
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Future Now" by Lyanna T

The day had come. It was Wednesday, August 17 th , 2016. My friend and I held our
concert tickets in our hands, as if they were our newborn babies. We were heading to Anaheim,
since the concert was going to be held at the Honda Center. As we passed by the Honda Center,
it had finally hit me. I was about to attend my first concert and witness Demi Lovato and Nick
Jonas perform live. I was squealing with excitement as butterflies fluttered throughout my
stomach. I couldn’t believe I was going to see Demi Lovato- THE Demi Lovato! We walked
inside, got our tickets scanned, went through security check, and found our seats, which were at
the top section of the arena. The stadium was massive, with well over fifteen thousand seats. The
opening act, Mike Posner, was playing a few of his songs as more and more people were arriving
and finding their seats. 7 p.m. came, but the concert hadn’t started yet so my friend and I
entertained ourselves with other people who were all the way across the arena, but also at the top
section and eye level to us. They put on their flashlights on their phones and began waving them
back and forth. My friend turned on her flashlight as well began copying them and told me to
follow. The people across the arena waved their phones left and right, and we copied them. They
stacked their lights on top of each other, and so did we. They waved their lights in a clockwise
circle, and we followed. This continued for a while and then, all of a sudden, all of the lights in
the stadium went out.

The concert was about to begin. There was an uproar of people yelling and screaming, in
which my friend and I participated in as well. A timer counting down from thirty seconds
appeared on the large screen on stage and everyone was counting down with it as if it was New
Year's Eve. My heart rate was going through the roof and I was surprised I didn’t hyperventilate.
The clock hit zero, and the tour name, Future Now, showed up on the screen. Music began
playing, the large beams of light were shining bright, and Nick Jonas came out singing one of his
songs! Everyone went wild! Realizing he looked about the size of my pinky from our seat’s
view, I brought out my high quality binoculars that my mom suggested me to bring, in which my
friend and I alternatively used. The girls next to us were whispering and laughing at us for
bringing binoculars and looking silly but we didn’t care because we got to see Nick Jonas clearly
instead of him looking like a tiny bug. After he performed a few of his songs, the stadium lights
went out again. My friend looked at me and told me that Demi Lovato was finally going to come
out. I swear it felt like my heart dropped down to my stomach. It hadn’t processed for me that
my eyes- my own naked eyes- were about to lay upon Demi Lovato.

Before I came to this concert, I thought I would be more than ready to see her, but I was
most certainly wrong. My heart began racing like I had just ran a mile, I felt shaken as all my
emotions were triggered, and the butterflies that were in my stomach before must have
reproduced because it felt as if there were twice as many butterflies at that moment. The
beginning to one of Demi’s song, Confident, started playing as a light beam quickly flashed onto
the pitch black stage, giving the audience a split second to see the silhouette of Demi Lovato,
who was on a platform that was about twelve feet high. My jaw dropped. I was in disbelief that
the artist I had only been able to watch on YouTube was in the same vicinity as me and about to
perform right before my eyes.

The smaller light beams shined bright around Demi while the biggest spotlight was on
her, and the crowd went wild once again. I was screaming “Oh my God!!” over and over again,
jumping up and down like a maniac as my friend recorded me. The second Demi began singing,
my vision turned blurry and tears began rolling down my face. I’m not a very emotional person,
and I rarely cry, but I was indeed crying. My breaths got shorter, my head got lighter, and my
body got number. I put the binoculars to my eyes but could see nothing besides my own tears
overflowing the lens. I kept wiping the continuous tears flowing down my face as my ears were
being blessed by Demi’s angelic voice. Almost everything after that moment was a blur, but I do
remember 2 Chainz coming out of nowhere and getting everyone hyped with a few of his songs.
To this day, that concert was the best night of my entire existence. It was surreal to say the least,
and I am grateful that my friend and I were able to experience every single moment.


  1. The way you explained the recollection of your memories was like a sensory experience, it kept me deeply immersed and I was wondering what would happen next. Don't you think its maybe to early right now to say if this is the best night of your life? Besides that, your recollection is well done, great job!

