
Saturday, March 11, 2017

"Dear Diary" by Maria D

March 19, 2015

Dear Diary,
Today I feel connected. Some days I feel intuitive, like I can feel every raging emotion in
someone with one touch, some days I feel mindful, like I can hear every sound around me and
sometimes even the beat of my heart pumping blood throughout my body, and other days I feel
lost, like in a black ocean that never sees the light. But today, I feel connected. For some reason I
have this odd feeling that everything and everyone around me has some sort of connection with
one another that leads back to one place. A place that is me. I not only feel connected to
everyone around me but the ground too … the Earth. I think it is God’s way of telling me
something, because He knows I will listen if he talks to me through the world around me,
because He knows it’s the way I speak and feel. It’s like the Earth is trying to say something to
me, show me something. There is this girl in my class that I barely know but I have talked to her
once or twice, most likely about homework or something that I didn’t catch in class. She was the
first person that I thought of this morning and I have this strong urge inside my chest. It feels like
I need to tell her something but I don’t know what it is that I have to say. I don’t even know her.
I don’t know … it’s like I need to give her advice or tell her something that she will need in the
future. Tell her something and then many years later she will think of that something and it will
make her think of me, bringing her this sense of awareness or something. Last night I had a
dream that I was on top of this canyon. The sky had hints of red and orange and I felt the wind
brushing through my hair at one moment and the in the next moment, I found myself at the
bottom of the canyon. I was not afraid. Beside me was a stream carrying small dandelions to the
other side of the canyon. And then I woke up. I thought of that girl and right now, 8:13 p.m., I’m
writing about it all. I guess I don’t know how to end this because I’m a disconnected connected
person. But I feel like I need to write this down because I have this feeling that I will understand
what it means one day in the future. I feel like one day, all of us will start to piece together our
lives and our subconscious mind will reveal connections we never recognized because our
connections weren’t fully complete just yet. We will understand why we had that urge to talk to
someone we did not even know. We will understand why we had that dream the night before we
had that urge to talk to that someone. We will understand why we took that trip in the summer of
2013 to that field of flowers and picked that one specific flower in that one specific place. We
will understand why that lit candle at the top of the bookshelf fell over and spilled the red, apple
spice wax all over the carpet. And we will understand that every little thing that happens to us
and around us is connected. It is connected to us. It will reveal to us that what we once thought
was not reality was reality.


  1. I really liked this piece because I was able to really connect with it as a believer of God. I have always believed that dreams are God's way of sending messages to us and enlightening us about a specific topic. I like that you had the courage to bring up this specific topic because not many people do. The literary device that I enjoyed the most in your piece was the repetition.

  2. Maria, I really enjoyed this piece. At first, I was trying to piece everything together and kind of felt like the details presented were not connected, but then at the end of the entry, it showed me the purpose of having these seemingly random journal entries listed as they were. It provided so much insight and made your message really clear. Great job! It was super creative and well thought out.

  3. I really liked this piece Maria. It was very deep and profound. A lot of times we have this urge or feeling to do or say something, but we don't exactly understand the meaning behind it. I like how you discussed the subconscious and how you really described your certainty of talking to this specific person. Great job!

  4. Your piece was very eye opening because I can relate to it so much. I also sometimes have that feeling like i'm a "disconnected connected person" which I got to add, that was very clever of you to say. The way you made my mind explore all the different scenes you described like the canyon, or the candle, was spectacular and another great technique of yours! Btw express whatever is on your mind to that girl, you never know how far your words can go when you reach out to someone. Great work

  5. Maria, can I just that this piece was really mind blowing and eye opening. I feel that we all, well at least I, throughout my life always question the things that happen. What's funny and sad at the same time is that we don't tend to question the good things that happen in our lives we just brush them off like "oh yeah we knew that would happen", or "that's nice," but the minute something bad happens we question everything around us and always ask why. So thank you, for reminding me that things do happen for a reason and if they don't we have to have faith and believe that they do and that everything in the end will be connected.

  6. Wow Maria! This was really well written and relatable to me, it seemed that you had this Pocahontas type connection to people and the Earth and somehow I feel the same way sometimes. I completely understand your relation to God through these connections. Your descriptions of the red, apple spice candle and the flower in the field also added a nice touch because I envisioned myself with you at that moment.

  7. This piece was an eyeopener! It is often that people lose faith in whatever they believe in whether it is God, or something else. Its important for us to believe things do happen for a reason, so it makes it easier for us to accept them. Your diction throughout the whole story was amazing and really got your point across clearly. Your detail illustrated a perfect picture for me to imagine, Good Job!

  8. I really enjoyed your piece and I love how it was structured as if it was written in a diary. I like the use of imagery because it made me feel like I was a part of the scene and be able to connect to what you felt. It's sometimes strange to think that someday in the future we will know why a certain event happened but I look forward to that discovery. Nice piece :)

  9. Out of all the pieces I've ever read throughout this year, your piece has the deepest meaning to it. Honestly like it really hit me because your piece just isn't just fiction but has a universal message of realization, of reality. I love the incorporation of the similes and analogies to get your message conveyed to those who read this piece. I very much enjoyed it. Amazing Job!

  10. This peice was really well written and profound. In my opinion, everyone needs to have this mentality, that everyhting, whether good or bad, happens for a reason and will only make your character grow and prosper. The writing itself was also really good but honestly, I cant get over the fact that this should be in a book somewere filled with poetry. This was overall really good.

