
Monday, October 24, 2016

"Souvenir" by Mylizah J

      Memories can bring back both the best and the worst moments in a person's life. It sucks when they do both at the same time. Once upon a time I had two dogs , siblings, one named Dominoe and the other Lucy. Their father was assumingly a german shepard and their mother a pitbull. Being just a year old at the time they were incredibly playful but unfort unately incredibly inexperienced as well meaning they didn't really know how to contain their excitement.

     It was the summer between my freshman to sophomore year and i enjoyed every minute of it,
especially the ones spent with my puppies. But, like i said, they weren't very experienced with, well life yet. They would always get into trouble with my neighbors. Digging into the their yards and just reeking havoc,on their lawns. One day this was too much of a threat to my neighbor s and woke up
to an unusually quiet house . After some investigating I found out that my dogs were taken to the pound.

     About a week after getting the news everything seemed to take a turn for the worse. We had Animal control at my house every chance we got to prove our responsibility in fixing the holes in our yard. Hundreds to thousands of dollar were spent on getting my dogs back to us for a month, all the way up to my first day of Sophmore year. During the first week is when my Mother decided enough was enough and money wasn't the issue. She called the pound once, twice when they didn't answer the first time, then a third for good luck to tell the pound that we were coming for what is ours but all attempts of communication ended with a automated voice message system.

     Finally, exhausted by the phone calling and false hope , my mom went to the pound hoping to surprise me with my beloved dogs after school . After school came around and and I was surprised all right, but not with the presence of my dogs but the news of their death. “Humanely euthanized” is what they called it but murder is what it was.The last memories of my dogs are ones I rather not relive but there are so many others that I cherish and never want to loose.


  1. This story was very touching and sad. I felt the same sadness when my dog ran away when I was little. It isn't always the best feeling. Your story was very detailed and I enjoyed it. reading this story gave me different emotions and it made me want to keep reading. Good job.

  2. Mylizah, I am so glad that you had the courage to share your story and to shed a light on how there is such a mistreatment of animals in the world. I am so sorry for your loss, and I hope that you are able to remember Dominoe and Lucy as the happy and loving pets they were instead of the tragedy that happened to them.

  3. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your two dogs. This was a very touching piece and I definitely felt the strong emotions being poured into this story. The chronological timeline in this story helps readers to follow along and makes it easier to understand the sequence of events.

  4. I greatly appreciate you having the courage to post this experience of your life. I recently lost a dog as well, so I genuinely felt your pain of losing a beloved family member. I'm so sorry that things turned out badly for your puppies, and thank you so much for sharing.

  5. I greatly appreciate you having the courage to post this experience of your life. I recently lost a dog as well, so I genuinely felt your pain of losing a beloved family member. I'm so sorry that things turned out badly for your puppies, and thank you so much for sharing.

  6. I am so sorry for your lost! I know how hard it is to lose a dog especially if they become your best friend. With every detail that you put in, I felt the hurt and the sadness that you felt. You are very strong for sharing something like this and going back to the memories you had with them. Thank you for sharing! It was sure a great piece to read.

  7. I liked the amount of detail in this. I am sorry for the loss of dogs. I could really feel your emotions and sadness within your writing.

  8. It must have been so hard to lose a member of your family. The way that America treats animals in this country is inhumane and morally wrong. Every animal should have a right to a life. Humans don't need to dictate their lives for them. Thank you for sharing your story.

  9. I am truly sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to loose someone so it made this piece I could relate to personally. I like that you didn't hold back and expressed all of your emotions to something that was important to you. I also liked that you provided a lot of detail so that the reader could get insight as to how you felt.

  10. This story really held a lot of emotional elements. I liked in the beginning where you started off with a thematic statement where it was able to catch our attention and be able to make us relate to parts of our own life. I think that losing an animal companion is just as heartbreaking and I really felt your pain in the way you narrated your story. I don't think it was fair at all what had happened and it frustrated me too at how it all occurred.

  11. I can totally relate to this story. I can feel your pain throughout the whole story. I had to say goodbye to the first and last pet I ever had. It sucks to know you wont feel that puppy love again, or a while. That pound has me so heated right now!!! Anyways, I like the way you made a general statement in the beginning of your story. It totally grasped my attention.

  12. Being a dog person myself I can feel many emotions toward your story. I felt a connection because I know that losing a dog can be hard because I have also experienced losing a dog. It is a very emotional time and the silence in the house after always hearing them walking around or barking is hard to handle at times. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  13. I am also a dog owner and I hope to always have dogs for the rest of my life. I am so sorry you had to experience this because of someone's low tolerance for animals. It was very brave of you to recount this story for us and I would like to thank you. You really delivered a shock at the end of the story because I did not expect your dogs to pass away. This is a raw and honest story thank you for sharing.

