
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Saving the Children" by Kira P

The sound of children screaming and playing outside, the smell of a chicken in the oven
and vegetables on the stove, and the sea green of paint that is overwhelming me is all too
familiar. I’m sitting in my old house, in a thick white chair across from my mother. She sits there
quietly while I take out my No.2 pencil and a bright yellow legal pad. I look at her ask, “Are you
ready to begin?”

Tricia Pegues, is not your average working citizen. Her job requires inner stability and
strength. She is a social worker for a private agency and she also trains other social workers on
how to interview children and adults and how to deal with daily events that come with the job. In
this interview she was asked many broad and difficult questions on what she does and how she
does it. When asked how she came across this job she answered, ‘.....It’s always been a dream
of mine to teach children, however while taking a few sociology classes in college I realized that
it was my dream to protect them not just teach them.” As we furthered into the interview Mrs.
Pegues spoke very lovingly of her job and the children she sees on a daily basis, (although she
could not go into detail about the children’s lives because of certain rules and laws). As we were
talking Tricia became very passionate about the fact that so many people in the U.S. adopt
children from other countries instead of helping the children that live right here in the states. “So
many children could benefit from being adopted right here in the U.S.”, as she puts it, “I just
don’t understand why people are so bent to adopt children outside if the U.S.”. She believes that
if we started “fixing problems right under our noses, then maybe we could help others.”
Towards the closing of my interview with Mrs. Pegues we talked about how valuable her
job is. She believes that she really does have one of the best jobs because she has the chance
to save and protect children everyday. She even gets to know them and follows some all the
way through college.

Even as she gets older and the cases she deals with become more abundant and
time-consuming, Tricia never quits. “If I quit on them, then they will truly never have anybody to
look out for them or understand them. It may be draining but it’s my passion and I wouldn’t
change it for the world.” she said. Her dream to protect children is being well served as a social
worker, activist against child abuse, and chairwoman of a non-profit organization centered on
abused runaway kids.


  1. Its always good to have social workers to protect the lives of children but also to protect them. I can relate to this because my mom is also a social worker and she loves helping her clients. It is nice to know that people put their time and effort to help these kids and look out for their well being. This was a good source of information and I enjoyed gaining that knowledge!

  2. If only we had more people like Tricia Pegues in the world that are willing to make a difference. I love how . I direct this story is and I agree with the previous writer it is very important to protect children. My mom is also a social worker too and she loves working with her patients. Very well written!

  3. We never really look and appreciate the people who do work behind the scenes. It is extremely important for children to live in a safe environment and I'm glad there are people like Tricia Pegues to express the hardships of being a social worker, but also doing what she loves and making a difference.

  4. Kira, this piece is so sweet! Your description of the worker's love for her job is inspiring and very well-written. Her passion is so strong that it evidently shows an impact on the speaker, which translates to the reader's own inspiration. And the fact that you're talking about your mom makes the piece all the more beautiful. Awesome job!

  5. I found this piece to be both informative and interesting. Tricia Pegues is a great example of the selfless people striving to improve the lives others regardless of the difficulties they encounter.

  6. Tricia Pegues is such an inspiring person. No wonder why you chose to write about her. She is the embodiment of what a hero is because she could have any job but she chose one that helps children live the childhood they deserve. People like her help make the world a better place. Great job on the piece.

  7. This piece is so informative and expresses social workers & what they do to help all the children in the world. I liked the part about how her dream is to protect children. Shows that we do need more people like Tricia Pegues in the world to help children.

  8. I learned a lot from this piece. It is good that she is there for these children who really have no one, and that she really cares about them and their well being. This is really inspiring. This is such a good piece on your mom, beautiful piece Kira!

  9. This piece was very informative. I agree that we should protect the lives of children. Tricia Pegues is a good example of someone who devote her time into something she is passionate about.

  10. A true hero is the hero who saves the children. A lovely piece as well as informative. The story flows smoothly through out the story and it seems that she is very driven to saving the kids of the U.S. Tricia Pegues is truly a hero who needs no cape whatsoever.

  11. This is a very informative piece, it gave a different perspective on the work these people do. You made it clear that this is something she is passionate about through the piece, but especially when you mentioned that it was her dream. I believe we do need more people like Tricia Pegues to "save the children".

  12. It is truly beautiful to know about Tricia Pegues and her devotion in helping and protecting children. Her determination and the responsibility that she holds to herself of being the protector of those children is something worth admiring. In a time where we tend to focus on ourselves its nice to see that there are people who chose to be selfless.

  13. I enjoyed how this piece brought up an issue that many overlook. Many children just next door are overlooked and left in poverty or orphanages because families decide to adopt children from foreign countries; perhaps we should start dealing with the issues that are right in front of us first and helping those who are nearest to us first. I enjoyed how you talked about the woman who is a social worker and I enjoyed how you commented on how she felt about protecting children, not just teaching them. Overall very informative piece, great job!

  14. In the beginning of your paragraph it really got my attention. The imagery was used really good as well. You also hit a sensitive topic that people don't really talk about. You even opened my eyes to realize the issue more, I don't really think about things like this, but now it will cross my mind more.

  15. Your interview really showed me the greater impact of a career that many may overlook and not see as important. Adding in how passionate Mrs. Pegues felt towards her job touched me in such a way to also feel passionate towards the benefits social workers can bring and the issues they can resolve. It has given me a greater outlook on the role of social workers and does bring up a really important issue of adopting children in the U.S.

  16. This is inspirational and awesome, unfortunately sometimes its hard to see people who care about the weak and the powerless like the children. Selflessness is a admirable quality and it is great to still see people who have a sense of dedication to helping others who may be less fortunate or in need of help. I wish her the best of luck in all of her endeavors.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This world is pretty messed up so it's refreshing to see that there are good people like Mrs. Pegues assuming she is a real person. Though i don't really know who the narrator of the story is i don't think that was clear enough

  19. Mrs. Pegues is a wonderful example of the good, honest and hardworking people in this world that we sadly don't see enough off. You're story gave me as well as the audience an intriguing peek into Mrs. Pegues passion of helping children and aspirations to start a nonprofit organization for abused runaways. What drives someone to do what they love has always been very interesting to me and I thank you for sharing this with us.

  20. In this piece the way you describe Tricia Pegues ideals and how she feels about her job was wonderful. I feel like Mrs. Pegues was a good example of a lot of the wonderful people in the United States.


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