
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

" Unexpected Love " by Arely M.

“Hurry up! You're going to be late!” said my mom. It was a Monday afternoon and the first day of what was a three day church even for all of the confirmation students. I remember rolling my eyes and taking all the time I could to go down the stairs. I was not looking forward to spending precious homework or studying time to go a mandatory church event.
When I got to church I waited outside for my friend Alexis since she was the only one I knew and I didn't want to be alone. When she finally got there, we decided to go inside. We stood at the door for a bit, trying to figure out where the perfect place to sit. Finally, we chose one of the rows near the back. As we were walking, she points out a boy and tells me he's a friend of hers. The first thing that ran through my mind was that he was pretty good looking, however, I didn't mention it to Alexis since that's just not the type of person I am. The event went on and i noticed my mind kept wandering off to the mental picture I had taken of the handsome boy. Once the event was finally done for the day, I turned around to get a glance at him again but to my disappointment he was no longer there.
On day two of the event, I wasn't as annoyed about having to go. Like the previous day, I waited for Alexis outside and went in once she got there. We sat around the same place and I noticed the boy was sitting just a couple rows back. The event went on without anything exciting happening and before I knew it I was in my way back home.
That night I was laying in bed, on my phone when I noticed I had a new follower on twitter. I checked to see who it was and found out it was someone named Ivan. His picture wasn't very clear and his name didn't ring a bell so I didn't follow him back.
The next day at school, Alexis told me that her friend had talked to her to say that he thought I was very beautiful. I couldn't believe it! I immediately got butterflies in my stomach and I began to blush. I asked what his name was and she said it was Ivan. It clicked in my brain that the new follower I had was him. I was so excited the rest of the day to go to church that afternoon because I knew I would get to see him again.
Later that day, as I was on my way to church, I was feeling nervous yet excited. I felt as if I was back in elementary school experiencing my first crush. When I got there, Alexis and I decided to sit right in front of Ivan and a friend of his. Throughout the whole event I was so tempted to just turn around and stare at him. When it was finally over, I turned around, extended my hand, and introduced myself. He did the same and we began to talk as we walked out of the church. He was so polite, easy going, and had an attractive personality. We exchanged phone numbers before we left.
Later that night, I received a text from him. We texted the whole night and even made plans to go to the movies that Friday, which marked our first date.
Here we are 11 months later, getting ready to celebrate our first Valentine's Day and our upcoming one year anniversary. I never would've thought something as beautiful as our relationship would come from something I had no interest in doing.


  1. Wow I could definitely tell this was from the heart. I am such a sucker for cute love stories! I enjoyed your piece so much, mostly because it is relatable in a way. Every person at some point in their life meets someone and experiences those emotions. I loved how you compared your feelings to that of a child: innocent and carefree.

  2. This was such an adorable blog! I loved how detailed you were throughout the piece, for it made me feel like I was there right with you. I enjoyed how your story began as unhappy, but quickly turned into a happy ending. This was easy to understand and it was overall smoothly written. Great job and thank you for sharing how you met your love!

  3. Your piece was so heartfelt and genuine. I absolutely enjoyed reading it as I live for a nice love story. It is a good thing that you decided to attend that church event!

  4. Wow this was so sweet and heart-warming. I know I can relate to having that first crush feeling all over again. I loved the way you explained everything so thoroughly. I felt as if I was in your place and looking forward to seeing my crush. Well done!

  5. This piece was so cute. The feelings you described about how you're getting butterflies in your stomach really showed how you liked him. This was described so well so I felt like I was there having the similar feelings as you did. Great job!

  6. I really loved your piece! I thought it was so cute that the both of you guys ended up liking each other! I really liked how your piece showed how God works in mysterious ways, and for you it happened to be at a church event you didn't want to go to. Congrats to you and your boyfriend for almost a year and thank you for sharing such a wonderful piece! -Aryelle Estrada

  7. This story was quite the change from the usual stories we get on this blog. It is very heartfelt and upbeat. I really enjoyed it for a change and it gives the readers a hope that they will soon find their someone someday and that it may be someone they never expected. Thank you so much for this piece.

  8. This piece was really heartwarming and adorable! The authenticity just flowed in the story and allowed for me to really feel the emotions you had. It fit right in being that Valentines Day is the highlighted holiday in the month of February. Besides a few grammatical errors, this was great:) Good job!

  9. your choice of using first person point of of view really drew me into the story. I feel like instead of a bystander spectating thses events that occurred, I'm actually experiencing these events happen as I read. It made me feel like I'm living in another person's world for a moment. This was a very captivating piece to read, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Well done!

  10. THIS STORY IS SO CUTE! The detail and commentary you used really added to the effectiveness of the piece. I think its so crazy that you truly did't want to go to this activity, but something amazing came out. This event changed your life, imagine what would have happened if you didn't go!. Very good piece I LOVED it!

