
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"'Welcome to Night Vale'--A Book Review" by Natalie A

     For my seventeenth birthday I asked for, but did not expect to receive, a certain book.
However, my parents surprised me and as I eagerly unwrapped my gift I was extremely happy to
see the novel Welcome to Night Vale looking back at me. I read it quickly and loved it, but found
there weren’t many people to talk about it with. The novel is based on the podcast of the same
name. It has over 100 episodes (of which i’m still not caught up) and was made by Joseph Fink
and Jeffrey Cranor, both of whom co wrote the book together. The book was published by
Harper Perennial. While the whole podcast is told through a radio show, the novel only
occasionally has excerpts from one. Additionally, the main characters from the podcast, Cecil,
Carlos, John Peters the farmer, The Faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home, etc.,
are background characters, as the novel is in the point of view of two citizens of Night Vale,
Jackie Fierro, who runs a pawn shop and has been 19 for several years, and Diane Crayton, who
is the mother of a teenager who can shapeshift into anything he wants. The novel has a humorous
and strange tone, as true to the nature of the podcast. There is always something new you are
going to learn about the town they live in.
     The setting of the novel is in, of course, the town of Night Vale, and readers can finally
get a sense of what it is really like to live in the town. Immediately you see the traditions used at
Jackie’s pawnshop, as well as what it is like to actually have a seemingly normal job, like
Diane’s. Diane, as mentioned, has a son, Josh, who can shapeshift into anything, so she really
has no idea what he would really look like. Josh’s father, Troy, abandoned them, and Diane had
not seen him since, until suddenly he appeared to be everywhere. Meanwhile, a recurring
character in the podcasts, The Man in the Tan Jacket, appears to Jackie, and sticks a piece of
paper to her hand, which she cannot get off, which simply says, “King City.” Jackie, who hasn’t
aged in years, longs to figure out her past. Diane wants to keep her son away from Josh. An
important theme of the book is fear of the unknown, as Jackie fears “King City,” her past, and
The Man in the Tan Jacket. Diane fears what Troy’s reappearances means for her and Josh.
The podcasts are very strange, so the narration of the novel is strange as well. As in both
the book and podcast, many occurrences that may be weird or even disturbing to us are seen as
normal to the characters. This gives the book an odd sense of humor. Because of the bizarre
characters, many may not find it to be a believable story, but the oddness is what makes it to
charming, what makes it stand out. This is why I find it to be a good book, in terms of literary
value, and why it holds the reader’s interest. It is different than any other book I have read. It is
not a predictable story. It made me laugh, it made me confused, and it made me think.


  1. It was great the way you educated the audience not only by giving a summary of the book, but also the background of its origin as being a podcast. It felt very enticing the way you gave the audience more beyond the physical cover, by giving them the knowledge of the story the way you knew it that made you love the book so much. -Shaylen N

  2. Welcome to Nightvale sounds really interesting along with the podcast itself. What I love about this piece that you wrote is that you drew a few themes out of the novel, such as fear of the unknown. Of course, fear of the unknown is of human nature and if we don't expose ourselves to the unknown we tend to stay in our comfort zone. I especially love how you explained how the book has kind of a weird tone to it and how you it makes it you think. I feel like you saying that exposing yourself to "weird" and unfamiliar things and experiences expands your mind. Great Job!

    Raisa M.

  3. The way you described the book and its characters really gave the story a unique and strange feel to it. After reading this piece I actually feel like reading the book or maybe listening to the podcasts because of how you vaguely described the plot and the characters, allowing for the reader to learn more about the story by reading the book or listening to the podcasts. The way you wrote this was great and I'm inclined to get the book now.

  4. I've seen a lot of people talking about the podcast but I didn't realize it was a book but it sounds interesting since it has the same characters in the book. The characters seem different from the types of characters from other novels. The plot seems interesting because it has supernatural characters living in a town that seems mysterious.
    Ashley Sung

  5. I actually really enjoyed you book review because you tell us a little bit about the book but you don't give the whole book away. After reading your review i now have an interest in the book it seems to be interesting and as u said it isn't like any other book so i enjoy that because books have become so predictable and it takes the fun out of reading now and days, and i can always take time to read a book that can make me laugh and can catch my attention so i will be looking forward to reading it thanks!

