
Friday, September 30, 2016

" Every Year, Day, Hour, Minute, Second" by Oluwafunmilola S

      If one were to think that in the circumstances of their trials, life was just not important and therefore felt the need to give up, one might have to also know that there is something precious about life that makes life---life. That precious thing is time.  I once stumbled across a quote that clearly implied the importance of time in the aspect of our life trials; “Every year, day, hour, minute, second is a chance to start over.” Life is filled with all types of twists and situations that sometimes throw us under the bus, allowing us to either stay there on the ground, where we know it is easier to be missed, or dusting ourselves off and giving it another try because time is still there. There are many excuses which we use to stop ourselves from carrying on in life efficiently. Emotions and feeling are things we just sometimes can't control since we are human beings, but when it starts to take toll on your life, in the means of negativity, it becomes an issue. Depression starts to cease your mind, confusion leads you down the path to influence your decisions that lead you to the opposite path than what you had encountered before. Maybe you lost a loved one and never imagined how it would be to live without them. Fear begins to run you, the concept of life; everything but positivity is coming to mind. Maybe childhood wasn't up to a good start; rest assured you were meant to fail, nothing more and nothing less. You played the victim in “every” situation because you'd hurt the ones around you to make yourself feel better; after all, it was either blame, or be blamed. Whatever the circumstance may be, you always felt as though, it ended there, no way out, too much stress, I give up, or my favorite: it's not working out, there's no way. In every year, day, hour, minute, and second, there's always a way. The factor that hinders you from making wise decisions, from taking a chance, from trying over and over again until something works, from taking any action at all, is fear. The key to strength in situations that may bring you down, starts with self-healing; to be able to wake up the next morning and be WILLING to try again. So what if you do fall, it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked to the ground, but how many times you were able to pick yourself up. So every minute and moment that you mess up, that's okay.  When you fall or you are afraid of what life has to offer you, that's okay-- as long as you are able to cease the next minute or two that may be coming in three, two, one, take a deep breath and--- start over. That's the beauty of time and life, when it comes to making a few changes to achieve and reach the goals that your person was set up to reach, there is no limit of how many times you can rise up again. There is no wrong in falling, only if you wait too long to redeem your failure and prove yourself to success. There are 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute; take that time and use it. Each failure is a stepping stone for what is better to come, it is not necessarily the end but the beginning to your greatness. I strongly believe anyone, no matter what the lifestyle, is capable of achieving greatness; that's something we all have in common. People are overly involved in transportation crashes each day, but does not stop us from taking the risk of utilizing that specific transportation if it gets us to our destination. Kids fall and get hurt most of the time, when adventuring out on the playground, but they never quit playing. Instead of quitting, they make the effort to take more careful steps to avoid it happening again; there's always another alternative. In comparison to situations that are more physically dangerous, what compels us to disregard taking every moment or time for our best advantage and using that to create far better results for ourselves in life? It won't always be easy because the many good things to come take some time, practice, and dedication, but is 100 percent doable. When you are put to the test and the bitterness to life puts you under its wing, will you adapt and force yourself to get comfy, or will you refuse the easy offer and make the effort to find yourself some sweet?  Will you remember that every year, day, hour, minute, second is a chance to start over?


  1. This piece was very powerful and inspiring. It gives purpose to each and every human life to keep them going because no matter the pain that may result, there's still so much positivity that's certain to be gained from every second we make. It doesn't always have to be sad, it's what we make of it that matters and I think that's beautiful.

  2. Wow this piece was amazing! It should all be absorbed and retained in the back of our minds because this is a piece anyone can relate to, at some point in life everyone will fall and should use these words of wisdom to want to help themselves back up. I also highly appreciate the quote and how you used it, drawing out details, references and relating to the real world. We all know the phrase, "each day is a new beginning" however, to make the realization that we can and should make the connection to refresh our mentalities any second or minute.

  3. I really liked how you incorporated the quote into your piece because it portrays a positive outlook on life and helps you, in turn, to further your optimistic ideas even more. This was inspirational and supportive and overall has a great message about never giving up.

  4. I love how this piece teaches a more optimistic and positive view on life rather than focusing on the obstacles of life. What I got from this piece was that there will be obstacles and possibly hard times, but it is the responsibility of the individual to have a more positive view on the situation and they can make whatever they want of the circumstance they are in. I think that if everyone was able to really take this piece to heart and know that tough times happen but they'll get through it, than they would have more mental strength to not let the situation determine how they should feel should it be negativity. Great and inspiring piece.

  5. I really enjoyed how this piece was a call to action, compelling the reader to change their perspective on life and live to fall down and get right back up. I thought the piece was well supported and had a great message. My only comment would be maybe to adjust your sentence structure and punctuation in order to avoid run-on sentences. Overall, this piece was very inspiring and well done!

