
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"The Laughing Sun" by Haley J

            The Sun has been shining on the great planet of Earth for 4.6 billion years, and will continue to do so for another 5 billion. Many worship the Sun, ever so grateful for the warmth it provides and will continue to provide until its last day somewhere in the future.  But has anyone ever wondered how the Sun thought of humanity? Of course not. For the Sun isn’t alive and does not have the capability to see, let alone think for itself. Such a foolish idea to think that while we look at the Sun it looks back with a huge sly grin on its face, as if it was so happy to share its warmth with humanity and the many other planets it shines upon. Truth be told, the Sun isn’t happy at all. It is said that the modern human evolved on the Earth 200,000 years ago. And on that date, the Sun’s torment began. As the humans began to roam Earth, they took from it, killing the plants and animals for food and burning trees for warmth. How stupid, the Sun thought the humans were when they became so excited to discover FIRE, for the Sun had already known fire millions of years before them. As the humans continued to thrive they, like many other species, began to evolve. And the longer they lived on Earth, the more they took from it. They cut down natural forestry to plant more trees purely for their own use. They put antibiotics in animals to make them grow faster and fatter, much like the humans themselves. Forests are being destroyed, rivers and lakes are being built over by huge cities, resources are being used faster than they can be replenished, so much carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere they are practically gassing themselves, but the Sun can do nothing but look down in utter disgust. The Sun wishes every year, that it could move a bit closer and rid the beautiful Earth of humanity, even if it means taking a couple other planets down in the process. But the Sun knows that it is stuck in a fixed position in space and can’t do much itself to rid the planet of the wretched virus. Yet the Sun doesn’t cry over his Earth, partly because the Sun is much too hot for water to exist in a liquid state, so he instead laughs. He knows that if Humanity continues on the path they have paved for themselves they will all perish anyway. Now the Sun sits in orbit and wonders to itself how humanity will die. Global warming, suffocation? Maybe an asteroid will collide with it and the Earth could start anew. All while thinking of how foolish humanity is, worshipping the Sun, thanking it for all the it has given, the Sun continues to burn bright, hoping for the death of all humanity and the salvation of its precious Earth.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this. You used really straightforward and intelligent diction and imposed questions that got me thinking. I appreciate you writing this because the environment is so important to me and we need to emphasize that importance as much as possible. As long as humans live on Earth, we must respect what it provides for us. I also really liked how you mentioned how thankful humans are for the sun but how ungrateful the sun is of humans. It shows our true ungratefulness in actuality since we are unable to put ourselves in other form of beings situations.

  2. This was a really great and perceptive piece that you wrote! I loved the ironic aspect to it, proposing the idea that humans worship the sun yet the sun is simply laughing at their ignorance. This issue that you mentioned is very prevalent today on earth and I liked how you presented it in hope of change. You area great writer, great job!

  3. This was such a well-written piece! I loved how this made me think about nature and it sparked my overdue appreciation for nature. You used high level vocabulary, which helped this piece become sophisticated with a serious, yet ironic tone. I also love the title for it caught my eye and it proved to be very appropriate for this story. Amazing job!

  4. This piece definitely gave readers a very different point of view than most have about the sun and your use of detail when describing emotion allowed for the readers to easily understand how the Sun actually feels. The way you integrated actual world issues that we have now into this piece was also intriguing and leaves the reader to question how humanity really is treating their planet. Overall, great job with your imagery and use of emotion and humor into this piece!

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed your piece, it gave me a whole new perspective on our universe and our possible impact on our Earth's existence. I definitely agree with the message of your piece, as humans occupying this earth, we do need to do a better job maintaining it. With your use of captivating vocabulary, it makes readers stop and actually think about the actual message of the story. I loved how you started with the sun because of how everything revolves around the sun and we are all somehow connected, you portrayed that in your piece very well.

  6. I really enjoyed this piece! I love how you used personification of the Sun, while discussing major issues going on in our environment and society. You had great transitions and slid the important information into the piece with out even recognizing it. Before I knew it I was reading a piece on problems in humanity. It was subtle, yet powerful at the same time.

  7. I'm completely impressed with the topic of this piece and the way you went about executing the story! I also wholeheartedly believe that the abuse humans bring upon mother natureonly lead to destruction. It's frightening and people need to open their eyes about the situation so I'm glad you're bringing light to the subject. Your use of personification really helped to emphasize the matter. Great job!!

  8. I like this piece and the point of view you gave the sun, an ominous role. While on the other hand, humanity was given a characteristic of ignorance, in awe of something that doesn't feel the same way about it. So I kind of find that a bit funny as I also get the message of this article. I absolutely agree that humanity is beyond corrupted and over the years, it is just getting worse. I think this should actually be a wake up call to everyone in society to embrace and respect the natural environment around them; not only live it or in it but also nurture and take care of it, to make it a better place. If we nature and humanity switched places would we like the way we treat the environment? And I think that it is what we should all think about. Awesome job !