  14. First of all, I am truly sorry about your loss. I am also a big animal person and to hear something as sad as this incident happening to you can be extremely unbearable and difficult to accept. I've lost 3 cats throughout my life and it was the worst times of my life, but through all this taught me a good lesson to move on, life moves on, and it's just something we have to accept and not overwhelm ourselves because of it.

  15. I am so sorry, that is such a terrible thing to have happened. I know a lot of people tend to think "Why are you so emotional over and animal?" But they tend to be so much more than that, like you said. They aren't just animals but siblings. I'm so sorry that happened, it's beyond unfair. I could really relate to this and I'm so sorry you had to go through such a terrible and traumatic experience.

  16. Mylizah, this is very well written. The imagery, and detail were very clear and made it easy for me to visualize your experience. I commend you for feeling comfortable to share this experience in such a public atmosphere. Your emotions were prominent, which helped me create a connection and a great deal of empathy, Great Job, Mylizah!

  17. It Takes a lot for some one to be open about a serious loss so thank you for being courageous enough to share two. This piece allowed me connect to your emotions, both happiness and sadness. It was easy for me to just get into it and feel what you felt and was composed in a way that breaks down the story you're trying to tell and conveys it well. Thank you again for sharing this piece.

  18. That is awful what happened. The way in which you described it was top notch. I was able to replace your two dogs with my two dogs and immediately sympathized with it. Even though it's describing something awful, good story.

  19. What a sad touching story. I have always wanted puppies my whole life, and never really thought about some of the possible downfalls and responsibility of getting one. It must have been hard hearing such news, especially after getting used to them and accepting them as your family, might have felt like losing a family member. Thank you for your strength to share.

  20. Im so sorry about what happened to your dog. I as well had a dog who wasn't properly trained and unfortunately my parents got rid of him as well. I completely agree with you when dogs are humanely euthanize its murder. You added so much detail in describing your story which made the story so much better.

  21. This was such a well written piece. I really appreciate the fact that you clearly explained the order in which these events occurred. As a reader, I found this very helpful. I am so sorry about what happened to your dogs. I can tell they meant so much to you by the way you expressed your emotions in your writing. Thank you for sharing something so personal. Well done.

  22. I very much enjoyed your piece. The syntax of your writing really gave me the experience that you had went through and also your choice of diction was very well used. If this was a real life event, then I am truly sorry for what has happened for you. You are a very strong person for putting this up if your pets brought bad memories. Fantastic job for writing this.

  23. I very much enjoyed your piece. The syntax of your writing really gave me the experience that you had went through and also your choice of diction was very well used. If this was a real life event, then I am truly sorry for what has happened for you. You are a very strong person for putting this up if your pets brought bad memories. Fantastic job for writing this.

  24. I can totally relate to your situation because when my dogs were puppies they used to also terrorize my neighbor's property. However my situation was not nearly as drastic as yours, I am so sorry for your loss and can not begin to understand how difficult that must have been. I really enjoyed this piece and how you ended it on positive note. It takes a really strong individual to be able to reflect on something and make the best of their situation. Thank you for sharing this.

  25. Wow! this is incredibly sad and a traumatic experience to go through. When having pets around they start to feel like they are part of the family. So the fact that your pets got put down was sad and a disappointment but overall the story was very descriptive and conveyed your emotions well

  26. As a dog lover, this story hit close to home. It is very hard to deal with the lose of a pet because they are a member of your family. I commend you for sharing your story and enjoyed the way you ended it on a positive note instead of a negative one. The shift from sad to happy used in your piece brings everything together nicely. Great job Mylizah!

  27. This story touched me in many different ways. I also own dogs, two as well, and imagining them getting taken and then euthanized is unbearable. The detail you used really put me into the story and I can picture the holes in your backyard and, in my opinion, your over reacting neighbors. The injustice against pit bulls as a breed is so unjust and prejudicial. You really highlighted the injustices against your family and I thank you for sharing this story with us. Good job Mylizah :)

  28. This story was amazing in so many different ways, it expresses a great amount of emotion, I felt as if I was living through the situation along with you. The end of the story was hard to take in; considering so much love you showed towards the puppies.

  29. As I read this piece I feels like it touched me more as you described your relationship with your puppies and their innocence but lack of self control due to their young age. This story also made me have mixed emotions with animal control trol as they took your dogs then murdered them. I'm sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing this great piece of writing with us!

  30. I felt like as I read this piece i didn't expect it to have taken the turn that it did. Im so sorry for your lost no one should loose a mans best friend in that way. Your piece had me very intrigued from the beginning it felt like when your dogs went to the pound it was like an unsolved mystery and I was on this hunt with you. When you begin to talk about how you guys spend so much money on trying to get your dogs back, which in the end you guys never got them back would have gotten me upset and angry. Its very sad you weren't able to say goodbye to your loved animals. The writing was very sweet, I enjoy how you can be very descriptive. Once again excellent job, thank you for sharing this sad experience that you had to go through, with us.