  2. This was a very cute story!!! I'm going to agree with Taha in that this had a lot of sensory imagery and I could almost place myself in your shoes. This story was filled with excitement and made me feel excited as well! Thanks for sharing this joyful and exciting story.

  3. I love your story so much! You added so much detail to your story and expressed your emotions so well that I was easily able to see the image you were trying to convey. The emotion expressed in this story is so vivid as well because you proved how climatic that moment was for you, being able to see someone so important to you for the first time. I was truly surprised by how much you build up in your story because I truly thought you were already extremely excited at first, but your joy and emotions only build up as the story progresses, and it's amazing how you were able to convey that in words. Truly a great story, good job.

  4. I love this story. You really did convey to me that seeing a person on television is nothing compared to seeing the person in real life. There was a lot of sensory imagery and I could feel your excitement through the punctuation you used. Incredible job!

  5. Lyanna, I loved your story so much! You used so much detail and emotion that I could picture everything happening as if I was at the concert with you. I could also relate because I still clearly remember my first concert and how emotional it was and the disbelief of seeing your idol on the stage instead of a small screen is an incomparable feeling. Great job!

  6. I really enjoyed seeing this side of who you are. Being in front of someone so talented and so loved is unlike any experience in the world, and it is definitely emotional. The way you expressed everything, like a play by play of every second of the experience just shows how important each detail of this memory is to you. I think you did a great job of expressing the suspense and emotion of meeting your idol through your own voice. Great job!

  7. Your use of imagery and detail you put in to describe Demi Lovato's Future Now Concert is beyond extreme. All this excitement and emotion you put into your piece, jeez. This is probably your most memorable moment, I guess? I can totally relate with my first Porter Robinson concert with my buddies. It was something, indeed. Overall, Great piece!

  8. I love your writing style so much Lyanna. I was laughing throughout this whole piece, it was so cute! I could hear your voice through your writing I'm so glad you were able to experience that and it's clear how important that memory is to you by the way you vivdly picked up and remembered the details of that night. I hope you get to see her again soon!

  9. I love the vivid imagery throughout the entire story. Concerts are so much fun and I try going every chance I get I remember my first concert like it was yesterday. There is nothing like that first time experience! Also, I could not stop laughing when you began to say how much you loved Demi Lovato and how much you were crying. I know that feeling, when you're so excited that you don't even know how to express your feelings. If I met my favorite actor and actress I would probably ball my eyes out just like you did when you saw Demi.

  10. The amount of imagery and emotion you put into your story makes me feel like I was actually there! I'm so happy that you got to experience something so surreal. You were able to see your idol right there in front of you and not many people get that chance! It was pretty funny when you said that you used binoculars, but I would do the same because I wouldn't want to spend my money just looking at a bug sized Nick Jonas either. Your story was wonderful.

  11. I completely enjoyed your piece Lyanna! It was so honest and heartfelt. I could really feel and experience the emotion that you felt. The imagery was very well written and it made me feel like I was actually present. I also liked the detail you used in describing the stage and what you saw while at the concert. Great job.

  12. This piece was very descriptive and the imagery you used really made me feel like I was at the concert myself. I loved how you described each moment so in depth that it was extremely easy for me to follow the storyline throughout. Concerts are always exciting and it made me think about when I went to my very first own concert as well.

  13. This piece was brilliantly written. It really embodies a youthful and joyful energy and your use of imagery really allows the reader to visualize the concert. I can totally relate to this and had very similar reactions when I went to my first concert this year. Great job!!!

  14. This was a very intriguing piece to read. I thoroughly enjoyed all of your use of sensory imagery. It felt as if I was standing right next to you, embracing every aspect of Demi Lovato's existence. Every moment, from the entrance into the Honda Center to the astonishment of Demi's wondrous talent, I felt the rush that you were in because you were effectively able to express the best night of your entire existence. Great job!

  15. I loved this story Lyanna! Good use of imagery and detail and really descriptive! The part about how you guys brought binoculars made me laugh. Overall great piece! So cute

  16. Not from this class, but reading this makes me relive the whole night.
    You captured every moment to its fullest, I'm glad I was able to share this amazing experience with you Ling. I LOVE THIS PIECE. You go Lovatic Fan.