  11. This is such a sweet story and it is really the epitome of young and modern love. People today get to know those around them through social media outlets and through text messages, and particularly young adults have begun taking advantage of the resources at their fingertips. I really enjoyed how you went into the situation feeling such discontent, but ended up meeting someone who would be significant in your life for the next year and so on. I think most everyone can relate to your piece! Great job.

  12. This story is very nice in the way it shows how you fell in love. You made the structure easy to follow and it serves as a good message as you ended up getting a benefit from doing something you did not want to do.

  13. This was such a cute piece and perfect for the month of February. I love when a personal story like yours is told in the first person point of view. Also, starting out negative and turning it into something positive was effective.

  14. Thanks for sharing your story with us. It was a pleasant entry and definitely a good read. Your point of view made the story far more personal and it was very easy to get into. I can relate in a variety of ways and I liked how you described your experience by relating it to the feeling of your first crush in elementary school.

  15. This was such an authentic and sweet story. It is through social media like Twitter, where true love is conceived nowadays, and you really highlighted that point. The fact that you were not expecting to find your significant other at such a random time and place made the story even more enticing and interesting. All in all a great story and i am happy for your!

  16. Aww Arely this was such a cute story! It was very well told, and I enjoyed the romantic plot. This was very fitting since Valentine's Day just occurred. Thank you for sharing, and I hope all is well with your relationship in the future.

  17. Your story was so heartfelt! Relating your feeling to your first crush in elementary school was a sweet touch as well. The first person point of view made your story all the more personal and showed the pureness of your love for Ivan. Thank you for sharing I enjoyed the read!

  18. I really enjoyed reading this piece telling us the story on how you met and fell in love with your boyfriend, writing this romantic piece in February was perfect in time for Valentine's Day. I like how descriptive you were with your words it made me feel as if I was experiencing this with you. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

  19. Honestly, this piece was very heart warming and I enjoyed it very much. The way the piece was set up, it was like I was watching one of those romance movies usually about a boy meeting a girl and honestly it was good because you two had a hppay ending basically. Great job on writing this!

  20. I think it's odd how things we don't want to do help open doors to other things, it's pretty dope what happened in this story, great job!

  21. This story was so cute!! The piece was so heart warming and it was sweet seeing how happy you are in your relationship. Reading it from your point of view made it so much more personable and relatable. The story was perfect for the Valentines day season and made it seem like love was in the air!

  22. This story was so cute and heartwarming! I like how the first person point of view really helped us connect to how you were feeling and it made me happy to see the sweetness and joy of your relationship! I think this was a really nice piece of romance for February! Great job

  23. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful love story, thank you so much for sharing this heart warming story of hw romance came into our life so unexpectedly.

  24. What an adorable account of you and you're boyfriend meeting each other. They way you describe the events that led to you two meeting at church and then later keeping in contact was very authentic and contributed to your stories heat warming tone. Great Job

  25. This was such a sweet piece. You articulated your emotions cery nicely as you described how you fell in love with Ivan. This piece is very genuine.

  26. This piece was so cute!!! To be honest I just experienced the same thing but it was with reading your piece. Let me explain I honestly was dreading reading but the first line caught my attention and before I new it I read the whole thing. Great job on keeping the audience interested. It was a great story and I'm very happy for you. God can work in mysterious ways.

  27. this is so cute! i am actually going on my confirmation retreat this weekend and don't know how to feel about going. but youre story gives me hope that it would be that bad. i pray God continues to bless your relationship. very cute story.

  28. This story was so cute and I loved reading it! I love how something you did not want to do turned into an adorable relationship and it was very heartwarming. I am very happy you guys ended up together and it is a happy ending. The piece was also very interesting and fun to read. Good job!

  29. This story was so cute and heartwarming to read! You showed great emotion and your tone was carried throughout the whole story. You displayed that perfectly as well as providing a happy ending. This is a great piece that we rarely get on the blog, but you made it great! Awesome job!

  30. This story is very heart warming. The build up in the sequence of events described, really keeps us enticed for the ending. Much like in the movies this story has a happy ending in which you guys are together for 11 months and hopefully many more. Readers surely are given hope and dream of relationships like this, I appreciate how you touched on that and sharing this with us.

  31. Arely,it was so refreshing to read a positive story on the blog and I could not stop smiling as I continued to read. Being a close friend of yours through this whole story made it so much more enjoyable for me to read because I got to see your relationship progress over this last year. Reading about the butterflies you got in your stomach when you saw Ivan was so sweet and really reminded us as readers what true love is like. I love how you start the story off in an annoyed mood and then lead us all the way until now, where you have been dating Ivan for almost a year and are happier than ever before. This story goes to show that we never know what could stem from our normal daily experiences.