  6. I actually really enjoyed you book review because you tell us a little bit about the book but you don't give the whole book away. After reading your review i now have an interest in the book it seems to be interesting and as u said it isn't like any other book so i enjoy that because books have become so predictable and it takes the fun out of reading now and days, and i can always take time to read a book that can make me laugh and can catch my attention so i will be looking forward to reading it thanks!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I loved the format of your book review as it had a sorta narrative structure itself and described the structure of the story just enough to make your audience eager to delve into the book. Over the years, I have increasingly strayed away from pleasure reading simply because it's not something I find very enjoyable, but your interesting and suspenseful book review certainly made me want to try and give this one a read. Thanks for the review!!

  9. I am definitely going to consider buying the book after the way you described its unusual sense of humor really appealed to me the most as I am quite fond of reading literature with humorous influence. You also pointed out certain aspects of the book and podcasts such as the characters(I found Jackie's persona to be quite interesting!) and their descriptions. After reading this, I am also going to consider looking at the podcasts as well! Well done!

  10. Great book review, it was very well narrated, and I love how you give details on the characters enough to intrigue your audience to read but you refrain from giving too much as well. Reading this really makes me want to read the book itself!
    Darlene C

  11. This was a great book review and I really enjoyed how you described the novel and the sense of humor it contains. It was really interesting hearing how the novel is based on a podcast as well. I enjoyed the details you gave on not only the book and its' characters, but also the podcast. Reading this review makes me want to read the novel soon!

    Brianna K.

  12. I really enjoyed this book review because you made it original. I liked how you first gave us detailed information on the background and then went into describing the book and characters. This book seems mysterious especially when you talk about The Man in the Tan Jacket because now I want to read it to find out more about this character. I look forward to reading this soon.

  13. This novel review really grabbed my attention just by reading your first sentence. We can all relate to asking for things and not really expecting them! Needless to say it is amazing that you had he opportunity to encounter this novel because by the way you describe it, you seem to really enjoy what each character, and the whole uniqueness of the novel has to offer. I can really relate to the main theme of the novel, the fear of the unknown, and because of this I plan on reading the novel as soon as I can get my hands on it!

  14. Your book review is very smooth to understand. I liked your attention to detail about the book and podcast teaching your audience about the book allowing them to become interested and possibly get the book themselves.I can tell you really enjoyed the book which makes me want to read it.

  15. I really enjoyed how you made this book review unique in the way that you inputted your own personal thoughts on the novels themes. I also enjoyed the background story of how you got this novel in your possession and all the excitement and rush to read it that came along with it. Your book review has definitely drawn my attention to this novel and I'm planning on reading it and enjoying it as much as you did!!

  16. The book review was very smooth to understand an I am now really interested in buying the book to read it for myself. The way you articulated your thoughts and general thoughts of the piece made me more and more interested.

  17. I am obsessed with the Welcome to Night Vale podcasts and unfortunately am not caught up on the podcasts either, in the podcasts themselves the writers lean more towards symbolism rather than the obviousness of reality. It takes a keen intellect to be able to decifer the meaning behind that symbolism. Unfortunately, as well, I have not had the privilege to read the book but I would imagine it is doused with symbolism as well and I find it very impressive that you were able to decode the meaning of the note the man in the tan jacket placed I'm Diana's hand. I fell in love with the book and the podcast even more after your description!
    -Lexa U

  18. I really enjoyed how you described this book review. You have us a great understanding of what to expect if we read the book. In the beginning you seemed really eager to read which made me want to know why this book caught your attention. After reading this review I am eager to read this book because it seems to be supernatural subject.

  19. I really enjoyed how you described this book review. You have us a great understanding of what to expect if we read the book. In the beginning you seemed really eager to read which made me want to know why this book caught your attention. After reading this review I am eager to read this book because it seems to be supernatural subject.

  20. The way you made it seem like I was actually reading parts of the book was excellent! The way you described the features of characters gave a visual view of how old or young they are also how they seem to others such as "Jackie, who hasn’t aged in year". The way you described the book "This gives the book an odd sense of humor" was very well makes it seem very interesting and a very good insight of the book.

  21. Interesting way to start off this book review. By showing your excitement when receiving this new book it really grabs the readers attention making them want to no more about this fascinating book. the formatting of the review itself was good. It allows the reader to easily follow along with the given information.


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