  6. Wow, this piece touched my heart and tugged at my emotions. This piece gives the reader hope, motivation, and shows that people are not alone. Great Job. You were successful at getting people be able to relate to this, and I really enjoyed reading this.

  7. This piece really reminded me of the power of positivity and strength. I think as high school students, especially for those of us who are high achieving, that failure is okay and it is part of life. The best thing we can do is learn from it. Truly an amazing piece.

  8. Simply an inspiring and motivational work of art. You explained the delicacy of time and how to utilize it effectively and positively. You gave beautiful advice on never giving up, and to always be willing to get back up because every year, everyday, every hour, every minute, and every second, is a chance to make a change, a chance to do something, to improve and to strive. Absolutely wonderful, superb job!

  9. I found this piece to be extremely motivational, and a call to action within our daily lives. To live every second to its fullest potential, and not focus on all the negativity we encounter. I enjoyed your use of examples, such as the child who falls and gets back up, and how they connected to the overall meaning of this piece: to always get back up, and make a positive change. I think the call to action at the end of this piece really just reinforces the ideas you placed within your message, and leaves the reader in a state where they are forced to reevaluate their lives and the choices they (will) make.

  10. Very motivational and inspiring piece of writing, I honestly feel much more motivated to succeed. I loved how you included so many examples on how people don't let things keep them from getting back up. I can relate to many of those examples and it reminds me of this one time that I fell off my bike and had scraped knees, falling didn't stop me from riding my bike again. So I totally agree that we shouldn't let a couple falls keep us from getting up. It was great motivational piece, nice job!

  11. This piece is so inspirational. I really liked how u emphasized how anyone can "start over" at anytime because A LOT of people don't realize that and then end up giving up. Great job Funmi!

  12. I admire this piece so much. It gives the readers a wide perspective on so many trials and tribulations on life. I like how you give instruction to overcome hardships in a way. So many people have different stories of what tragedy happens to them in their life and in which this would be the perfect piece to read. Well done!

  13. I really enjoyed this because it was very honest and inspiring. I think many people feel like because of one bad thing that it means it's over, but you let them know it's not. I also think the quote went perfectly with this piece because it went along with what you were saying. Good job.

  14. This was such an inspirational piece. I believe anyone can relate to what you just wrote. You were able to grasp the topics of time and failure by giving examples of situations that people have gone through. This is a piece that I can always refer to when I feel like giving up. Thank you for writing this!

  15. This piece is very uplifting and motivating me to keep on hurdling over these obstacles in my life. Your piece affects the readers postively and gives them inspiration to persevere, and that's what a great piece does!

    -Kynoa V

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  17. This piece is excellent because it has a universal message that almost every reader, no matter their circumstance, can relate to. It's very inspiring, and especially moved me because it's so real and applicable in my life. My only critique would be to organize the different ideas better instead of jumping from one statement to another different one. But overall, this is a beautiful piece and very well-said.

  18. This was a very insightful piece that i enjoyed reading due to its strong relation to our everyday lives. I like how you constantly tied your own opinions to supportive reasoning and how you utilized various quotes to further express your beliefs. You had a very strong universal message that i can appeal to so reading this was very enjoyable.

  19. This honestly made my day, it was so inspiring to read and really gave that sense of hope to the readers to not give up and to keep pushing on. I think what really sets apart this piece is its relevance to many occurrences we go through in the critical points of our life, while analyzing our emotional weaknesses and utilizing them into strengths. The addition of the rhetorical questions at the end were very crucial, it made me think even deeper about my own output in life.

  20. This story inspires you to be great, which is a very strong and respectable attribute to any text or piece of literature. I truly do commend you for your work as I feel that any writer who can write a piece of literature that inspires someone to be great and have hope in there lives is a great writer indeed.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Wow Fumi this was so inspiring, im so proud of you. This piece really captured my attention and it is so relatable it was hard for me to look away. You did a good job capturing the audiences attention and i liked the inspirational message u give and the question at the end to really give the reader something to think about.

  23. This piece truly speaks to people on a deep and personal level. I feel that anyone in the entire world could read this and relate in varying degrees to at least some extent. The way the story flows and the way its layered to reveal more and more as it goes on is really great. I enjoyed your piece because it was really eye opening and really forces people to take a moment to reflect on their lives and what they're doing with them.

  24. I really enjoyed the inspiration and hope given to the reader about getting back up and keep going without any obstacle in the way. The examples about the use of everyday car usage even though there was a car crash was very clever because people still drive a car even though bad accidents with it has happened, so great example! Also you greatly interacted with the reader with questions for the reader to ponder about.


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