
Monday, May 2, 2016

"Holiday" by Katy O

            The holiday that I have created is called “Forever Alone Day.” People who celebrate this holiday are the people who aren’t in relationships. During the day all you really have to do is close your blinds, watch romantic movies, and eat a tub of ice cream. To make this holiday even more fun, you can spend the day with your best friend and both sit on the couch all day while you both wish you could be able to find that special someone and live happily ever after like the movies. Forever Alone Day is on the same day as Valentines Day but now the people who aren’t in relationships can now be apart of the celebration. In order to prepare for this day, I would recommend you go to the market and get a few tubs of your favorite ice cream. Then when the day comes all you have to do is call your friend over and spend the day watching old romance movies. This day is probably the best day for people who aren’t in relationships because then when you see all of the couples walking around during Valentines Day then you won’t feel sad because then you’ll have spending the day with your friend to look forward to. Forever Alone Day is a much better holiday than Valentines Day because you can do anything you want. This holiday was formed for all of the single people out there. Maybe one say you’ll find your true love, but for now celebrate Forever Alone Day.
            Now that this day has been formed, I definitely will call all of my friends and celebrate this day with them so that we can all be lonely together. The best part about this day is that you can spend the day being with your single friends and you could binge watch an entire season of your favorite show on Netflix. I really couldn’t find an even better way to celebrate this holiday. As you can see, this is the holiday that I have created and these are some ways to make celebrate Valentines Day even better. Please join your friends and celebrate this amazing holiday for every single person out there.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This made me laugh. I definitely would do this (I mean, I already do but without the grieving over being 'forever alone') anytime, not just on Valentine's day. Like, ice cream and old romantic movies or binge watching favorite shows on Netflix? Hit me up ;) But in any case, I feel like it's best not to worry so much over being 'forever alone' as to create a day dedicated to it. Same goes for Valentine's Day, contrary to popular belief, I think that just because it's a day, it doesn't have to be celebrated. Having a day for something just seems like an excuse for society; if you love someone, you shouldn't show it mainly on Valentine's Day, show the person you love them everyday. And if you want to watch old romantic movies and eat ice cream, you shouldn't have to do it only on 'forever alone' day or when you're upset, do it anytime you want to because you can. :^)

  3. I enjoyed reading your story Katy. This sounds like a holiday that i will be celebrating for a long time.

  4. I really enjoyed this story, I actually laughed out loud as I read this. I think this is a very great idea although I know a lot of people, including myself, that would do this quite often. I don't think it's important to have anyone to spend your Valentines Day with because to me, it's just another typical day but I love the idea of Forever Alone Day anyway.

    Daveena San
    Period 2

  5. Katy this doesn't apply to you because you have a boyfriend. I hope this is the right Katy I'm commenting to but yeah this holiday are for those who don't need anyone.

  6. Danielle GonzalesMay 9, 2016 at 8:13 PM

    I love this concept of a holiday like it really does need to be created. Plus it would give me an excuse to eat tubs of ice cream all day (as if i don't do that already.) Anyways, getting off topic again, but I love the way your humor was present here and how everyone and anyone can be included on a day like that. It allows for everyone to feel apart of a day where they otherwise wouldn't really feel like they belong because they don't have anyone else to share the day with such as Valentine's Day. Nice job Katy hopefully a lighthearted holiday like this one can one day be created :)

  7. Katy, your piece made me laugh. I thought it was very interesting because sometimes I do this when it's not "Forever Alone Day". I liked how you "created" a holiday that will end up involving everyone because half of the world will celebrate Valentine's Day and the other half will celebrate Forever Alone Day. I thought your piece was very satirical, making fun of a serious, full of love holiday (Valentine's Day).
    -Miren Cancio Period 5

  8. I will forever celebrate Forever Alone day because I am forever alone. I so glad that there is an actual day for this so now when I do this I wont feel weird about it.
    Johnny De La Cruz
    Per 1

  9. i will alaways celebrate thi holiday because its amazing and funny. I am so happy that you creaated this day it should go viral. i loved it katy good job.
    Katlyn Hall

  10. This is an true Holiday, I am willing to celebrate any day, any month, or any year! A funny piece that I truly loved!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  11. At first, when I saw your title I was thinking Christmas or Thanksgiving, a holiday that's superficial. It's a holiday that I appreciate being without a partner I get to treat myself all day without having to worry about pleasing another but me. I can relax without the worries of being in a relationship, but ponder on the idea of one.

  12. This was a funny piece. This would be a day to get rid of all my stress. But I would have to change the movie genre.*Not my type*. Well anyways, nice story.

  13. I enjoyed reading this. I like that holiday, hope it's a real thing though. I like the fact you don't have to be alone for Valentine's Day. Since, your friends are going to join you for the holiday.
    -Michelle Truong

  14. I like the idea of making this a real holiday. While reading this, I was laughing the whole time. It was very humorous and amusing. You did very well on describing what this holiday would be about and what you do on this day. Great work!

    - Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  15. Tooo be honest... I celebrate this holiday everyday ;). Katy this was such a cute and light hearted story. You did an amazing job keep it up!

  16. This piece was very funny. Especially when you were describing what your holiday would be about. This story was very cute and satirical which i absolutely adored. Great Job!!
    Kayla Weathers

  17. This was a funny piece! You did such a great job describing exactly what you need to do for this holiday. Not everyone gets to celebrate Valentines day, so many people can just do 'Forever alone day". I loved it. Great job.
    Calaya A.
    Period 1


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