  9. You used personification elements to greatly describe the sun as if it were God watching over earth. This argument of global warming and the destroying of the world has been stated many times, but unfortunately, people don't seem to notice. you did a nice job on taking a topic that is constantly discussed and added a creative touch to it .

  10. This piece gives people something to think about. It makes me feel empathy for Earth and the sun itself. I enjoyed reading this and enjoyed understanding your concern for our plant. I also like how you gave the sun a role and gave a different point of view to tell this in.

  11. Wow, I actually really loved this piece and the amount of thought put into it. It is funny to think how the sun thinks of us humans and I agree with you. We have practically turned this place into a wasteland that is going to destruct itself eventually. It was very very well written, one of the best ones I have read so far. It made me really think and laughed to myself how silly humanity is. More people should read this piece.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm amazed by this piece because in such a compact manner, it manages to elaborate on a broad number of topics left to the reader to contemplate. It brings up worship of the sun, humanity's self-destruction, preservation of the Earth and more, all left to the reader to contemplate. I think this piece is amazing.

  14. This was a clever, captivating story. Your descriptions of the events on Earth summed up modern environmental problems perfectly, and writing the piece in the perspective of the sun helps to reveal how significant these issues are and shows how we frequently neglect the wellbeing of our planet. Also, the ominous ending serves as an excellent warning regarding the continuation of our destructive activities.

  15. This piece was very eye-opening as you wrote about the negative effects of humanity on the Earth. I enjoyed reading this piece as you gave the sun a sense of personification showing us the basic effects that we have on nature and how we use and abuse a lot of what should be important to us. Thanks for this piece on the importance of nature and how we should appreciate the beauty of it rather than disvalue it.

  16. I like the cleverness of your story and the underlying message that you incorporated into your piece about the environment. I think that we are all guilty of taking advantage of the beauty around us, and we never consider how our lives would be without nature. I like how your piece focused on how it's vital that we take care of our planet, because well we only get one to take care of, and it's important that we preserve our world for future generations. Great job!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I really like how you introduced a perspective we never really think about, we as humans always like to take and destroy the planet and even with that we're never really thankful for what we have. I agree that we should be more caring of the environment, if we're not it's going to haunt us one day. Great job!

  19. I really enjoyed reading this piece. You used a perspective no one has really considered and did a great job of personifying the sun. As well as being well written, your piece is also very informative, as you discussed the very serious problem of global warming. You were able to educate us readers without boring us; I think you did an excellent job on this piece!

  20. This piece was very interesting. I really enjoyed the personification of the sun and how it was shifted from being happy to a more wicked thing. The subtle satire of how humanity is killing itself was also very well portrayed.

  21. This was crazy!!! This story was really great. I loved the format. The way you took the sun's perspective on Earth was an extraordinary idea. I've never thought about it in that way.

  22. Hi Haley! I really liked you're story because I know you wrote about something you really care about. The Earth. I really understood why you titled the story the laughing sun because the sun is synically laughing at us for our complete disregard for the health and prosperity of where we all live. I think the dark approach was also the right way to construct this piece.

  23. This was such an interesting piece to read, and there was a surprisingly nice amount of ironic humor while attacking against humanity's actions. You were very straightforward with the fact that humanity is rapidly destroying its home. The personification of the sun also has the effect of making our actions even more repulsive than we think, since you portrayed the sun as having nothing but contempt for humans. Great job!

  24. I loved how you gave your own twist on the subject of global warning. Your story really gives a new perspective and might allow for nonbelievers of global warming to open up to the idea of humans damaging the earth. Global warming is a huge problem that we all should come together and improve the conditions of . I really enjoyed your choice of topic on this piece.

  25. Fantastic imagery! I love how you showed what most people think of the sun, how they think the sun is happy to keep us warm, when it is quite the opposite.

  26. Your piece does a great job at making the reader consider their place on this planet. It really made me feel insignificant and guilty for all the destruction humanity has caused, and using the perspective of the Sun only enhanced your message. Great job!

  27. Wow this is a very interesting piece! I liked it you had me realize and try to understand your point of view of this piece of writing and its very creative. You were very descriptive and help me see what you s a writer were trying to have the readers understand. The sun is such an important thing in our life and we tend to take that fir granted or even belittle it. Again I loved the imagery and descriptive words and overall great job I Enjoyed.

  28. This was such a clever piece. I loved how the story gave the sun's perspective and feelings towards humans from the first person to make fire on earth to how earth is being destroyed due to how much carbon dioxide is being released. Great Job!

  29. This piece was really interesting and gave a new point of view of how the sun thinks of us. It is thought provoking and persuasive on the fact that we do not take care of the earth at all. Also, I really like how you personified the sun to feel emotions to emphasize the meaning of the piece.

  30. I really liked that you wrote the story from the sun's perspective and that the readers are able to see our world in a different way. I also liked how in the end you showed something that's usually seen as happy and bright have a dark side to it. Great Job!

  31. It is very interesting how you personified the sun differently from what could be expected. The details about the sun's emotions captures the reader's attention and we come into perspective on how we really treat our world.

