
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"The Christmas Party" by Brianna K

During the first Christmas party I was only 13 years old. Every year I was forced to go to a neighborhood christmas party and I dreaded it because I knew he would be there. He always messed with me. He always pranked me. He always made fun of me and this year I knew he would be planning something horrible just like every other year. But halfway through the party there was no signs of him and I was worried that something even worse than I thought would happen. He pranks me all year but every Christmas is always the biggest prank to finish off the year. Past years included dyeing my hair an awful shade of orange, covering me in glue and throwing feathers all over, and even telling everyone I had somehow received ebola and to stay away. The party ended and he never showed up. For some reason I found myself disappointed because I didn’t get to see him. For the rest of the year he disappeared. I found out his parents sent him to boarding school. At first I was happy to not have him pranking me everyday, but a small part of me missed him. During the second, third, and even fourth christmas after he did not show up. Every year I waited for him to show up at least on the Christmas party, but he never did. Finally, the fifth Christmas party was around the corner and I was full of anticipation. His parents told me he was coming back. I was scared, yet excited at the same time. He would probably still prank me, but at least I’ll get to see him again. I realized once he left that even though I thought I hate him for the pranks, a small part of me secretly liked the attention since I lacked in the boys who interact with me department. The Christmas party finally came about and I was acting like a little kid on a sugar high. I was disappointed when I realized he wasn’t there, but I waited...and waited...and waited. I became increasingly sad and decided to sit outside in the backyard and watch the snow. After sitting there for awhile I heard a noise behind me and turned around just in time to see him. I was so shocked. He looked so different since the last time I saw him, so grown up and mature, yet he still had the same playful look in his eyes. 

“No prank this time?” I said acting as if I just say him yesterday.
“The party isn’t over yet. I may have something planned silly.” he said.
“Please spare me the pain and suffering this year.” I said pretending to be dramatic, knowing he wouldn’t prank me nearly as much as he did when he was younger. He was grown up now.
He laughed but that laugh quickly turned into a frown. “I  missed you.” he said.
“I missed you too.” I said. 

The silence became awkward. 

Before letting the awkwardness increase I quickly found my escape by saying I was going to use the bathroom and rushed inside the house. Of course I chickened out, like always. I was frustrated with myself and avoided him the rest of the night to spare myself of more awkwardness I was likely to cause if I had to engage in another conversation with him. After a few more snacks and watching people decorated in ugly Christmas sweaters try to dance to the never ending list of Christmas songs, I decided to leave. I was disappointed in myself yet again, but this always happens. I always get too nervous around people, more specifically guys. Sighing, I grabbed my coat and headed out into the snow towards my car. As I was walking I heard someone call my name behind me and I quickly turned around coming face-to-face with him. It happened so suddenly I didn’t know what was going on at first. He kissed me and not some quick little peck but a full on romance movie kiss with the head tilt and passion and everything. I guess you can say the Christmas party wasn’t so bad after all.
The end.


  1. I really liked how descriptive your story is, it reminds me of the time that I suddenly missed my older brother after he went to medical school in Dominica, all of the things I found annoying I suddenly wished I could see him again. Thankfully he's back for winter break but I won't be seeing him again after that for a while. We have to appreciate the small things in life.

  2. This story was well written and relatable because it is common for people to miss someone they might have been annoyed by in the past. Sometimes you don't realize how someone is important to you until they are gone. The ending was cute on how the two people ended up together.

  3. I really enjoyed reading because it wasn't any typical love story, as they grew up together she always saw him as an annoying little boy who would always prank her. I find it interesting how when he left she missed him and when he came back they ended up falling in love with one another. This piece teaches us the meaning of a first love and how it grew when he was gone. Thanks for this piece!

  4. This story was so interesting to read! The twist where they ended up falling for each other was really unexpected and made the story a lot more unique than the typical high school love story. Good job!

  5. This story's so cute and I loved reading it. I was surprised how close they had gotten towards the end because it looked like they disliked each other so much at the start, which really surprised me at the end when they kissed. The surprise was great, and this piece was similarly amazing. Nice job on this piece.

  6. This story is really heartwarming, it's this little love story between two childhood friends who were split apart at some point in their lives. It also shows how you can get accustomed to somebody, even is their presence is quite annoying you will miss them when they're gone.

  7. This story is sooo cute. This is the picture perfect story we all wish we could have one day. Sometimes it takes someone leaving to make us realize how much we do really care about them. In this case I feel she had learned what she wanted without really knowing what she wanted. Very good use of detail I feel like I was there watching this all go down. Awesome job!

  8. This story was entertaining to read. I liked how it portrays the development of a relationship between the prankster and the victim that extends beyond humiliation and pranks and how it shows how people with seemingly opposite personalities can still be fond of each other.

  9. This story was very descriptive and detailed that I was hooked into reading it and frankly I enjoyed it. It is funny how the people you used to despise suddenly turns to a lover, its very ironic. Thank you for sharing such a interesting story and I am glad you had a happy ending.

  10. amazing job, i'm happy that the christmas party was a good experience despite all the other attempts. Great descriptive imagery and use of thought and emotions as the plot progressed. It was a great piece good job.

  11. I really enjoyed your story because it wasn't the movie type of love story it was more of a realistic cute love story. I thought that it was interesting how when you had him there you dreaded going to the Christmas party because he would pull some crazy pranks on you. After you did not see him for a couple of years you realized how much you actually liked him around and he also realized how much he wanted to see you. It was as if the time and space helped you guys realize the feelings you had for each other.

  12. This story was very interesting to read. I am happy that this story ended on a good note despite them having a bad past together. This story shows how you don't feel the same when someone that has been in your life goes away.

  13. This is not your classic romantic story, however it was very engaging and sweet. I like how you incorporated the Christmas spirit, right in time for the holidays. The little twist at the end made me smile a little bit. Overall a great short story.

  14. aw, I loved this story! Towards the end of the story, I thought that it would end sadly for her, however I loved the plot twist. This story was super interesting to read, and very romantic. Great job!

  15. Interesting way of setting up the characters. You did a great job at making the character relatable by not only making her afraid of embarrassment but making her secretly kind of enjoy the attention. A well crafted piece indeed.

  16. This piece was a good story because the plot twist really showed how skilled your writing is and it is such a good story to read. I love this story . Well done

  17. What an adorable Christmas story!!! I love the cute boyish attitude in the beginning of how as kids making your crush annoyed was to be an obvious sign of liking except towards their crush. The disappointment is really felt when year after year waiting for this boy to come back to do just one last prank but since then the both of them have matured leading to such a romantic moment of confessing love for you :,)

  18. As I was getting closer and closer to the end, I felt like I was reading a Nicholas Sparks novel. I kept saying to myself "NOO she can't leave and not get the guy!" Haha. Great ending. This was one of the best short stories I've ever read, I guess you could say that I am a sucker for romance novels/stories.

  19. This was a very cute story. i loved how at the end the boy matured and the "boy next door" was suddenly not the immature boy who pulled pranks all the time, but the mature young man who could understand his feelings.
    -Gabriella Sanchez

  20. This was a heartwarming and extremely well written story. Im a guy, but the cute boy like actions at the beginning was great. great job.


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