  11. This piece is very well written Maria. You added so much detail and intriguing information that I couldn't stop reading it. I found this very relatable because I sometimes go through these moments were I felt disconnected and connected to people and things around me. God's have a way of telling us things and at that time we may not know what it means, but in due time we will. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  12. I really connected to your piece. I really enjoyed the way that you feel these connections because of God. Being a believer myself, I can also feel that something connects me to the things I do and the friends that I have. He has a way of telling speaking to us in ways that we don't even know, like the way we feel about something or the actions we take that we don't feel comfortable doing but at the same time we know it is right. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful and detailed piece. Great Job!

  13. This piece was really good. I was able to read it with imagery to connect more with what you were writing. Keep up the good work!

  14. I love the imagery in this piece. It really ties together the specific experiences you listed and the actual message, making it sound more, well...connected!. I have had similar feelings, and also believe that every single thing we do connects us to everyone else, and that all will make sense in the end. Great job!

  15. I really liked how you used a large amount of imagery to make the reader feel like they were seeing what you were thinking. Your story made me really think about things and I like how it made me do that. Good job.

  16. Wow this was a really amazing piece! I loved the imagery you used and how descriptive it was. I was really able to picture everything going on in my head and I liked that you connected it to God. Great job:)

  17. The way you strung this piece together really served your main idea well. You wrote this in a manner that made you seem very self aware but at the same time completely lost and searching for answers. Your extensive imagery really helped me visualize everything you were saying. I really enjoyed reading it and I can definitely relate. You put words to a feeling many have but few can explain so great job!

  18. Maria, i like the way you give everything meaning. Personally, i know what its like to not understand why things happen but if i just keep an open mind and remember your mindset im sure everything will turn out just great. All in all, i enjoyed your entire piece! love your perspective on life.

  19. You wrote this well and I genuinely felt how the speaker is deep in thought, the descriptions and detail have somewhat a dreamlike feel to it. The message that tells the reader that everything will make sense one day is important, as everyone, including me, is always trying to find out why something is happening too soon, instead of allowing themselves to live it. Great job!

  20. I really enjoyed your piece, Maria. By narrating this through a first perspective in the structure of a diary, it sets a more personal and intimate connection between the piece and the reader. It was simple, yet the detailing of this writing was sufficient that I was able to vividly envision your story and relate to it emotionally. On another note, I fully agree with the idea of everything happening for a reason. I've witnessed and felt the realization of one action from the past catch up with me in the future and molding it into the way it is. Once again I really enjoyed your piece! great job

  21. I enjoyed reading the story. Using first person point of view really established the connection between me and the character in the story. Your use of imagery and description of the flower in the field and the candle was great addition to the story . What really blew me away was the insight you provided that everything is connected to everything and one day everything will connect and answer all unanswered questions.

  22. This was a great piece and relatable to me. I completely understand your relation to God through these connections. Your descriptions of the red, apple spice candle and the flower in the field also added a nice touch because I envisioned myself with you at that moment. I liked the meaning behind everything in this piece.

  23. We all say that everything happens for a reason and this is a true example of that. Your story is a first perspective piece that really proves to the readers that events in daily life do affect our lifetime.The way it was written in diary format creates a personal feel to the story allowing for a real connection between the readers and the story.

  24. The imagery in this was very good. I loved how your use of first person made the story relatable and created a connection between yourself and the readers. Overall great job!

  25. I really enjoyed this piece for its abstract quality and its reference to the instinct we get to want to develop good relationships with people we want to know more about because I can relate with having felt that emotion before. Overall I found the idea of every moment being connected to the other very intriguing and well presented. Good job!
    -Louis Sobero

  26. Wow the sense of self awareness in this piece is amazing, and the constant reminders of the past, present, and future ground your piece to the concept of everything around a person eventually converges on them. I feel as though the ideas presented are how you truly think upon things like time and interconnectivity, and show you are a more mature in your thought process than most people. Great job girl!

  27. WOW your piece was extremely well written. It was so evident how much you are able to look at your life amd are able to really make educated decisions. This piece is a constant reminder of how we live our lifes and who we allow to live them with us. GREAT JOB!!!!

  28. Maria, this is honestly one of the best blogs I have read thus far. I can relate so well to 'the connection' you describe because there are times when I want to care for all those around me, help them in anyway I can and establish some sort of a bond between us. The universe and the earth that we live on provides us with everything we could ever need in order to make the best of the life we live but we will always need others to make us feel truly fulfilled. This was so good, I appreciate it very much. :)

  29. I love the connection you made with God, there was great imagery and overall a great writing and honestly one of the best I have ever read on this blog so far. Great job. :)

  30. I really enjoyed this piece because you really dig deep and try to understand why certain people are on your mind and the meanings of your dreams. I understand where you're coming from when you said maybe God wants you to speak to that person because I have felt that way as well. I really appreciate your boldness and courage to analyze things deeper.

  31. I really liked how you pointed out that many of us are not connected with the world anymore, I think the modern age of excessive technology ruins our perceptions of the world. I think it's great how you really pondered on this topic and came up with something deep that we can all relate to. -Taha Uddin

  32. I love the format of the everyday diary and it has realistic emotions written into it not the teenage angst movie depiction with the girl twirling her hair speaking like "dear diary, today was delightful.."

  33. The format alone caused the journal entries to seem a lot more intimate and realistic. i love how much emotion you put into the idea of connecting to this world on deeper and more spiritual level. Great job!!

  34. I loved the way you used such descriptive language in your piece. You not only gave a visual to what was going on in the story, but gave emotion to the setting as well, especially when talking about the dream. It really made me feel like I was in the character's situation. Very well written.

  35. The way you wrote this was very exciting, I love how the piece was a sort of stream of consciousness that gave us the speaker's line of thought and emotions in a very real and personal way. I also can really relate to the feeling of how every coincidence and accident are in fact machinations of a bigger picture.


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