  31. I like that you described the dogs in detail by writing about their young age and therefore their innocence and lack of control. This helped me to feel a little bit of what you must have went through during that time. Moreover, I really enjoyed that you built up suspense throughout the story, as it compelled me to keep reading and made the story interesting. Good job!

  32. Personally i have never liked dogs however your story made me feel sad when i got to the end and found out what happened to them. This was clearly a sad experience for you however you were able to still construct a well written story about it which was also very descriptive. I am sorry for the loss of your dog and what the pound did to them.

  33. Reading this piece was a little disappointing because I was expecting you to reunite with your beloved pets. Although it wasn't a happy ending, it was a great read that was well constructed making it easy to convey your emotion to us.

  34. I'm terribly sorry for what you had to go through. I know the pain of loving a beloved pet to the worst part of life, death. The syntax of the poem really helps the reader understand the story to the full extent with the chronological order and emotion within your story. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  35. I'm terribly sorry for what you had to go through. I know the pain of loving a beloved pet to the worst part of life, death. The syntax of the poem really helps the reader understand the story to the full extent with the chronological order and emotion within your story. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  36. This story hit home with me because I have also lost a dog in a horrible way and I understand the feeling of this tragedy.This I am sure has happend to many of us but people should begin to shine more light on this topic because if it not talked about our fluffy friends will continue to be treated in this way and it has to be stopped

  37. Great piece, Mylizah. I really enjoyed how the title is a cliffhanger as to what is coming. This was a very moving story at the least. Your diction and detail both worked together to form an emotional roller coaster of a story with a very sad, but angry tone. They also helped emphasize the value and effect that a subhuman creature can have in ones life and it forced readers to consider "What if this happened to me?". Throughout my reading of it, I was wondering how the story would end, but I wasn't very satisfied in the end considering the conclusion of your dogs' life.

  38. This story was very touching and sad. I loved how you specified the breeds of the dogs it helped me imagine the dogs more clearly. I'm sure this whole experience sucked and I'm sorry for you going through that. I personally have 2 dogs who I love more then my sisters sometimes and I could not imagine them being taken away from me, imagining them being taken away from when they were puppies is just heartbreaking. I'm sorry for your lose and great story.

  39. The story you told conveyed a lot of feelings when reading it and made it easy for the reader to connect to. When reading about how your family struggled to try to try to get your dogs back was written with so much emotion that it showed how painful going through that must have been. Your message in the end was great because you can still remember all the good times you had with your dogs.

  40. This story really appealed to my emotions well. You portrayed it well, giving us the reason the events unfolded and described the effects this painful experience had that made it worse. When you showed that all the hard work had been for nothing, it's painful to read because the sorrow is expressed strongly in the story, especially in the realization that you've lost them. Your love for your puppies is expressed powerfully as well, only adding to the pain expressed at the end of the story. Overall, your story was well written, good job.

  41. Although this story was sad, it was full of emotions that I, the reader, could relate to and understand. As sad as it may be, everything happens for a reason and you will always have the memories with you!

  42. I'm sorry to here about what happened to your dogs, I hope your able to get past the pain of losing something that was important to you, at least you can still cherish the good memories with them before the misfortune happened.

  43. This is a rough experience. How bitter and unfortunate. It's sad to think about how many animals are euthanized at pounds because there aren't enough homes for them. It's pretty strong of you to write about this experience. It was very well written considering the weight of the story.I liked that you didn't use exhaustive vocabulary, and kept everything short and to the point.

  44. As I was reading your story, I could not help but feel sympathy for you and your mother. The fact that you shared an experience with this personal magnitude shows how this can be an issue between owners and their dogs. The story was also very pertinent, yet descriptive. I am deeply sorry for your loss.

  45. This piece made me genuinely sad. I felt heartbreak for you, and having a dog myself, I can't even imagine the pain you went through. This is terrible that people have the power to just unjustly kill peoples companions. Although it was a sad story, yours of imagery took me there and made me feel like I had lost my dog for a moment, good job!

  46. This story was very touching and emotional. It made me think about my own doggies and how it'd feel if that happened to them. It was very well written, good job!

  47. Nice story very relatable to dog owners and gave me the feels with your nice use of diction

  48. What a tragic surprise you had I'm sorry for your loss. I have been in that situation before and the shock that you feel that this is a common occurrence within the pound is such a depressing way. I loved how you said that money is no option to get your dog's back and there's so much emotion felt in that sentence seeing as these "pets" are more than that they're family.

  49. Your story has a sad, depressing tone with a great amount of detail. I enjoyed this story very much because I can somewhat relate to it. I have had dogs my entire life and they are more than just pets they are family. I can feel your pain when your dogs passed. One of my dogs died from some freak accident and we treated him with the same respect as if he was one of us because in my family he was one of us.

  50. I could relate a lot with you to losing your dog and the death of your dog. I've also lost my dog once and it was on the Fourth of July and it was really depressing when my parents told me the news. Anyways, really enjoyed the relatable story with many people. Even thought the story was very depressing to read, i really enjoyed your memories.


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