  17. Lyanna, this story had me laughing. If I saw Beyonce I know I would react exactly like this. Your use of detail and imagery took me to this moment as if I was there. Overall, good job!

  18. This story was HILARIOUS! This made me crack a smile and laugh out loud a little bit in my seat. The way you described the experience was just funny and i felt as if I was there too. I know if I had an experience like that I would be excited. Thank you for making me laugh and sharing this.

  19. Wow! Your use of punctuation really strengthened your excitement and joy from this event and also, this piece was extremely descriptive with many metaphors to enhance your experience. You began by taking us moment by moment before the concert started to drawing upon important aspects of the night. My favorite part of reading about this experience is when you took out your binoculars and then actually cried when you saw Demi. Knowing you for years and never seeing you cry, I could tell this moment really moved you. I'm glad you were able to have the time of your life and share it with us! Great job!

  20. I really loved this experience that you shared and even more your true reactions and emotions to what was going on. The way you used a modern tone with the audience kept the moment seeming very true and even connected the audience on a closer level, that you would be able to talk to the audience as if we were with you at the concert. Your humor throughput the experience also added entertainment to me personally, especially if I may not have been a fan or had much experience with concerts. Very entertaining piece!!!

  21. This piece really expresses your clear cut excitement and passion for this event. You gave great details of your experience and your endless love for this event was shown. Great story that put a smile on my face, Thank you

  22. I've always wanted to have that experience of going to a live concert! You did an amazing job of showing the audience on how you felt throughout the concert by using amazing imagery. I felt as if i was sitting right next to you in the concert the entire time!

  23. This story was very cute indeed….. the diction or word choice you used was very interesting. By combining the diction and imagery you made my emotions towards the story match your emotions or the tone. Overall I enjoyed reading your experience of going to the concert.

  24. Your story did well in keeping your audience entertained by continuously describing your reaction to each development as you went on; your short, rapid sentence structure mimics the fast-breathing, shock-and-awe sensations that you detailed as well. I can relate heavily to this piece as I also got to see my favorite music icon/role model live onstage and can confirm as well that there is no experience that can equate to that of seeing someone you aspire to have certain qualities of demonstrate their passion in the fullest to an audience. A very enjoyable piece!

  25. I don't really enjoy demi lovato or nick jonas, But that aspect of the story doesn't matter. Your use of imagery allowed me to be there right next to you and see what you were seeing. Its also great that you were able to convey your excitement throughout your writing. fantastic job lyanna!

    -Kynoa V

  26. Lyanna I loved reading this because it reminded me of the excitement you felt when you told me all about it! Your descrptions and imagery made it feel like I was there. I know how much you love Demi Lovato and this story really shows it! Great Job!

  27. This is a very different story from all the rest that I've read. You wrote about your experience and your feelings towards this artist. Through the use of diction and detail, you reveal to the readers your love towards her!

  28. I really liked reading this peice because it was different than the other ones i have read and the excitement you felt made me feel like I was actually feeling it for you. Your use of imagery was greatly and strongly used. Great job!

  29. Lyanna I loved this piece so very much. It showcased not only your die hard love for one of your favorite singers but also the adrenaline rush you felt at the concert. Your writing had so much imagery that it made me feel as if i was right beside you and taking part in the concert myself. Each sentence flowed right after the next and sounded so good together.

  30. I absolutely love how you were able to put us into your shoes, Lyanna! You conveyed your experience and feelings so well that it felt like I was at that concert that night. Your use of imagery helped it that much more, as it allowed us as the reader to experience your perspective. The emotions you conveyed were infectious and I felt those same emotions just reading your story. Great story! Wow Lyanna, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

  31. Oh my Lord!! Lyanna, tell me why I was able to imagine this whole story in my head. All the details in it were pretty graphic but I know you so well. I'm so happy for you!!! The binoculars was pretty smart! I laughed too. This story was funny, I loved it!!

  32. Lyanna! I loved this story and felt like I was there with you. You incorporated imagery so well and provided a great picture for the readers.


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