guarantee a certain quality.

  14. This story is just very inspirational, the way you got over your childhood experiences of going through multiple schools and overall how from a young age you had to go through so much change and the overall hardships in moving.

  15. This story gives me a new perspective towards catechism classes and other private schools like Sacred Heart. I myself have attended CCD, but only on Sundays. The experience was somewhat enjoyable as they mainly emphasized religious morality rather than common core. I apologize that you were unable to acclimate to the private school, but am relieved to know that you were able to go back to public school. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I like this piece a lot because it really does show the two different sides of the education system between public and private school. Similarly to you I also attended a private school but mine was a Christian one and my experience was different considering I felt I was learning more in the private school I was in. But, although we had different experiences I like how you clearly expressed what made a point to bring out the other distressing details about it and that is what makes it relatable.

  17. I can relate a lot to your that I used to attend a private school, a catholic school as well,where i did not really learn that much because I did not really like the way they teach. When I moved to a public school, I loved the way they teach, where my overall grade drastically improved. This just shows that learning more does not depend on whether the school is private or public.

  18. Most parents are old fashioned and tend to follow the things they had done for their children, even though they're not happy with it. Most children live there lives the way there parents want them to live which can be harmful to their own happiness, I'm happy that your parents understand that your happiness matter most than there own old fashion ideals.

  19. I can relate to this, way back in Freshmen year at one point my parents were considering to move me to private school, after reading this I'm definitely glad that never happened. Great job in helping us to understand a different perspective. -Taha Uddin

  20. Even though i can't relate to this piece entirely because I have never attended a private school I enjoyed reading about the message that you put into it. I feel like the message of how not everything that cost more and viewed as better is not always the best option is a very important to many people. overall i enjoyed reading about a different perspective of someone that went through this.


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