  32. Your adorable story of how you both met just reminds me of as an innocent love comparative to childhood crushes. I love that you had a update with the story of how you met afterwards and I'm so happy for you ! The unexpected turn of events just further explains that love can be found at anytime, any place, and with anyone :)

  33. Your story was really nice. I'm glad to hear you've been with someone for almost a year as well. You're story low key sounds like it came from a movie and helped me picture it happening.

  34. Wow that was really good Arely! You described the story so beautifully and added so much detail from when you two meet that made me keep reading more and more. Thanks for sharing your personal experience about love, it shows that love can happen in mysterious ways and there was a reason for you being there that day.

  35. This story was very sweet and endearing! Sometimes even doing things we dread can end up being some of our fondest memories. The story almost felt like a modern day fairy tale, nice job!

  36. The story was very heart warming and interesting to read. You did a good job describing everything in detail. This story of love really seems something out of a book and I am happy that it continued to grow to what it is now.

  37. This story you wrote was great I liked how detailed you were with something so personal .I could tell your story was real and from experience .I wanted to keep reading to find out if you ever talked to him and I really enjoyed to read the happy ending. Im glad you chose to share this piece about love during February great job.

  38. This piece was so cute, and relate able. I really enjoyed the details you included that made me imagine the situation and the way you felt. This shows that the best things happen unexpectedly, so sometimes it is good to go out of our comfort zone. Nice job.

  39. This piece was so heartfelt and shows that sometimes unexpected things could actually turn out to be quite amazing. This was such a great piece for February and Valentine's Day and was very well written and enjoyable. Great piece.

  40. I really loved your love story!! Specially the fact that something so unexpected happened during an occasion you were not excited to go to. I really thought that the use of details made me feel as if I was experiencing this moment with you. Really happy something so exciting happened to you and good job!!

  41. Your story was filled with love and emotion and it is very ironic how you find your true love through something you despised of. I was hooked on the piece till the very last word, as i was interested to see what would become of you and him. A great way to tell a very happy and uplifting story.

  42. Awww how cute! this is such a touching and cute piece of writing nice job! I think that your title was perfect for your writing because it really was an unexpected love. I find it funny that theres always something positive that comes out of a negative situation like you not wanting to go. I am a hopeless romantic and I love these kinds of writing and I'm happy you guys are still together congratulations. Thank your again for sharing this nice piece of writing with us.

  43. I thought that this piece was adorable! Because with your first person female perspective, you were able to display how girls worry about their love being unrequited. However, especially towards the end, I thought that you displayed the idea of a young and innocent first love type of experience extremely well!

  44. This is so cute! I love when you tell stories about your boyfriend. They are so sweet and just make my heart swoon, especially this story of how you both first met. This story was so refreshing to read since all of the other blogs are a little more serious so it fun to take a break from all of the other serious blog posts. Thanks for sharing your sweet relationship!

  45. This was an adorable story and wonderful writing. I love how concisely you worded everything yet still made an emotional impact. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary!

  46. This was a nicely done story as it was genuine. It was very pleasant to read and could be relatable to many people as they may have similar experiences. It was a nice love story that went along with the month well done.

  47. This is such a sweet story of you and your boyfriend and shows that great things happen when you least expect it. In addition, your piece was nicely organized and had an easy to follow structure. Congrats on your fast approaching anniversary!!

  48. Can't really relate cuz I've never really truly fallen in, but nonetheless it was a very sweet and heartwarming story now a days we don't get to many stories like this, taught me sometsomethings we hate doing might and up being good

  49. This is so sweet and genuine!! I love this piece because I could not stop smiling the entire time I was reading it. Great job!!

  50. Arely! I loved your piece as it was so real and genuine. Reading the piece felt as though I was right next to you as you went through this whole situation. The way you described your feelings were so vivid and had such honest thought it was truly beautiful. Great job overall!

  51. What a cute personal experience, and thank you for sharing! I'd like to start off by saying congratulations for your upcoming anniversary and I hope your relationship continues to remain strong. I like the way you incorporated your own experience into the story. It felt very genuine and made it that much nore enjoyable. You made it easy for the readers to not only understand the situations but also to understand your own feelings. Great job! Wow Arely, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

  52. A very nice piece about young love. We see in movies how lovers meet in extraordinary circumstances and express their affections in over-the-top ways, but this is a more realistic take on love. Well done.

  53. I love how you shared about your experience with your boyfriend in a periodic manner. I'm so glad you've found someone who makes you so happy. You descriptively wrote about each interaction which helped me picture each stage in your relationship. Great job!

  54. Aww Arely this was so cute!! very nice heartfelt piece I really enjoyed reading it. I am a sucker for love stories and this story had me grinning from ear to ear reading it. Thank you so much for sharing.


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