
Sunday, November 27, 2016

"Always Expect the Unexpected" by Brook D

It was second semester of junior year and I was at the point where I didn't think life could get any harder. It was the most important year of high school, and my parents always told me to focus on school and do well. They often told me, that the fun and games in life would come later, and the only thing I had to worry about was school. I followed this throughout most of my school years, and in return I forgot to leave time for my family and friends.

It was a Monday afternoon and I just got home from school. Before going off to start my homework I went to greet my family and have a snack. As soon as I stepped into the kitchen
I knew something was wrong. My Mom and brother were both talking in hushed voices with watery eyes, and my dad had yet to come home. I knew my father was going to the doctors that day for a check up, but I didn't realize that check up would turn into a diagnosis that would change my family’s life forever. It was a couple hours later and my dad still hadn't arrived home, we were all worried until we received a phone call from my dad, he didn't have much to say other than they were shipping him a hospital in Hollywood where they were going to do more tests before deciding on a final diagnoses.

Naturally it’s agreed that the human body can develop fatal illnesses. However it's never something you believe will affect your own family. Three days later my dad was back in Fontana, and we were finally allowed to go visit him and speak with his doctors. The whole ride to the hospital, my family prayed and hoped that everything would be okay. After making our way up to his room we were all finally ready to hear the news, and on February 2, 2016 my dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cancer. We never expected to hear such terrible news, before this day my dad was considered healthy. Family members, friends, and the doctors themselves were shocked that this was all happening.

From that moment everything in my life changed. My dad stopped working, trips to the doctor's office became more frequent, family members came around more often, and bad news seemed to come on a regular basis. All we knew at this point is my dad had eight months to live, and the most important thing was to keep him comfortable and spend as much time with him as possible. Days with him were limited, and spending time with him and balancing school work were the most important things to me at this time. After three weeks my family figured out how to accommodate my dad’s illness, we became more comfortable with discussing the topic and finding ways to help my dad live the last eight months of his life as comfortably as possible. We carried on with our lives, but yet again we were hit with the most unexpected news. My dad was admitted into the hospital once again, his kidneys shut down and his cancer had spread, there was nothing left to do. The time I thought I had left with my dad was taken away, the short eight months I expected to have to prepare myself of the loss my family would have to go through turned into a ridiculously shorter amount of time. I could count the number of days left with my dad on my fingers, and that was something I couldn't prepare my family and I to go through. Unfortunately the doctors were right, a week later on March 13, 2016 my dad lost his short battle to cancer. for anything that could have happened. Every illness is different, but the most important thing is to stay positive and expect the unexpected.


  1. Your piece has shown me to not take my loved ones for granted and to always make room for my family and friends because you never know what life could throw at you. Your title "Always Expect the Unexpected" reigns true and is something that everyone should be aware of. Nice job Brook, I love ya!

  2. Brook, I had no idea that this happened to you! I'm so sorry for your loss. Wow this showed my that life is so unexpected. I am so glad you decided to share this special and personal part of your life with us. This definitely reminded my that life is so unexpected and that its important to treasure the time we have with our loved ones. Great job Brook.

  3. I am so glad you felt comfortable enough to share your story with us. It really makes us reflect on the more important things in life. This piece was heartbreaking but also taught us all a simple lesson that we all know but need to be reminded of once in awhile. I admire how strong you were and currently are. Loved this and love you! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Broom I'm so proud of you for being confident enough to share this. This was so well written and eye-opening!

  5. Your title "Always Expect the Unexpected" caught my attention. As I read your piece from start to end, I'm proud that you were comfortable to share something so personal with us. Your title runs true in life and it occurred to me a year ago, when my grandfather passed away. Hope you feel better and Thanks for sharing your piece, Brook!

  6. Wow wow wow I definitely can relate to your story because I too was always taught to focus on my grades and school work and I tend to forget the importance of spending time with my family. Brook, I admire you for having the strength to share about your heartbreaking experience. As someone who also has a father suffering from an illness, it reminds me to not be so caught up in school and my own desires, but to devote more time with him and the rest of my family and friends.

  7. This story definitely taught to me to always live life on the caution side and to always know that there may be an unexpected turn that you will have to follow. Overall, this piece is very heartfelt and is an amazing way to show the hard lessons you can learn in life. Great piece!

  8. Just like a couple of other people piece's, this one shares the same theme of always being alert in life and live it like it could be yours (or a loved ones) last day. We shouldn't be caught up in the moment and we should remember the time we have on this place we call Earth is a really short time and we should live every moment to its fullest. Thank you for sharing something so personal and close to you. This was absolutely amazing.