  32. Reading this piece was very interesting in how you didn't just state the problems you believe that humans have made on the time that we've been on earth but how you made it from the view of the sun almost in a condescending tone looking down at humans and how much they have destroyed and ruined the earth so far. I thought your piece was a wonderful way to get your point across to the reader.

  33. This piece was cool taking a different perspective, the perspective of the sun. Its an interesting idea to write about, but was well done and entertaining to read. Good job on this piece!

  34. Wow I truly loved this piece. I barely ave any words to explain how I feel. It leaves me with heavy thoughts. The way you personified the sun made the piece all that much more heart-felt which helped to resonate with the reader. The tone is condescending which makes the reader become more thoughful of their past and future choices. It was overall beautifully written.

  35. I truly like this story! I feel like it gives character to the nature the everyone so gleefully neglects everyday and shows what it could look like from the other side. The point of view was well thought of along with the rest of the story, good job.

  36. I never thought I'd be looking from the perspective of the Sun, but you're right. The sun gives us unaccountable gifts for us as humans to live and thrive and we pay it back by destroying what it is helping create. Favorite piece this month.

  37. This was a very interesting piece! I loved the way you took the side of the sun in a concept of Nature vs. Humanity and how humans are actually intoxicating the world with their industrialization. You did well in highlighting the actions that are detrimental to our Earth and how the sun may feel about it. Your perspective of the sun emphasized the importance of saving Earth as we are just smaller beings in its long history.

  38. I really liked the Sun's twisted and evil mind regarding the humans. It was very interesting seeing things through the perspective of the Sun, especially since it is not in humanity's favor. I think this piece wakes the reader to open their eyes and see the damage that we all are inflicting on Earth. This might sound cruel, but I have to agree with what the Sun thinks. :}

  39. I like how the title leads the readers to believe that the piece will be about the stereotypical image of a laughing happy sun when the sun actually hates humans and secretly plots their death. I also like the jokes about how the sun can't cry cause he's too hot, and how humans are idiotic by being so amazed by fire. You did really well at incorporating humor into a piece that's meant to open people's eyes to the hurt they're causing the Earth.

  40. I really enjoyed this piece. The way you personify the Sun is really interesting. I love how the sun sees how humans are corrupting the earth, and how you even call humans a virus to the planet. The way you twist the title as being a sinister laugh rather than a happy one was really cool and interesting. Loved the piece!

  41. I love this piece! You wrote a very impressive and unique satire full of entertaining personification. Your seemingly discreet but evident criticism of humans' treatment towards the Earth was creative, especially with your constant mentioning of the Sun knowing you are all the while "sub-tweeting" the humans on Earth. Great job!

  42. This was a very unique story. It was very interesting reading about the the personified sun and seeing how the sun feels about the human's actions on Earth. You did a great job conveying a message of how humans are laying waste to the Earth and showing how it may affect our futures. Really great job!

  43. I really enjoyed reading this piece and I loved how your personified the sun. I also enjoyed how you alluded to industrialization and how humans are slowly destroying this Earth. It's interesting how you say the Sun doesn't cry but laughs because he knows the humanity will not survive. Great job!

  44. This is the scary truth about humanity, we take for granted the Earth that was given to us, and our lives. Instead we take advantage and in the end, ruin it for ourselves and the hundreds and thousands of generations that come after us. This is a great story as it helps reveal a different perspective upon the waste that humanity is leaving on the Earth. Awesome and strong post!

  45. I agree so much with your piece. I think we really do take so much from Earth and really harming it by doing so. I really liked your use of facts because it made everything you said really believable. Overall your piece was well written. Nice job!

  46. Hopefully I'm using this right, but this felt like a metaphysical piece to me. Like the way analyzed human behavior and their effects on nature through the perspective of the sun was very clever. You were able to analyze humans without necessarily saying it was you by having the sun be a sort of judge. It was very impressive and delved into an interesting topic that some people choose to ignore. Good job Haley! Wow Haley, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

  47. From the title along with yourself and constantly smiling face, I expected something cheerful and light, yet you hit the hard truth and i loved it! Such a wake up call on how we are drastically destroying the place we call 'home' from the point of view of our Sun mother. I'd agree with just about everything you said and the way you said it, we need to take a few minutes out of our days to acknowledge this mystical planet and better it, soon enough little tasks will become habits and make yourself and the planet feel better!

  48. This piece centers around the personification of the sun, and is all the better for it. This is such a well-written piece about a subject that really isn't touched upon that much: the perspective of the sun. By using such wonderful diction, we, the readers, empathize with the sun, instead of our own kind. Well done indeed!

  49. I really admire how much insight you incorporated into your story. The personification you added with the sun made me feel as if the sun was God watching us from above. The way you criticized human beings as antagonistic and wasteful made me think about how we must change for the better of the future. Hopefully, in the future, people all over the world will realize how wasteful humans can be and change their ways.

  50. Aww this piece was so cute, i enjoyed reading every word!! I loved all the insight you put into this piece anfd i can really tell you wrote from ur heart. Great job!


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