  9. This is such an amazing piece of writing to share due to how close and personal it is. This lesson is very important in the lives we live in, it's to often that we take our lives and other things for granted. Its always had to imagine something this sad happening to ourselves or others around us until it actually happens. I loved this piece, it was very deep and meaningful.

  10. Brook, this piece was so amazing, thank you for sharing this with us. I had no idea that this happened to you, and I can't imagine the struggles and pain that you went through in order to deal with this event in your life. Your piece has really opened my eyes and influenced me to look at the bigger picture and cherish every moment that I have with everyone that I love.

  11. Wow, this story was very touching to read. I applaud you for the strength that you had to write this. You incorporated the main idea into the plot very well and in the end you were able to accomplish the idea of expressing a valuable life lesson and getting it across to the audience. Good work, and hope all is well:)

  12. This piece was very emotional and it really makes you want to not take anything for granted, no matter how big or little it may seem at the moment. I appreciate how you are able to share such a personal story, and the emotions you convey are easy to feel by the reader. Great job!

  13. I'm sitting here listening to inspiring, emotional music and reading this while listening to the music made this story so much more impactful to me.You have been through so much and i am so sorry for your lose. you are so brave to be able to talk about what you have been through. I am so proud of you. You reminded me to never take anything for granted and to cherish every moment with loved ones.

  14. Brook, I really want to commend you for gathering up enough strength to share such a personal and emotional experience with all of us. When you said that you were always too focused on school to fully appreciate those around you, I think most of us were able to relate in one form or another. This piece really gave me a reality check because I think most of us always have the "that won't happen to me" mindset. It is until we face these terrible situations that we can fully understand them, but hearing other experiences such as yours really opens our eyes and makes us take a step back and appreciate everything we have. Thank you so much for sharing this part of your life with us and inspiring us to be more grateful and further appreciate all the good things that we are surrounded by.

  15. I admire your strength for choosing to share something so personal with us. I am so sorry about your loss. I loved the message of your piece and I think it's something everyone can relate to. This really made me reflect on my actions towards my family. Fantastic job.

  16. The first paragraph not only sets the tone, but also caused me to reflect on my own life and how I have been so focused on my studies that I've rarely made time for my family. Often times, its hard to choose between your family and your schoolwork, however, you were still able to pull through and in turn, not only gain knowledge but grow as an individual. I agree when you say staying positive in these situations is important because being negative does no good for anyone. I really commend you for writing on such a sensitive topic. Well done, Brook!

  17. I am so sorry for you loss and am truly amazed at you strength to share this story with the class. I really do appreciate you sharing this story because it did cause me to take a step back and really think about the time I spend with my family. I too find myself throwing myself into my school work and the time I spend with my family seems to be diminishing and your piece forced me to see that. You did wonderful job of setting the tone of the piece and establishing it for the start. Once again thank you for sharing this.

  18. I'm terribly sorry for your loss, I like to think of these events as a way of God testing us and trying to show us that life is something we can take for granted. I hope you and your family can find peace and move on from these tragic events.

  19. Fantastic work. I had no idea that you were going through these things and i admire you for staying strong through those times. The way that you wrote made me think of my own family members and what would happen if something like that were to happen to them. This was a very emotional piece and it was written absolutely beautifully. 👍

  20. Fantastic work. I had no idea that you were going through these things and i admire you for staying strong through those times. The way that you wrote made me think of my own family members and what would happen if something like that were to happen to them. This was a very emotional piece and it was written absolutely beautifully. 👍

  21. Brook, the way you told this story almost felt like everything was happening so fast. I am so sorry. You always look so happy. I love how you kept the idea of staying focused on school in the beginning. this was a great story.

  22. Brooke, I loved your piece so much. Not only did you reflect on your loss but you taught us a valuable lesson that is so very important. So much of the time we take everything we have in life for for granted and never really appreciate it until it is all gone. We are always told to focus on school, do everything we can to stay out of trouble and we never take the time needed to truly check up on our family members. I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope that your family is doing better now, and taking time for each other and reflecting upon all the love you have in your lives.

  23. Thank you so much for sharing this tragic life experience, I could never imagine having to endure so much in such a short amount of time and I applaud your wellness to share. Your piece is very well written, descriptive, and engaging to the reader as well as the the content being presented effectively. Thanks so much for sharing and good job!

  24. I first of all would like to thank you for sharing such an impactful event in your life, because I know that I learned from your experience. I have never experienced the passing of a loved one, and so I don't think about it often but your piece has taught me that in the real-world anything can happen and sometimes it will, so we must cherish what we have before its gone. Your story was told in a humble tone, that really grounds it and makes it your own. Great job.

  25. My emotions were all over the place. Personally I don't think I could've opened up about this situation like you did and I want to give you props for being so strong. I am so sorry for your loss.


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